
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

~ Tayvis ~


Tayvis - what is your opinion on these two? I know you have one! 


Dianne/Denver said...

Hi. I’ve been away for awhile since I lost my last post. Well, I’m doing well Louis still is just plugging along. He’s not great he had Botox put into his calves last week that will helpfully stop his leg movement. We should know in a week. His stimulater he had put in a few weeks ago is sometimes works but it’s still being adjusted. We went to Todd’s new hose a couple of weeks ago for a going away gathering as my youngest grandson is off to college in Tennessee. His house is far and gps had us all mixed up. It was worse going home in the dark. At one point he was driving 36 on the hwy I tried to get him to let me drive although I can’t see in the dark. I was on the edge of my seat. And the week before I went to big wedding and louis didn’t fee like going. Great wedding but dark and pouring rain on way home. Boy if I drank much both times deserved a shot of tequila when I got home. Tammy, barb and I went to a concert Friday night. Saw Cody Johnson and Tracy Byrd ..outside venue and perfect night. Great concert and fun. I love concerts. Last sat night was my 60th class reunion again, Louis wasn’t feeling great so Kayla came with me and I was so glad. I’m very shy like school but when I get there I’m ok. It was so fun and Kayla helped with that for me. I told her to dress like a funeral and she looked so cute. She was helpful to so many people and everyone over her. It was my best reunion yet. We had 208 in my class. At least 40; have died. There was about 60:there. It went from 4-9/ $20 each for heavy snacks. We left about 8:15 K thought we’d be be there for an hour..nope 3-1/2 hours. I think she had a good time too. She said she got a little misty eyed there.
So barb I have down your surgery is tmrw, right? I hope it goes well and recovery is good too. Remind me exactly what is wrong with your shoulder. How’s your sister doing? are those eyes feeling? Should be good by now, I hope. What’s new with you? Mary, when do you go on your trip? I’ll bet you’re getting excited how’s Jim doing? Well, let’s see if I can copy this post

Dianne/Denver said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dianne/Denver said...

Yea it posted

Mary/MI said...

Well, this section is different. What happened? Testing. Not sure it will go through.

Mary/MI said...

I see it works. Still looks weird lol!
Dianne, I leave for NM on Sept 6. His B-party is the 7th and I go home the next day. I don't dare leave Jim & Zoie for too long. Matthew promised to take care of them for me. He will be back to driving school bus, but I will be away mostly on the weekend, so all should be good until I get back.
I will write more later. Have to put beef tips in crock pot for noodles later. I made tortillas for burritos on Tues. and now running to the store for a few ingred. I am making a zucchini cinnamon bread loaf before my Zuke goes bad lol!

Just_Lin said...

So the blog looks weird. I see I'm not the only one who thinks so. I thought I had done something strange with my computer for something. Glad that I didn't.

DIANNE, my eyes are good now and I am glad to be done with all the eye drops. A major problem I was having since the surgery is that I was still trying to see through my old glasses and it was really throwing me off and making me feel ill. In fact, a week after the surgery, I got my nails done and I felt really woozy and like I might pass out. It was rather alarming for the manicure people. The feeling passed after a minute or so. Anyway, when I told the young woman who was helping me pick out new frames for my new glasses last Thursday about how it's really straining my eyes to try and see anything through my old glasses, she suggested a cheap pair of readers until my new glasses come in. What a game changer! I wish I would have thought of that a month ago. The bad part is that after I bought some readers at the drug store, I pulled out of the parking space and a guy drove up the adjacent aisle and ran into the back fo my car. The impact put a crack in the bumper right below the left rear tail ight. This caused that whole panel the extends to above the left rear wheel to pop out away from the car. The guy who hit me was able to get the panel popped back on except for the very end over the wheel where the panel kind of tapers to a point. At that spot, it won't click back on because the impact broke the little bracket that it should click back on to. So that spot doesn't sit quite flush. Oh, well. The car is 19 years old and has certainly seen better days. I did file a claim.

I'm glad Kayla went with you to your reunion and that you had a good time. I'm sorry that Louis is still having issues. I hope things improve for him soon.

MARY, you are always cooking up something yummy. I wish I lived at your house. LOL I am lucky to have really nice neighbors who brought me dinner two times after my eye surgery. Also, the little kids brought me breakfast the other day, a chile relleno breakfast casserole. It was delicious and they were so proud as they had helped make it.

I hope you have a good time in NM. I'm sure Matthew will make sure everything is okay with Jim and Zoie. My daughter is coming down in late September for a few days to attend her friend's daughter's wedding and I am going to fly home with her and spend a week with her in Oregon. Later, in November she and her boyfriend are going on an Australia/New Zealand cruise and she is going to bring her two dogs down to me to pet sit while she's gone, This will probably kill me. LOL The little bossy dog, Raya, will be easy enough but the other newer one, Clio, is younger and wants to fetch ALL THE TIME!.

BARB, all of a sudden your surgery date is right around the corner. Do you think you'll be watching Bachelorette tomorrow night?

Two things I immediately saw better surgery were my wrinkles and my floaters. LOL I normally wear glasses all the time because I get really annoyed with the on-and-off of glasses to see near or far. I hardly needed them for far (not required for driving) but definitely need them for close things. I really see distance crystal clear now, like it is fine tuned. Also, I noticed that the color of light is different than what I was used to.

I hope everything goes exceptionally well on the 20th with your surgery and your new 3D printed shoulder.

Mary/MI said...

Justlin, I have had trifocals for years. I needed them for some of the jobs I had at GM. I had to read charts in front of the cars, build my own stock & do various jobs on each car. About 48 cars per hr back then. I hear it is more now with the "buddy" system. Glad I am out of there! No more pension. it was great money, but boy did you earn it! How sweet of the neighbors to help you! Send them my way! I need a break lol!!

Mary/MI said...

Oh, about "Tayvis" Love him, not a fan of her. I am more into non "bubble-gum" perfect voices. I am more into Joplin,Jagger, Rod Stewart, oldies & blues. I'm old lol!