
Monday, January 6, 2014

Blonde Cookbook

by Dianne


It's fun to cook for Tom . Today I made angel food cake. The recipe said beat 12 eggs separately. The neighbors were nice enough to loan me some extra bowls.

Tom wanted fruit salad for supper. The recipe said serve without dressing. So I didn't dress.  What a surprise when Tom brought a friend home for supper.
A good day for rice. The recipe said wash thoroughly before steaming the rice. It seemed kind of silly but I took a bath anyway.  I can't say it improved the rice any. 
Today Tom asked for salad again I tried a new recipe. It said prepare ingredients; lay on a bed of lettuce one hour before serving. Tom asked me why I was rolling around in the garden.. 

I found an easy recipe for cookies. It said put the ingredients in a bowl and beat it. There must have been something wrong with this recipe. When I got back, everything was the same as when I left. 
Tom did the shopping today and brought home a chicken. He asked me to dress it for Sunday. I don't have any clothes that fit it, and for some reason Tom keeps counting to ten.


Tom's folks came to dinner. I wanted to serve roast but all I had was hamburger. Suddenly I had a flash of genius.... I put the hamburger in the oven and set the controls for roast. It still came out hamburger, much to my disappointment. 

GOOD NIGHT DEAR DIARY. This has been a very exciting week! I am eager for tomorrow to come so I can try out a new recipe on Tom . If I can talk Tom into buying a bigger oven, I would like to surprise him with a chocolate moose.


  1. Read Area 51 first JL and I posted over there

  2. heloooooooooooooooooooo!!
    Mary checking in from the frozen tundra!! Jim finally got the snow blower to work!! No more shoveling the dog pen!! He has a tractor with a plow for the driveway. My son and Jim have been out for hrs and still only halfway done. They need to clear a path to the neighbors across the road so I can feed his cats. He is still in the nursing home recuperating from his 4th knee replacement. I have a feeling they are going to have to amputate it :(

    Jodi, sorry 'bout your team. It was a hard fought game!
    Congrats to the winners!

    I wonder if Sue made her flight back home? I will have to go to FB to check it out...bbl

  3. Dianne Thanks for the "groaners" today. LOL Is this why you don't cook?

  4. Mary Thank goodness the snow blower is fixed. That ought to make things easier and quicker.

  5. Dianne, Thanks for the blog. I agree with J/L, these are groaners and the older I get the less I appreciate this kind of humor. I must be losing my sense of humor. I need to work on that.

  6. Mary, You are such a good neighbor. Having had both knees replaced, I know what your neighbor is going through. I hope they will be able to save his leg.

  7. J/L, The Christmas decorations are coming down today!

  8. Jodi, Sorry about your Packers.

  9. FROM AREA 51:

    MARY - It's always fun to do a Ho meet-up!! And Granite City was great! We warned them we would be there for awhile. 3 hours!!! Good thing we left when we did. The wind had just started getting bad on Friday and a couple of the east-west roads I have to take were starting to get drifted over.

    DIANNE - No hard feelings on swinging that red tassel a little more than the green ;) It was a hard fought game!! How is Louis feeling? Glad you got to see your Tuesday lady last week. I'm sure she had missed u ♥

    SLIN - Congrats to your 9'ners!! I'll be cheering for them this weekend against the Panthers :)

    BARB - Easier in some ways. There will definitely be an adjustment period. I can already see we need to add a couple of things to the 3rd shift duty list. But I'm up for the challenge!!

  10. DIANNE - Cute blog!! Now I know why you don't "cook" often ;)

  11. MARY - Glad Jim got the snow blower to work!! You truly are a gem doing what you do for your neighbor. Love u lady!!

  12. BARB - Thank you! Although this was the second year in a row that the 9'ners stopped us in our tracks. It was just thrilling to watch, and a blessing that Aaron was able to play the last couple of weeks. Praying for a healthy team for next year!!

  13. The boys had off of school today because of the dangerous temps. -18 at 8 am was our low. The wind chill watch continues til noon Tuesday, so our schools have cancelled school for tomorrow, too. I have a pot of chili in the crock pot, have laundry almost done, and have to bowl tonight. I can't believe they didn't cancel it. And Alex is sick so I'm bowling for him.

  14. Time to take a nice long shower since I've been in my jammies all day. See u later HOoters!!

  15. Yup....that's why I don't cook. That moose just won't fit in my oven. Lol

    Louis is feeling worse today. I got him some soup from Panera today but think I'll call the dr tomorrow if he's not better. I'm afraid he might have strep.

    Brrr, cold . Out your way Jodi. It was 27 here today but the sun was shining so it didn't feel as cold. Our temps are going up,this week so time to get car washed again.

    Mary...Glad the snow blower is working. I was wondering why u were shoveling with two guys there. Boy, I feel bad for your neighbor. He's really had a rough time.

    Jodi and JL ...broncos tassels for Sunday You too, Mary. Do u want some, barb? I think it's okay to cheer for us now that we're not playing you.

  16. Dianne, I will be shaking my tassels for you Sunday!! I am going to miss watching football. I am not much of a basketball watcher.

    Jodi, my hubby got called tonight. His bowling league game was cancelled for tomorrow. I think Jim was disappointed because he is getting cabin fever lol! He didn't get to go to the Casino either! The roads around here are bad!

    I have to share something with you.
    I have a friend with 2 young daughters. They are medal winners in swimming The are the sweetest ever! Anyway, they got a karaoke machine for Christmas and needed some karaoke music. I offered to make them a compilation of songs they picked from my books. One song was "the Monster Mash". I copied 16 songs on a cd and decided to check them on my machine to make sure I copied them ok. Well!! Good thing I did I accidentally copied the song above "the Monster Mash" it was called
    "Monster". The first words that came up on the screen were " "There's a Monster in my pants and it moves when I dance!" Good Lord I 'bout shit my pants!! It was by accident that I checked that particular song!! It's funny now, but just the thought that they could have gotten it is scary!! I was the one who told their Mother to be sure they don't pick naughty songs lol!


  17. DIANNE - We will be having temps in the 30's by Friday!! Can't wait to have my car washed, too! And don't worry, I will have my tassels on....GO BRONCOS!!!

  18. MARY - Good thing you checked that song....lmbo!!! You might've scarred those poor girls ;) My boss's fiance Dustin and I were just fuming that we had to go last night, but it turned out great!!! I bowled pretty good for me. 129, 124 and 163!!! The last game I even got a "turkey"....woot woot!!

  19. Mary LMAO! It sure is a good thing you checked that song! You would have had some 'splainin' to do.

  20. HOdi Thanks for the congrats on the 49er win. It was a close and exciting game to watch. Hey, congrats on your 163 score. Way to go!

  21. Dianne I'm sorry that Louis is still sick. I hope he doesn't have that flu that's going around. It's best he see a doctor pronto if he's still that sick.

  22. Barb Pretty boring in here with no Christmas lights or decorations. Supposedly we're supposed to cut our Christmas trees before pick up if they are more than 4 feet tall. Mine was 5 1/2 feet and I didn't cut it but they picked it up anyway. Yay!

  23. Thanks SLIN! I'm taking my tree down this weekend, so I'm savoring that last if that holiday twinkle :-)

  24. Good grief...THE last OF that holiday twinkle!!! Lol!!

    Have a great day HOoters!!

  25. MARY - I feel your pain!! Just another day and our temps are going to rebound. Suppose to be above 35 by Friday here!

  26. Good morning from the West Coast. I feel bad for you having to deal with snow and ice. Yesterday I talked to my neighbor around the corner and she has a cast on her foot. It seems she slipped on her icy back step a little while back so I guess we do have our moments. Right now it is gray and wet as it was drizzling all night. It is, however, a balmy 55*.

  27. It was 50 something here today and the sun was shining brightly. We are so in need of rain that the city had declared a mandatory 20% reduction in water usage. Only water the yard once per week and only wash full loads of laundry. Our river is so low, we have rotting salmon on the banks. Usually the dieing salmon are covered by water as nature takes its course. Since they are on the banks of the river, the smell is wafting up to the neighborhood. Also, they are going to have to conserve water and lower the amount going through the dam, which will endanger the salmon eggs, but there is nothing they can do about that. So we are praying for rain. Even the snow areas in Reno and Tahoe are hurting because most of the the ski runs haven't been able to open yet. Some places have too much and some not enough. Why can't it even out?

  28. I spent the day with Sharon because I had to take my Tiffany bracelet back to the store, which is near her house. It was too small for me and I decided to exchange it for earrings instead of a bigger bracelet. I don't wear bracelets that often and I do wear earrings a lot. So after we did that and ate lunch, we went to See Saving Mr.Banks. I loved the movie, but I confess, I had to use the Kleenex. Tom Hanks was very good, but Colin Ferrel was so sexy. I would not be opposed to watching it again.

  29. Mary & Jodi, I hope you are keeping warm.

    Dianne, I hope Louis is feeling better and doesn't have the flu. The flu that's going around here is some nasty stuff.

    J/L, We need to plan a get together soon. I've been thinking about it since the IL/WI/HI Ho's got together.

  30. Hi Everyone.....Louis is still sick. It's upper respitory infection so he's on drugs. He doesn't feel any better and can't talk.

    My Tuesday lady was sick yesterday so didn't get to visit her either. Hope I stay well with all this sickness around. My younger GD has the same thing
    Louis has right now.

    I went to ww today and lunch and lost a few pounds over the holidays. I was happy and surprised.

    Did anyone watch the Peoples Awards tonight? I always like them.

    Barb, I think I'd like to see that movie. It looks pretty good and now have your stamp of approval. Sound terrible about the salmon. Weather is just crazy. careful of that ice. I wouldn't even think of Ice where you live. Are you all well now?

  31. SLIN - Another sub zero morning here, but we are suppose to reach 20* today and 35* tomorrow. Wheeee!!!

  32. BARB - Praying you get rain, that is terrible about the salmon!!! Glad you found earrings at Tiffany's. And yes, I'm keeping warm just fine. The trick is to dress in layers!

  33. DIANNE - I fell asleep early on the couch and missed the awards show. This cold weather has really made me want to hibernate!! But I think my body must need the rest, so I'll take it! Congrats on losing a few pounds over the holidays. I just keep holding my own. Can't wait for a little warmer weather so I can get back out walking again :)

  34. Best get prettied up for work!!

    Have a great day HOoters ♥

  35. Barb That is really unfortunate about the salmon and not pleasant for the neighborhood, either. I so agree about a get-together. We do need to figure something out. Now that I have the dog back, I will have to make arrangements for her, too. I am not quite as footloose as I was but should be able to work something out.

  36. Dianne I'm sorry that Louis is so sick. Gee, you really are surrounded now, aren't you. I hope you don't get it. I have not gotten a full blown cold and just keep hanging out at what feels like the "coming down with it" stage.

  37. HOdi I am unhappy with myself for regaining everything I lose before. Eating comfort foods are sure not helping. Why doesn't salad seem like a comfort food?

  38. Mary Where are you? Have you turned into an icicle?

  39. SLIN - I'm back on the bandwagon of taking a salad home for lunch. I'm also been eating a ton of fruit after my Dr told me to eat more fiber for my elevated cholesterol. Hang in there pretty lady. Love u <3

  40. So when I was at work this morning, our Newish District Leader was at my store. When I was going out for my second break she asked me if I had ever considered being a shift leader. I told her that I once had been a shift leader, but that I had fought for my full time status almost 8 years ago and had to go over my old District Leader's head to get it. This pissed her off and she waited until there was an "incident" with another co-worker and had my shift leader status taken away from me. Considering this was almost 8 years ago, she's willing to give me another shot. Pretty nice shot in the arm to start the New Year!! I have to take an online evaluation and have an interview with her before it's official, but it's looking good!!!

  41. Whoo Hoo Jodi. I take it that means more $$$.

  42. Dianne, I hope Louis gets better soon. Keep yourself rested and take some Airborne so you don't get it.

  43. Hello ladies! I had to take some internet time out lol! I had to catch up on a few things. Having my laptop open in the kitchen was way too tempting!
    Barb, we have a ton of snow and expecting 3/4 " of rain tomorrow night! I wish we could share!
    Thanks for the good movie review. I was hoping it was worth going to.

    Hodi! I'm surprised you don't own the franchise by now lol! You are one hard working smart cookie!

    JL,LOL, @ salad not sounding like comfort food! Seems like everything I love to eat is bad for me! I really should get on the eat-what's-good-for-me band wagon before spring! No amount of clothes will hide my rolls!

    Dianne, good for you on your weight loss! Must be all that tassel twirling you have been doing for the Broncs lol!!

  44. Hi .....WOW. good job, Jodi. Hope it comes through for you. You are a hard worker. Would your hours change?

    Mary, you're right...twirling is about as much exercise that gets done around here. Hope I don't gain it back next week.

    Bad news for me....I'm coughing. Hopefully it will be gone in the morning. I've already been sick this winter so it's not my turn.

    JL...I'm like you with salads. Blah. Once in awhile but sometimes they are filled with calories too.

    Barb, there's a movie coming out tomorrow about a Navy Seal. It's a true story. I can't remember the name but something like Lone Stranger. One of the Seals was from here in Littleton. There is a book too.

  45. HOdi You should definitely get that promotion. You had it before and it shouldn't have been taken away from you then, imho. It's about time they realized what a treasure they have in you.

  46. BARB - Yes it does. As a regular retail co-worker I have kinda reached my "glass ceiling" with pay. My boss always jokes that whenever they raise our starting wage, to remind him to give me my 10 cent raise!! Although I do get what they call a merit award bonus equal to what I would've gotten in an hourly raise quarterly. This will definitely be nice and a stepping stone to if I ever want to go further in the management program.

  47. Dianne I hope you aren't getting sick. I was feeling better today and I'm starting to wonder if my problems aren't related to the fact that they are grading the backyard next door to me. This has been going on for 5 days or so. It drizzled here and the ground is now damp so I think I felt better today because so much dirt and dust wasn't being kicked up next door. It's a thought, anyway.

    Did you get a flu shot this year?

  48. Barb I hope you're healthy up there in Sacramento, regardless of the stinking fishes.

  49. MARY - We are suppose to get freezing rain today. Oh, joy....NOT!!! And of course I wanted to get my nails done today before the Oregon Youth Wrestling Tournament tomorrow. People (guests) have always assumed that I'm part of the management team since I've been there so long. Can't believe it will be 13 years in May!

  50. Mary I'm glad to see you haven't turned into an icicle yet. Tonight I have been trying to figure out my new cell phone. My old one lost all the contacts and they couldn't restore them. What a pain in the ass this is. I went ahead and got a new phone and now I'm stuck in the dreaded learning curve. LOL

  51. DIANNE - No, my hours will not change. At least I don't think so. The only apprehension I have is that I have to be trained in our kitchen. All shift leaders are required to be now. I'm a numbers gal and people person. That is where I shine. I have told my boss for 2 years....*I will sell your food all day long, just don't ask me to cook it" lol!!! But this company is VERY committed to it's hot food program, and if you want to advance you best be on that wagon!!

  52. SLIN - I see we are typing at the same time. Is your new phone an android device? If so, it is easy, peasy to transfer your old contacts.

  53. DIANNE - I really want to see Lone Survivor!! The Madison Scouts show from last summer was based on the book! And the author even spoke the guys last summer before they went on the field during finals week!!

  54. SLIN - p.s. Thank you :) I'm just thankful to still be working there, promotion or not. I truly love my job! And have told Alex that I'm in it for the long haul. He's stuck with me whether he wants me or not ;)

  55. HOdi If my contacts still existed, it would be easy to transfer but they just disappeared a few days ago. I went to the Verizon store today and they tried to find them to restore them but they couldn't. Don't know what happened to them. I then ended up just buying a new phone. They are both Androids.

  56. SLIN - Sorry about that. Androids are powered by google, so I've always just used my contacts from there.

  57. 60!!!

    Time to hop in the shower. Just got a text from Christina. The other person that worked with her this morning leaves at 4 (and trust me, he will be out of there at 4!!!), so it will be up to me to make the coffee this morning!

  58. Just checked the temp on my phone. Its 25°. 41° warmer than yesterday morning!!! Yay!!

  59. HOdi Does that mean you only have to wear 4 layers today instead of 6? :)

    I did find my old Blackberry last night so I'm going to take that to the Verizon store today along with my new phone. Most of my contacts will be on the Blackberry.

  60. J/L, I hope you can transfer your contacts from your Blackberry. I remember when I lost all my contacts from one of my phones and had to re-enter all of them and it was a REAL pain in the arse. Does Google have something like Apple's cloud as a back-up? I lost my iPhone once (long story) and found it via the cloud. I was so happy that I backed up my stuff.

  61. Jodi, You sure do deserve a promotion. It seems like you always go above and beyond your duties to cover what others don't do. Are you interested in moving into Management? Sometimes the headaches that come with Managing are not worth the extra money, depending on the amount of the raise. However, there are usually perks that help soften the headaches.

  62. Dianne, I saw a trailer for Lone Survivor and it looks like a good movie. Mark Wahlberg was promoting it on the Tonight Show this week.

  63. Mary, When are you going to Vegas again? I think it's warmer there, yes?

  64. Good afternoon ladies!

    Jodi,It is a bit warmer here,almost 32* :) Hate that the rain is coming!

    Barb, we leave for Vega$ on the 20th, our 35th anniversary of being married there! It has got to be warmer than Mich.! Just seeing palm trees and sunlight will thrill me lol!!

    JL, you are pretty accurate on the "layers" thing! I dress for the outside cold and then sweat in the grocery store or Mall!

    Dianne,I hope you are feeling better! I think being stuck (snowbound) at home has kept us from the germ spreading peeps. Take good care of yourself!

  65. 69! AAAAHHHHHH!!!! I needed that :)

  66. Mary Congrats on 69. That ought to warm you up.

  67. Barb Like an idiot, my phone had always (to my knowledge or memory) been set on automatic backup. This was not good because when the contact list disappeared my phone backed it up as being empty. :( So far, my old Blackberry is not wanting to charge up so I left it overnight at the Verizon place plugged in there as I don't have a charging cord to fit it any more. We are hoping it will be charged tomorrow. It may be a lost cause and I will have to re-enter all contacts.

  68. J/L, Bummer. I hope that works for you.

  69. Barb I meant to say it automatically backed up every single night so it backed up the empty contact list and replaced the previous night's backup. I won't make that mistake again.

  70. SLIN - It means only 2 layers ;)

  71. BARB - Not interested in management for now. I have exactly the schedule I want to be able to go chase after Jake's sports schedule. But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel (he's in 8th grade), and you never know. And thank you for your kind words ♥

  72. MARY - 35 years...that is awesome!! Enjoy your anniversary in Vegas!

  73. DIANNE - What do you have on tap for the weekend? Got my tassels ready for tomorrow's game!!

  74. Today is our Oregon Youth Wrestling Tournament. I have to go to the store to make 5 air pots worth of coffee for us to sell at our concession stand this morning. My manager was very generous and only charging us $1.49 per pot. We should make a mint!! They also got cake donuts from us to sell. Our cake donuts are on special this weekend for 4/$1.00, so again we will make plenty on those, too!!

    Yesterday Jake came home from school with an icky tummy. I guess 4 students had the same symptoms and one of them had actually vomited in the nurse's office. He was feeling better by late afternoon, but at about 10:45 pm he couldn't sleep, his heart was racing and he was running a 101.3 fever. I gave him ibuprofen and sent him to bed. I just woke him up and he feeling so much better this morning. No fever and his pulse is normal. I know he would've hated missing the tournament.

  75. I'll check in later.

    Have a great day HOoters ♥

  76. p.s. MARY congrats on your 69!! Warm up indeed SLIN ;)

  77. Jodi, Glad that Jake is feeling better. When my kids were in sports they never wanted to tell me if they were sick until after their game because they hated missing them, too. That happened a few times.

  78. Mary, What a nice way to spend your anniversary. Maybe you'll even hit a big jackpot!

  79. So proud of Jake!! He got first in his bracket. He was not happy with the bracket that they put him in. He weighs 159 and the bracket was thru 189. But the people that put the brackets together thought he could handle it. He pinned the first two guys, and won his third match in overtime 4-2!!

    Heading out soon for a congratulatory dinner!!

  80. Congrats to Jake. Very exciting for him and all of you. Have fun at dinner.

    Well, I got sick. Went to dr yesterday and have the same upper respiratory infection, no pneumonia but bronchitis with a fever. She put me on prednisone and antibiotic. I felt miserable yesterday but fever broke last night grr. At Louis for giving me germs. Had to cancel our weekend plans which included a bronco gathering tomorrow.

  81. JL ...did you get your contacts back on your phone? Hope so.

    Congrats to Seahawks ..that was a good game when I was awake. I hope ours is not that close and that we just have a big win. I'm kind of nervous.

    Gosh Mary, you've been married a long time. Have fun on your trip. Win enough for our cruise. It's a smaller group now so that shouldn't be so hard.

  82. HOdi Congrats to Jake! It's really nice that your work schedule allows you to go to his matches.

  83. Dianne Sorry you got sick. Now who is in charge of picking up dinner? Take care of yourself and don't get worked up over tomorrow's game. Your tassels can rest. I, on the other hand, will be cheering extra hard for the 49ers as they will need every bit of luck they can get.

    The Verizon guys couldn't get my old Blackberry to power up using their charger and wanted to know if I still had mine. I found it today and am attempting to get it charged up so we can get contacts off of it but so far it isn't looking good. I think it was sitting idle for way too long.

  84. JL...After you're game will u use my tassels for my game? They're clean!!

    Good luck on the phone. Darn phones. You should just stick with Apple products. They're geeks are pretty good.

    Jodi, how was dinner? Did u bring any home? I'm getting tired of eating cookies.

    We have a problem at my house right now. Louis bought like seven cans of soup...progresso diet...blah. I brought him home restaurant soup and sandwiches every day. Bad news is prednisone makes me hungry.

  85. DIANNE - Thank you!! We ended up stopping at the Oregon Bowl. The coach had invited us down for drinks. I had a couple of Spotted Cows and Paul got to pick the coach's brain a little! We had dinner at Maria's Pizza. We got cheesy garlic bread and a 16 inch meat lover's pizza. With our two boys there were no leftovers!

  86. SLIN - I will be cheering for your 9'ers!! The rest of the tournaments are on my weekends that I work, but I hope to take a couple of those Saturdays off. My Mom's cousin Glenn was going to come to the tournament yesterday, but the roads were crappy by him so he couldn't make it. He has taken a real interest in Jake's wrestling career *he also wrestled in high school*, so I'm hoping he can make it to another one!!

  87. Scary moment of the day: Jake's friend Steven was wrestling and had put his left arm down to brace against getting rolled and his left elbow was dislocated. I didn't see it happen, but I heard the screams. Took me back to when Jake went down playing baseball last summer. Steven will be ok, but he is done for the season. When they x-rayed it, there were bone fragments in the area. He has to see an orthopedic surgeon next week to see if he needs surgery.

  88. Jodi, I cringed when I read about Jake's friend! I ever thought to worry when my sons played football. Now we are being told about all the possible concussions and side affects of all the bad hits!

    btw, Jim and I were married 35 yrs, but we have been "together" 7 yrs prior to marriage ;-)

    JL darn the phone! I have verizon and have never had trouble transferring stuff, but then, mine has never just disappeared! I have the "back up cloud".

    Dianne, booh on the sickness!! I will try to cheer extra hard for you today!!!

  89. oops, it was only 5 years of living in sin lol!!

  90. Dianne, Prednisone is one of those meds that I beg docs not to give me. It is a powerful drug, but it has that 'make you hungry' side effect that I definitely don't need. I had to take it for a year when I was diagnosed with a form of rheumatoid arthritis. The pain went away immediately, but I gained 20 lbs. over that year and it was a real struggle to keep it to only 20. That was five years ago and it has come back, but at this point, I would rather deal with the pain than take the meds. I am already fighting to lose weight and losing that fight, but not the weight. At least you will only be taking it for a short time.

  91. Mary, 40 years together! Does it seem that long? My Hubby and I were married 33 years and at times it seemed like forever, but looking back, it went by quickly.

  92. J/L, we had a couple drops of rain yesterday, and it was really only a couple of drops. Almost dried before it hit the ground. Did you have rain there at all? Folsom lake is so low now that ruins of an old city have begun to appear.

  93. Jodi, Very scary about Jake's friend. I always worried about injuries when my boys played sports. Dean was on intimate terms with the Tech in the cast clinic, we were there so much. Even saw him in the Mall one day and the Tech addressed Dean by name. You know you've spent too much time in ER when they remember your name.

  94. MARY - whew....glad it was only 5 years ;-) They truly have focused on the concussion risks in the last several years, and I'm glad!!

  95. BARB - That's some kind of customer service in the ER!!

  96. SLIN - Congrats to your 9'ers today. Next week will be tough as Seahawks are my 3rd team. Sorry!!

  97. DIANNE - Pretty exciting game so far! Pity u couldn't make the Bronco party today.

  98. Mary I learned my lesson. No more automatic daily backup. I'll make sure everything is intact before backing up.

  99. Barb We never got rain, just some heavy drizzle for a while. Fascinating about the old city under Folsom Lake but scary that water is getting so low. Maybe we need to learn a rain dance.

  100. HOdi Thanks for the congrats on the 49er win. It was a played hard by both teams. No offense at you rooting for the Seahawks. I'll just have to root harder.

  101. Dianne I'm sorry but I didn't watch any more football after the 49er game. I did a lot of work around the house today; vacuuming, dusting and polishing, scrubbing down bathroom, mopping bathroom and kitchen and two loads of laundry. Oh, and I cooked myself a nice dinner; chicken breast with sautéed mushrooms and onions, sautéed spinach, and red potatoes.

    I hope you're feeling better. Sorry you don't like your soup.

  102. Yea broncos!!! We're still sick at this house and miserable. I don't like this at all.

    Congrats to the 49ers too. We have another hard game next week. Get twirling gals.

    Back to sleep. Waving to all from top branch. Send up some soup, please.

  103. SLIN - Well look at you little miss suzy homemaker!! Your dinner sounds fabulous!!

  104. DIANNE - What an exciting game!! I guess my twirling helped!! Feel better lady! Maybe you just need a couple shots of Jack to knock that crap out of your system ;)

  105. Happy Monday. I'm just sipping my Cinnabon Cinnamon Roll coffee and checking out social media. I ordered some coffee online for my Keurig coffee pot because the stores have such a limited variety. OMG this Cinnabon coffee is the closest thing to dessert without the caloies. I am in love with it.

  106. BARB - This is why I drink the flavored coffee at work. I get a sweet treat without all the guilt!!

  107. BARB - This is why I drink the flavored coffee at work. I get a sweet treat without all the guilt!!

  108. I guess I was really excited about that last!!! Whoops!

  109. I am not a coffee drinker, but, Barb, I may have to start lol! Cinnabon cinnamon coffee sounds yummy!!

    Today was one of the best days in a very long time. I was in the low 30s, but sunny!
    The men have been in our lower garage replacing the not working garage door opener. Of course you know who had to keep running to the hardware store to get parts that they needed! All this could have been done in the spring, summer or frikin fall lol!!!
    My son did all the re-wiring. Added outlets, plugins and switches.The guy that built this house had none in that garage. It is nice to be able to see in there. Now more projects! I see shelving and work benches in their future lol!

  110. It was beautiful here Sunday and Monday, too MARY. Back to winter today. Snowing and blowing.

  111. DIANNE - Move on over. Woke up feeling like crap. Running a fever. I hope u have an extra blanket because I can't get warm. Ugh!!! My boss is on vacation. I don't have time for this!!

  112. Slept most of the afternoon and evening. Taking NightQuil, ibuprofen, setting up my coffee for the morning, and going to bed.

  113. HOdi That sucks! I sure hope you feel better in the morning. I am finally feeling okay again.

  114. Jodi....I'll cuddle with you and share my blankie but don't get me sick again. I finally feel better today. Louis is better today. He went to dentist for cleaning and broken crown. He went at 3pm and got home at 7:30. I thought he was in an accident or something. He has to go back tomorrow for a possible root canal ...lots of money later plus he went to eye dr on Monday.

    Took my two G D's to O G. I had soup and salad. Youngest was grumpy and once the said I reminded them of their mom, once their dad and it was not said fondly. They really were not happy when I told them one day they will hear their moms voice come from them.

    Our city is crazy with Bronco fever right now. It's always fun before a game here. Mary, I found a shirt for you. I still think it looks big but you know how big your boobs are better than I do!!! Louis will mail it tomorrow morning.

    JL...glad you are better now I would imagine your city is excited too. Do you even have a 49er shirt? Better get it on.

    Barb...your coffee sounds yummy. I think it would make me want a real roll

    Gosh, I'm watching Inside Addition about an ex police that killed a guy at the movie for texting. People are just getting crazier by the day.

  115. P S ....60 degrees tomorrow. Snow this morning. I slept through it

  116. Dianne I'm glad you and Louis are feeling better. I wouldn't mind another trip to Olive Garden.

    So....I had my old Blackberry charging all weekend. Last night I almost gave up on it but this morning, lo and behold, the thing woke up! I took it and my new phone to Verizon store and they were able to get my contacts transferred to the new phone. Yay! There were a couple that needed info updated but what a pain in the ass it would have been to reconstruct the whole contact list.

  117. JL....great news. That would have been a pain in the kazoo!!! Well, do u have the shirt?

    I can't believe I'm up this late. I was trying to catch up on emails and now I have.

  118. And now I cat napped am still awake. This is not good as I have those plans today I didn't even nap. I must have just had too much sleep for the last six days. Ok...three more hours ...night!!

  119. Where the heck is everyone? I'm home from my lunch, WW and everyone must still be sleeping.

    I lost 8.2 lbs in a week. I think I need cookies and prednisone all the time. It will catch up with me next week, I'm sure. must still be sick. Get well soon. Eat cookies!!

  120. Crap, I just about finished my comment and it disappeared! Took me to my profile!

  121. Dianne Wow! You lost that weight while on prednisone and eating cookies? That may be a new super diet.

  122. Mary Don't you hate when that happens?

  123. Dianne, hooray on the weight loss! I can't wait for my t-shirt! I usually get a "large" to give my ta tahs plenty of breathing room lol!! If too big I just tie one end with a colored hair band.

    JL, how wonderful that you were able to retrieve your contacts!

    Sorry some of you are under the weather :( If you don't mind, I will stay wayyyy up here alone,on my branch. I don't want to get sick before our trip!

    I got my brows did today. Can you believe it? I got this huge zit right on my forehead near my eyebrow! I am trying to leave it alone since I "messed with it" now it needs to heal before next week!

    Heading to bed. I have to take Zoie in tomorrow for her "paw-ti-cure".

  124. Hi JL, I see you were typing the same time I was! LOL, yes, I hate when that happens!
    Sweet dreams pretty Lady............

  125. Waving a wing. Still have what feels like a head cold, but woke up yesterday without the fever :)

  126. DIANNE - Congrats on the weight loss!! Glad you and Louis are feeling better. I came home from work yesterday and napped. I also went to be "early". I'm really sick of being sick.

  127. SLIN - I'm glad you got your contacts back. What a pain it would've been to rebuild that list!!

  128. MARY - Nothing worse than a zit. I'm sure it will clear up before your trip!! I'll just stay up here on my sick twig so you don't get sick before your trip ♥

  129. Where the heck is Barb? Doing something fun? Mysterious? Do tell. Hope your feeling good

    Jodi, glad u got rid of that fever. Boy, that knocks you for a loop. I just had it for a day too and then it broke.

    Going to theater tomorrow night to see Evita. Glad I've almost quit coughing. Theater people get mad if you cough. Lol.

  130. Dianne Evita is one of my all time favorites!!!! Love, love, love it! Glad you are feeling better. Take cough drops just in case.

  131. HOdi Glad your fever is gone. Now don't overdo or you might have a relapse.

  132. Mary Keep your hands off that zit!

  133. Barb Where for art thou? Still drinking that Cinnabon coffee? I have yet to find flavored coffee that I actually like. Even ones I'm sure I will like I end up not liking. They all remind me of hazelnut and I can't stand hazelnut.

  134. SLIN - Taking it easy again today. About the most I will do is watch a movie, or two!!

  135. Helllooooooo.

    Just got home from Tiffany & Co. I ended up exchanging my bracelet for earrings and I picked them up today. They didn't have a larger bracelet for my chubby wrist, so I opted for the earrings. I will wear them much more anyway. Todd told me if I saw something I liked better that I should exchange the bracelet. They are silver hoops with the Tiffany & Co. logo. I don't want to put a pic on FB, cause I don't want to go into the explanation on FB.

  136. Dianne, I'm shocked you were able to lose weight while taking Prednesone, but good going.

  137. J/L, So glad for you that you don't have to recreate your contact list.

  138. Jodi, Glad you're feeling better.

  139. Mary, I messed with a zit, too and now I have this big red spot right on my chin. I thought I was done with them a loooong time ago. I'm too old for zits.

  140. Well, I see my last comment disappeared! I wish I could remember what it was? I wrote it hrs ago! lol!

    Barb,I am glad you popped in. We were getting worried about you :) I bet those earrings are beautiful!
    I am glad the zit was not on the end of my nose like it was before a trip! Maybe it has something to do with the stress of getting ready?

  141. 146, just checking to make sure it posted lol!!

  142. J/L, you might like the cinnabon coffee. I don't detect any hazelnut flavor at all, although I do like hazelnut.
