
Monday, January 23, 2023

Wisdom and Woe 4

 by Dianne 


  1. Mary here, checking in....
    I just came in from shoveling heavy snow. I made a few paths for the dogs. Matthew will plow when he gets home. I have a hair appmt tomorrow. Hoping the roads will be clear by then.
    Jim seems to tire a lot lately. He barley walked the dog a few feet this morning before the snow started. He looks so pale. Not sure what to think. His BP and oxygen are ok, so maybe he is still going through withdrawals.
    Time to make baked chicken & noodles. Check in you'all!

  2. Hi Mary. Still getting ready for vacation. It’s hard to do when I can’t get a round very good. I’m not packing but have the suitcase out. Heck, I need 21 pair of undies! I’m overwhelmed right now. Louis took me to Walmart and he slept in the car. I spent an hour on a driving cart just looking around. I never get to do that anymore. I just wanted some odds and ends…$244 later. Our weather has been warmer in the 40’s. It’s not warm enough to melt snow from two weeks ago. We’re not used to it. After tmrw the next few days are freezing. Monday our high will be 9. I can live with it as long as it doesn’t snow! We r really wa thing the weather with leaving on a driving trip. If we can just get thru New Mexico and Amarillo the first night, we will be fine. We arrive in Houston Thursday the 9th. Tammy and James will fly in that day too. It will be fun. Mary, r unsure you should be shoveling? Be careful you don’t get pooped or fall. I worry about you. Did Jim go to the casino yet? How did he do not smoking? I hope he’s still,sticking to it.

    JL how are you doing with the rain? I think we might go see 80:for Brady next weekend when it opens. I had Kayla do my hair for the first time today. She didn’t feel good but didn’t cancel. She had to go throw up a couple of times. The birth control pills make her sick. She was in tears when I met her. She said she thought she’d do my hair and then I’d go back to my other girl. I was very happy how it turned out It was major stressing her to do my hair. I just want her to show up

    Barb, go get your phone fixed the blog is not getting used much any more. That makes me sad. Good games this weekend. R u for the 49ers too? I really hope they win. I’d kind of like Cincinnati to win too. It looks like we’re kind of interested in one of 49ers coaches for our head coach. Our fired coach got a job with the jets…offensive coach hope he does better there than he did here.

    Well, that’s about it. I’m now going to try on a pantsuit I received today in the mail. I’ll probably send it back I order so much and then send it back. Sometimes I forget I ordered something and then I order it again. Poor Louis is my return guy.

  3. Hello, Ladies! Here I am. I have not been up to too much. Yesterday I went to the birthday party of the 4 year old who lives across the street. It was attended by adults and children and was fun. There was good food to eat. Hot dogs, sausages, spareribs and chicken, plus salads, fruit, and chips. One of the adults brought a pinada that they had been unable to use for their own party, so I okayed having it put on my tree in the front yard so the party-goers all came across the street to my house to do that. There sure was a lot of candy inside of that thing, to the excitement of the kids. Anyway, a good time was had by all and it gave me something to do while my daughter was driving down from Eugene, Oregon.

    This morning my daughter and I celebrated our Christmas together. The gift I received from her that I am most excited about is 6 forks that match my set of flatware. I have been getting by with only having 4 forks for some time now. I actually have a whole different set that is tucked away with china but I never use that, either. Anyway, I actually like my everyday pattern better. The sad thing that happened is that one of my daughter's dogs passed away the day before she came down. He was a chihuahua named Pico and he was old now. He was probably the one closest to her heart of her 3 dogs.

    The 49er game today was a disaster. We might had had a fighting chance until our 3rd string QB injured his elbow. When you get down to using your 4th string QB, who usually plays a different position, you're in trouble. Anyway, it was a nice ride while it lasted.

    Dianne, did you try on your pantsuit? I hope it worked out.

    Mary, I hope Jim gets stronger every day. Since he's inside so much, maybe you should have him take Vitamin D.

  4. Hello everyone! I finally went in and had my phone checked out. I guess I should get a new one, but I’m trying to put it off as long as I can.

    Dianne, how did the pantsuit work for you. I read something the other day about stores charging a restocking fee for returns. I guess a lot of people have been ordering multiples of the same item and returning the ones that don’t fit and it’s costing the stores too much $$$. So it sounds like Kayla doesn’t want to do your hair or did I read that wrong? I hope your trip goes well and you don’t have really bad weather. How are you both feeling? Is Louis going to have surgery when you get back?

    JL, I’m sorry about your daughter’s dog. It’s so sad that our pets have only a short time with us. How nice that she can come and spend some time with you. Do you have any big plans while she’s there? Movies, plays, SF?

    Mary, is Jim still not smoking? Chad is doing really well taking Chantix. He said he’ll take it for about a year. I’m not sure how long it’s been for him because he didn’t tell me when he first started. I just noticed it and decided I shouldn’t ask until he wanted to talk about it. I think it’s been about six months. I think he’s also noticed how much $$$ he’s saving. I can’t believe how much cigarettes cost now!

    I hope the “fix” on my phone lasts so I can keep posting, even though I rarely have anything exciting to post!

  5. Barb, Welcome back!
    As far as I can tell, Jim is still not smoking. I am sure he doesn't miss going outside to smoke in this cold weather! He does take short trips in his car to the VFW, which is only 6 miles from home.He does not stink when he comes in lol! I told him it was nice not kissing nicotine lips! He will be seeing his primary Dr. tomorrow because he has breathing attacks if he walks too far, or if he tries to control Queenie. It scares him. Dr thinks he may not be getting enough oxygen to his heart. He may have to have a stress test.

    JustLynn, good seeing you back too! I love hearing from you no matter if it is dull (to you) or not! I miss you when you don't check in. Really not much going on around here, but keeping in touch with friends keeps me sane lol!

    Dianne, Dianne! Take me with you! I know once you are on board and situated, you and Lois will have a ball. Take in a bunch of sun for me! Pictures too!

    On a sad & happy note (bloggers only), My Niece Raquel is about 6 wks pregnant.
    This morning sis Lena called to tell me Raquel was taken to the hospital. They are not sure what is wrong or if it could be related to the baby. I pray she doesn't lose it! She has not been eating and throwing up a lot. Keep her in your prayers please.

  6. Raquel update, Sis Lena wrote..

    "Baby is ok! Thank God! However, Raquel has that virus that’s been going around . All her blood tests, urine,glucose are all abnormal . She is on her 3rd bag of IV fluid. So dehydrated!"
    She is feeling better since the IVs.

  7. Mary, I am so sorry Raquel has that virus. I will pray that she recovers quickly. It’s exciting that she’s preggers and I pray everything goes well for her. Is her daughter excited about being a big sister?

    Dianne, when do you leave for your trip? How long will you be gone? I haven’t been anywhere in so long, I don’t even remember how it feels to anticipate a trip. We haven’t had a family reunion for the last two years and I haven’t heard anyone volunteering to host one yet for this year. We were rotating between my two sisters-in-law and me for a long time until Todd volunteered to take my turn a few years ago and the cousins started stepping up. Then COVID happened. Maybe I’ll put a bug in Dean’s ear to volunteer for this year.

    JL, I’m bet you’re enjoying having your daughter there. Have you done any fun things? Tonight is that Special Forces show. Are you going to make her watch it? I’m really impressed with Hannah. I really thought she would be a diva, but she’s doing better than some of the men, imo!

    I’ve got nothing exciting going on, so until next time …
