this is how it started, simple words
4 all of u, trying to find my way
in the internet world, seeing if any
would respond, this way of writing
seemed easier 4 me, so i continued
on, learning and growing
i have come so far, made so many
friends, with these simple words
it seems everyone knew me, 2 my
surprise, some understood the meaning
at times i was cryptic, just to see who
would get it, as 4 me i was trying to
find the balance, 2 learn who these
strange ppl were, as the faces were
hidden, so the words were my balance
each day, i came to c who was among
the few, in hopes the words showed
who i am, what i was looking 4 when
i first began, i am not sure, i guess
everything has a beginning, and my
words were my beginning, i will say
this i was def searching for something
as we don't seek if we don't need
i had forgotten this way of writing, of
forming my words, but it seems many
did not, as this way of writing is poetry
to some, as turtle said "haiku" her memory
of my words so vivid, using her memory
i formed this blog, with the words
i so often used
it is 2 b assumed, as i wrote my words
u all wondered about me as well, as i
was just a pseudo "cpgem8" just as
cryptic as my words, many must have
wondered, is she real? that thought
never occurred to me, as i was me
real and true
time has a way of defining things, it
brings closure to guessing, there is no
more guessing, we are all real, we have
faces, and are words are what brings us
together, never stop the words 4 we
need them, it is our touch
happy blue
smiles and happiness always