
Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Shawshank Redemption

i have been wanting to blog about
my favorite movie forever and it just
seemed the words would not come

when i blog, the words must come easy
i must not struggle

what brought me to this blog today
was watching one of my favorite
movies "The Shawshank Redemption"
i think i watched it a dozen times and
each time i am enthralled by it

i love the way Andy figures things out
he seems to have so much patience
and even tho he was never guilty
he just took his sentence as a way
of life, at least we thought he did

his friendship with Red was very
endearing, and it just proofs that
friendships are very strong indeed

it's a powerful, poignant, thought-provoking
challenging film like no other i have watched

the ending of the movie when Andy is
in Zihuatanejo on that amazing beach
and Red walks up the beach towards
Andy, is forever a picture perfect postcard

quoting Andy
"Get busy watching, or get busy dying."

he is right, the yellow is out there
it surrounds all of us~~

what movie has forever touched you
and allows you to watch it over again
a zillion times only to watch it one
more time?


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Jodi said...


Just_Lin said...


Dianne/Denver said...

guess I missed 200 too!

Jodi said...

DIANNE!!! You sneaky HO!!!


kahonugrl said...


kahonugrl said...


whabbear said...

Nighty night, Bon'O, IBB, and MEK!

Just Lin, Turtle, and Dianne:

It's astounding. Time is fleeting. Madness takes its toll
So listen closely
(not for very much longer)

I've got to
keep control!


Jodi said...

DIANNE - I meant to say congrats on 200!!! The curds will be there soon!!

kahonugrl said...

there you go dianne way to beat the jodiHO

Just_Lin said...

Hi Hodi! Dianne_Ho_in_Denver you won the march to 200!

Dianne/Denver said...

Oh Jodi, I am eyes are welling up...I haven't been called a HO directly on the blog or maybe not anywhere now that I think about it...It is my first time!!!

Just_Lin said...

Dianne I always knew you were a Ho. Sorry I never mentioned it. LOL

Dianne/Denver said...

Ok, I am just reading your last posts gals and I didn't even know I won the darn march. I can't count too great I guess but it is later here and Jodi has been sleeping so my eyes are the most tired! Hi BEAR!

Just_Lin said...

Whabbear You are like a figment of my imagination. You're here and then you're gone. Poof!

Dianne/Denver said...

JUSTLIN: That isn't a very good rumor to spread about and gone...not great for the old reputation (if you get my drift)

Just_Lin said...

Dianne are you calling him old?

Dianne/Denver said...

Uh no...another figment. Bear isn't even 50 yet...but soon.

Jodi said...

DIANNE-HO-WHO-CAN'T-COUNT-IN-DENVER!!! LOL @ not realizing you got 200!!!

JUST LIN - ((((HUGS)))) 2 U.....just cuz!!! Are you feeling better?


Just_Lin said...

Hodi Yes, I am feeling better. I have to take my oldest cat to the vet tomorrow (actually, today) I probably won't have the best news then, either.

Jodi said...

JUST LIN - Just take care - I know this isn't easy for you. I'll be thinking about you always. :D

kahonugrl said...

my intuition tells me its gonna be ok. I know you have not had the best last few days, but tomorrow won't be as bad as you think........ I think.

Just_Lin said...

Well, ladies, owls, hos and bears, I'm going to go to bed. That Custard starts writing to me early in the morning.

Ladies, owls, hos, and bears, oh my! It's a twisted version of The Wizard of Oz. LOL

Jodi said...

JUST LIN - Listen to TURTLE.....she has never been wrong for me!!! Good night!!

Just_Lin said...

Thanks, Ladies. Good night.

Dianne/Denver said...

Hey Jodi, is Mr Iteach still the prize on marches or did he retire?

Jodi said...

JUST LIN - lol @ your twisted version of WOZ !!!

Jodi said...

DIANNE - I'm not sure. Although I guess it all depends if ITEACH has worked him to the bone!!! LOL!!

Jodi said...

I better go get showered and prettied up for work.

I hope everyone has a great Friday!!!

GOLDIE - Holy crap......that was some wind last night!! I felt like screaming "Auntie Em, Auntie Em"!!!

♥LOVEY♥ said...

Good Friday Morning Owls!!
I had to pop in and say howdy and wish ya'll a fantastic day.

I am trying to catch up on all the WONDERFUL blogs written by ya'll since I've been away from the nest.I am sure it will take me a few days :o)

Thank you so very much to all that have left messages and comments on myspace.Your friendship means so much to me.
I'm feeling good, and doing well.
So far,all is looking grrreattt!!
I know your prayers have been heard. Thank you.

Shawshank is a MASTERPIECE.
I have a huge list of fav.movies, but here are a few that I watch over and over again.
The Big Chill.
The Green Mile.
Funny Girl
My Fair Lady
Les Miserables (the one with Anthony Perkins)
Sister Act (both) and
Schindler's List.

I have my all time seasonal favs too :o)

Lots of Love, xox

Lynn D said...

Lovey is baaaaaaaaack! I am so happy!

How the heck did I forget Schindlers list???? I even own the book. One of the best movies of all time!

Bon'O said...

Psssst, Lynn.....Who's that gorgeous new owl over there by the breakfast coffee bar???

OMG, that's not a new Owl!! It's our very own LOVEY!!! WELCOME BACK, G'FRIEND!!!

Lynn D said...

Good Morning Bon!

Wow you are right she looks so young and lovely! Lovely Lovey!!! said...

New blog up!

Sorry its late, rough morning!

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