
Friday, July 14, 2023

Catholic Churches in Las Vegas

 by Dianne

Do Las Vegas churches accept gambling chips?

This may come as a surprise to those of you not living in Las Vegas, but there are more Catholic churches than casinos.

Not surprisingly, some worshipers at Sunday services will give casino chips rather than cash when the offering basket is passed.

Since they get chips from many different casinos, the churches have devised a method to collect the offerings.

The churches send all their collected chips to a nearby Franciscan monastery for sorting and then the chips are taken to the casinos of origin and cashed in.

This really isn’t all that unusual because in ‘Vegas, casino chips are pretty much universally accepted as cash.

What is interesting though is that there is an endless amount of chip sorting going on in the monastery, and of course it is all done by….

…. The Chip Monks.

OK, OK… but…..

You didn't see that coming, did you??!! 


Mary/MI said...

Just me, checking in. Had DDS appoint. this morning. Got gross-eries and contacted someone to repair the window and wall in my room, made home made pizza and now taking a mini break after cleaning the kitchen and filling the dishwasher.

I need to go back to area 51 to see if I have questions to answer lol!

Mary/MI said...

Well, I learned something new today. You can't "copy & paste" from one blog to another lol! I wrote on our last blog to make sure I got Dianne's questions right. You know how I mess up!
Well, smarty me, copied, deleted and tried to paste my comment here... nope!
I will re-write it later.

Just_Lin said...

Mary I copied and pasted from one blog to another. Maybe when you "deleted" it nullified what you had copied. Safer to paste first then go back and delete on the old blog.

My day today was mostly taken up with grocery shopping. They didn't have all the things I wanted at Safeway so I had to go to another market to get the rest. I've been preoccupied with the little parakeet that has appeared here. Today I was able to get within a couple of feet of it. A man who lost his parakeet in May, came over yesterday to see if he could lure it with recorded parakeet noises and an open cage. The parakeet answered the noises but has no interest at all in going near the cage. The guy decided it's not his missing bird. They're both blue but the head of his is white and this one is pale yellow. Anyway, as it is, this little bird seems to be living his best life hanging out with the doves and jays.

I made some banana bread tonight and it is cooling now. I can hardly wait to get a warm slice and spread some butter on it.

Just_Lin said...

Dianne Did Louis make it to visit his daughters with no problems? And how are you doing while he's away? I hope you stocked up on grocery items before he left. So glad Tammy is able to help out.

Just_Lin said...

Barb I'm sorry you are under so much stress with all the issues with your sister. She sure is lucky to have a family member like you to help her out. Can you imagine if she was all alone in the world?

sacBarb said...

Dianne, the blog about the monks made me laugh. No, I didn’t see that coming. I forgot the date Louis was leaving to visit his girls, but I hope his trip goes well. I also hope you have some help while he is gone. Is Barb going to come over? Having three sons, I know what it’s like to get them to help you. I am so lucky to have Chad right here and he really is a big help. I can’t depend on Dean, so I rarely ask him for anything. He volunteered to help at Marie’s, but I really think that was his wife’s idea. She helps her Mom a lot. I’m really hoping we can get Marie into an assisted living or memory care place soon. Then we need to figure out what to do with her condo; sell it or rent it. Either way, there’s a lot of repairs, besides the bathroom, that need to be done first, but it will be easier if she isn’t living there.

Mary, so did Jim hit any big jackpots on his birthday? I am so sorry about Zoie going deaf. It’s so sad and she’s probably very confused by it. I know how my cats come running when they hear certain sounds. No matter where they are in the house, they come running as soon as I even open the cabinet with the treats. Tara likes ti climb up anything to get as high as she can and I sometimes have to use treats to get her down. One day I couldn’t find her and kept calling her name but she just seemed to disappear. Finally, I got the treat box and she came out of the rafters in the laundry room and couldn’t figure out how to get down. Chad had to get on a ladder to grab her. We now make sure the laundry room door is always closed so that won’t happen again!

JL, I’m glad your surgery went well and they were able to get it all. How does it feel now that you could finally wash your hair? I’m wondering how Charity is going to handle Brayden this week. She doesn’t seem to be concerned about the information she’s gotten from that one guy (I can’t remember his name). I don’t trust Brayden at all. I have DirecTV and have heard that they are negotiating a new contract with abc, and if it goes sour by the contract expiration date, I won’t have that channel until they settle. I hope it doesn’t happen until the season is over! LOL

Mary/MI said...

Barb, Too funny about your missing cat. The "CRINKLING" must have drove her crazy lol!
I have been trying to teach Zoie sign language, like two fingers to my lips mean "treats?" She gets excited when I do that.

This week is our local Fair. I have tickets for 2 country singers. One is this Wednesday. The only rainy day! Sat. is Ashley Mcbride and it's supposed to be nice out.
The guys always want me to go for them and bring home junk fair food lol! Jim likes caramel corn. Matthew like elephant ears and foot long hotdogs. Me/ I like to people watch, shows, ans funnel cake.

I sure hope it's a while before I go to another funeral for my friend's family! I have been to two brother's and two sister's so far. She was 12 yrs younger than me. I think there were 8 or 9 kids.
I have known them all since grade school. They lived down our street. So sad after working all those years, retiring, and 2 yrs later diagnosed with Parkinson's.

Mary/MI said...

Justlin. You were right. I did copy, then deleted before pasting. Gheesh!
I love banana and Zucchini bread! Especially when warm and with butter :)
Funny about the parakeet. Living his best life free!!

Mary/MI said...

Dianne, how are you? I have been worried about you. Are you wearing one of those emergency necklace thingys? How did Louis's trip go?

sacBarb said...

Just a short update on the ‘goings on’ at my sister’s house to add to my stress level. We’ve had temps her in the 100° for the past two weeks, so naturally her air conditioner died. Luckily she has that American Home Shield insurance and they will be paying most of the replacement cost, but we’re still going to have to pay $2100.00. It’s better than $8,000, though!

Mary/MI said...

SacBarb, I sure hope they get the air-conditioning replaced/fixed quickly! I swear, you need a break! Same with Dianne & Louis!
We had heavy rain yesterday. We needed it. My garden was happy :)

Dianne, I am sure glad your covid didn't stay long! Sorry about the rest of the family.
I have never been to Branson. Jim is not much for concerts. Sometimes he will go if I buy the tickets. Even then, he slips out early, especially if it is on the Casino grounds lol! They have concerts outside in the summer. I quit going to those because as soon as the music starts, everyone stands up and never sit back down! Hard to enjoy a concert when standing and on my tip toes trying to see over people!
Congrats on your Grandson being on the Dean's list! What is he specializing in at school?

I am still feeling sad over Zoie losing her hearing. She looks so sad and confused when I try to communicate with her. On a good note,. loud noises no longer bother her. She now sleeps like a rock for hours, because there is nothing to wake her noise wise.

Mary/MI said...

I would be lost without my son! He said I should get 2 more smoke detectors . One near my bedroom & one near Jim's. With the bad air quality the detectors went off last night and neither Jim nor I heard them. Matt did. He checked on us and said we were both out. I do sleep on my good ear,and of course Zoie can't hear. I ordered from Amazon. They should be hear later today.

Just_Lin said...

Mary Back when I had a new roof put on my house, in order for the city to approve it, I had to install a smoke detector in each bedroom in addition to the one that was already installed at the end of the hall. This is not a large house and the bedrooms all come off of that hall. If I ever do have a real fire, I'll have all four alarms going off. I certainly hear it. As it is, the one at the end of the hall is a pain in the butt as it goes off if I'm browning something on the stove. It's had many a hard hit with the end of a cane or baton.

You are probably doing something like painting the whole house and I am just happy that I've mopped the kitchen floor and done a load of laundry. LOL

Just_Lin said...

Barb Wow, I have no need to air conditioning here and didn't realize how expensive it is to install. With the temps you get there, I think A/C would be a necessity, especially for us older folks. I never did handle heat well and am happy to live in a mild climate.

There is something out and about that is biting me again. I've taken to spraying myself with insect repellent every morning before the out on the deck and I spray myself again before bed. I hate the smell of it but if I don't do it, I wake up with bites here and there on my arms or upper chest; the areas not covered by my nightgown or blanket. Mosquitoes love me, unfortunately.

What's the situation with your sister's toilet?

Just_Lin said...

Dianne First, congrats on your grandson making the Dean's List. That's great!

I'm so sorry you have bronchitis. I remember being really sick with that and feeling like I had a heavy rock in my chest. I'm familiar with the coughing and peeing at the same time. It doesn't really happen to me anymore but it did when I had any illness related to my lungs when I was a smoker.

Is that bruise on your arm starting to look a little better? I seem to always have a small bruise somewhere on my left hand. I don't know why I keep hitting it on something. Half the time I'm not even aware I've done it. I guess I don't have good control over my left hand to be banging into things with it.

A few days ago Jane and I went to see the new Mission Impossible movie. It was very entertaining. There are a lot of really good action scenes and stunts. Even at 61, Tom Cruise is still bringing it. It might be something you and Louis would like to see together.

Just_Lin said...