
Wednesday, July 17, 2024

~ Krispy Kreme ~

This is just all kinds of wrong! Krispy Kreme thinks if you can't go to Paris for the Olympics, they'll bring a little bit of Paris to you. Introducing the Passport to Paris collection:

Crème Brûlée Doughnut: This is an unglazed doughnut filled with crème brûlée-flavored Kreme, dipped in a caramel icing reminiscent of crème brûlée, and finished with a topping of caramelized sugar crunch. 

Double Chocolate Éclair Doughnut: This unglazed doughnut comes with a chocolate custard Kreme filling, is dipped in chocolate icing, and is garnished with chocolate crisp pearls. 

Raspberry & Vanilla Crème Doughnut: Featuring the classic Original Glazed doughnut, this treat is dipped in raspberry icing, sprinkled with cookie pieces, and crowned with a dollop of vanilla Kreme.


Mary/MI said...

1st to re comment lol! Coppied and pasted from my last blog post.
Just in case you missed i.

just realized how late it was. It was a busy day again and tomorrow will be also. Zoie went to the groomer at 4:00.
It is taco Tues., so enchiladas it was lol! They like anything Mexican on Tues.I prepared part of it before I took Zoie and prepared the meal while she was being groomed.
I gathered stuff for the trash guy tomorrow, picked cukes, tomatoes & zucchini from my garden, cleaned up the kitchen,took papers to the recycle bin, cleaned out the humming bird feeders and put fresh sugar water in, so, here I am late again lol!

SacBarb. It is hard seeing a loved one going through the "long goodby". My old co worker is going through that with her husband. He used to be my committee man at work. Sweet guy. I worked next to his wife on & off for years. She puts up a lot of pics of him on FB. It's so sad to see that once vivacious man, looking with blank stares. She takes very good & loving care of him.

JustLin. How did your surgery go? I was not fond of all the drops either! We have a few block parties in town. Not much here in the country. I hear the places in Detroit are thinking of banning them due to the gun violence at some of them. Always a few, ruining it for everyone.

Dianne. It was good reading that Louis is doing better. I hope it continues! You both need a break from all the medical issues! Any trips planned? I sure miss traveling! I can't wait until Sept. for my trip to New Mexico! I prolly should tell Jim soon lol!

Well time to tuck Zoie in. Tomorrow is a busy day. I try to shop early in the morning since it has been so hot here. It is our County Fair week. I usually go with my girlfriend on Ladies day. Hopefully she is feeling better after her bout with pneumonia. Either way I will go to bring Matthew his fave.foot long corn dog, & Jim's caramel corn.
Nite all!!

July 16, 2024 at 11:11 PM Delete

Mary/MI said...

btw, I saw these exact doughnuts at Miejers today while getting gross-eries. The choc one was a melted mess. I did NOT purchase lol!

sacBarb said...

Mary, i wish I had your energy! I have to drag myself around to do everything I need to do! I just wish I could get a solid 5-6 hours of sleep at night. I’m sure that would help. The most I get at a time is 2-1/2 hours. I wake up and can’t get back to sleep for at least 2 hours. It’s very frustrating!

JL, I’m glad you’re doing well after your eye surgery. Do you notice a big change in your vision from before the surgery? I didn’t notice a big change and still need to wear my glasses for both near and far vision.

Dianne, I am happy to hear that Louis is doing much better. How about you? Are you feeling much better? How’s the family? Haven’t heard much about Tam and the girls lately.

Dianne/Denver said...

Damn just wrote a huge blog and it’s gone. I’ll try tmrw

Mary/MI said...

Dianne, I don't trust this blog site, so I always "copy/paste" my comments especially if it is a long one!

sacBarb said...

I had my pre op appointment with my hunky surgeon yesterday. In addition to being gorgeous, he’s also got a good bedside manner, unlike my heart surgeon who was a good doctor, but just business all the time. This doctor is bery personable. He explained the whole surgery and I will be getting a shoulder joint that has been 3D printed especially for my shoulder. He said they having a lot more success with this procedure. It’s amazing! Anyway, surgery is two weeks from today. Also, I will be coming home the same day, barring anything unforeseen. A physical therapist will come to the house the next day and twice a week for two weeks, then I will be going out for PT for 6 more weeks. I can have my other shoulder done 6 months after this one. I am very anxious to get done.
Mary, I am so sorry about your older sister. I know exactly how you feel. My sister is declining rapidly, but physically she is doing OK. It’s so sad! Both my parents lived to almost 92 and they were pretty sharp mentally for their age, so this is new to me. I will add her to my prayer list.

Dianne, I hope you and Lois are still doing OK. You don’t need to anymore medical bills. I thank God for my medical insurance. I worked for 36 years and am so grateful! I just learned today that Marie’s Medicare insurance doesn’t pay for the ambulance when they called 911, so I got a bill for $354. The ambulance company has a hardship feature if your gross income is less than $39,440 a year. Marie’s annual income is $42,000, so she missed being eligible by $3,000. Bummer!!!

JL, I’m disappointed with the Bachelorette show this season. I don’t seem to be as invested in it as I usually am. I don’t really know why. Maybe I am too distracted by all the other crap going on here!

I’m not going to proofread comment, so please excuse any typos.