
Monday, May 20, 2024

The Salesman

 By Dianne

A young guy from Nebraska moves to Florida and goes to a big "everything under one roof" department store looking for a job. 

The manager asks, "Do you have any sales experience?" 

"Yes," the young man replies, "I was a salesman back in Omaha." 

The interview goes well and the man gets the job. "You start tomorrow. I'll come down after we close and see how you did." 

His first day on the job is rough, but he gets through it. After the store is locked up, the boss comes down. 

"How many customers bought something from you today?" he asks. 

"One," the man replies. 

The boss says, "Just one? Our sales people average 20 to 30 customers a day. How much was the sale for?" 

The kid replies, "$101,237.65." 

"$101,237.65?!" the boss repeats, flabbergasted. "What the heck did you sell?" 

"Well, first, I sold him a small fish hook. Then I sold him a medium fishhook. Then I sold him a larger fishhook. Then I sold him a new fishing rod. Then I asked him where he was going fishing and he said down the coast, so I told him he was going to need a boat, so we went down to the boat department and I sold him a twin engine Boston Whaler. Then he said he didn't think his Honda Civic would pull it, so I took him down to the automotive department and sold him that 4x4 Expedition." 

"A guy came in here to buy a fish hook and you sold him a BOAT and a TRUCK?" the boss asked. 

The young man said, "No, the guy came in here to buy Tampons for his wife, and I said, 'Dude, your weekend's shot, you should go fishing.'


Mary/MI said...

Dianne, that was funny!
Are you itching to travel? I know I am. I really don't dare be gone more than a day or two with Jim's back and forth condition and Zoing being 15. She has been getting very clingy. I can't imagine being without her. I know there is no stopping it, so I will just keep them hugs going.

Barb, I too bought a wig. It was salt & pepper, mostly salt lol!. I looked horrible in it! I will keep dying it. Matthew built me two more planters. These are closer to the ground. I have one on each side of my front door. He has gotten pretty good at building them. He loves doing it.

Jim is a mystery to me. He seems to be ok, but he is just not the same. I think this last hospital trip took a lot out of him mentally & physically. I got my hair did today. I feel & look so much better! I love my hair dresser. She has a lot a patience with me when I can't decide on hair color or cut lol! Sometimes I just want her to whack it all off! Thank goodness she doesn't do it ha ha!!

Have a great week gals!

Mary/MI said...


Dianne said...

Hi. I’m going to the hair place next week. I can’t stand it. Stayed home yesterday and Louis’s and I went out to eat. Last week we went to Applebee’s for $1 marg. Small but good. I got blueberry. He and I need to get out a little as we bring food home too much.
Tmrw we r going with my three uncles and wives for lunch. That will be fun. Louis fell last week so he stayed home for my grandsons graduation lunch. I went and all five grandkids were there that doesn’t happen often. His party is Friday and then my great nieces bday is sat……4 years old Busy weekend…good for me. We bought a small walker for the basement too. We have walkers everywhere

Yes Mary, I’m itching to travel. We r going to Breckinridge in a week for five days. We’re using our time share as they promise handicap. We shall see. I don’t know what we will do there since I’m limited and so is Louis we will gamble on the way up there
. We went Monday to our new buc-ees. Had u heard of them. It was a huge great store with everything. I used my walker with seat and used my legs to get around. My legs the next two days were killing me. Great exercise. Louis went to the car and slept I was there for two hours spending money. It was fun. I didn’t even get around the whole store. That was our outing this week. We got a new recliner too good Memorial Day sale. Then we had to find someone to take the other one it’s just too low for louis it was already delivered today.

Missing you JL. sounds like everyone is busy. Mary and Barb, were the wigs expensive? Well, I’m going to go to watch the me,orial day special on pbs. That’s always good and sad too.

Have a nice day tmrw. Xxoo

Just_Lin said...

Happy Memorial Day! Is anyone barbequing today? I don't do that but if my husband were still alive, he would be. So far, it's not that pretty a day here. It's overcast and cool.

I hope you all had a nice Mother's Day. My none of my family are close by so I didn't see any of them but I did hear from them and my daughter sent me a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Jane's family celebrated the weekend before so she and I went to a very nice Mother's Day Buffet at our city's golf course restaurant. They had tons of food and it was very good. I did go back for seconds of the prime rib (thin sliced) and mashed potatoes and gravy and I chose a piece of chocolate cake for dessert. Jane made a plate of salad type stuff first, which included shrimp cocktail, then she went back for a second plate for hot dinner foods, then she went back for a 3rd plate of stuff from the breakfast table. Although she didn't eat all of each of her dessert choices, she did have tiramisu, flan, and lemon meringue pie. How is it that she weighs so much less than me? We had a really nice time and champagne, orange juice and coffee were complimentary.

Not really much going on with me. I'm pretty boring. I'm starting to look online at senior dogs up for adoption. So maybe I'll come across the right one for me. So far, my heart is going out to the dogs that are basically in hospice care meaning my heart would be broken in probably less than a year. I'm especially smitten with a black lab named Sundae who is on heart meds and has a mass in her chest cavity.

This brings me to the subject of my own mortality which I have really resisted facing. I am fine, it's just that I didn't have a will so I met with an attorney late last week to get the ball rolling on that. Better late than never, right?

I'm still enjoying going to the painting workshops. The teacher is adding more classes so I will probably sign up for them even though it is a bad time to have extra expenses. Between the attorney's fees and my auto and homeowner insurances coming up due, it's an expensive couple of weeks.

Dianne, how are you doing with those steps in the garage? My knee is no longer bothersome and I was able to go up the two steps in front of my house, no problem. There's no hand rail for those so I was worried about it. Years ago I did trip on those steps and fell so I have always been extra careful and it ever since. I keep focused on what I'm doing. I'm sorry to hear that Louis fell again. He may need to do exercises to improve his balance. That's something I'm supposed to do along with the exercises to improve the muscles around my knees.

Mary, I'm so glad Matthew did some special things for you for Mother's Day. He is a sweetie. Did you decide on painting the potting table? Just staining it would be nice, too. I wish I had a green thumb but I don't. I have some plants in the house that I've managed to barely keep alive for years. I have no desire to dig in the dirt outside.

Barb, I was going through some stuff the other day and came across the photos of you, Lynn, and I from our Las Vegas trip to see Elton John. That was a fun trip. I wish we could do something like that again. I'm trying to get my documents and such organized. I have stuff filed in 3 different places. I had an Amazon gift card that I got from my brother at Christmas that I just used to purchase a paper shredder. I think today I will shred my daughter's tax returns from late '89 and early 90's. LOL

Mary/MI said...


Mary/MI said...

Hi gals, I stayed put over the week end. Jim had another episode, but We managed to get it under control. He was sweating like crazy and trouble breathing. Of course he wouldn't go to the hosp. or Dr. I am suspecting he may be smoking. Not really sure.
It has been a sad weekend for me. The sweet Lady that wrote the book about my Family, lost her husband. He was a wonderful man. They are both in their 90s and have been in assisted living for about 5 yrs.I went to his funeral in my home town. They were long time farmers and well known there.
Sunday one of my GM friends passed away. About 3 times she just stopped breathing and back and forth to the hospital. She was in when Jim was, just a couple floors down. She and her hubby were regulars at our luncheons. No visitation, just cremated.Sad that we can't even say our goodbyes :(

Dianne, did Louis hurt himself when he fell? I had to smile when you said you were going to Breckenbridge. We have one here and it is tiny and drab.
btw the wigs I bought were cheap. I just wanted to see if the colors looked good on me.

JustLin, Your buffet sounds wonderful! I can't remember the last time I went to one. It may have been yrs ago in Vegas.. before COVID.

I am waiting for a few dry days to put some kind of stain/sealer on my planters.
We didn't BBQ here. I cooked the steaks on the stove. Most of my family is too far to get together very often. I used to love driving, but more than an hr is more than I care to do.
I love that you are thinking of adopting a senior dog.I think it is a wonderful idea! It breaks my heart to think that many will die alone unloved in those kennels.

Barb, where are you/ I miss you. I hope you are alright and not stressing too much!
Check in please!

I didn't not proof read lol!

Yay, I think this will go through after all!

Just_Lin said...

Mary, that's scary about Jim's recent 'event'. I believe sweating can be a symptom of a heart event.

I'm starting to warm up to getting another dog when I peruse the senior dogs that need homes. Since I am on a waiting list to get cataract surgery in both eyes at the same time, it might be prudent to wait until that's over and done. I don't have a date, yet. I keep looking at this black lab online named Sundae at Muttville Senior Dog Rescue. What I really wish for her, though, is that she can stay with her foster family because she looks so happy there. There's also a little brown dog named Crinkle Cut that is also in hospice but I don't know why. The others are senior dogs but not with diagnosed life-limiting medical conditions. They all deserve real homes.The dogs there are able to walk around and mingle.

Mary/MI said...

Hello! Just me checking in.
It's been pretty quiet around here. Not much to write.
I have been working in my garden and flower beds. Matthew made me an herb garden planter. I have to pick up some thyme, Rosemary and more basil.

This morning Jim called me into the bathroom after his shower. He didn't have his glasses on and wanted me to see something. It was a tick! He had flicked it off from his back not knowing what it was. I saw three bite marks, but only the one tick! I have pulled all the bedding from everyone's bed and inspected everything1 I am now so paranoid! Luckily I had the Vet put a flea & tick collar on Zoie 8 Queenie. The ticks are bad in Michigan this year. I think Jim got it from walking Queenie. He always needs to stop & rest. He sits on a huge "pudding" rock that is surrounded by tall weeds.

I hope you are all well.

justLin, any decisions on getting a senior dog?

sacBarb said...

Hello everyone. I’m so sorry I’ve been MIA. I haven’t been doing much because my arms are hurting a lot more. I finally got an appointment with the orthopedic doctor and he gave me two options for the pain. Option 1 was shots that are different than cortisone, but not very effective! I said “why bother?” Option 2 is surgery. So, August 20 is my surgery date, unless they have a cancellation sooner. He asked if I was interested in that and I said yes before he got the word out! Could I be available with short notice? ABSOLUTELY! So I had a cat scan last Friday and labs done and they gave me a pre-surgery box with stuff I will need to drink the night before. Never had that before any other surgery, so I guess it’s a new procedure. Now I wait. By the way, the surgeon is a real hunk! 😻

JL, I am happy to hear you are considering getting a senior dog. It’s so sad that there are so many in the shelters. Even tho you know it will be a short duration and hard on your heart, you will know that you rescued him/her and gave him/her the best life. Yes, that trip to Vegas was fun and Elton John put on a great show.

Mary, I’m sorry to hear that Jim may be smoking again! Have you asked him? Maybe if he knows you suspect, it might have an impact.

Dianne, when are you going to Brekenridge? Are you driving there? I haven’t heard of it, so I don’t know where it is.

I am still praying for all of us. I will try to be better about checking in. Love you all. ❤️❤️❤️

Mary/MI said...

SacBarb. So good hearing from you. Sorry about your pain! I am glad you are having it taken care of. I went through all those "shots",PT, and treatments before finally getting the ok for surgery with my knee.I was even given Oxycontin, which I quickly through away. I have always been terrified of any addiction! Not sure why. Please keep us posted on your progress.

I am not sure if this message will make it through. Comcast accidentally, broke a cable (again) somewhere causing all kinds of black outs with Verizon and other networks. Banks are closed, some stores and our Vet. office are on limited usage. Peeps that work from home are not happy!
To make things worse, many are without power due to high winds and storms rolling through. So far we have only gotten the high winds. The rain has gone far north and some far south of us.

Dianne/Denver said...

Hi….yes, we went to Breckenridge from last Monday until Friday. Barb, it’s about an hour and a half away in the mountains very pretty there. Mountain tops covered with snow , very green mountains and flowers everywhere. We stopped on the way up these to gamble and lost money. We went to lunch with r friends that live near there. There isn’t a lot for us to do there. We used r time share as for once they gave us ada. I never get it when we arrive anywhere and that’s why I’ve been trying to give it away. If we can always get handicap we will keep it. We had to go to a meeting to see if we get more points to add to ours. For once no pressure at all for an hour. We received $125/coupons to a really nice restaurant which we used that night. Hotel shuttle took us right up to ramp to go in and picked us up. Dinners were very expensive. We each had a drink and I had steak and louis had scallops. They were delicious. We shared a desert. The bill was $146/. I gave r coupons and my credit card. They only charged card a penny. We couldn’t believe it plus we obviously left r $1 tip….just kidding. We tipped generously. We also received $100 of coupons for our hotel and drinks. We used those too. I think between the casino and the dinner and the hotel I had more to drink than I’ve had in years. Kahola , amaretto,, yummy drinks.
We were supposed to leave this Sunday to meet my Texas cousins in New Mexico. Louis came down with Covid. He’s negative now. Thank goodness. He mostly had congestion. They called in medicine right away. He’s been in terrible new pain and can barely walk. He can’t go down to his bedroom and can barely get to bathroom with out almost falling and that’s with walker. He’s now sleeping in recliner. Talked to Dr tonight and she recommended I call dispatch health that come to our house. They will be here tmrw. Social worker will call me Monday and we will talk about louis going to rehab for awhile to walk again better. We have no idea what happened. I can’t even get him to er as I don’t think he could get in car to take to er. It’s a mess. I canceled r cabin and without travel ins they say we have to pay for r nights. $170 plus tax for three nights. I told guy I could get letter from dr. Nope he’d talk to boss. He called back and wanted me to reschedule another time. No, I didn’t want to do that so I was about ready to give in…what was my choice. He called back and the only thing we are going to loss our deposit. The guy was soooo nice. He canceled r reservation. I’m really disappointed and half packed but I’m being sweet as I know he’s disappointed too. It’s hard to be a caretaker as u all know. My cousins will still be here the rest of the week. There is a big family party next Sunday at Tammy’s. So that’s what I’ve been up too ..

Barb, I’m sorry that u have to have surgery. I hope it will help you. Is your sisters things all taken care of now? You haven’t mentioned her for awhile. What exactly is the surgery? Rotator cuff?

Mary, I’m so sad that u think Jim is smoking again. I guess it’s just up to him but so unfair to you. Maybe approach it with him that way or have you already done that? How r you. We have been having really hot weather lately. Too hot for me but still better than snow. We also r having so much wind. Terrible but no snow !

So JL did you get a dog? I think you did….just my gut feeling. Oh, I forgot to tell u all…I went to the unicorn festival last sat. My niece picked me up with my sil and the kids…4 and 2. I was so grateful they took me in my travel chair. One pushed me and the other pulled the wagon. It was so fun to get out to someplace besides restaurants. The kids enjoyed it so much and I loved watching them. It was very crowded and lots of lines. Every little girl…and there were many…had on a unicorn dress. It was so cute.

Ok now I’ll try and proofread. I’ve missed all of you. ❤️. Ok not proofing..too long

Dianne/Denver said...

Where r y all?

Just_Lin said...

Nothing much going on here. I signed up to take additional painting classes that are being held every Saturday during June. I'm experimenting with new techniques I'd never heard of. It's fun to learn new stuff. It's also nice to share time and space with a few other people.

Dianne, no I haven't got another dog yet. I finally have a date for my cataract surgery on July 15. I think I better heal from that before I deal with a new dog. I am thinking of getting a senior dog but it will need to be able to handle the 12 steps to get down to my backyard. I want one smaller than my Ursula who was 82 lbs. but not one that has to be carried up and down steps. It sounds like you made really great use of your coupons. I'm happy you were able to get out of your reservation except for the deposit. Phew! How's Louis doing now? Did you enjoy your family party on Father's Day?

Mary, Yikes about the tick on Jim! I had my dog on Advantage to kill fleas and ticks. You apply it once a month in a few spots on back of neck, between shoulder blades and lower back by tail. Works great! Of course you can't do that to Jim but Queenie may have picked up a tick or two, too. Jim should probably spray his shoes, socks, and lower pant legs with a repellent before walking the dog.

Barb, I'm so sorry that your arms are so painful. Thank goodness you now have a surgery date. I know you are relieved about that. I'm glad to have my cataract surgery date, too, even though the idea of anybody messing with my eyes creeps me out. That's the main reason I'm having both eyes done at the same time. I only want to be stressed about it once. Keven Costner's cowboy movie comes out late this month. Jane and I are looking forward to it. It's coming out in two parts. Oh, I read today that they have a casting call our for more farmers and ranchers and ladies for a 3rd Farmer Wants a Wife.

I got my hair cut the other day and I think I need to have her trim a little more off of my neck. It's bugging me.

Mary/MI said...

It's been a sad week. They had a celebration of life for my GM friend. She was one of our lunch gals. This is the 3rd loss from our group. It was a large gathering. The huge tent barely held the group. She was an avid Haley Davidson rider so she belonged to a few bike chapters. One was the State wide "Motor Maids." She was quite a gal I have known her for over 20 yrs.The picture I put up on FB was of her beautiful Harley. Her pic and ashes are on there. They had a manikin dressed with her "Motor Maid" outfit.
Coming back from the ceremony I found out a local male friend passed away. His memorial will be next Wednesday. Oye Vey! He was only 60. Cirrhosis of the liver. He worked at an all night party store 2 yrs ago and was attacked with a machete by a crazed man. His one ear was sliced. He was traumatized for a long time and couldn't work. He rarely left his home. I am guessing he hit the bottle pretty bad. So sad :(

Jim has been having trouble breathing with all this high heat and humidity. I walk Queenie for him a few times because he isn't able to walk her very far.

I am finally traveling!! I have made my airline reservations for Sept. I will not be gone long because of Jim & Zoie. Matthew will be back to bussing. It will be my brother Joel's 80th Birthday in New Mexico. My sis Lena and her hub will be going by train.

I hope you are all well.
BTW my MRI came back ok. Not sure if I mentioned I was having one.
I am excited about getting away and praying Jim doesn't have a relapse!

sacBarb said...

Hi all. Things have very busy here. I’ve had pre-op appointments to get ready for surgery in case they get a cancellation so those things will be done. My pacemaker is not compatible with the MRI machine so I had a cat scan and lots of blood taken. They also did some x-rays. I have appointments coming up with the anesthesiologist and another with the surgeon. My scheduled date is Aug. 20. Chad has had a few appointments, too. He has a cardiologist now, which is good! He was supposed to have an echocardiogram, but somehow it got canceled and the never told him until he went in for the appointment. He wasn’t happy. They still haven’t called him to reschedule it.

I got a call from Marie’s care home this morning telling me that she fell and they are calling 911 because she hit her head and her blood pressure was very high. They said she was going to Mercy hospital and I would get a call from the hospital after she was evaluated. Three hours later, I still heard nothing, so I called the hospital. No record of her there. I called the ‘home’ to verify the hospital and they said that’s where she was supposed to go! I started calling other hospitals and finally found her! Talked to her nurse. They have run a bunch of tests and most were OK, except she had a high amount of carbon dioxide in her blood, so they were giving her high doses of oxygen. They will admit her and see how she does tomorrow. I need to get to bed early tonight in case we need to go get her early tomorrow.

JL, I really like the paintings you have done in your classes. I wish I had your talent. My Mom and Marie both were talented artists, but I have ZERO ability in that area. I don’t remember if I told you, but I had both eyes done at the same time when I had cataract surgery. I was very easy. Only had to have both eyes covered for 24 hours. Important to remember the drops on schedule. I think it was 10 or 14 days. I set alarms on my phone to keep me on track.

Dianne, Is Louis in a rehab facility now? I’m so sorry he’s in more pain.

Mary, how are you doing? I’m sorry to hear that you think Jim is smoking. My husband tried to quit so many times but he just couldn’t do it! I feel your pain!

Dianne/Denver said...

Hi. No all of a sudden Louis got better. They found a bad uti and worse for men. By then he was not as confused and walking at his normal pace. Dispatch health came to r house for blood a urine test. They were there for two hours. I pay $40. Social worker called late Monday but I decided he didn’t need rehab at that point. He was glad. He knew if it was like a few days earlier he was going. I can’t care for him if he can’t use walker and walk and he knows that too. Welll, the town in nm caught on fire and Judy and gordon were headed there. 8000 in town and tourists. Evacuate immediately Thank goodness we weren’t there. Called Judy and let them know too. The cabins we stay in did not burn down. Two fires met in the town. So sad. They just came to Denver a few days early. Our family party/reunion was use this last Sunday. About 29 people there two cousins and wives came from Idaho. It was so fun and louis was able to go. Judy left Tuesday. We were so sad to say goodbye. They can’t come to fan week as family wedding that weekend Tammy and the girls r going out for it too.

JL, I too love your new paintings. They r beautiful. I wish I could do that but I’m like barb and can’t draw a stick figure. Could u remind me when your cataract surgery will be?,I did one eye at a time. It wasn’t bad just all those drops. How can u stay at home with patches on both eyes?

Mary, I’m so glad to hear u r going somewhere. That will be fun to go for your sisters bday. R u flying? Jim will be fine with Matthew there. Just tell him not to leave the house I’m sure u will have a great time. Where in nm r u going We were going to Rudisio I don’t want to roll up as I’m afraid I’ll lose my post. When r u going? I like to mark these things n my calendar. We aren’t going anywhere until the first part of Oct to fan week in Branson.

Barb, how’s your sister doing today? I’m sorry she’s so sick. Take care of you too remember .is she in hospice at the hospital? That’s probably best for her. Life is so hard sometimes. You r a great sister.

I think I forgot to tell u that the Hyatt wrote to me after are week and said they were willing to take it back. It usually cost $800 on my part but no cost. We have been trying to give it away. Tammy wanted it but not James. I found out at the meeting I could transfer it to her in my will and let her know. Then u called her to tell her I was getting rid of it. So now she says, “so I already lost it”. Yup that fast. A year and a half ago they wouldn’t take any back at Hyatt so we r glad

That’s about all I have to say…..very long post. All of you take care and JL and Mary give e those dates. Barb I have yours Bye and night although it’s only6:30 here

Dianne/Denver said...

Hi. Happy 4th yesterday. We. Met my uncle and wife for lunch yesterday. No fireworks. Watched them on tv. No much going on. Chic fila for dinner tonight. Mary, tell us about the plans for Jim’s bday party. Barb, how’s your sister and how r u? JL, did your neighborhood have a party yesterday?

Ok that’s all I have plus my post above it.

Mary/MI said...

Just a quick note for now. I need to clean up the kitchen and fold towels out of the dryer. I will be back with my info.....

Mary/MI said...

Well that took a while lol!
Please forgive me for not commenting individualy . I may be back to normal after Jim's Birthday!
I was trying to keep it fairly small, but has gotten a bit out of hand. Draining my bank account!lol!
It will be this Sunday on his 80th birthday. There is no way I could pull this off with out my VFW Aux ladies! I have no close family nearby to help. Sis Lena is way up north at celebration of life for his hubby's sister.
I decided not to make it a surprise party. Too much to deal with! Jim happens to be the kind of man that actually enjoys having it. I think he misses his friends. We only seem to get together at funerals lately!
I have so much to do before Sunday. I still have to pick up his cake,buns for pulled pork sammys, make a picture chart, set up tables & decorations and take all foods to the VFW.

Thankfully his neck spasm have subsided! He still tires very easily and can not help much. He gets a bit dizzy especially bending over, which is typical of copd. Matthew & I have been doing our best to keep the house & yard up.
Zoie is getting older and is showing signs of slowing down. I hate leaving her so much.

I will be going to the Santa Cruz, New Mex. area. I will leave Fri. Sept 6 and return Sunday the 8th. Short trip, but looking forward to it.

Zoie & I are headed to bed. hopefully get some sleep. I worry I will mess up this party somehow! It seems to keep growing! Hope I have enough food!

Just_Lin said...

Mary, it sounds like your party for Jim was a great success. I'm glad everything went well and that you had some helping hands, too. It sounds like the birthday boy enjoyed himself and the attention. We can all do with a special day where we are treated a little bit special, right? I threw a surprise party for my husband when he turned 60. He had thrown two for me, one when I turned 40 and again when I turned 50. The highlight for me at that one was when I saw my best friend from school walk in with her husband. They had come up from Southern California. I was almost speechless, I was so surprised.

Dianne, my cataract surgery is scheduled for next Monday, the 15th. I hope I can master the drops quickly. I won't have patches on both eyes but I will be wearing goggles. This will definitely ruin my hair style. LOL I have the option of being knocked out but everyone keeps saying it's not bad. My friend Jane was knocked out but she's kind of squeamish about medical stuff. I'm thinking maybe a bit of a tranquilizer would help with my anxiety about it. I'm glad Louis is doing better and that you enjoyed your reunion. So sad about the fires.

Barb, thanks for the tip about setting your phone alarm to remember the eye drops. I've never used my phone alarm but I guess it's easy enough to figure it out. Was that every 4 hours during waking hours or did you have to wake up in the middle of the night to do it, too? I will be relieved to have this over and done with. How is your sister doing now? I hope she is at least comfortable. I'm glad you got a lot of things straightened out with her affairs before things got to this point. I'm sorry you had to search for her when she was taken to the hospital. That must have been scary. Jane and I went and saw the first part of the Kevin Costner movie. It's a 3 hour movie but the time flew by. We are looking forward to part two.

I had a fun July 4th with my neighbors at our neighborhood street party. It was pretty warm but my neighbors had set up two canopy tents, one to cover the food tables and another for people to be able to sit in the shade. That's pretty much where I and my neighbor's mother spent a lot of our time. We really enjoyed each other's company as we were the two old people in the group, me being the oldest by 5 years. Another neighbor made us margaritas which were really good. Other than that, I was drinking water. We had tons of food. There was smoked tri-tip, hot dogs, pasta salads and green salads, chili, chips and pretzels. I made baked beans for the occasion. All the guys seem to especially like that. Kids and adults were playing games in the street. The neighbor a few doors down has an ice cream maker so he was making ice cream cones for whoever wanted one. I didn't partake on the 4th but the following day we were all outside sitting in the shade and visiting while the little kids were playing with water balloons, and the guy was making ice cream cones again o I did have one. It was a perfect summer day. All these other people have young kids so I'm so grateful that they include me. I watched some of the fireworks on the 4th but I was ready to come inside by 9:30. It was a tiring day but a good day.

The other day I was cleaning the lowest shelf in the refrigerator and when I stood up, I hit my head on the freezer door. I swear I almost saw stars. Oh, a big deal for me is that I bought a new shower curtain. I really loved my old one which my mother gave me, but it was over 20 years old now. When I like something, I like it forever. LOL

Dianne/Denver said...

Hi. Have an out of town friend coming into town tonight for dinner and lunch tmrw in the mountains. Haven’t seen her since the 70’s p. She wants to see my house. I don’t want her to as it’s small and things around for r handicap living. Oh well. She’s taking us to dinner tonight.

Not much going on. Louis went in for his pre-op, yesterday . He will have his procedure next Wednesday and Sunday. At 5:30 and 6:30:am. Hopefully it works.

JL, just got your text. So glad your surgery went well. Now it’s just using all those drops.

Barb, how r things going for you? See you on here later Mary. I just don’t have much to say this early in am.

Mary/MI said...

I just realized how late it was. It was a busy day again and tomorrow will be also. Zoie went to the groomer at 4:00.
It is taco Tues., so enchiladas it was lol! They like anything Mexican on Tues.I prepared part of it before I took Zoie and prepared the meal while she was being groomed.
I gathered stuff for the trash guy tomorrow, picked cukes, tomatoes & zucchini from my garden, cleaned up the kitchen,took papers to the recycle bin, cleaned out the humming bird feeders and put fresh sugar water in, so, here I am late again lol!

SacBarb. It is hard seeing a loved one going through the "long goodby". My old co worker is going through that with her husband. He used to be my committee man at work. Sweet guy. I worked next to his wife on & off for years. She puts up a lot of pics of him on FB. It's so sad to see that once vivacious man, looking with blank stares. She takes very good & loving care of him.

JustLin. How did your surgery go? I was not fond of all the drops either! We have a few block parties in town. Not much here in the country. I hear the places in Detroit are thinking of banning them due to the gun violence at some of them. Always a few, ruining it for everyone.

Dianne. It was good reading that Louis is doing better. I hope it continues! You both need a break from all the medical issues! Any trips planned? I sure miss traveling! I can't wait until Sept. for my trip to New Mexico! I prolly should tell Jim soon lol!

Well time to tuck Zoie in. Tomorrow is a busy day. I try to shop early in the morning since it has been so hot here. It is our County Fair week. I usually go with my girlfriend on Ladies day. Hopefully she is feeling better after her bout with pneumonia. Either way I will go to bring Matthew his fave.foot long corn dog, & Jim's caramel corn.
Nite all!!