
Wednesday, April 28, 2021

When God Sends Help, Don't Ask Questions!

 by Dianne


Mary/MI said...

LOL, that was funny!! I copied and pasted my last comment since it had been a while since I posted lol!

Here I am! My life has been pretty boring lately.

Dianne, Jim does a lot of "shuffling too, except when he gets out of bed. I can tell the minute he is up because he hits the floor hard with both feet! I keep telling him to get up gently and sit for a few seconds!
Your weather sounds much like ours, 'cept we missed getting the snow..whew! It is cold this morning and supposed to be in the 80s tomorrow then, back to the low 60s. Crazy time of year!
I did get my hair done. I feel so much better! Gray is NOT my friend lol!

SacBarb, I had "lovely" visions of you and said cowboy lol! How cute you must have been!
I can't imagine you with long hair! Mine was about as long as yours. I told the gal to cut it just below my neck, but to leave my "comb-over" lol! She tends to cut the top of my hair short with med. bangs.
Matthew has been driving bus right along. My area is mostly farm country. Kids are tough and probably immune to everything lol! Most are up early doing chores and too busy to socialize anyway, except for sports. Sports are a big thing around here. It's a good outlet for them. They have had many championships there and in surrounding schools.

JustLin, I feel for you on your nails! I have not had mine done in over a year. I have been taking Biotin for a month. My nails seem to be doing much better. I have had one pedicure and ready for another now that it is getting to be sandal weather.
Jim has been getting antsy for Vegas. We made reservations for mid June. He has been doing a lot of walking and lengthening his distance to prepare himself for all the airport walking.

I have been walking Zoie everyday. Sometime 3 times, which is more then she usually likes.She has gotten so she wants to walk farther (further?). Sometimes more than I care for lol! Usually she only wants to stay close to the house. I guess she thinks I need to walk off some more pounds!
My painting has been put on hold with all the rain and cold weather.The top rail is done, just need to do the bottom and then prep the floor for staining, which is a messy job!
I didn't watch the Award show last night, but was surfing when I saw they were doing the memorials. I had a hard time keeping up with them! I was used to the slower pace, with clips of their accomplishments. It kind of made me feel sad :(

Dianne/Denver said...

Hi...things are very quiet around the nest. What’s everyone doing? My old friends came into town today from Texas so five of us went to lunch. It was great to see them. I had scampi that wasn’t very good. The shrimp had been cooked too long. My tummy has been bothering me lately anyway. I think,I’m kind of down because of my breathing. I go to lung dr on Monday. I pray she will have some answers. We’re doing Bruce’s ashes tmrw. Hope it’s not snowing up there as we are supposed to get it was 85. Very nice.
Mary, fun that you are going to Vegas. It will be nice to get away and win lots of money. I booked us for a cruise with the Texas tenors yesterday. It’s not until Feb, 2023. I had to put a deposit down it. I can cancel up to oct, 2022. I also got insurance. Never know 22 mos from now. I left a message as I forgot to get a handicap room. I can’t believe I spaced it out. We can’t go if we don’t have one. I’m a little apprehensive but have some time to think about the whole thing.
Were you able to start up your painting again?

I contacted Tina about a new blog. She thought it was changing as she set it to do. She was very surprised that it hadn’t changed since February. I don’t have much more to talk a out so chime in, please.

Mary/MI said...

Hello! I am sitting all alone in the top branch!
I got my nails done yesterday. I called ahead and asked for "Lisa", the non masochistic gal! She did everything the other gal did, only much gentler! I noticed a sweet older lady came in and was attended my "maso". Every once in a while I would hear a tiny groan from behind her mask! Everyone noticed and looked her way. I felt so bad for her!
I have been working on the yard preparing to plant bushes and flowers. I found a beautiful climbing plant that my Hummingbirds will love. I will be getting some geraniums today along with 12 bags of cedar mulch. I noticed I got 12,000 steps yesterday!
One of Jim's Nephew's, wife's, brother passed away last week from Covid complications. His body couldn't take the combination of pneumonia, covid,& influenza B. He was on a vent & dialysis machine since Easter. He was the father of eight,the last girl graduating this year. He was heavily involved in his community.
Very sad!
I am waiting to hear from my Cousin. She was hospitalized for bleeding on the brain. Not sure if it is covid shot related. Either way, sad.
Next week is going to be hectic! I see my eye specialist, hair appmt., DDS, and mammo. Geesh!How did I manage that! I didn't even mention my reg. Chiro appmt. I think I will put that one off for a week.

Hope you are all well!
Happy Cinco de Mayo tomorrow!! OLAY!!!

Mary/MI said...

Dianne, the cruise sounds wonderful! I wish Jim would go with me. I am surprised he wanted to go to Vegas. Probably feels safer since his Covid shot.

Just_Lin said...

Mary "Mary, Mary, quite contrary. How does your garden grow?" LOL Just kidding. I know you are not at all contrary. I wish I liked to garden but I don't. I appreciate the end product, though. Today would have been a perfect day to work on something outside but I was inside vacuuming and doing other, non-interesting stuff. My daughter is flying down tomorrow to spend time with me during my birthday so I'm trying to spiff the place up. I had not kept up with vacuuming and dusting while my gout was hurting me so much. it's about 95% better now.

I'm glad you are making plans to go to Vegas. I wish I was making plans to go ANYWHERE. I've been sitting around on my butt for most of the pandemic so I am extra out of shape. I hardly take any steps at all. LOL This has been especially true during the past month with my painful foot as I've had the grocery store do my shopping for me and then either picking it up or having it delivered. Tonight I may actually go myself as I like to pick out the produce myself.

I'm so sorry to hear about the death in your family. Also, about your cousin. I hope she has a full recovery soon.

I received your birthday card today, including the virtual hug. Thank you! Hugging you back.


Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ya all!!! I see you ����

Dianne Holy smokes!! FEBRUARY 2023????? I barely know what I'm doing tomorrow LOL!! I'm excited for ya all though, cruises are so so much fun. So glad Louis's ankle is better. Still worried about you though and those breathing issues. I hope it gets better as you go along and maybe the SEA breeze will help too �� I'm not much into country music, hard to believe cause I was raised listening to it with my daddy. He was born and raised in Louisiana and loved it. My favorite ever was Haggard and some Waylon too. But I only really like rowdy county, Bocephus, Adkins, Florida Georgia Line. I'm just an old hippy surfer chick and like my Classic and hard rock. Not sure where I got this much energy but went to Maverick's last week with a couple surf buddies. It was amazing!! If we would have had the time we all wanted to go to La Jolla but it's a lot further away and would have had to stay over. Maybe next time.....looking forward to it!

Barb I'm sorry things are difficult with sister. I hope it gets better for ya all. Brought back memories with my mom. Got a call saying three doctors diagnosed her with dementia. They didn't give choices, just said I had to get Power of Attorney. NOT get it they want medical records. To get medical records you have to have power of attorney. Geeeeeeze what a mess. Sounds like your Chad is pretty wonderful helping with her, I love it. I'm sure thinking of you and your sister. Hugs to ya all.

Mary So baby Zoie is a loooong distance walker �� So cute!! Pretty cool Jim is ready for Vegas. I'm really happy he feels ready to go and feels better now you guys have your vaccines. I hope you get to go sometime soon and just have a great time. Maybe you'll hit it BIG and won't even know what to do with all that moola!! Hey---it could happen! Nice you got your nails done and didn't have to deal with the masochistic broad! Shame on her, can't they get rid of her? Maybe if no single person wants her that would do it?

JL Oh I am so sorry to hear you got gout. I had a friend once that got that and she was in so very much pain. Hope it goes away fast, are you feeling better yet? Does anything help? Sending you good thoughts ����

Yes I have been hectic busy and NO time to deal with new phone...haven't even turned the dang thing on!
I am still on the board but that's because we haven't even had an election yet. I swear if the new board doesn't find a better management company I will just poop. I told them for months to get things going...they mailed stuff to late and missed one mailing all together. When I told them we would have to push the date out their professional response was 'Maybe we'll get away with it'. Seriously?! Then in the middle another one says we will need to push out one more month-----I figured out the timeline and told them will be two months later now. So the election (praying) will be July 8th. Disgusted doesn't begin to explain it.
Well I've got some new cleaner to try on the cement on my patios. Still some spots that won't go away, so I'm ready to go scrub some more and see how it goes. Hoping.....
Love to ya all ������



Didn't want to 'publish' my comment???
Wonder what the heck happened. ?????


awwwwwww...........HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUST LIN 😘

When was it.....or when is it? Sorry I didn't know but sending lots of birthday hugs now!


Just_Lin said...

Dianne Thank you for the nudge. I've been preoccupied with small problems. My kitchen faucet started leaking. It took me a while to figure out where the leak was coming from but it has to do with the hose the faucet/sprayer is attached to. Anyway, I have a neighbor who is a plumber and he has purchased a new faucet for me today and is hoping to be able to install it today after he is done working another job close by. Otherwise, he will have to do it tomorrow. A weird thing is also happening with my dishwasher. I will suddenly find a half inch or so of water in the bottom of it. When I push the Drain button, it drains just fine. This does not happen on a consistent basis. It will be fine for many days, then all of a sudden there's water in there. Weird. I'll have to ask my plumber neighbor about it when he comes to deal with the faucet.

You have a cruise to look forward to. How exciting. Were you able to get your handicap cabin? You probably forgot about that when you booked the cruise because you were so excited about the Texas Tenors. What line is it and where does it go? Are you officially a groupie yet? LOL

How did it go with spreading Bruce's ashes? I hope it didn't snow on you and that your breathing was okay. I find it harder to walk and breathe when having to wear a mask. My daughter is flying down from Eugene tomorrow and on my birthday she is taking me to a Greek restaurant in S.F. for lunch and then we are going to an immersive Van Gogh exhibit. I am looking forward to it as he is my favorite artist. We went to the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam a few years back.

Thank you again for the cute birthday card.

Just_Lin said...

Barb How's it going? How's it going with your sister?

I was hoping to get my nails done before my birthday but with everything else going on and my need to go grocery shopping, I don't think it's going to happen. It took so long for my acrylic nails to finally completely chip off that I didn't want to start getting them again until I was sure the nail salons would be open for real and not just alternating between open and closed down like they were for a while. Are you feeling comfortable enough to get your hair done, yet? I have another haircut scheduled for the 11th.

I've been trying to put together a grocery shopping list but I can't think of anything I really want to cook while my daughter is here. We may be ordering or eating out a lot. LOL Oh, and my son turns 50 tomorrow. How did that happen?

Just_Lin said...

Seaside I think you texted that you were coming here in 10 minutes but I don't see you. Are you playing hide and seek?

It's funny with the texting that you only see our numbers and not our names. I see everyone's name but yours. I only see you by your phone number. Now is that your new phone number or your old phone number?

What happened with the HOA election? Inquiring minds want to know.


I wrote a super long comment before JL. First it said only blog members can post, then it
showed up.
Can any of you see this post??

Just_Lin said...

Seaside I see it now. I guess you were writing at the same time as I was.

Mary/MI said...

I see you here Seaside! I only see your phone number in texting. I know its you lol!!

I have made Jim's breakfast, changed the bedding, walked Zoie, Cleaned the kitchen, fed the birds, washed bedding,and now getting ready to take Zoie to the groomers for her noon appt. Pretty boring eh? LOL!

Mary/MI said...

My Cousin "Hope" passed away :( She was my fave cousin. We were the same age. I remember our sitting on her bed and talking about all kinds of things as teenagers.
One conversation I especially remember was when she said, " Mary, remember, as Mexicans, and being women, we have to aspire to be the best we can be and more." I always looked up to her. She was a wonderful cousin, friend, wife, Mother and Grandma.


Very sorry to hear about your cousin Mary. It's so difficult losing a loved one, especially when they are sooooo special. Good part is you have such warm endearing memories with her. She sounds wonderful. Hugs and good thoughts to ya all 😔💜💗🌺

Mary/MI said...

Well, I some how managed to land face down in a grocery store! II stopped at our small local store. I noticed they had made many changes. I should have been paying attention instead of looking at them. In a matter of seconds my foot stuck in one spot and bam I was off flying with both arms stretched out. I landed hard on my stomach on the hard floor! I had the wind knocked out of me and couldn't yell for h elp. I laid there for what seemed like forever. There was not a soul around. I could just catch a glimpse of the cashier. She never looked my way. Finally a gentleman with a cart noticed me and asked if he could help. He started to grab my arm. I asked him to just push his cart close to me and I would inch my way up, hoping I didn't break anything! Thank goodness I didn't!
The store has new owners and has let most of the help go. There used to be stock boys and all kinds of worker milling around. I told the cashier what happened on my way out. She seemed a bit shaken and asked where I fell. I told her where and to look for two black skid marks that my black heels made on the floor lol!
I came home and checked myself out. My "good" knee was bruised and my elbow hurt like hell! I had on a t-shirt, a heavy sweatshirt and a short leather jacket (cold day!)Some how I managed to tear a 2" patch of skin off of my elbow!
I am sitting here icing up my back and knee. Geesh!
Something tells me my Chiropractor will not be pleased lol!

sacBarb said...

I wrote a long post on Monday when Dianne sent me a “bump” and it isn’t here! I swear it was there when I logged out. It was actually very early Tuesday because I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t get back to sleep.

Mary, OMG I’m so glad you didn’t break anything when you fell. It sounds like it was really a bad tumble. Were you sore the next day? When I did a face plant in the pool room, I came up with a bloody nose and no other noticeable injuries, but the next day EVERYTHING hurt!

Dianne, how did the spreading of Bruce’s ashes go? Were you able to breathe OK? I had a bunch of other questions in the post that disappeared, but I can’t remember them.

JL, I hope you had a good birthday. How nice that you daughter came down. I bet the Van Gogh experience was fun. I really like his art, too.
We took Marie for her echocardiogram yesterday. She kept asking the Technician if he could see anything wrong and he had to keep telling her he isn’t authorized to give her any information. Our appointment with her cardiologist is on the 14th.

Seaside, I hope you can get the board people to do the necessary stuff you were talking about. It sounds so stressful.

Mary/MI said...

Happy Mother's day my friends!!

Dianne/Denver said...

Hi..hope you all had a nice Mother’s Day. Mine was very nice. Went to tammyS for a bbq. We stayed inside though as it was cold and rainy. Today we had light snow and temps in the 30’s.

JL, how was your birthday adventure! Did you get your nails done yet? How long did your daughter stay? Nice she could come for the celebration. How did your plumbing issues work out? I don’t like anything to to do with water problems. You’re lucky you have someone close by to help you. Yes, I got the handicap room but cost went up $200. I don’t think that’s right. It’s discriminating against the handicap. They say bigger cabin, more things and close to elevator. The cruise goes to Caribbean and Mexico. Yup, I’m a lifetime member of the Texas tenors. Even have a pin to show it. Spreading Bruce’s ashes brought fairly nice weather and sun peeked out. It was a 2-1/2 hour drive there. Got lost so even took us longer and then Louis told me he forgot to fill up the tank. I got grOuchy. He was so busy watching the football draft he forgot! Luckily, there was one pump at the destination for $4 a gallon. He filled half up. We took the travel chair and the altitude didn’t bother me. We had the oxygen just in case.

Mary, so sorry you fell..are you better now? I could not have gotten up and the only way I’d get down is falling. Is your elbow better? So sorry about the loss of your cousin. Too much loss lately. Are you getting excited about your upcoming Vegas trip? It will be fun for a change in scenery finally and you’ll probably come home with your pockets full of money! Are you getting your room comped? You usually do, right?

Seaside, we see you by your phone number. Boy, that’s a while to wait on the election. Our hoa is pretty quiet. We’re in a retirement area so not much going on and we have a decent management company. I hope you get elected if that’s what you want. It sounds like a lot of stress.
What is Mavericks? Did you go surfing? I think I don’t quite understand. I went to new pulmonary dr last week and also had breathing test. Not great results with either. She’s sending me to a heart dr for a test. It’s extremely frustrating and hard to breath with any exertion.

Barb, hi! How was your Mother’s Day! Good food probably. Glad you got your sister in for her test. I think you said you get results on the 14th. Well, no long posts showing from your middle of the night post. Maybe it was a dream. It was sad doing the ashes but we all knew that’s what bruce wanted. My first time doing that it was kind of awkward as I didn’t know exactly the protocol if there is such a thing. We went to lunch there afterwards. It was just immediate family and a CNA and husband from the nursing home. We are having a celebration of life in June at my nieces home.

Well, it’s been spitting snow here today. Louis took me to dr appt and lunch...Italian. Took a two hour nap afterwards. That’s my day. Dry chilly here.

Mary/MI said...

Dianne, I know you DIDN'T write "snow"! Yuck! It has been chilly here. I have had to cover my new plants because of the morning frost. By the weather map, we will be having warm weather for the next 10 days yippee!!
Yes we are getting excited for our trip! I checked on line for the "pool" protocols. You have to wear a mask at all times except in the pool! The pools will be full! Can you imagine those tan lines lol!! We do get comped at the Venation, Treasure Island,MGM, and others on the strip.

Yesterday was a loooong day! I felt bad for my gf who drove me to my apptm. I knew I was going to have my eyes dilated, but forgot they were going to do extra tests for my glaucoma, and had to sign paperwork for my surgeries. My right eye May 26 and the left June 3rd. with follow ups on each following days.I could have waited until after Vegas, but decided to get it over with. He is adding a procedure to help the eye pressure so I won't have to use eye drops every day. On the way home my gf forgot where I had parked my car and drove past it about 6 miles lol. She lives further north and east from me. My Drs office is in a very congested area, so I prefer not driving in it. I have to admit, it was not so good driving the rest of the way home this time. Way too many eye drops this time. I was glad there was a car in front of me, so I wouldn't miss the 6 stop signs lol! It was all country driving so not too bad.

Tomorrow is hair day and Fri is Mammo day.
I am glad I made my tortillas before I went to Dr yesterday. I made "blurritos" when I got home. LOL!

Mary/MI said...


Just_Lin said...

Mary Helllllooooo!!!! Here I am! It looks like I have a lot of catching up to do.
First, let me say I am so sorry about the loss of your cousin. It's nice that you have such nice memories of her. I'm not close to my cousins and some are on the East Coast and I've never even met them.

Wow! That was quite a fall you took! Have you recovered from any subsequent aches and pains? It certainly didn't seem to slow you down too much. You are always just go, go, go. I, on the other hand, can spend hours sitting on the couch binge watching some show. LOL This is probably the pri8mary reason you lose weight and I don't. I did make a point to move around a little more today. Although, I feel like I'm 99% over the gout in my big toe, it did act up a bit after walking around on uneven ground in the back yard. I wonder if this will be my new normal.

The rules about masks are changing so fast these days that you may not have to wear one around the pool when in Vegas. Always be prepared, though. I wish I had a trip to look forward to.

Just_Lin said...

Dianne Thanks for the nudging. My problem is that I don't have much going on so I don't have much to share.

I had a great day on my birthday. It was fun to go into San Francisco which I haven't done since this whole darn pandemic started. We had a wonderful lunch at an upscale Greek restaurant. We started with 2 appetizers; zucchini cakes and shrimp. Them we shared an arugala salad with roasted strawberries and feta cheese. For a main dish, she had a lamb kabob and I had halibut. OMG, my fish was so delicious! Then we shared a slice of flourless chocolate cake with whipped cream. It was a fabulous lunch! We kept my care in the parking garage nearby and took an Uber over to the Immersive Van Gogh exhibit. That was the easiest way to go and I'm so glad we did it that way as the parking would have been very difficult by the exhibit. It was a wonderful day spent with my daughter. We weren't hungry again until nearly 8:00 pm, so we got some pot stickers and won ton soup from my favorite Chinese restaurant. She had to return home on Saturday so she wasn't here for Mother's Day but did leave a gift and card for me.

I did get a new kitchen faucet installed and I also got my nails done the day before my birthday. I had a gift certificate for my nails that my friend had given me for Christmas.

Just_Lin said...

Barb How nice for you to have Todd and Vicki there visiting. Were you able to get out and do anything fun with them? It's been overcast and cool here, lately. When my daughter and I were waiting for the Uber driver after our S.F. lunch, the wind was sooo cold. Before leaving the house that day, we had contemplated if we should take sweaters or not. OMG! I'm so glad we did! We were only a couple of blocks away from the Embarcadero and the wind that was hitting us was freezing! Living in Pacifica, I pretty much always leave the house with at least a cardigan.

As you know, I've been watching American Idol this time around. So it's down to a handful of contestants now and one of them, a 15-16 year old kid named Caleb, is out because of a photo that was discovered of him with a friend who was wearing a white hood with eye holes cut out. It taken a year or two ago but got him ousted from the competition. It's a shame because he has a really good voice for country music. I hope it doesn't ruin his future as a singer. Kids are stupid. They don't realize this can follow them the rest of their lives. Speaking of which, did you see my text to you about Matt James and Rachel being back together again?

Just_Lin said...

Seaside It's time for you to check back in. I hope you are leading a busy, exciting life and having too much fun to sit down and type on this blog.

sacBarb said...

Hello everyone!

Dianne, sorry you had sssnow! I hope it’s gone by now. It sounds like you had a nice Mother’s day at Tammy’s. My Mother’s day was quiet, but I did talk to Todd and Dean and Chad cooked lemon chicken, one of my faves.

Mary, I am so sorry for the loss of your cousin. One of the bad things about getting older is the loss of family and friends.
I pray that your eye surgeries go well. It will be good not to have to use eye drops so often.

JL, I did get your text about Rachel and Matt. I really hope it works out for them.
Your SF birthday adventure sounds like it was fun. I always took a heavy sweater when I went to SF, because it was always too cold for me, especially at Candlestick.
I still have not gotten my nails or hair done. I’m afraid Sheenah is going to like not working and I’ll have to find a new manicurist. My hairdresser retired so I already have to find a new one and it doesn’t make me happy.
I did get Marie to the cardiologist to get the results of her echocardiogram and the heart monitor she wore for a week. He said her heart looks pretty good for 90 years old. He prescribed Eliquis for her to replace the daily low dose aspirin.
I’m going to have to take over her bill paying. She has a storage unit with stuff from our Mom’s house and it was being pain automatically through her credit card. I just found out something is wrong with her account and her card has been declining all charges since January. She called but she’s not sure what they told her. This all came to light when we were at the doctor on Friday and her card was declined for the $10 copay. She has a lot of automated payments.

Seaside, I hope all is well in your world. Take care.


Hi all.....

Just a quick check in as I have missed ya all sooooooo much.
I've been mostly just trying to deal with extreme pain and not doing that real well. I always have some pain from injuries I got in an accident years ago (neck, shoulder, right side of back) but I made it really mad when I over did it with yard work. I guess I heard the nurse say this last Tuesday and she said NEXT Tuesday for my office visit to my doctor for cordizone shots. So this severe pain continues and I keep trying to calm it down at least a little but with no success. I am used to dealing with pain, I just keep going anyway but this is so bad.

I promise I'll be back soon when I can sit here and do it but please know I'm thinking of ya all.

Dianne 😘🧡
Mary 🐕‍🦺💙
Barb 😾💛
JL 🥰💜


sacBarb said...

Seaside, I know you have dealt with that pain for a very long time. It’s difficult to have to live with it, but we do what we have to do! My fibromyalgia has been kicking my a$$ and yesterday I spent eight hours making cards with the two Jennifers. So, today I am not doing great! I have tried so many remedies, including CBD oil and edibles, and some worked for a while, but then NOT! I sent an email to my doctor today asking her if there is anything she can prescribe. She told me about three years ago that Kaiser doesn’t treat fibromyalgia! I’m hoping that has changed.

Mary/MI said...

I am so sorry my owlettes are hurting :(

SacBarb,I sure hope your Dr can help. Being in constant pain is awful!
It was nice knowing you were back to your card making with friends. Too bad you are paying the price now! Booh!

Seaside, Sending healing thoughts and prayers to you and Barb. It seems like there is so much that hurts even years after the accidents.
I remember about a year after Jim & I were in an accident after sliding on an icy road, he kept scratching his forehead and boom a chunk of the windshield glass came popping out! So weird...and freaky!! He did wind up having back surgery later due to back injury from that accident. He was in horrible pain!
I sure hope you get relief!

Lin, Thanks so much for the card. It came on what would have been my cousin's Birthday, also my Mom's. I am sure they are both celebrating somewhere in the heavens :)

Dianne, how are you and your appliances doing? It seems like crap just never ends!
Jim was so disgusted when our last freezer broke down, that he bought a spare! It sits in the basement waiting lol!!!

Mary/MI said...

Just a quick fly-by. I have my first Cataract surgery tomorrow. I am so not fond of any kind of surgery! I tend to have a bit of anxiety. I am sure all will go fine, just hate the idea of someone messing with my eyes! It didn't help that today I got one of those letters asking for donations. This is the first time I have gotten one from The Center for the blind! It even had a sample Braille alphabet card! Oye vey! I better relax lol!

Dianne/Denver said... the nudge from JL the other day. It seems like people aren’t writing on here much. It’s been a week of drs ..not fun. Next week too. We went to my grandsons graduation party last sat. Lots of people. All the caters were booked so my dil did all the cooking for a lot of people. I felt sorry for her as she was very stressed and exhausted. She’s a great cook too. Tmrw is my great nieces one year bday party. Then next week my procedure and another party next sat. I’m kind of playing that one on the actual day to see how I’m feeling. I have three heart things after that to go to, a GYN, eye dr, etc. overwhelming.

Mary, how’s your eye doing? Hope you’re doing good. I have some anxiety for next Friday too. When is your Vegas trip?
Can’t wait to hear all about it. Have they started up shows there yet?n we’re starting concerts here soon. Was just reading that Florida is charging $999 for a concert ticket if not vaccinated. Gov is fighting it. I’m going to see Blake Shelton in August from a make up from last year. We go To Kansas’s july 9 to see Texas tenors...finally!

Barb, glad. You were able to make cards with your friends again. Been to hair and nails yet? I had to change my hair appt for next Friday....not an easy thing to do. She’s getting me in Thursday. I didn’t think I should tell heart dr I couldn’t come for procedure because of hair! Did your dr give you any new medicine for your pain?

JL, how and what have you been doing? We finally got our new refig on Monday. What a huge mess it’s been. We went to store tuesday and spent $312 to get the essentials again. I hope we never have to go through that mess and expense again. It was a true nightmare.

Seaside. Did you get your shots? R they helping? Louis had a back one last week and shoulder one this week. Back one is working pretty good. I think I’m going to go to pain dr again and see about getting back shots again. They didn’t work last time but my pain has shifted so thought I talk to dr again.

Hope everyone has a good weekend and now it’s time for my nudges!,

Just_Lin said...

Yesterday I watched an 8-part Israeli crime drama. The plot was that four masked people go into a high school and start shooting people, killing 4 students. More than once, the detectives who are investigating the crime say something to the effect of "This is like something that would happen in America". So, this seems to be who we are now, not just to us, but to the rest of the world. If I lived in another country, I don't know that I'd be very keen on coming here on vacation. Maybe if it starts hurting the tourism dollars being spent here, just maybe we will actually try to do something about.

Just_Lin said...

*about it.

Just_Lin said...

On with my regularly scheduled blogging..........

Dianne There you are! It's not like you to not blog for so long.

You have a lot of stuff going on. Try to concentrate more on the parties and not so much on the procedures. You have so many appointments set up. I only have my annual lab work to do on the 8th and hair appointment on the 11th. Maybe I'll see about nails next week but they are still looking good right now.

I was lucky to have two friends each take me out to dinner as delayed celebrations for my birthday. Jane took me to a local restaurant on Tuesday and I had the chicken cacciatore and Kathy took me to Benihana's on Wednesday and I had the filet mignon. I brought home half of my chicken fried rice which I plan to have tonight with some fish that I'm cooking. Their fried rice is so good. It's that garlic butter they put in it.

What a mess that must have been when your refrigerator went out. All my major appliances are older so I don't even want to think about them going out. My dishwasher is being weird. I have to sometimes push the Drain button when I discover all the water hasn't been drained out. 9 times out of 10 it goes through the whole wash and dry cycle just fine then all of a sudden it doesn't and there is 1/2 inch of water remaining in the bottom of the tub. Fortunately, it always works for me to just push the Drain button and it all gets cleared out.

Just_Lin said...

Mary I'm glad your cataract surgery is behind you and that it went fine. I guess you got worried for nothing. How is it doing now?

On the 4th until the 11th I will have a neighbor's old dachshund here living with me while she goes to visit family in Florida. His name is Mikey and he's 10 years old. I only met him once when the owner brought him over to visit so we could meet each other. The owner, Sue, has lived in her house on my street for about as long as I have. When are sons were in grade school, they were friends but she and I, though always cordial, never really struck up a friendship. When we had our "meet and greet" the other day, I gave him several mini Milk Bones so I think we are friends now. LOL My daughter has pet stairs here so her chihuahua can get on the bed when she's here with the dogs. I may use that for Mikey. I think I will end up outside in my robe with Mikey on a leash for when he has to do his business. I'm not comfortable having him off leash in my backyard since I have some fencing down in the back corner. He wouldn't be able to go any farther than my neighbor's backyard but it would be a pain in the ass trying to get him back.

Just_Lin said...

Seaside I'm so sorry about all your pain. I hope it has calmed down to a more manageable level now. I keep aggravating my left shoulder where I have a rotator cuff problem. I'm not even sure what it is exactly that I do that can make it so much worse. Just normal stuff, it seems. I try to be really careful about not carrying anything too heavy in my left hand, including bringing groceries in from the car, but it seems that bothers it anyway even though I deem the grocery back to be relatively light.

My gout issue is still bothering me on occasion, too. I feel like it's probably 98% cleared up but every once in a while, I still feel a twinge of discomfort in that toe joint. I think I'll email my doctor and ask that a uric acid test be added to my lab work I'm having done on the 8th.

Anyway, I hope this finds you feeling much better than you were.

Just_Lin said...

Barb I hope you're feeling better, too. Kaiser doesn't treat fibromyalgia? WTH! That doesn't even make sense. I don't know how much is available to treat it but they could at least try. I hope you are checking on that with your doctor.

It sounds like you are going to having your hand full trying to straighten out your sister's financial affairs. I hope she didn't get tricked into some kind of automatic monthly donation scheme like the last president was doing on his website. Health-wise, it sounds like she's doing pretty good for her age so that's a good thing.

So, a new Bachelorette starts on the 7th. I'm not sure how much I care for this particular woman but it will still be entertaining in a voyeuristic kind of way. It will be weird not to have Chris Harrison there, though.

Just_Lin said...

Funny thing happened yesterday. I saw a PG&E (Pacific Gas & Electric) worker knocking on the door of my neighbor across the street. I knew that the family was away for the long weekend so I went out to my front porch and yelled across the street, "Can I help you?" He responded by speaking very loudly at their closed door. LOL I kept myself from laughing out loud and yelled, "I'm behind you." I wonder if he would have kept talking to the closed door if I hadn't told him where I was. LOL

Mary/MI said...

This is my 4th post op day. I still have a bit of blurring, but seems to be clearing up a bit. I "see" I am not too patient with this lol !At least I now know what to expect next week when they do the other eye. I wonder if the stent they put in is making it still a bit blurry on the lower right side of my eye. That is where it was put in. Matthew drove me around today to do some errands. I had to go to the nearest UPS store which is in Lansing to return a couple of Amazon things. I have lost so much weight that nothing fits anymore and I don't know what sizes to order. One of the orders was supposed to be a t-shirt. They sent a dress! I don't remember the last time I wore one lol! <---- is that how you spell "wore?" looks funny and spell check didn't correct lol!

JustLin, Is there some kind of cure for gout? I will have to Google it. Sorry it keeps popping out on you.
My Zoie is 10 and still a little shit! Some days she just lays around and some she drags me out to the back trail just to find the perfect place to poop lol! I have ramps and piles of pillows/blankets to cushion her getting down. Shw will use the stairs and ramps to go up, but chooses to jump down! Makes me nervous because Doxies are notorious for having back issues.Zoie is not a standard long wiener so she may not be as susceptible to it.

SacBarb, I am so glad to be a recipient of one of your beautiful cards. Glad you are back at it. You do such beautiful work! Thank you!
I sure hope you get Marie's affairs straightened out, Sounds like a mess!
I good luck on finding a new hair dresser. It took me over a year to settle on one. I used to go to her many moons ago. She was a young bride and now has 3 kids, one a teenager! Ugh, I'm old!!

Dianne. I have been thinking of you. I hate that you are going through so much!
I heard there are a few shows starting up in Vegas. The big headliners don't start until after we leave dang it! We leave on June 20. Matthew will be watching Zoie and Queenie will be going to a kennel. It's a nice place. She has been there before. They even have a large pool and play area for them.
Tonight my eye seems to be doing better. I am such a wimp!
How exciting that you will be seeing your Texas Tenors!
I can't wait until I can drive again. Jim makes me so nervous! It is about 40 miles to my Drs office and a few more to the surgery place. It is a bit of a confusing drive. I am used to it, but not Jim. He has missed a few turns and smokes in the car, which gags me! It has been heaven not having him smoke in the house since his stroke!
Next week is Matthews last week of driving bus until next fall, or he would take me. He is proud of his perfect attendance record.

Seaside. I sure hope you are doing better1 You are way too young to be having such pain! Are you on any therapy?

sacBarb said...

JL, I have an in person appointment with my primary doc tomorrow. I emailed her and asked if there was any new info or treatment for fibromyalgia and she said I should come in. She also had me get a blood draw which I did on Saturday. They took five vials. So, maybe there is something new!
I take Allopurinol to prevent gout flares. I used to have flare-ups every 2-3 months. They were so painful. I have not had one since I started taking it. It’s been about 8 years. You may want to check into
I laughed at the image of you yelling to the PG&E guy.

Mary, my eyesight was blurry for a few days after my cateract surgery. I had both eyes done at the same time.
Good job on your weight loss. I have still been doing the IF, but I haven’t lost any more since the initial 26lbs. It’s very discouraging.

Dianne, The angiogram isn’t bad, really. Try to relax and not stress about it. I’m sure you’ll do great. You do have a lot of stuff going on!
What kind of refrigerator did you get! I hate having to get new appliances. My refrigerator is 8 years old and it has started making a noise occasionally. I was told it would only last seven years! Sooo.... I’m keeping my fingers crossed it won’t die!

Seaside, I hope you’re feeling better and taking care of yourself.

Mary/MI said...

SacBarb, I sure hope your Dr has some good news for you. It would be great if there was something new out there for you.
I don't think I would have like getting both eyes done at the same time. Maybe the stent they put in keeps it blurry longer. I will be glad when it is over. My surgery is at 12:40 tomorrow. I think I will drives is there and Jim can drive us back. He
missed a couple turns last time. I have been worried about him lately. He seems to be getting more & more confused about things lately. Matthew is the one suggesting I drive in lol! I know he worries about me!
I ordered a full set of tires for my Jeep on line. They had a good Holiday deal going. I also got a military discount from Matthew. He is taking it in for me. You pay on line, drive in and they slap them on. Next is front wheel brakes. That will have to wait until we get back from Vegas.

Dianne, I was checking frig prices last month at Best Buy. Hardly anything under $2,000! Sticker shock for sure!! They sure have some beauties out there!

Dianne/Denver said... are all my little owl friends? I’m doing ok. Tmrw is hair and annual eye exam and then Friday is you know what! I’ve done a couple of lunches this week and that’s about it. Next two weeks are busy with heart follow ups, GYN, blood draws, etc. I have a kind of busy weekend so hopefully I’ll feel ok to do it. We shall see. I packed my little overnight bag mostly tonight just in case.

Mary, that’s what we found. We paid $2100 on a Memorial Day sale at Lowe’s. Then we added the five year warranty for $300 more! We will at least get filters half price as the are $50 a piece now. And we didn’t get fancy. Good luck on your eye surgery tmrw. Won’t you be glad to be done! Do you have to wear glasses? Mary, you’re getting tiny.

JL, that’s funny about the electric guy. He was probably looking all over for the voice! I’m going to watch America’s got talent. I recorded it I do like that show and the voice. How’s your shoulder doing? Have you ever gotten a shot in it? It seems to be helping Louis. That will be kind of fun for you to be watching your neighbors dog, right? Nice your letting it sleep in your bed.

Barb, how are you feeling? How did the dr appt go? Anything new to help you? Sure hope so. We ended up with a Frigidaire. My advice to you....get a new one before old one goes out! Avoid the mess. That’s good you e kept 26 pounds off. Great job. That’s really good that Matthew has a perfect attendance record. He should be proud of that.

Kayla tested positive for covid and then had a second test the other day and it came back negative. Go figure. She
Feels fine. Em and boyfriend both tested negative too.

Seaside, how’s are you doing? How’s the pain? Did the shots help?

Mary/MI said...

ok, I'm checking in one-eyed lol! I'm not even attempting to use spell check.
The surgery went well. I just wish I wasn't almost last on their surgery list! I don't get nervous unless I am left waiting too long. Poor Jim almost 4 hrs. The surgery itself is barley 20 min, then recovery of course, which is pretty short. Oh well. I am glad it is over. My girlfrien and her hubby drove me to my post-op today. Another long ass wait! My appt. was for 11:00 I had to have 3 separate tests in 3 separate rooms, then waiting room then an almost 30 minute wait for Dr check up which took about 10 min.My friends were so sweet and understanding.
My eye is pretty hazy . I will have to have a new glass prescrip. I can see much better without them on my good eye. I have to wait at least 3 wks to do that, so Dr suggest I get oc reader glasses.

Just_Lin said...

Mary It sounds like you had a couple of long days dealing with your eye stuff. I bet you are glad to have it over with and now on the mend. I should probably have my eyes checked and get new glasses. I've had my current ones forever, it seems. I got them with anti-glare stuff on the lenses and that has started to get some scratch marks which are right in the way of the focal point for my right eye. It has become annoying.

I'm enjoying having the little mini dachshund here until the 11th. His name is Mikie (I had been spelling it wrong) and he's a good little guy. He is used to getting up at 7 a.m. but on the first morning here, he didn't wake up until 9:00. I felt hopeful about that but now he's back to his regularly scheduled 7 a.m. routine. I worry about some gaps in my backyard fencing so don't dare let him go out there unattended. Early in the morning, I'm in the front yard with him on a leash, me in my nightgown and robe, so he can do his morning "business". So far, no one on my street has been out and about to witness this.

I wish I had a trip planned to ANYWHERE!

Just_Lin said...

Dianne I know you were very worried about Friday so I'm glad that is behind you now. Having more information is a good thing.

So, what's with the COVID tests that Kayla, Em and the boyfriend took? Why were they being tested in the first place? Are they going somewhere or what?

So, how are you liking your new refrigerator? I am keeping my fingers crossed that all my main appliances keep on going. They are older now but I think they used to make these things to last longer than they do now. I think I've mentioned that I sometimes have an issue with my dishwasher in that it sometimes doesn't drain all the water out. When I find water still in the bottom of the tub when it's done with it's cycle, I just push the Drain button and everything gets emptied out. Most of the time, the dishwasher works perfectly so I am putting up with this periodic inconvenience for now.

Tuesday I go get annual blood work done. I'm lucky to have a really good vein for that inside my right elbow. We've added uric acid levels to the tests as a build up of that is what causes gout. Apparently, if levels remain high, there is a medication to help with that. This little dachshund I have here is not used to being left alone so it will be a test for him.

Just_Lin said...

Barb Well, Bachelorette starts tomorrow night. I'm not that excited about this particular bachelorette, nor am I excited about the female hosts. It just isn't going to feel right without Chris Harrison. I feel like he lent some maturity to the proceedings and that will be missing now.

How did it go with your doctor appointment? I hope there is something they can do now for your fibromyalgia. After I have y lab work done on Tuesday, I'll find out if I should be on that medication for gout or not. It will be just one more medication in the arsenal of meds I sow take.

The weather here has been gorgeous. Too bad I'm mot more of an outdoorsy person. LOL

Just_Lin said...

Seaside I'm sorry you are feeling so unwell. I hope things are getting better for you and that we'll hear from you again soon.

Just_Lin said...

I forgot to mention a bizarre thing that happened to my brother. He lives in southern California and has been an avid walker for many years. I don't remember the number of miles he used to walk daily before his two knee replacements but it was lots and lots, a ridiculous amount. Anyway, he is now 69 and doesn't walk as many miles as he once did but if he has to go the the post office, he'll walk. If he only needs a couple of things at the grocery store, he'll walk. He gets up at about 4 in the morning in order to walk in the nearby mountains and enjoys spotting bear, foxes, etc. Anyway.......There has been a woman who is also a walker, walking by his house almost daily for quite some time now. He waters his lawn almost daily so, over time, they've exchanged greetings and even had a few short conversations. She usually is carrying paperwork that she's reading and he found out she was studying as she is in nursing school. Anyway, the other day after shopping, he was putting groceries in the back of his truck and he saw her and her daughter by the cart return area so he went over and said hello, just to be friendly. The next day, two cops come to his house because she reported that she was worried that he might be stalking her. What? The cops were wearing masks but my brother could tell that they were smiling and not really taking it seriously. I repeat, the woman walks by his house almost every single day. My brother called me about it and didn't know what he was supposed to do if she walked by his house again while he's watering the lawn. I suggested squirting her. I guess that would be assault, though. Sure enough, she came walking by again on his side of the street, as usual, while he was watering the lawn. He just turned his back on her.


Hey ya all...........

Dianne How are you and how did Friday go??? I hope it all went good and you were happy with it. I been thinking of you non stop and wishing for some easier time for you.

JL How is Mikie? He sounds so adorable and I bet he gives you some fun/loving company. AND how is your brother--the stalker?!?! I laughed so hard when you said you told him to squirt her with the hose! That would be a waste of water. I can't believe that dumb broad actually reported him to the police. I feel bad for him. Geeeeze.... you can't even be nice anymore to some of these idiot people.

Mary I'm sorry you have to deal with all the blurring. Hope it gets better soon. I am happy that Zoie is having fun being a little pill LOL!! Hugs for her!

Barb Are you feeling better and did the doctor help you out at all? Doesn't sound fun!

The cortisone helped some. My doctor gets upset with me because he says I need to just 'Cool It' sometimes. He likes to explain how I have to let the nerves and muscles heal, but now it's a little better I'm back at it like a maniac. So, I just have to tell you this story.....After we got done talking about my muscles, my doctor sits back and says to me 'It's alllll your fault', with a big old smile. I looked around and said uh oh. He has told me for a couple of years that his little daughter (now 8 years old) has been bugging him because she wants a dog. I send him Christmas cards and he shares them with his family and said she goes crazy over Gidget and he tells her how he sees her when we have a video appointment. Soooooooo....they just got a little puppy and his daughter is ecstatic!! I got so excited and he said it has been fun but---that little baby wants so much attention and (get this!!!) he and his wife have been taking turns sleeping on the couch so they can keep her company LMAO! I mentioned it would be a lot easier to just take her to bed with them and he said he didn't think so 😂 I love my doctor so so much, he is just adorable. I sent him a 'Congratulations' card! 😊🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶

Well ya all I need to get back to my cleaning and get some emails sent off too.
I love each one of you and send tons of hugs 😘🐶😼

Dianne/Denver said...

Howdy everyone….seaside, so nice to see you. We’ve been missing you. You need to slow down so you can take care of yourself better. Relax. Is it ok with the dr for you to go surfing? Hmm, I wonder. So, you're an influence on your drs daughter. Well, at least it’s a good influence. I hope the shots keep working on you. I think I’m going to try some back shots again. They didn’t work last time but my pain has moved. It’s a in the future kind of thing. I need to get this heart thing figured out first. I see the heart nurse on Friday. The hardest part of last Friday was laying flat for three hours. I thought my back was going to break!

JL, well, just a couple of days babysitting for you left. You’ll be able to sleep in again! I’ll bet you’ve enjoyed your doggy time. Well, Kayla had a dr appt for some other things and dr gave her a strep and covid test. Em and the boyfriend had been with her every day and Em flew to south Carolina Monday. Then Kayla took test when Ben did and that one came back negative. Weird! I wonder why that happens. I see the cruises out of Florida can’t make cruisers to be vaccinated because of a Florida law. I’d feel much better to be on a vaccinated cruise personally. I went for blood test again on Monday. Took three sticks to find a vein! You’re lucky to have a vein. I hope there’s a pill for your gout. Let us know how it goes. I’m liking my new refig especially since freezer isn’t full and I’m sticking to my promise to myself and Louis that I won’t load it again. That is weird about that lady calling police about your brother. I thought you were going to say they were dating or something. People are so dang weird. Hey, you and your daughter should plan a trip soon. It can be not far away just to plan some get away time.

Barb, well it looks the Chris is really gone from the bachelor for good. I think it’s kind of sad he’s gone after like 19 years. I wonder what he will do now? Between that show and Dancing With The Stars hosts being gone too. I read their ratings are down low. I’m kind of glad I don’t watch those shows anymore. I still like the Voice and America’s Got Talent. Tonight on cmt was the cmt awards. I recorded it so haven’t watched it yet. We met our friends that just came back from palm spgs for the summer. It was nice to see them again. How are you feeling? I keep wondering what your dr did you help you? I hope something. All our sports teams that made to playoffs are now losing. The nuggets and our hockey team the Avs. Sad. Our Rockies are up and down. What have you been doing?

Mary, how are the eyes doing? Better I hope. Are you still kind of thinking to go see Bebbi, Louis and I in Kentucky is sept? We will be planning a lunch. Fun! You all should come. I was going through all my folders of hotel reservations tonight. I keep getting them mixed up for Kansas in July and Branson and Kentucky in sept. Hotel prices are getting crazy. It’s almost time for Vegas for you are you getting excited? I am even for Kansas just to get away for a few days except it will be very hot and humid. We are having 90 degree weather every day lately. Air conditioner running all the time!

Well, I’ve written another novel. Hope everyone chimes in soon. Night xxoo


Hi ya all!!!!!

DIANNE! Hi lady. I'm so glad to see you in here and that Friday went pretty well. They will need to strap me in if anyone wants me to lay down for THREE hours. Holy moly that's a lot of time. I bet your back was a painful mess when you finally got up. It's the pits you have to wait so long to hear anything. news is good news right? Hope it's ALL good.
So exciting to hear about the trips you have planned. I bet you and Louis are ready huh? Just be careful and take care---both of you.

I'm sending hugs to ya all and hoping everyone is good good and good! I need to get off here and get my little duckies in a row. I have a meeting to run at 5pm and I still need to make a few more notes. My P brain doesn't remember it all LOL!

Love you guys 😘🐶😼🐈🦮

sacBarb said...

Hi everyone.
Mary, could Jim’s confusion be caused by his meds? Sometimes, that can happen.
I had to get readers after my eye surgery. It was about three months before I could get new glasses. Sorry you had such a long wait. It’s a bummer for the people that take you.

Dianne, wow! That’s a lot to pay for a fridge. They sure have gone up since I got mine. Did Kayla and Em have to get tested for work? I’m glad they are both negative. How exciting to get plan a trip.

JL, It’s nice to have a pup for company, but not having to get up at 7am. Luckily it will be over tomorrow. Does this make you want to get a dog?
I have not had a gout attack since I started taking Allopurinol. I take it twice per day.
I’m not thrilled about Kaitlyn and Tayshia hosting the Bachelorette. They are kind of silly. Maybe I could get used to them as the season progresses.
I can’t believe that woman called the cops about your brother. He could think she’s stalking him, going past his house every day! I LOL’d at your suggestion to squirt her!
The doctor gave me a RX for Gabapentin. I’ve been taking it for a week. I haven’t noticed a big difference in my pain level, but I have slept a little better. It’s one of those that you start with a low dose and work up to a dose that finally helps. I started at 100mg and have worked up to 300mg twice per day. It hasn’t stopped the pain, but it has made me very dizzy so I went back to 200mg and emailed my doctor. I’m still waiting for a reply.

Seaside, I’m glad the cortisone shot helped you. You really do need to think about slowing down. I know it’s hard, but we all need to slow down a bit.

Mary/MI said...

Hi gals! It seems good to be able to type without squinting! It sure was weird having the surgeries a week apart, mostly because of all the confusion on the eye drops. I am finally down to one drop a day in both eyes. My right eye drops will be done the day I get back from Vegas, and the other , July2nd. If my check up goes well, no more drops!!
Dianne, glad you got your frig! My dryer is acting up! It's always something! Matthew thinks it is in the sensor/computer chip. So far it is drying, but the "idiot lights" keep going off & on

SacBarb. Luckily Zoie likes to sleep in lol! We had her to the Vet. She needs to lose at least 5lbs. Vet suggested a teeth cleaning and possible extractions. They are are back logged 4 months due to COVID. Zoie is on an antibiotic for some gum issues. Poor baby! She trough up today. I don't know if it was because of the shots she had or the antibiotic pill. Probably both.

JustLin, Like the others, I am surprised that lady called the cops! It's getting so you can't show any sign of being friendly lately! I think she was the weird one!

Seaside, yup slow your arse down lol! You need to take better care of yourself!

Ugh, my calendar has been so full the last two months, mostly with Dr appts.
Last week a Graduation open house.
Today we went to a celebration of life gathering for an old VFW friend.
Next Fri another Grad open house, then finally...Vegas!! I so need the trip!

Mary/MI said...

Barb, I didn't think about his meds causing his confusion. You are probably right.
Sometimes it worries me. Fri when we had to take the dogs to the vet, he was irritated that I wasn't leaving early enough. I told him we still had 45 min (to go 6 miles). He looked at the calendar and sheepishly asked if I had changed it lol! Oh well, I mess up too.

Just_Lin said...

Dianne Guess what I just did? Ordered Christmas cards. Of course, I'll still be addressing them in December as usual. I find that my hand writing is sometimes tight and kind of jerky. Other times, it's fine. I Goggled it and there is a name for it and it is related to writer's cramp. I don't write enough for that to actually be the culprit but I think I spend too much time with my hand clutching the computer mouse. It's only my right hand and only when writing. I have no issue at all with putting on eyeliner or mascara. it's a good thing or else I might poke my eye out. LOL

Well, I have to go back to Kaiser on Wednesday and do more blood tests and also urine tests. My lab work from the other day wasn't so good when it comes to kidney function. My values have always hovered around the the top of "normal" but have not gone to the high side. filtration rate has gotten worse, too. I'm trying to be really good about what I eat and am hoping the tests that are done this Wednesday will look better. I am also scheduled for an Ultrasound of ki9neys and bladder on July 3. During the pandemic, I kind of threw caution to the wind when it comes to avoiding foods that are hard for kidneys to process. Stupid of me.

The little dog has gone home. For some reason I thought the dog going home and my hair appointment were both happening on Thursday. Wrong! Neither was happening on Thursday and I didn't have it figured out until I found the hair salon closed and called my hairdresser. Thankfully the salon is only about 5 miles away.

Just_Lin said...

Mary You must be so glad to have your cataract surgeries all done and I bet you'll be happy to be done with eye drops, too. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Antibiotics can be hard on stomachs. Does Zoie's directions say to give with food?

Oh, I wish I was going to Vegas. Actually, I wish I was going anywhere. It feels great to have two COVID vaccines on board so I don't worry so much about getting sick. Yesterday, I went into the local jewelry store because I had an earring I needed to get fixed. The owner's wife not only made sure I used the hand sanitizer at the door, but then she took my temperature, too. I've never had that happen at a sore before, only at medical buildings.

I think the woman who walks by my brother's house must have some kind of emotional problem. If you really though someone was stalking you, would you keep walking in front of their house? I think not.

Just_Lin said...

Barb I'm missing Chris Harrison already. He seemed like "the adult in the room" and that feeling just isn't there with the two girls. Oh, and one of the guest hosts for Bachelor in Paradise is going to be David Spade. Yikes!

Part of my recent lab work was checking uric acid because of the gout. It's just a little elevated and the doctor doesn't want to put me on medication unless it becomes a recurring problem. My son had gout once a number of years ago and has not had it happen again. I certainly don't want to have it again, either.

I'm sorry you aren't getting enough pain relief with the Gabapentin. What has the doctor said about that?

Just_Lin said...

Seaside It's good to see you popping in. You are one busy lady. I hope you are feeling better.

I don't know how the waves have been for surfing, but the weather has been beautiful so there's lots of people at the beach. I only live a mile away but I never go to the beach. I did take my kids when they were little. I appreciate the beauty of it and like to listen to the waves but I really don't like being on the sand or in the ocean. When I lived in southern California, I would go the ocean and did some body surfing. That ended when I was at the beach with friends and we were in the ocean and all of a sudden a huge wave appeared out of nowhere and slammed us hard. It took forever to get out from under the water, being violently tossed around. It was very scary and I never went into the ocean again.

Dianne/Denver said...

Hi….yesterday we had a celebration of life for my brother. We had quite the turnout…About 80 people. Lots of family and friends from when we were kids. So fun to see them after so many years. Some of my friends that knew Bruce were there too. Very hot out but some were outside and some (we older folks) inside. I go early to these so we get good parking and a decent place to sit. It was.very nice. Our temps are in the high 90’s and a couple of 100 days. Just too hot for me. I had a GYN appt this am that Louis took me to and then another appt virtual at 3. Tonight Louis went to a Hoa bbq and monthly meeting. It’s just too hard for me.
JL, I hope your blood work comes out better this week. So much going on, right? So when was your hair appt? Are you missing the little dog? I’ll bet you enjoyed having it. Louis just came home and brought me a brat for dinner. He had to take a salad so we got macaroni at store today. He’s lost 33 pounds and is back to walking the mall. He’s very determined on this weight loss. I’m very proud of him. He carries his weight in his where else. I carry it from my toes to my head!

Mary, are your eyes still doing good? Your calendar sounds like mine…full of drs and dental appts. It’s interrupting my lunches! I’ll bet you’re really excited for Vegas. It will be so nice to get away. We leave july 8 for four days to hot Kansas to see the Texas tenors. I’m a little Nervous about it with trying to get packed, etc wheni can hardly stand or breathe.

Barb, did you hear back from your dr? Hope the new med helps you. This back pain is very unbearable. Is that where yours is or all over? Mine goes into my butt cheeks. I plan to go to pain dr when I can fit it in. I feel kind of sorry for Chris on bachelor. Looks like lots of complaints about the hots on DWTS.

Seaside, nice to see you on the nest the other day missed you. Yes, laying on my back was murder. I was a pain to the nurse but he was so nice. Been able to surf lately or too painful? Take care of yourself.

sacBarb said...

Dianne, what are they going to do about your breathing problem? Has the doctor decided what is causing it? Did anything show up on the angiogram?
So nice that you had a good turnout at Bruces celebration of life. It’s nice to connect with old friends and relatives you haven’t seen for a while, even though the circumstance was a sad one.
Are you sure you are well enough to travel to see the Tenors? I worry about you traveling.

JL, I miss Chris, too. The girls are just silly. David Spade hosting Paradise? I can’t imagine how that will go!
My last labs were not good, either and I had to get an ultrasound. She said I have a cyst on my kidney, but it was nothing to be concerned about.
I have reduced the Gabapentin dose for two weeks, per doctor’s orders and the dizziness has gone away. I have not noticed any reduction in my pain level, but I am sleeping better. I’ll see what happens when I increase dosage again.

Mary, I’m glad your vision has improved after your cataract surgery. I haven’t noticed that my vision is any better after mine! I used to read a lot, but my eyesight gets blurry after reading a short time now, so I don’t read that much anymore. I’m thinking of going to the audio books.
Poor Zoie having to get extractions. That’s so hard on our pets. Sharon’s little Beagle had to have all her teeth extracted and Sharon is feeding her very soft wet dog food. I feel so sorry for her.

Seaside, I hope all is well in your world.

Mary/MI said...

Barb, I guess Doxies are known to lose many of their teeth. I was sort of expecting it. My biggest concern as a fur Mama, is having her under anesthesia. Seems scary. I may survive lol! I have not tried the audio books yet. Let me know if you like it.

Dianne, I bet you are getting excited about seeing the TT again. It's been a long time eh? Wishing you safe & healthy travels.

JustLin, Those big waves scare me too. We have had many drownings and close calls due to undertows on Lake Michigan. A few have even been swept off of the piers! People just don't respect the warning flags!
Seaside. Hope all is well with you, the Munchkin and Gidget.
We leave for Vegas this Sunday. I will be in your time zone for a while :)

Matthew is house sitting and Zoie sitting. I usually don't mention we are on vaca on social media until we are on our way back or if something extraordinaire happens... like a jackpot lol!
Matthew is uneasy my letting people know we are not home.
I have a lot to do, so forgive me if I don't check in for a day or two.
Love you all!!!

Dianne/Denver said...

Hi my quiet little owl friends. I can’t find any of you. Mary, well there you r winning tons of money in Vegas. Did you Find any shows to go to? Yes, I’m looking to our four days away in two weeks. I’m concerned about packing as I can’t stand for very long. Louis is going to,help me…that should be interesting. I hope you’re having a great time.

Barb, I have to admit I’m a little concerned about this trip. At least the altitude will be lower and Louis is a huge help I think this time we will have room for the walker and travel chair. Hopefully the handicap room isn’t at the end of the hall, which happens a lot. I have some hardening of the heart showed up which happens as you age. A little pulmonary hypertension. Dr put me on a water pill this week. Doesn’t thrill me but this one isn’t too bad. I see the heart nurse in two weeks which last time was useless and heart dr July 27. Im looking forward to that appt. thanks for worrying about me. Are you back on gabapentin again. It didn’t help me much either. I hope that kidney situation is ok. Do u wear readers? I’ve had to wear them since my cataract surgery.

JL, I’m going to have to come nudge you as you haven’t been on for a long time. How did you new labs turn out? What about your kidneys? So I guess you don’t go in the ocean, right. I did years ago but wouldn’t now. I don’t even have a swim suit and no desire to get one either. It was fun back then when you don’t live by one. I’d love to live close like you do….Just to go sit by it and watch it. Do you ever do that?

Went to,the mtns today to meet some friends and the darn restaurant was closed. Second time that’s happened to us. We found another place across the street so it worked out fine. It was a nice 45 min drive anyway. Louis has decided to go dove hunting this fall with my uncle. I’m not eating them so Louis is looking up recipes to do. He’s on a roll now to get a shotgun and all the hunting accessories. He’s determined and every sporting store is out of them. I watched the cmt video country awards that I recorded tonight. It was so so. I like the regular country awards shows better. I was glad I recorded it as a million commercials I fast forwarded through. Well, I’m on way to pay a visit online to JL.

Just_Lin said...

Dianne Here I am! Thanks for the nudge.

I've had kidney disfunction for years. After all the additional tests, both blood and urine, it was determined that my "kidney disfunction is stable". At least that is good to know. I should be a lot better about restricting salt and other foods that are hard for kidneys to process than I am. The gout is still lingering in my stupid big toe. It's just mildly uncomfortable at times. Lab tests showed that the uric acid level is still elevated and an x-ray of my foot shows there is still soft tissue swelling around the joint and there is no fracture or anything else wrong with it. The doctor started me on two new medications to treat it and prevent future gout. One of the meds has some very concerning side effects so I had a good talk with my doctor about that. When that med gets the uric acid levels down to normal for 3 months, I'll be able to stop that med. The other med will prevent future gout and requires that I drink 64oz of water a day. I just started these meds yesterday and haven't had any side effects but it is a little hard for me to force down all this water. Oh, well. I need to do it. On 7/3 I have to have a very full bladder for an ultrasound of bladder and kidneys so drinking all this water will help with that, anyway.

Like you, I don't even own a bathing suit and haven't for many, many years. Frankly, I wouldn't be caught dead in one at this point. Way too fat and too pale. I used to walk my dog along a path by the beach and it was a lovely walk. I get sciatica when I walk continuously for even a block, so I have to stop pretty frequently to get relief. My dog always was happy to stop and smell something so that worked out well. Without a dog to walk, I would look strange making all the stops for no apparent reason. I guess I could pretend to look at my phone. LOL

Are handicap rooms really at end of the hall? Is that so they are close to fire escape?

Just_Lin said...

Mary Sending you good juju for a big win in Vegas. Be sure to use plenty of hand sanitizer when gambling. I hope you have a pleasant flight with no crabby, wacko people causing fights on the plane.

I don't think Matthew has to be concerned about you sharing your travel plans with us on this blog. Not likely that any of us mature women would choose to fly across the country to check out your house while you are gone. Talk about the Over the Hill gang! LOL He does have a point about not putting it on FB or whatever, though. You just never know, I guess.

Until I was pet sitting for little Mikie, I didn't really realize how skinny a dachshund's snout is until I watched Mikie yawn and saw that long, skinny tongue.

Just_Lin said...

Barb I guess you and I have already discussed our kidney issues. I guess this means we are officially old when we are discussing our aches and pains and latest blood test results. LOL Has the Gabapentin been giving you any relief now that you have been on it longer?

How has your weather been? my phone widget says it's 59 in Pacifica today but my outdoor window thermometer says it is 69. My son is in Merced and he texted me the other day that it was 108 there. I'm so glad I don't live there. I can't even imagine the kind of heat Kathy is in day after day. The hottest weather I was ever in was 120 but that was only for one day and I was only 20 years old.

A couple of nights ago, a friend and I went to Outback for dinner. It was nice to feel comfortable enough not to wear a mask. I wasn't all that busy and no one was sitting near us. We both had the ribs which were very tasty. I'm meeting another friend tonight for dinner and a local place which is primarily Chinee but has American food cho8ices to. It's basically a neighb9orhood place where we feel comfortable to eat and chat for a while. I feel fine without a mask there, too, but I still wore one when I went to Safeway the other day. I guess because most other people still wore theirs, too.

Just_Lin said...

Seaside Yoo hoo! Where are you? I don't know how the surfing is these days, but we've had a lot of whales and dolphins out in the waters off of Pacifica lately.

sacBarb said...

JL, The Bachelorette ended with a twist we haven’t seen before. I’m glad she did it that way and called Thomas out in front of all the guys. I was hoping, however, that she would send Blake home! We’ll see how that’s received by the other guys next week.
The only side effect I have seen from the Gabapentin is the dizzyness. The doctor told me to reduce from three caps to two caps for two weeks to get my body used to it. I didn’t see much reduction in my pain level, but maybe when I increase the level, hopefully it will help with the pain. The doctor said it takes time to be effective. Patience has never been one of my virtues.

Dianne, I don’t wear readers, but my regular glasses are bifocals. I can usually read OK with them, but if I read for too long, my eyes get teary and blurry, so I quit at that point. What water med are you taking? How long were you on Gabapentin and at what dose were you finally at? When I first increased to 300mg twice a day, I got very dizzy and jittery and my balance wasn’t good. So the doc had me reduce like I said above to JL. I am just at the two week mark and will increase to 300mg at night on Thursday. After 5 days, I’ll increase the morning dose to 300 also. Hopefully, I won’t get dizzy again.

Mary, Did you win big in LV? Did you get to see any shows? How was the weather?
My two Jennifer friends and I started our Christmas cards this weekend at my house. We are meeting again next weekend. We will probably have to have one more session after that. We will have 180 cards to divide among us when we are done. I’m so glad we are getting them done early. It saves us a lot of stress. Jenn B. Is moving to Fresno in August, but she will be coming back to Sac frequently, so we’ll still see her a lot.

Seaside, I hope all is well with you and baby Gidget. Check in when you can.

Mary/MI said...

Hi gals!
I was so saddened to hear of Barbara's Mother passing! I hope she isn't too hard on herself. She did her best to get her to come home with her. We Moms can be stubborn
I feel so bad for her.

SacBarb, No big wins, just a few small ones. Vegas just isn't the same anymore. It used to be fun hearing the coins drop and the jack-pot lights & sounds go off.
180 cards done, wow! I hope I'm on your Christmas card list again :) Love your cards!

Mary/MI said...

JustLin, The shows in Vegas don't begin for a few more weeks. I miss seeing them.
I did do a lot of hand sanitizing in Vegas. They had stations everywhere. Some still wearing masks. I kept mine close on hand & used in small spaces like the elevators. If someone close to my slot machine looked sickish or coughing, I would slip it on.
LOL,@ long nosed Doxies. Long nosed and stubborn! I
I never worry about security issues except for some shady locals lol. Not in my neighborhood, but friends of certain friends.

There was a gathering of a "celebration of life" for the son of a friend while we were gone. It had been raining so umbrellas were used. Someone "borrowed" an attendants favorite umbrella. They were seen walking through town by someone who said these "borrowers" also threw trash in their yard. Dang delinquents!

Mary/MI said...

Dianne, I am so sorry about your fall! I hope your beautiful face heals soon and your finger too!
Vegas was a bit tricky. Jim would not use the airport's chair, so we made many short rest stops to the taxi stand. He got hot, a bit confused, which led to his agitation. He couldn't carry any of the bags, so I had to drag our carry on, & two bags, plus my purse the whole trip! Luckily I had help lifting and lowering our carry on! He even got wore out getting out of the cab! We only went to 3 casinos that were close by.
I did get some shopping done at the mall. Had to buy clothes that fit me better.
Bad part was the extra weight in the luggage lol!
I will NOT go again with him if he refuses the handicap chair!

Today my Chiro Dr said " What happened Mary? I almost had you back to your normal self". DUH!

sacBarb said...

Mary, we didn’t get 180 cards made yet. It takes us about three sessions to get them done. We each do a lot of prep work at home, i.e. cutting paper, etc. before getting together, then we just have to assemble. We divide the 180, and each get 60. I have purged some people from my list, but I’ll never purge my lovely Owls! ❤️
I hope Jim agrees to use the handicap chair. I know how much you love going to Vegas. One of these times you are going to hit the big jackpot! ❤️

Dianne/Denver said...

Hi….well, my face is still gross. It’s taking its time to heal of course it’s only been three days. We leave on Thursday for Kansas. We’re taking two days to get there. I just hope rest stops are open. I’m worried about that a lot. Louis has been taking me to all my dr appts this week and my hair salon. I’m too scared of curbs. I met Tammy for breakfast this am. They leave for Florida on Tuesday. Hope they aren’t there for a hurricane. They’re going for Ems bday for turning 21. Boy you are all on those Christmas cards. I haven’t even ordereD mine yet. I must be behind. I was pleased with my weight loss today. I think it’s a lot of water since taking a diuretic now. I haven’t had much appetite either. Barb, I can’t remember what I was on for the gabapentin. It didn’t help much though. I See pain n dr next week. I’m taking bumetanide for diuretic. not as bad as lasix. Mary, I feel really bad for barb gordon too. I’m sure it was quite a shock. So sad. Glad u had fun in Vegas but that’s too hard on you carrying bags like that anyway. Why won’t Jim use the chair? It’s so much easier for sure. I have no issue using a travel chair. I agree I wouldn’t go either. I’m actually looking a light weight walker that I can put in car by myself. I have a nice one with a seat but too heavy for me. JL what r u doing this weekend? Any plans? How about you seaside? Surfing? Well, time for bed

Just_Lin said...

Dianne You're face is never gross even if it's banged up a bit.

I guess you leave on your trip tomorrow so I suppose you are all packed and ready to go. I hope you have an easy travel experience and that all the rest stops you go to are open.

I actually had a of fun on July 4th and that is the first time in years. Now that I don't have a terrified dog, I was able to join the festivities. My street is kind of a half circle that comes off of Rosita Rd. and then curves back down to Rosita Rd. so for the first time we got a permit to close off the street at each end from 3:00 to 8:00. We had a great street party. There was a bouncy house for the little kids, games for big kids and adults, and music. Everybody had their barbeque grills out in front of their houses. People pretty much did their own thing for food but we had a communal dessert table that everyone contributed to. Oh, and one neighbor had a soft serve ice cream machine. I hung out with the young family across the street and their friends and was included in partake in their food and drink. Jason made me a couple of Bloody Marys. Two cops walked through at about 3:00 and passed out stickers to the little kids. Of course when it got dark, the fireworks began, including the spectacular but illegal ones. Apparently, my homemade patriotic cookies were a hit because they were all gone at the end of the night. I was so tired the next day and I don't really know why. All I did was eat and drink on the 4th. I did do a lot more "peopleing" than I'm used to.

Just_Lin said...

Barb I had my ultrasound of my bladder and kidneys on Saturday. That was a great day to go to Kaiser as radiology and the eye departments are the only ones open so parking was a snap. I did receive a copy of the report but haven't gotten my doctor's take on it but I am quietly having an internal stress out. There is something on my right kidney and I don't know yet how worried I need to be.

I'm not a very happy camper this morning. I was awoken by hammering on a roof across the street. They are having a new roof put on but do they really need to work on it at 7:40 a.m.? I don't think so and I think they're supposed to be making construction noises so early. Oh, well. I'm up now.

Just_Lin said...

Mary Well, at least you got some small wins. I've always been satisfied to just have my money last long enough to provide me with good entertainment. It used to be fun hearing the coins drop in the old days. Kind of cumbersome to carry around a heavy bucket of coins, though. It did make one feel like they had more money than they really did, though. Sometime it's good to just look like a "winner". LOL

I'm sorry Jim didn't put his pride aside and use the damn travel chair. That is way too much stuff for you to have to lug around. You need to give him an ultimatum about it next time.

Just_Lin said...

Seaside How did you and little Gidget fare during the 4th? My daughter took her dogs on a road trip out into nature, by lakes and such. I saw on the Next Door app that someone here checked into a hotel at the airport for the night as all their rooms are soundproof. I thought that was a great idea. If my dog were still here, I would planned on doing that next July 4th. It wasn't cheap but it would have been worth it.

Dianne/Denver said...

Hi….JL, yes I’m all packed and ready to go. Didn’t really need too much just all my darn meds. We can fit walker and travel chair in this time so that will be easier. We usually don’t have enough room. Louis helped me a little bit putting things in the suitcase. I know it’s going to be hot and humid. Yuck. I went to pain dr yesterday and we are going to try a back shot again for my leg pain. I so hope it works this time! I simply cannot lay flat on the bed at all. My face is beginning to look better. Still a few bruises and big one on wrist, fingers and shoulder but nothing hurts. JL, it sounds like a very fun 4th. I think a block party would be fun. We had one recently but we weren’t able to attend. I’m surprised they did those tests on a sat. They shouldn’t give it to you without an explanation. Hope you hear soon. Let us know, please.

Seaside, yes, how did you two do on the 4th? Isn’t your board election this month?

Hi barb and Mary. How are you both doing? Is hot at your places? We’re going to 95 tmrw. Kansas will be 97…with humidity. I’ll hurry to the car after Louis starts it and then to the hotel. Hopefully the theater is cool.

Just_Lin said...

Dianne I actually like that I get reports quickly. I have an "indeterminate" lesion on right kidney. I heard from my doctor today and she is having radiology department call me to set up an MRI for further examination.

I'm glad you were able to get both your walker and your travel chair packed up this time. Safe travels and have fun.

Dianne/Denver said...

Good. I’m glad they r further checking you out. Hope and pray all be be alright. We r in hays, ks, for the night. We lost an hour so we went to eat at 5 right when we got here. Now we’re settled in our room. It’s very hot here.

sacBarb said...

JL, Did you feel any of the earthquakes today? We did here and Judy posted on Facebook about it right away. I have a friend in Reno who felt one, too. The last count I heard on the news was 20-something. It was kind of scary, how many were happening, one right after the other!

The block party sounds like it was fun. When we first moved into our house a lot of young families lived in the neighborhood and a lot of us got together and made a day of it, like you did. The kids loved it and it always ended with fireworks. We all had them and the display lasted a long time.

When I had the ultrasound on my kidneys, there was something on my right kidney that required further testing. My pacemaker isn’t compatible with a MRI, so they had to do another procedure where they shot dye in my back with a big ugly needle. That was not fun. But, it showed that I have a cyst on that kidney and the doctor said it was nothing to worry about.

Dianne, I’m glad your bruises are healing. DO NOT hurry to and from the car. You can fall, easily. I’m glad you were able to get the travel chair and the walker into the car. You can get around more safely.

It’s hard to believe Em is 21. Time really passes quickly!

It’s been hot here. We are expecting 115° here this weekend. Thank goodness for ac! We are using it a lot, plus ceiling fans to move the air.

Mary, It’s a shame Jim won’t use the airport chair assistance. I use it in airports all the time. The attendant will also take care of your luggage. They put it on and get it off the carousel and will roll it with the chair everywhere you need to go in the airport. I always give them a generous tip. It’s worth it to me. I put the tip money in my pocket before I get to the airport so I don’t have to fumble through my purse. I hope you can convince Jim to use the chair next time.

Seaside, Did you feel the earthquake? I hope all is well with you, Gidget, and Munchkin.

Dianne/Denver said...

Hi…in Hutchinson, ks, tonight for two nights. It’s 102 here too dang hot for me. I’m getting a lot of use out of my walker. We will use the chair at show tmrw night. I called the lady there and she already has cones in the street for me to park. It was so nice of her. We went by to see where venue was and there were the cones. Nice when someone follows through. Temp May to go to 84 tmrw. We just ate at ihop tonight and the early bird special was going. We got our dinner and drinks for a total of $12.50! Quite a deal. I think our gps kind of took us out the wrong way this am but we found it. We will leave a different way.

Barb, scary that you had earthquakes. That would scare me. I’m sure glad you have ac. Death Valley forecast is 135. Why would anyone go or live there? I’d rather have our yucky snow. I tip good at airports too and after the trip to hawaii Louis and I both need them. I was so grateful though and they took us all the way to the car. I never hurry when I’m walking. I’m so careful and on this trip I look for ramps or hold on to Louis up a curb. I’ll never do a curb alone again. I’m scared even holding Louis.

Hello to Mary, JL, and seaside

Dianne/Denver said...

Hello….we have arrived home. I woke up at 6 and quietly and secretly woke Louis up. We had a couple of errands to do and then we went back an hour in colorado. We had to go to post office and get mail we had held and we went to our furniture store to try out lift recliners for me. We had to pay a little more than we were planning but I wanted it in leather to match our other recliner so not much of a choice. Medical stores charge over $2000 for them. We paid $900 inc. delivery fee. It has a heated seat which I’ll never use and a massage feature that I will use. I feel like my mom or like I should be in a darn nursing home but I really struggle getting up from chair without Louis and he’s not always home. I’m doing what I have to do to stay independent I guess. I found myself using the walker a lot on this trip. The only time I used travel chair was at the concert. My chair wIll be delivered at the end of the month I hope! I get back shots on the 23rd. Hopefully they will help this pain in my hips and legs. I finally found a drink I like at Starbucks. My friends grandchild that’s ten told me about it. It’s called dragonfruit with lemonade. It’s very refreshing and no coffee! Now the unpacking starts and laundry..yuck. I don’t know why i threw that in about Starbucks …just in case it sounded good to any of you. We had a great trip. So nice to just plain get away. The concert was terrific. We get to see them twice in sept in Branson. I hadn’t seen them for over two years…too long. Luckily Louis really likes them too.
Mary, are you resting and enjoying you patio? It looks so nice. I’m glad Matthew helped you. Well anxious to hear from all of you off to start unpacking…that takes me awhile too

Mary/MI said...

`Hi all! I see I have missed a lot!
Diane, you have left on your trip. Looks like you have everything well organized.
Did you save enough tip money for Louis? LOL!

JustLin, I told Jim I would not go back to Vegas if he didn't promise to use the chair! Good luck on the MRI. I am glad you are under good care.
I sure hope your neighbors don't take their time doing the roof! A gal needs her sleep!

Barb, As I told JL, The chair is a must on our next trip! I think he thought he had to pay for it. No problem spending $$ on gambling, but heaven forbid they charge a few dollars (plus tip) for a chair! Men!
I h ope your "shake rattle & roll" is over for a while! Do you ever wonder if the next will be the "big one?"

Seaside or seasude lol, Good hearing from you. I too have been busy. If it hadn't rained today I would be out doing some touch up painting. I would rather work outside then inside.

Mary/MI said...

I was wondering, you gals that have had cataract surgery. Did you have floaters and brownish film float by? I am wondering if it is a permanent thing or something that will eventually go away? I will be seeing my specialist on the 27th and will ask her. I do remember her saying floaters come with aging, but I am 73 and have rarely had them until now. Usually if I was tired or stressed from driving. I am not sure I like the trade off ...Brighter vision with floaters, or cataracts with no floaters! *sigh*.

Mary/MI said...

I got a good report from my eye Dr. Pressure is good and she gave me a new glasses prescription.
I stopped at the Eye-mart express and had my 2 for one glasses. My ins. doesn't cover them. I would have to wait until Sept when the new glass contract kicks in. I told her no can do. I needed them now. I asked if there was a special going on and she told me about buy one get one free deal, so that is what I did. It was a little over $100, better than waiting! Of course my choices were limited, but I didn't care. I think I did ok. They were done in 30 min. Driving is so much better! I was having to remove my other glasses to see better! I love my new prescription!

Mary/MI said...

Just sitting here on my branch twiddling my owl claws .

Dianne/Denver said...

Hi…I’m on the branch with u Mary….scoot over please or I’ll fall off! I didn’t have any floaters after my surgeries. What did ur dr say about it? That’s a good price for two pair of glasses. We get ours at Costco but not immediately but much less than the eye dr charges. Glad you can see now! The airport does not charge for the chair just your tip and it’s well worth it…for sure! I met my daughter for lunch today. We had a two hour lunch. We had a lot to catch up on. They just got back from a family vacation in Florida for Ems bday and then our short vacation. That’s a long lunch when she’s working. I forgot to tip Louis. I say thank you a million times a day. And give give him kisses! He seems ok with it! It was just a lot of fun. I have to get this walking under control. I don’t feel steady and I’m constantly scared. Did I already tell u all about my new chair I ordered? And walker too?

I came home and worked on some things in my office and my legs don’t hurt in there. Louis wasn’t home so I didn’t want to sit in recliner as I can’t get up from it. Mary, so you still have painting to do?

Barb and JL, don't the earthquakes scare you? They would scare me. JL, are they still working on the roof? Have you planned a trip yet? Can u go visit your daughter or brother? I found just getting away for five days was nice. Not too pretty through Kansas much. So what’s new with you all? I’m thinking of quitting ww. There are no locations for meetings much any more. Mine closed down. I could go to the one by me but my friends go to an 8:30 am on the other side of town. I can do online which I might do. I had a month off with all this health issue. I lost weight on vacation. I haven’t been eating much, which is good. We skipped lunches on our trip and ate dinner early.

Seaside…what’s going on with the board vote? How’s r you doing? I’m all unpacked and that’s good for me. It was fun not to have a dr appt today. I do tmrw though! Dang it. Well, I’m signing off for now. Night my owl friends

Just_Lin said...

Barb Nope, I didn't feel any of the earthquakes. No one else mentioned it around here that I know of so maybe it just didn't reach this far.

I have an appointment set for August 4 for the MRI. I'm feeling kind of anxious about the procedure just because I don't normally lie on my back as it is uncomfortable for me and I'm really not going to like being in that machine for a long time. I hope I'm able to be in an open MRI machine since they will just be looking at the area with my kidney and not my whole circulatory system. In other medical news: My uric acid levels causing the gout is much better but not all the way where they need to be so the doctor now has me taking the Allopurinol twice a day. They also rechecked my kidney values and they are a lot better than they were a month ago. Maybe it's all this water I'm having to drink now.

We haven't heard about your neighbors in a long time. Do you still have the weird people next door? Speaking of neighbors, I came out front the other day and the little 2 1/2 year old boy across the street yelled to me, "Linda! Do you have any cookies?" LOL

Just_Lin said...

Dianne I'm glad you had fun on your trip. No, I don't have any trips planned for now. As of today, it looks like we are back to having mask wearing recommended for indoors. The Delta variant of the virus is on the rise and that is concerning. Be very careful when you go to Branson as that seems to be a hotspot for the virus.

Did your new chair get delivered, yet? Are there any leg exercises you could do to strengthen your leg muscles?

I should quit WW, too. They automatically charge my credit card every month for the online program and I haven't even participated in a couple of years. Talk about throwing money away! Last time I checked, I couldn't even download the newest program on my Android. I could still participate through my pc if I would just get enthused about doing it again. Meanwhile, I'm wasting money.

Offhand, I can't remember the last time there was an earthquake big enough for me to actually feel it.

Just_Lin said...

Mary Well, your front porch looks lovely. I am glad Matthew did some of the work and you weren't doing all that by yourself. You are such a hard worker, you put me to shame.

Jim needs to put his pride in his back pocket. I remember when I was at Barb's and we were getting ready to go to the airport to fly to Palm Springs and I lifted my suitcase awkwardly and threw out my back. OMG! I could barely lift my feet to walk without shuffling. When we got to the airport, I was happy to be wheeled in a wheelchair. It was a lifesaver.

I need to get new glasses, too, but it seems I just keep putting it off. I am a procrastinator, at heart, especially during this pandemic.

The little group of co-workers and I that used to meet for breakfast periodically, haven't been able to do that since March 2020. We are finally planning on getting together in a couple of weeks. It consists of me, two veterinarians, the bookkeeper, and the office administrator. One of the veterinarians has become a grandma during the this time so it will be fun to see baby pics. I remember when I first worked with her, she was expecting her own baby.

Just_Lin said...

Seaside Tomorrow is the 21st Kahuna Kapuna Surf Contest at Linda Mar Beach, here in Pacifica. I hope they get some decent waves. I'll be steering clear of Highway 1 as I bet it's going to be packed.


Hi ya all..........FINALLY 😁

92!!!! comments!?!? I'll never get caught up.

Dianne I'm so happy that you and Louis got your concert and had such a good time. I would love to see them but never have. I think it's great you got a recliner that slowly lifts. I got one years ago for my dad and then my mom too. They loved it, so much easier AND safer. Enjoy them, you deserve it. I hope your beautiful face is all healed now. That was terrible for you. Please take things easy and be safe.

Barb I was sitting at my computer when the room started to sway side to side and everything was moving. When I heard where it was centered I thought of you and was sure you must have felt it way more than I did. I am HORRIBLE when it comes to earthquakes. I was born in the bay area and lived here my whole life------NO you do not get used to them, as my grandmother and mom used to say. It scares me so bad. I remember it last it happened yesterday when the Loma Prieta hit. Sitting on the couch watching the dumb A's game and then seeing a part of the Bay Bridge collapse and all those sections of freeways totally collapse in Oakland. I didn't think my house was ever going to stop shaking. One of my windows broke, the front door split in half and several sections of cement on my patio cracked. I felt so bad for those families that lost loved ones in SF, that's the worst part. I'm also thinking of you with this dang heat! Lordy I don't like it at all. We had 110-112 a few days in a row and thought I would just pass out. So thankful for air conditioning.

JL I am so sorry to hear you're having problems with your kidney. Have you found any more out about it and what you need to do? I hope it all works out well. 4th of July was the pits, as usual LOL! It actually wasn't as bad as previous years, they are really enforcing the illegal issue and going after people aa lot more. But they'd go off at least a couple every dang night for a long time and I AND Gidget were not happy about it. It sounds like your street party was a lot of fun.

Well yes......The pitiful election FINALLY happened. I only hope for one thing. That the new board will find a new-better Management company and stop letting management run things. They're only supposed to be at our meetings for guidance when needed or to answer questions when asked. NOT to set the agenda and most importantly not to run the meetings. If I had money I would have bet I would not get reelected. But yeah, I did. In no way did I want to be president again, I plan to mostly sit back and let new people try to handle some of the issues we need addressed. I think they will....but not until the 'honeymoon phase' is over. It's typical, most of these new guys have a huge chip on their shoulder and are worried only about their specific problem. I hope and think they'll learn and realize the board needs to compromise and come to conclusions that benefit the most people. I have been soooooo happy the last couple days just sitting back and not worried or thinking if there's something I need to be doing. Loving it 🤗
Now I have even more time to scrub the cement on my patio, rearrange things out there and rearrange furniture in my house! YAY!
Please take care and know I'm thinking of ya all....sending hugs and prayers for nothing but good health. Love ya all 😘🐶😼🐰🐕‍🦺🐈🦌🐿🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉

sacBarb said...

Dianne, How nice that you got to see your Tenors. I’m glad the trip went well for you. You will love that lift chair. When Chad had his heart surgery, a friend gave him on that had belonged to her Mom. Her Mom passed away and she was going to get rid of it, so she and some friends brought it to Chad’s. It was helpful during his recovery. I even used it a couple of times when I was there. Do you have a lift chair for your stairs? My sister has one because her bedroom is upstairs. It has helped her a lot. I’m glad she got it, because I worried about her going up and down several times a day. Chad and I went to Ihop the other day and I used his arm when I went up on the curb. I use my cane to steady me, too. I am feeling a bit off balance since I’ve been taking the Gabapentin. It hasn’t really helped my pain that much, so I don’t think I will continue it much longer. I can’t take the max dose allowed because of my kidneys, so I’m taking 300mg in the am and pm.
That Starbucks drink sounds good. I think I’ll try it. Chad goes there a lot.

Mary, I am not really afraid of earthquakes. They don’t occur that often. It’s not like a bad storm or tornadoes that happen every year! I worry more about the river levee giving out and flooding our neighborhood. The houses across the street from me back up to the levee. We haven’t had much rain in the past 10-15 years so it hasn’t been an issue, but in 1985 we had so much rain that when my Hubby and the kids took a walk on the levee, they could sit and dangle their feet in the water. We actually had to evacuate. We went to my Mom’s house for three days - me, my hubby, two kids and the dog. Oh, and we had to take both vehicles so we could get to work. The kids could walk to school from my Mom’s house. It was scary!
I haven’t had any floaters since My cataract surgery.

JL, we only felt one of the earthquakes. Judy posted that she felt it at her house.
If you’re drinking the suggested water amount, that probably did help your kidney values. I try to be consistent about that. I have a 32oz. Cup that I use and I drink at least two of those filled with water every day. The MRI doesn’t take that long. I had one before my back surgery. The worst part for me was the noise! Now that I have this pacemaker, I can’t have an MRI because it’s not compatible with my pacemaker. I wish they had given me on that is compatible, because I really hated the procedure they do in lieu of an MRI. They use a BIG needle and shoot die in the area, then take xrays. The MRI was much easier.

We still have the same neighbors next door. Chad is kinda friendly with the main guy hoping he won’t let any of the rest of the gang bother us or our property! Anyway, he told Chad in April the owner is going to list the house for sale in the Summer. Well, Summer is half over and so he hasn’t listed it.
That little boy across the street knows where to get cookies! LOL

Did you see Rob’s post saying he has COVID, even though he’s been vaccinated? I feel so badly for him. He went to Vegas and didn’t wear a mask. I have worn a mask when I went out even though I am vaccinated. I may do it forever now that these varients have popped up! You never know who isn’t vaccinated among the people you are near!


Hey ya all......

I'm just over here sooooooo enjoying not worrying if someone needs something or if I need to tell/ask management something. It's super cool!!! 🤗

Barb I did know that Whab got covid. I talk to him once in a while and felt so so bad when I found out. He says he's doing much better and said the worst part was he couldn't taste anything LOL! But he and Jim were quarantined to the house. Like they should complain....they go from the pool to the hot tub. Silly bears lol

Just thought I'd jump in to see how everyone is doing and hope all is well. We're keeping busy over here.....except Gidget who's asleep in front of me at the computer.

Know I'm thinking of you and send super lots of hugs 😎🐶😼

Dianne/Denver said...

Hi seaside. Good to hear from you. I’m just sitting in uncomfortable recliner chair. I’ll be really glad when lift chair arrives. I go tmrw afternoon for my back shots. I just pray they help my legs and butt pain. Glad you’re relaxing. No surfing lately? We went to a friends husbands 80th bday party sat night. They live in Sterling which is about 2-3/4 hours away. It was a very nice bbq and gathering. Met lots of new friends. I had to take my walker to be sure I had a good seat and sturdy seat. I hate having to do that but it was safer for me. We went at 2:30 and left for home at 6:15 so we’d get home in the daylight. try that drink and let me know what you think. I’m glad you used Chad’s arm for the curb. No point in taking chances. Let me be a lesson for you. I think my granddaughters have finally agreed to get covid shots. Finally! Kayla is sick again and gets testeD for covid tmrw. I think it has finally scared her. I’ll feel so relieved. No, I don’t have that stair lift. I seldom go downstairs. If it gets too hard we might look into it for Louis. A lady mused to visit with had one and then she used it when she was alone and it got stuck! Scary for rob to have covid when he’s vaccinated! I talked to Branson about our show tickets in sept and he said to bring a mask as you never know. We always have one with us.

JL, did you have your mri yet? How r u feeling? Glad your kidneys are better. Louis and I are
not good with drinking water. He’s trying to do it more often. He’s still walking the mall five days a week. He’s lost 45 pounds now. He’s really doing good and not snacking at all. He’s motivated for hunting season. He hasn’t gone for 40 years. Will be interesting. He’s determined and for our sept vacation too.

Mary, what chores are you doing now? I know you’re not just sitting twiddling your thumbs! I hope you’re getting some rest. It’s pretty darn hot here. We’re having some fires, mudslides, and floods. Scary. Mostly in the mountains. We’re meeting Bev for lunch in Kentucky on oct 1st. Do you think you’ll be there for it? We’re counting on it. We r treating too. My middle grandson is turning 19 today and soon will be off to college.

Well, that’s about it. Let’s see who joins in before my nagging nudge.


Hi ya all.....

Just jumpin in to tell ya I got my new phone set----FINALLY! AND I have my old original phone number....9252227738. It's the one ya all have in the group text. So send me a text when you can so I can find out it will work.

Hope everyone is doing good...HUGS 😎🐶🐱🧡

Mary/MI said...

I am here! Somehow my days keep flying by! I worked in the garden today, weeding and watering. The weather has been so hot that many of my flowers have wilted.
I have my last post op check up tomorrow. Floaters are still there, but not as bad.
Wednesday I see my chiropractor. He will not be happy lol! I got a new kink in my neck from hoe- ing around and lifting too much. I did some bush trimming ( not there) and got some sore muscles. Hopefully he will get me loosened up!
We have a big wedding to go to this Saturday. I bought my dress in Vegas. Not sure what shoes to wear. I will look tomorrow after my appointment.
I have been watching the Olympics on my kitchen tv while running in and out lol!
I will post more tomorrow night. Not easy on my phone while in bed.
Love you all!

sacBarb said...

Dianne, I am so glad your granddaughters have decided to get the vaccine. It’s important, not only for them, but if they’re gonna be around you and Louis, too. You both have a lot of health issues and shouldn’t take chances. We just saw that Rob wasn’t careful when he went to Vegas and he got COVID. Even though vaccinated folks get a milder case, you still don’t want to risk it.

The chair lift is a good thing if Louis uses the stairs often. I think you’d be surprised at how beneficial it is. My sister’s has never gotten stuck, but if it did, all she would have to do is get off and walk. Walking the stairs is difficult for her, but it’s not like she would have to wait until someone came over to rescue her! 😹

Seaside, Yayyy for finally getting your new phone and keeping your old number.
I was watching the Women’s Surfing competition on the Olympics and thought of you. It was exciting to see the woman from Hawaii take the gold!

Mary, The days have been flying by here, too. The Jennifers and I started our Christmas cards, and I’ve been working on my homework! We each took a piece to finish, then when we get together again, we’ll assemble them. I’ve been watching a lot of Olympics while doing the cards.
You have to be careful about too much hoe-ing around! It could lead to other things …
Will you be wearing a mask to the wedding? Do you know if the attendees have been vaccinated? Like Dianne, you and Jim need to be cautious, too.

JL, Last night’s Bachelorette show was pretty interesting, I thought. The guys had a lot to say and Michael may have a new girlfriend. Although, he may be pegged to be the next Bachelor. I’m hoping it’s Andrew, that will be the next Bachelor.

Back to watching the Olympics. 😸

Mary/MI said...


Mary/MI said...

My Post op eye Dr said I was good to go! I don't have to see her again. I told her I was going to miss "seeing her" lol! I really liked her.
I did call ahead to make sure there would be no dilating. yup, They did! At least it was only one eye! I had a lot of running around to do and didn't want to do it blind!

Sac Barb, That was interesting about the levee. I'm not sure I would have been sitting on it lol!
I have no clue about the wedding as far as masks are concerned. Good question. I will investigate :) I do know the people who will be at our table and all have been vaccinated.I will bring along a mask anyway.

Justlin, That mri is getting close. I am not fond of them either. I am ok as long as I don't move or open my eyes. I always ask for a cloth over my face lol! Seems like your nose always itches about half way through!
A good friend of Jim's who drives him to the Casino every week, told Jim he had been having blood in his urine and had not been feeling well. He got a full exam/testing, and they found a mass on one of his kidneys. Dr asked him what he was doing when he noticed the bleeding. He said he was helping his brother lifting something. Dr said good thing that happened or you probably would not have had this check-up! Any way he does have to have they kidney removed, but it had not spread or had any cancer. Dr said he removes them a lot and not to worry . Eh? LOL easy for him.
Needles to say I am glad you are getting checked up! I am sure you will be fine.
Will someone be able to be inside with you?

Dianne, I had forgotten about the Oct. trip. I will check into it. I forget what town and hotel you will be at.
By "lift chair" do you mean the kind that boosts you out of your chair, or the kind that slides you up the stairs? I'm confused lol!

Seaside, How is our sweet surfer gurl? I too thought about you when I saw the Olympic surfers. Happy you have your phone all taken care of. Good to see your name back in the texting :) Hugs to you and Gidget!

I have been watching PBS while typing. Good program on Buddy Guy and Chuck Berry.

Just_Lin said...

Dianne Here I am! I meant to stop into the nest sooner but it seems the days have gotten away from me. I don't know why. It's not like I have a busy schedule.

Today I did go with Jane to meet our friend Diane for lunch in Palo Alto which is about 40 minutes away. Jane and Diane used to work together so they have been friends for many years. I am a newer member to the friendship. It was a really nice restaurant and the meals were really good but the best part was their butterscotch creme brulee. OMG! We shared it and it we couldn't get over how delicious it was. It was free because the waitress kept telling us that if it was someone's birthday they could get a free dessert. She was trying very hard to give us that hint and we were like, "No, it's no one's birthday". She almost had to kick us under the table before we 'GOT IT". LOL We finally agreed it was a birthday. We continued to visit with other for quite a while until I finally said, "If we sit here any longer, we might have to have another birthday".

My friend, Kathy, got a lift chair for her stairs not that long ago and loves it. She doesn't have a lifting recliner, though. She's had several back surgeries and uses a walker to walk. She loves to cook and has a large stool she sits on while cooking. I'm going to her house tomorrow night for dinner. I'll be bringing dessert. I'm going to bring a Basque Cheesecake. The Tibetan Baker is delivering one to me tomorrow in the early afternoon. I've really been wanting to try one. You can check it out on Facebook to see what they look like. I'm sure there aren't many calories. Hahahahaha!!!!

Just_Lin said...

Mary Yes, my MRI is scheduled for Wednesday. I'm not looking forward to it. When you asked if someone could be with me, I immediately asked myself, "Inside the MRI machine?" LOL After a minute of consideration, I realized you meant accompanying me to the hospital. No, I'm not having anyone go with me and I don't know if they'd allow extra people, anyway. It won't be necessary. I'm wondering if I will have to wear a mask while I'm in the machine. I'll be keeping my eyes closed, for sure, and trying to pretend that I am NOT in a small coffin-like tube.

I don't know where you get all your energy but good for you for keeping yourself in good shape. The other day, I went to my local coffee shop and had breakfast and then, while wearing a mask, walked across the parking lot to go to the pharmacy. Walked around in there a bit to get a few things, walked across parking lot again. Then I went to the back which is in the same parking lot because I wanted to have the exact change to pay for tomorrow's delivery of cheesecake. By the time I got home, I was exhausted. Having asthma, walking while breathing through a 3-layer mask is kind of strenuous. I really should make an effort to do some kind of walking as I have really lost my endurance ever since the dog died and I'm no longer walking her or playing with her.

I'm glad your eye floater has gotten better. Does your doctor think it will go away completely in time?

Just_Lin said...

Barb I don't think Michael would want to be the next Bachelor as it seems he didn't want to be away from his little boy for so long. I hope he finds the right person for him as he seems like a really good guy.

In May, I was able to renew my Driver License online but it's not a Real ID and my passport expires next May. I really have to apply for renewal soon and I will get the passport card, too, which will do fine instead of having the Real ID license. Someday, I'm hoping to travel again. Normally, they ask people to renew passports 6 months ahead of time but now I believe they've changed that to 9 months. I need to go online and figure out exactly what I need to do and do it soon.

I've been trying to keep my eye on the Olympics. I feel bad for Simone Biles. Things were just not clicking for her and that can be very dangerous in that particular sport. I'm glad she stepped away. It was the best thing for her and for the team as a whole.

I should start addressing Christmas cards so I'm not doing it at the last minute. Kudos to you and the Jennifers on getting yours made. Do you three ever have trouble agreeing on what design you're going to choose? Do you send each other the cards you've made even though they are all the same? LOL

Just_Lin said...

Seaside I'm not sure if I should congratulate you on being Prez of the HOA again, or not. LOL

I don't know if you get HBO but there's a docuseries on there about big wave surfer, Garret McNamara, and his search for a100 foot wave. It airs on Sunday nights and there's been to episodes, so far. During the last episode, he caught a 78 foot wave at Nazare, Portugal. Crazy! I'm not a surfer but I'm finding this show fascinating. During the first show, they mentioned various surf spots, including Mavericks.

Dianne/Denver said...

Mary, you looked so nice in your dress. Will u ever where it again? Did you have fun at the wedding? Yes, lift chair is a recliner if I ever get it. They keep postponing delivery date. I’m doing pretty good getting out of regular recliner on my own. Not easy but I’m determined. Sorry about Jim’s friend. That’s scary. Glad he went to dr right away. You just never know what’s going on. It gets old after awhile! I have to go to natl Jewish next Tuesday for a six min walk. That will probably be a one min walk. I’ll never walk six mins when I can’t breathe, my back hurts and my legs. We will see what they do. I have to start a mild heart rehab Monday three times a week. Luckily I don’t have to go to their gym but van start out on my recumbent bike. Have to measure heart rate and oxygen rate. Starts out with ten min a day eventually going to thirty min a day 3-5 times a week. I think I can be dedicated to do it.

JL, I’ve never heard of that kind of cheesecake. Sounds good. Your other dessert sounded good too. Fun to be going out again,,right? So your mri is this wed? I think I’ve got it right. I’m glad they’re checking you out. Guess what?? I finally ordered my Christmas cards. They were running a special on shipping and personalize them. I should start them too but I won’t. I have started Christmas online shopping though. Pkgs coming every day which doesn’t thrill Louis. A lot of tops for me that were back ordered all summer. I have two sizes now and closet is full. I’m trying to clean the clothes off my bike for exercise on Monday! It’s been a clothes rack for a long time. Lol. Our weather was so nice today ..cloudy and in the 70’s. A little rain this afternoon. I’m on a second diuretic and not thrilled about it but heart dr put me on it and took away my potassium. Hope your mri turns out good

Barb, how are you doing? I guess it’s good Chad is sort of friends with your neighbor. Yes, I’m very glad the girls will get vaccinated.. Em is still on the fence if to do it or not. I’m hoping mom and Kayla can talk her into it before her darn dad talks her out of it. R u wearing masks there again yet? We aren’t but they r talking about it. Just recd a text from JL .she’s probably nudging me but I’m one step ahead. My cousins from tx will be here Friday thru Tuesday so we r busy making plans. We r having a big family gathering at tammyS on Sunday. Nice to get together and not have it be a funeral.

Seaside, I missed the surfing on the olympics and I really wanted to see it. I enjoy watching surfing. How’s the boar job coming along? Glad you have your phone working now. Well the for me to try and get out of this chair and get ready for bed. Night


Hi ya all......Yes I've enjoyed the surfing on the Olympics! 😎

JL Garret McNamar is crazy good!! A few years ago Andrew Cotton, another amazing surfer, surfed that same spot and broke his back. But yeah---2 years later he went back and surfed it again. I've never had urges to travel the world BUT there is amazing surf spots in other countries. I would be in heaven.

MARY!!! What did I tell you about hoe-ing around?! Girl you need to be more careful. I do hope your neck/back is feeling better. I feel your pain cause I do it too....all the time. My Munchkin gets so pissed at me. I'm glad the wedding was fun and wish I could have seen you in your pretty new Vegas dress.

Barb So cool you're getting into the whole Christmas card stuff. This is that time of year I start to panic. Even though there's time I don't even have an idea for a picture yet. I think it's really nice how you and your friends get together and be creative. Your cards are always so beautiful.

Dianne How is your heart rehab going? Sounds like a lot of work, be careful although I'm sure they keep a good eye on you. Any more trips planned? You and Louis seem to be very busy with your little outings and trips. I think it's great.

Well this was a short break to check in on the computer....emails and poop LOL I cleaned the patio and all around this morning like I do everyday but didn't get the birdbath scrubbed. I usually clean it about every 3-4 days but not anymore. Now my poor little birdies are having to share. My farty little squirrels are sitting on the sides while they eat their peanuts so it's constantly full of shells. AND my crows have gotten so that they love it too. Cutest-funniest thing is, when they find a big piece of bread they will drop it the water and let it sit for awhile. Then they come back and eat it!!! Cracks me up...and yes I know I'm the real nut here. But I love them all.
Sending ya all hugs and lots of love...from me and Gidget 😘🐶🐱💗

sacBarb said...

Dianne, yes, we are wearing masks again. I actually never stopped wearing them. I hardly go anywhere, but when I do, I wear a mask. My family is all vaccinated, but we still haven’t gotten together, yet. My two sisters-in-law will be here on Sept. 19 and will spend the night on their way from Oregon to Paso Robles, which is about 4 hours from here. Sac is halfway for them. They are going to my niece’s for a mini vaca. Since they will be in Paso Robles, some of the other relatives from that area are also going to visit, so they all decided to just make it a family reunion.
I hope your lift chair gets there soon. Two friends are waiting for furniture each of them ordered in April and the delivery date keeps getting extended. I guess the pandemic has caused a backlog in making furniture.

JL, I think you’re right about Michael. He doesn’t want to be away from his son for too long.
Has your MRI been rescheduled yet?

Mary, That’s really sad about Jim’s friend but luckily they discovered it now. At least we can live with only one kidney.

Seaside, I saw some of the surfing on the Olympics and it was really exciting. I don’t know how to swim, so it amazes me how they can stay on those boards.

Dianne/Denver said...

Hi….we’ve had a busy fun weekend. My cousins from Texas came into town Friday afternoon. We went gambling Friday night. Haven’t been for a long time. I lost $109 so that wasn’t too terrible. I was afraid it was more. None of us were winners out of all six of us. We got together all weekend we had a family party Sunday at Tammy and James place. I love family parties. They r with their friends today and we will see them tmrw and they leave wed. I wish they lived here. We will see them in Branson near the end of sept.

Barb, so is the family reunion at your house? It sounds fun. We’re not in mandatory masks yet. A couple of places r now requiring to be vaccinated to enter. I’m ok with that for sure. I had a great lunch with two of my grandsons today. I don’t get to see them much. It was so nice catching up with them. Logan starts college next week and Ashton starts 10th grade next week too. He goes to a catholic high school and so did his brother. Small school and they like it.

Seaside, I never caught the surfing on the olympics. I wanted to see it but never did. I’ll bet you loved watching it. Did you want to be on those waves?

Mary, what r u up too? How’s Jim doing? Does he still go to the casino a lot? It’s so nice that ours don’t allow smoking.does yours? U don’t ever go do you?

JL, I had to start my heart rehab riding my bike today and I did it. My oxygen stayed up the whole time. I’m hoping it will loose. My knees some. They r so stiff. Any news on you’re upcoming mri? Nuisance that you have to go again. I think I only have one dr appt this week..surprised. I received my Christmas cards. Probably won’t get to them until November.

Well, not much to report. We r the worse city in the world for the haze from the fires in Ca and Oregon. Some days we can’t even see the mountains. Terrible!

Hope you’re all doing well. Miss all of you.

Mary/MI said...

Hi there!
Dianne. Matthew sleeps in his Lazy Boy. It is in pretty rough shape. He went to look at some new ones. They were out of stock on the one he wanted. Back ordered til Oct.
Jim still goes to the Casino. They don't allow smoking inside yet, but they have places outside to smoke. I only go a few times a year.I always say I will go, then I get busy and forget. Hang in there on your bike. I remember when my knee hurt so bad when I tried to peddle it. It takes time.
About wearing my dress again... maybe, on a cruise lol!

JL, I guess you have had your MRI by now. I hope they could see the problem. I would get in the MRI machine with you to keep you comforted, if they let me lol!! We would be laughing way too hard for any imaging! Good for you on your walks. You would not do too good here right now. Our humidity is terrible!

Barb, Looks like you will be having some visitors. I wish you were on my route lol!
Thanks for reminding me about the Christmas cards. I will be getting my stamps early. I hear they are going up again this month.

Seaside. I keep hearing about the Olympic surfer competitions, but I never saw them. I watched pretty much the rest. I wonder when they were shown?
I love ho-ing around lol! This has been a trying time for it. Way too hot! I have been picking the big ugly tomato worms off my plants. Google "tomato worms" they are so NOT cute!

We had a storm come through last night and are expecting another one tonight. Poor Zoie! She either heads under Jim's bed or runs up the stairs to Matthew. For some reason she feels safe with Matthew. Kind of hard for Matt sharing his rocker lol!

It was sad going to my Cousins celebration of life last week end. She passed away in May, but it was just too risky to gather then. She was my age and my fave. cousin. Her husband has been in bad shape with diabetes and had had his leg amputated. I honestly expected he would go first! My cousin ( Hope) had bleeding on the brain and passed pretty quickly. Shocked us all. AN old neighbor friend of mine just told me her brother passed. He had had his leg amputated due to Diabetes. Sheesh! This is their 3rd sibling in the last 4 yrs that have passed. Sadness all around. Sometimes I feel guilty being happy kwim?
Such is life eh?
You all take care of your selves!

Just_Lin said...

Mary My MRI appointment didn't work out. I went to the appointment but they wanted me to put my arms above my head and I can't do that because of my bad rotator cuff on my left shoulder. Then they had me put my arms down at my sides but when that happened I was squeezed way too tightly and they still couldn't slide me into the machine. It was hurting my left shoulder to be squeezed that tightly, anyway. So, I have a new appointment for Aug. 31 and it will be in a machine that is a little wider. Also, I became clear that I will be needing an anti-anxiety drug to do it. I've got that now so I hope I will feel better about things at my next attempt at the MRI. Unfortunately, they don't have headphones with music which I think would make the time pass a lot more quickly and help keep me distracted.

When you have that electrical outlet fixed, I think you should make sure it is grounded.

You looked really nice in your dress. Yes, plan on taking it with you on your next cruise. That's an optimistic way of thinking; that there will be cruising again, someday. I guess that's why I just mailed in my passport renewal. I'm also getting a passport card this time as I don't have a REAL ID. I had to renew my driver license last May and did that online and we can't get REAL ID online.

Just_Lin said...

Dianne Oh, good for you for getting on your bike. Every once in a while, I think I should get a stationery bike. I don't know where I would keep it, though. Also, would I just end up hanging clothes on it like almost everyone else does? LOL

It sounds like you've had a fun visit with your cousins. I hope everyone was tested and vaccinated and all that stuff. Texas and Florida seem to be doing especially poorly with COVID. A couple of months ago I was pet sitting that little dachshund, Mikey. I agreed at that time to take care of him again in September when his owner is going to a wedding. Her son and his family will be coming in from Florida to go with her to the wedding. Well, that gives me pause because I don't want to be around anyone who's been around anyone who is from Florida, to be honest. Now that I don't get my MRI until Aug. 31, I don't know what they may find that might need tending to. So, that's a consideration, too. I called the owner yesterday and explained my medical issues so she could make alternate plans for the dog. I was honest and told her how I felt about the Florida situation, too. Anyway, if I am able to take care of the dog, I could just interact with her outside, wearing masks, I guess.

Just_Lin said...

Barb Well, Bachelorette didn't go the way we thought it would, did it? A new People mag came in my mail today (John Stamos is on the cover) and there's an article in there about Katie and Blake. I haven't read it yet. Her mom and especially her aunt, were sure tough. I hope things are going smoothly. I'm looking forward to Paradise. It has like 5 times the drama. LOL

A friend and I went to Outback a couple of nights ago. As far as going out to dinner goes, I like going there because it's a large dining room and we go at about 5 and there's only a few people there and we can sit way far away from others. Plus, it's got plenty of food choices to we can find things that are okay on our respective dietary restrictions.

Oh, my uric acid level is finally down below 5.9 at 5.6. I did so much whining about all this water drinking I have to do, that the doctor said I can probably go off the Allopurinol if my level is below 6 for 3 months in a row.

Just_Lin said...

Seaside I'm still watching the surfing docu-series and it showed when "Cotty" broke his back. Scary stuff! Garrett started traveling around and surfing more normal type places, surfed Mavericks, wiped out and completely shattered his shoulder. There are so many pins in it now! I believe it took about 20 months before he was back out there again. These people really are kind of crazy.

sacBarb said...

JL, That’s great that you may be able to go off the Allopurinol. I normally drink tons of water, except for the past almost three weeks, I now know how quickly things can go downhill if I don’t keep that up. Right about Aug. 1st is when I started having tummy issues. Every time I drank or ate, I got pains in my tummy and had to rush to the bathroom. Everything seemed to just go right through. Sorry, TMI. Anyway, that’s why I ended up having to go to the ER on Friday where, after a few tests, they admitted me. I had so many low levels that I needed electrolytes, potassium, magnesium, and I can’t even remember what else. I am feeling better after being in the hospital for almost three days. My kidney levels were so bad they took me off all my diuretics for a while. I have a follow up phone appointment with the hospital doctor tomorrow at 4:00. I am very impressed with how Kaiser did a lot of testing my blood and I had CT scans and EKGs to determine the cause of my issues. After all that, the consensus was that we may never really know and it probably worked itself out. That part was disappointing. But I am much better.

Mary, wow, I saw that pic on FB of the mess in your yard. I hope you and Jim don’t have to clean it all up by yourselves.

Dianne, I used to have a stationary bike and I rode it quite a bit. I “loaned” it to Dean when he had knee surgery three years ago and never got it back. I should just get another one.

Seaside, How is everything going with the board. Have you gotten everyone set straight now? 😹

Mary/MI said...

SacBarb, I am just now reading about your hospital episode! How scary! Jim is bad on drinking water. I was constantly reminding him about it until last week when he got angry with me and yelled "it's just water!" Well, I yelled back at him and told him I would not f--king remind him of it again lol!
About the downed tree business. Matthew refuses to help. Jim got a check from the ins. Co to have someone take care of it. He paid a local $100 (uninsured or licensed) guy to cut some of it up and told him he had the rest under control. You can see by the pic, that it was from from "under control! He wants to keep the ins money and do the rest himself. That pissed Matthew off. Men!
I did try to help with the branches, but I got cuts all over my arms. There are huge vines covering all the branches and who knows how much poison ivy, which both Matt & I are allergic to. He doesn't want that or an injury before his bus job starts again next week. Jim took off to the casino for the 2nd time this week, so while he is gone I am going to call a professional to look at the mess.

I h ave been fuming about another matter. Remember the wedding we went to a few weeks ago? Jim's cousin and her hubby were at out table sitting next to Jim & I.
She mentioned on her FB wall, nonchalantly to please pray for h er husband because he was in the hospital with COVID and that they both have had it for a couple of weeks! I about fell out of my chair reading that! I pm ed her and asked her if they had it before the wedding. She said, "well, we weren't feeling well, but thought we were coming down with a cold", that is why we didn't hug or get too close to people"! They were elbow to elbow with Jim and had pictures taken with family members! I pm ed the groom's Mother, Jim's nephew's wife, who is a friend of mine. She was beyond mad also! She was terrified her son and new daughter-in-law could have contacted it before their honeymoon and may not have been allowed back in the states when tested! The cousin was recently married2nd time,(Baptist) to a Jewish
man. I have no problem with that. I see by her comments that she may be converting. Neither believe in masks or shots. On her wall she asked for prayers for her hubby who now has pneumonia and may go on vent. She specifically asked for people not to comment to her about shots or masks!
Thank goodness we haven't been sick, but I worried that I may have passed it on to someone at my cousin's memorial! Ugh!

sacBarb said...

Mary, Your experience at the wedding is exactly why I don’t go anywhere. I told my sister-in-law I wasn’t sure coming here for a visit was a good idea. I know she and her sister and brother-in-law have been vaccinated, but I also know they go to Taco Tuesday every week with a bunch of folks and who knows if they have been vaccinated. I asked her about them, and she said she never asked any of them. Chad visits Arch, but they talk outside, on opposite sides of the street from each other. Chad told Arch unless he gets vaccinated he can’t come over our house. Arch’s Mom was a BIG Trump supporter, so I’m not sure he will get the vax.
I hope you can talk Jim into getting a professional to clean up that mess in your yard. That is really a big job. I don’t blame Matthew for protecting himself from injury so his job won’t be in jeopardy.

Dianne/Denver said...

Hi…things are quiet on here these last few days. What’s new with everyone? Weekend was good. Barb, Louis and I rented the movie The Father. Have any time f you seen it and what did you think? He won best actor for it. It was kind of sad and somewhat confusing at times. I never rent movies at home so it was kind of fun. .

Mary, I’d be furious too about the wedding situation. One time we were at tammys for Mother’s Day this year and James’s mom came without the dad. I asked about him and she said he was getting tested the next day as she thought he had covid. They were vaccinated. I about fainted when she said that sitting next to me, hugging me. He ended up not having it…thank God but I couldn’t believe it and they were very strict about covid. I’ll never forget that day. Did u get someone hired to clean up the yard? I don’t blame Matthew for being irritated.

JL.yes people and my cousins were all vaccinated that day. Tam and I went to Blake Shelton concert Friday night. No masks mandatory but everyone had them on including us. We took them off when seated. Handicap seats are very separate from each other too it was such a great show. He had trace Adkins, Tracy Byrd and Martina McBride. Kelly Clark’s on made a surprise appearance for their duet. It went from 7-11. We’ve had these tickets for two years. It was one of the best. He’s so funny too. I had a hot dog,small bag of chips,,cookie and coke=$26.50! Parking was $35. It was crazy. A water and coke was $11. It’s the venue that makes those charges. We had a wonderful time though and I so appreciate that she takes me. I’m going to see Celine Dion in I think oct or March..can’t remember right now. I really do enjoy a good show. It was very country.

Sacbarb, so have you decided if your family can come in sept? I’d probably be ok if they’re vaccinated. I think. How’s the card making going? I should have Louis print my labels and at least do the envelopes. Did u ever go to beauty salon or nails? A month from now we will be on vacation for two weeks. Looking forward to it. I go for hair highlites tmrw. Reminds me…I’d better check that I have enough cash. I’m still doing my recumbent bike. I’ve been very good doing it. I’m up 14 min a day now.’s the board going? Time for you to check in. Btw, my lift chair will be delivered a week from tmrw.

Just_Lin said...

Dianne I have seen The Father and it was definitely not a happy movie. The acting was excellent, though. I really like both Anthony Hopkins and Olivia Coleman.

It sounds like you had a great time at the concert. That was a lot of stars performing so I assume it was worth what you spent on it. The most important thing is that you had such a good time. I bet a hot dog, chips, cookie, and coke would cost about $26 at one of our local movie theaters. LOL As you know, country is not my kind of music. Neither is Celine. There is something about her that I find off-putting.

I was sad to see today that the drummer for the Rolling Stones passed away. I saw them perform back in 2005 and it was a fabulous show.

Good for you for doing your recumbent bike. I went grocery shopping today and it took about 1 1/2 hours and several trips from car to house to get the groceries inside. It takes longer than it should because of my rotator cuff problem in my left shoulder. I can only carry heavy stuff with my right arm because I don't want to make my left one any worse than it already is. Anyway, I was so exhausted by the time I was done. It was ridiculous.

Tomorrow I am taking married friends out to dinner as Friday is their 58th wedding anniversary. Tomorrow is also the man's birthday, so two things to celebrate.

Just_Lin said...

Barb What was the verdict with the in-laws? Are they staying at your house or not?

I hope your blood draw today didn't cause any bruising. I have a really good, big vein inside my right elbow. The phlebotomists' eyes always light up when I present my arm to them. They don't have to tie off my arm or anything.

Last weekend I was fooling around with the mechanisms in my toilet tank. The seal in the water fill valve was getting worn out and that made the toilet make a hissing noise after it refilled the bowl and it sometimes went on for a long time. Suddenly, it became much louder so that's why I started fooling with it. I took the mechanism apart and got to the rubber valve inside and repositioned it, put everything back together and it was better but still having the prolonged hissing. While I was messing around in the toilet tank, my hand brushed against the rubber seal at the bottom around the intake valve, and little bits of the rubber floated off. I decided to just replace the whole intake valve so I had a handyman do that for me yesterday. That was a long story to say that I spent a lot of time obsessing about my toilet over the weekend. That's how exciting my life is. LOL

I can't complain. Last week, Sunday I had dinner at my married friends' two times. Lucky for me she loves to cook. On Saturday, my friend, Jane, brought her leftovers over to heat up here and I heated up my own leftovers and we ate together and then watched the new Hugh Jackman movie which is free On Demand until Sept. 29. Unfortunately, I cannot recommend it.

Just_Lin said...

Mary Remind Jim that it may just be water but that's what keeps our kidneys flushed out and working properly.

That was a large tree that went down on your property. I don't blame Matthew for steering clear of it. So, when Jim went to the casino, did you call a professional to come look at the tree?

I'm still angry at Jim's cousin and her husband for going to the wedding while they were sick. How is the husband? Is he still in the hospital. Thank God, you and Jim didn't get sick but the story could have ended very differently. Sorry to cast aspersions at Jim's relatives but there are way too many people in this country that don't use their common sense. If they don't believe in wearing masks or getting vaccines, then they should stay the hell out of the hospital when they get sick, taking away a hospital bed from someone who needs it. I just have no patience anymore with people like that. None.

Just_Lin said...

Seaside It's been quite a while sense we've seen you in here. I saw in the group text that Gidget got a clean bill of health at her vet visit so that is great. I miss my dog every day. She was 82 lbs so a couple of ounces down on her would not be noticed. Wouldn't be noticed on me, either. LOL

Just_Lin said...

Barb2 I wrote that the Hugh Jackman movie was On Demand but that was incorrect. It was available on HBOMAX until 9/29.

sacBarb said...

JL, I saw the ads for the Hugh Jackman movie and thought it looked interesting, but I don’t have HBO. But, it sounds like I won’t be missing much.
It’s really a testament to what COVID has done that the highlight of your day was fixing your toilet! Then you had to pay someone to do it anyway! I fixed my Dymo label maker today. I have most containers in my craft room labeled and I needed to make one for a new container but it wouldn’t print. I asked Chad if he knew anything about label makers and he said “no, but check YouTube.” I never think about that. So, I looked and there were a couple of videos about the problem. I was able to fix it by just cleaning the area where the ribbon goes through for printing and voila, it worked. It worked and I was so excited! The label maker is old and I was sure I would have to junk it and get a new one. So, that was the highlight of my day.

Dianne, I really like Blake Shelton and would have been happy to just see him, but that was quite a lineup you got to see. I like Kelly Clarkson, too. I often watch her talk show.
I’m feeling a lot better, and have started taking my diuretics again on Wednesday. I just stayed in my bedroom all day to be closer to the bathroom. I was really getting rid of a lot of liquid! LOL The swelling in my legs and feet has gone down, but not completely yet. At least my feet don’t hurt as much.
I don’t know if my in-laws are going to stop here on the 19th. I’m going to wait until it’s a little closer to see how I feel. I’m still not 100% yet. I need to find out who all will be going to the family reunion in Paso Robles on Oct. 2 and if they are all vaccinated. Todd and Vicki are going up from San Diego and I would love to see them. I am not going to be flying to San Diego anytime soon, so I would really like to go.

Mary, I saw the pics of Zoie and Queenie on FB. They are so cute. Our cocker spaniel didn’t like getting groomed, either. We had to give him a tranquilizer before his appointment and sometimes that didn’t work until he got home no matter how much in advance we gave it to him. More than one groomer refused to work on him because he would snap at them when they were anywhere near his rear. We finally found a groomer that came to the house in a big van outfitted with everything needed to do the job. They had a long extension cord that plugged into our outlet in the carport. It was a young man and he was so good. I told him all about the problems other groomers had and he said, “don’t worry, I’ll handle him!” The first time he came over, I stayed in the van just to be sure “handle” didn’t mean “abuse!” He was so good, Dart was like an angel. I couldn’t believe it. I gave the groomer a big tip and scheduled standing appointments for every six weeks until Dart died.
I hope you were able to get someone to clean up that tree in your yard. It was/is too big a job to do without big equipment.

Mary/MI said...

SacBarb, thanks, I think they are cute too. Zoie does ok while being groomed, it just takes her a couple of days to recover lol! This is a new groomer. I like her. It has been hard finding someone I trust since her reg. gal retired and the last one nicked her and did a lousy trim job.
My son uses U-TUBE a lot for repair info. I have padded myself in the back for putting my new office chair together with just reading directions lol! Matthew has been giving me his used chairs as he buys new ones. I finally decided to buy one my size! I went to Staples and felt like Goldie Locks! I sat in at least 20 diff. chairs! I found a low back and very comfortable chair that was one of the cheaper models. Yay me! They sure have expensive ones! Anyway I got the box home and left Matthew a note to please put it together for me. It has been hot on those school buses, so he has been coming home in the morning and camping out in his cool room lol!
I decided to pull all the chair parts out and line them up on a bench in the garage so he could work on it easier. Well, I figured I could at least put the casters on. I read the directions and saw how well they had everything pkg-ed and organized.
So, I did the next step, then the next and wallah! I carried it in the house and proudly sat in it lol!!

JustLin, No I didn't call the tree guy. It has been too hot and humid to be out there with anyone.
I totally agree with you on Jim's cousin. He was not happy either! Her hubby is still in the hospital on a vent with pneumonia. She is not allowed to be with him for more then 30 minutes a day. She is still defiant about the whole thing smh!

Dianne, your concert sounded awesome! I would love to see Blake and Kelly! I am glad you got to go, but man, those snack prices!!
Well, Besides the high temps and humidity, I have shingles! Right under and between my boobs! I have had the shingle shot, so I am not feeling as bad as I would, had I not had the shot, but still miserable! Sweating in that area is hard to avoid, so I am trying to stay inside. I did just come in from hand mowing Zoie's pen area. It was a bit high for her little frame and I couldn't find her poop ha ha!

Waving at Seaside! Give Gidget my late Happy Dog Day hugs!

Mary/MI said...

SacBarb, lol, I "patted" myself on the back. I didn't need anymore "padding!"

Mary/MI said...

I am so sad that I can’t go out this weekend! So much going on in our community. I have been looking forward to it! I’m not 💯 % sure that I have shingles. Everything I read, says it could be many things. All pretty much have to run their course. Heat/ sweating, can make it worse. Our humidity is high and temps in the 90s! I am doing cold compresses, Motrin, ointment and air conditioning. *sigh*

Just_Lin said...

Mary I'm sorry you are feeling so miserable with your rash. I do know that Shingles only appears on one side of your body. If your rash is between and under both boobs, it's probably something else. My guess would be heat rash. I'm sure glad you have A/C.

Mary/MI said...

Just Lin, thanks for the info. It does make me feel better :)

Dianne/Denver said...

Mary, I get a rash there from time to time. My Dermo gave me a creme to use and it works pretty good. I don’t think I have shingles either

Mary/MI said...

Dianne, I don't think it is a typical rash although the heat may have made it worse.
I think Zoie may be the culprit. She wanted to go for a walk last week,and dragged me to the neighbors path. They usually keep the tree farm mowed, but not much this year. Anyway Zoie went through a lot of tall grass and maybe some poison type plants and may have attached to her fur and paws. I carried her part way back, across my chest. This was before her grooming.I have a few red spots close to my neck where she rested her paws.He back paws/nails rested between my boobs! I had a v-neck tee shirt on.
The rash is purple and deep. If it doesn't show some sign of clearing up I may have to see my Dr.I can't take the chance of the poison getting into my blood stream. Oie vey!

We had a very noisy night. Thunder, rain and much lightening. Zoie stayed close to me. Finally it quieted down about 3am and Zoie needed to go out. Such a good girl held it for a long time lol! I need a nap!

Mary/MI said...

Got my hair did today. I decided to go back to my "natural" hair color. It's a bit dark, but I'm liking it. I felt sorry for my hair dresser. She said her 16 yr old daughter ran away from home last Thurs. I could tell she was upset and distracted, because she usually cleans the area around my hair line before I leave.

I also made an emergency visit to my Orthodontist this afternoon. Over the week end the wire and cement came lose behind my lower front teeth. It was just dangling and getting caught on whatever I ate! Thank goodness it was only a $25 fix.

Hopefully this week will be better!

Just_Lin said...