This Night Owl Blog has given so much! It is a fun place, we don't bash and we have fun being "tedious"! We offer advice, give love, lots of free food and an open forum which can be about anything that is important, thought provoking or just plain silly. And sometimes we just March (some to different drummers, but all together). :) It is not about a single person, it is about all the people on any given day blended together.....Goldie!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Picnic Time!
by Iteach
Did you know that behind the owl’s nest just past the tall pine trees we have a picnic ground?
Yes, we do and I have been there a lot with my children.
It is the most beautiful park that I have ever laid eyes on. The grass is green and lush. The trees are tall and strong and they are fun to take a nap under. There is always a gentle breeze that makes the leaves dance and laugh. The sun is always smiling on us and the temperature hovers around 75 degrees on most days.
What is also unique about our picnic ground is that it is free of mosquitoes and allergies. I have no idea why, but I’m not going to question it.
Shirley will be sitting under the pavilion preparing all the wonderful picnic food. She always does a wonderful job.
There are numerous trails to walk with all your dogs. Please do remember to clean up their droppings.
VIG will be under the gazebo with her piano serenading us with light musical songs that will drift us off to an afternoon nap.
In the evening Whabby will provide star and planet stories around a campfire.
Please pull up a lawn chair and share with us your favorite parts about a picnic.
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 605 Newer› Newest»Zona - Where are you? We are waiting for you.
Zona, Zona, Zona...where are you? Still playing post office?
Birdee - It was me you missed. I am a slow typist on this little machine.
***Take water balloon cannon launcher and fills it up. Sneaks up to the side of Tinka's porch, aims...***
FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!!!!!!!!!
***Runs back to picnic.***
Ohhhh that was a good nap!
Ran out and made several pitchers of iced sangria for everyone! Help yourself.
Shirley if you shoot me with that supersoaker one more time I am going to chase you down and push you in the water! LOL
***Reloads super soaker. Sneaks off to find another target. (he!he!he!)***
Why Lynn D I don't know what you mean (in my most innocent voice). I have been sitting here on my blanket with Joey all afternoon.
Shirley - You missed me but you got the neighbour's dog. Boy is he ever coming after you.
Shirley...Neener, neener, neener! You got the wrong house..the neighbours dog is waiting for your return!
Yeah right Shirley! I would believe you except for the wad of ballons sticking out of your bra and the nose of the supersoaker sticking out from behind Joey!!!
Good bye for now from the Victoria chapter of the Night Owl's. See you after dinner.
haha!! Y'all are so funny!! I am enjoying the comments a lot!
Vig, I love your icon pic!!
Thanks for making my b-day special y'all!!
Be back later....
Behave Shirley! haha
Wasn't that you and Tinka sitting in the rocking swing chair thingy?
Okay birthday boy. You stepped on me. Is that anyway to behave on your special day?
haha Tinka!! I'm so sowwwyy!
**Picks Tinka up and dusts her off** lol
Ok! Ok! Ok! I'll put my balloons and super soaker away (for now... he!he!he!). I will put them all back in their trunk and lock it. Ok? Now who is playing horse shoes?
Thank you Joey. I wasn't hurt but was feelings were dusty.
VIG & Tinka~~If you guys are looking for Zona, you need to hurry down here...I just found her here at the waterfall with a bunch of nekkid guys!
She was running from Shirley's Soaker and found the real deal!!
Shirley....nope, wrong porch! That must have been two other gorgeous women sitting outside!
Joey...thanks for the icon pic compliment! Hope you are having a fantastic birthday!
Bon'o could you go to the other side of the waterfall so we can get a good look at his "face"? Lol!
Bono..thanks - we were wondering what happened to Tinka's daughter! Nekkid guys sounds kind of interesting...which waterfall is it?
Picking up a lovely dinner Shirley. Thank you. See you later.
Okay, going home now! See you later back at the picnic!
Birdee, aka 'Fried Chicken'~~Guess what? I'm using the MS Application to help me learn Brazilian Portuguese. It has a word and expression for each day and today's is "Voce gosta de frango frito?" (Do you like fried chicken?) Now, if I knew how to say "Hell to the Yeah, especially if it's named Birdee!"
Shirley~~About your last suggestion...I'm 'on it'!
***Takes ladder over by tree at the entrance to the picnic grounds. Puts water balloons in knapsack and climbs up tree. Leaves knapsack in safe place behind a branch...for later (he!he!he!). For the late arrivals...Carol, Maureen, Dianne-going-to-get-wet-in-Denver, Sandie and anyone else that stops by!***
Ok, got the whores shoes strapped on- lets play!! Now, this is not to be confused with me dancing on the whore box. That was a whole nother sport!
Shirely, what the hell are you doing up in that tree??????
I posted a few pictures of the Victoria chapter of the picnic. You can see that Shirley did not get us wet. I am off for a nap. I will be checking throughout the night on the progress of the picnic and the behaviour of the picnickers on my new Mac Book. I will be taking notes.
Joey - Have fun tonight.
Oh my, I had no idea we were getting company, and they just left...
I am so sorry I missed the picnic, and it seems it was so fun...
I am wet however, so I think Shirley got me all the way here in NJ...
I just hope its water :O)
Vig and Tinka:
Just so glad you guys were able to spend some time together today, so very sweet...
I think you will the hang of the Mac in no time, as you are not a giver up type of gal... Especially after making the 69 today!
So nice to offer to help Tinka with the mac... And I loved your music playing...
Your posts today were hilarious, what a great way to enjoy a picnic.. So very imaginative.... Perfect!!!
Congrats On First!
I see you stopped by today, I have missed you...
Are you around today? Did you work the hell hole?
I forgot to say you were missed, and glad you are back up and running...
You too, glad to see ya!
Are you swimming?
I too want to see Mamma Mia, even if the reviews are not so good, I will probably still love it, as I am a fan of Abba...
Tina and Turtle:
I am hoping you guys did not get in trouble, as your bail money has been spent on the picnic, Priorities!!!
I hope your birthday was Amazing!
How was acrapbooking?
Oh how funny... I just read my typo...
"a crap booking" what the heck????
Hey I was sitting under the tree, minding my own business and wham! I am soaked! Anybody see Shirley or Birdee? Luckily I have dry clothes in the car. Believe me, no one wants to see this wet T-shirt.
Lovey: I love your new Owl bikini. I hope you used a lot of sunscreen.
Goldie_the_Horseshoe_Champ: Is there any watermelon left?
J/L: I have a beer with you.
Iteach, This picnic was such a good idea. Thanks, again for organizing it.
Thanks Zona and Birdee for the Birthday wishes for Sarah.
You now, my dad has been complaining about having dark stool (he calls it black crap), this is all I have heard for 5 days now, about 10 times in each day, So I guess I have "crap" on my mind...Sorry if its TMI
I am so glad you are here, I was all alone....
Birthday Wishes to Sarah! (That is my mom's name)
I agree, Iteach's picnic was a perfect success, I think we all needed to regroup...
Speaking of success, we are
approaching our 200th blog very shortly.
can you help me to figure out which day this week the 200th blog will be posting...Thanks
OK, I'm NOT going skinny dipping. It would have to be called chunky dunk anyway. And, like the wet T-shirt, no one wants to see that!
I hope the picnic will continue into the night hours! Sorry...but it was a little too sunny for me, so I decided to wait until dark before I came back!
What happened to all the "good stuff"! I see all the jello-shots, spiked watermelon and "special" brownies are gone!
I brought my dad's telescope that he made so that Whabbear could show us some cool things! (Are you up to it yet Whabby?)!
I hope someone brought a guitar because I do love to sing around a campfire!
Why is ZONA hording all the nekkid guys?!
I think I am going to go help Zona...she made need me to take a couple of them off her hands!
Save my seat...I'll be back... (maybe they can sing too?)!
OOOOOO!!! I forgot!!! I have some nice kindling for the fire (Bruce still has a lot of his crap in my basement)! LOL!!!
I'll right back!
Carol my caculations say the 200th will be July Sunday.
Good Evening everyone!!
cpgem - LMAO at "crap" - cuz that is what I call all my stuff!! crap room, crap stuff....... class was okay - not one of the best!! next Saturday, will be a blast - mini book - very involved and time consuming - I LOVE those things!!
your poor dad!!!
Ya'll (for Joey) have had a blast today!!
Goldie - don't you just LOVE those moments...... I was in a golf tourney and a man in the foursome got SO pissed, cuz there was a girl in his group - First hole, his first shot didn't even make it past the women's tee box - so, I told him that I'd give him a "bye" on the "rule" - so, as we drove up to his ball - I said - it's still your turn......... SO, when I was going to hit my first tee shot - I talked to my ball and said - I don't care what happens the rest of the day - just PLEASE do long and straight!! I hit the shot of a life time - straight down the fairway and FAR!!! LOVED IT - he didn't utter a sound the rest of the day!! YES!!!!!!!!!!
Hope since the sun is setting that the water balloons and super soakers are put away!!
Goldie I was in the tree to see all the beautiful landscape (hope she buys that). It really is a lovely picnic area.
SacBarb - I'm not going skinny dipping either - looks like most of the group must be there!!
I brought a guitar. When do you want to start singing?
My cousin Timmy is coming in tomorrow from Minneapolis, he will be here a couple of weeks. We are trying very hard to find him a rent control
apartment, as he lives on SSI/Disability. He called me last nite, he lost $200.00 and his ID, he does not know where, the only place it could have dropped was in a cab it took. When he called the cab company they said they don't have it...
So I had to wire him money, and he went for a new ID today so he can get on his plane tomorrow...
I am glad I was able to help him!
So my next few weeks will be crazed as Timmy requires lots of
Bon!! You need to learn how to say...NOT good to fry Chicken!!!
Tink, so Sorry I missed you earlier! xoxo
Sacbarb, It wasn't me that soaked you... it was all Shirley!
Carol, I have missed you too! xoxo
Jennifer~~Did the nekkid guys get lost? I sent them to your place to help you finish the fence so you could come out and play! Your paths must have crossed. Maybe they're still there and can help you carry the 'kindling' back for the bonfire!!
Chunky Dunk...LOL I am right there with ya!
***Goes behind pavilion to the trunk, unlocks and throws open the cover. Pulls out the bag of whoopie cushions. Sneaks over to where the campfire will be and puts a whoopie cushion under the blankets draped over each of the chairs. Sneaks back to the pavilion. (he!he!he!)***
What is your favorite song?
Well, then Sunday the 27th it is...
Our 200th blog...Anybody up for a celebration?
There you are, my precious frango frito. I've missed you!!
Let's sing "Row Row Row Your Boat".
All together now...
♪Row you boat,♪
♪Gently down the stream.♪
Come on everyone!
Hello-Hello, Sorry I am late for the picnic but I had to be gone most of the day. One thing I had to do was wait for the UPS guy as TINA sent a special shipment of her deviled eggs..(eat at your own risk)!! I know there were already some but I didn't want to hurt her feelings! K-Girl threw in some leis for us too. Now I have a couple of questions:
What the heck is SHIRLEY doing up in that tree with GOLDIE'S whore shoes on and wasn't that hard climbing with them on?
Why are you all so wet with your clothes on? Did you go swimming and forget to take them off?
JENNIFER says she is going to help ZONA taked nekked men off her hands (so to speak)?? I am getting confused at this picnic. I did hear lots of music so I brought my baton to toss around with the music.
I am glad you waited for the fireworks until it was dark everywhere as we are just having sunset now.
What the heck is that "Loud Farting Sound" I hear?
Carol~~I'm in! I even had it marked on the calendar, and sent MEK an email when she was needing a project a couple days ago...suggested she could prepare the 'official' invite!
Shirely- don't bullshit a bullshiter!! Scenery my ass. LOL
Yes Mek- I loved it and love your story too. Sweeeeeeeeeet justice.
Carol- you are doll to help your cousin out.
200th blog? Sounds like another party to me. :)
jennifer-lol@ the kindling
sacbarb- lots of watermelon left, I went to the farmers market today. They had fresh *herbs* too- new batch of brownies in the oven.
it doesn't take much to amuse me
Sacbarb it wasn't me that soaked you it was Birdee!
I do want to say thanks to ITEACH for planning just a great day and to SHIRLEY for making all the food and keeping everyone cool!!
AMICUS: I loved the Mamma Mia movie but didn't have a fun audience like you did. Everyone just sat quietly and watched. My friend and I kind of chair danced!! I didn't pay much attention to anything but the plot and the singing and smiled the whole time.
Yes I blame Birdee as well!
Great, 200 blog celebration it will be...
Goldie offered Shirley her shoes, and Shirley took them and ran up a tree!
Goldie come on up! See for yourself.
***whispering to can help me drop the balloons. He!He!He!***
♪♪Merrily Merrily, life is but a dream♪♪
Dianne-finally-got-here-from-Denver, hi!
Hey Owls~ I'm back for more fun.
sacbarb, glad you had a good time at the party.
Jennifer, It's dark:30, are you ready to play.
Hey Carol, So good to see you too. I really didn't know you were into crap-booking.
Mek, love your F**k You moment.
Well Shirley, I have crooked toes, and my husband always says I could climb the shit out of a tree. Lets see if I can!!
Carol, Thanks for the birthday wishes for Sarah.
I LMAO at your 'a crap booking' post to MEK too
The FOAD monster is alive. I hope this one works.
How come...I am getting blamed for Owl's being soaked??!! ;o)
Bonnie where's that harmonica?
Poor Birdee, she keeps getting blamed for soaking everyone and the poor little thing can't even pee that far.
ronnie, that's true. I pee fast but not far!
Its because, you just never know what you are going to do next.. Birds love water, so who else could it be?
Just went outside to throw the frisbee to Joey- oh, sorry I meant PEPPER. Who is birdee peeing on?
You guys crack me up!
lol...I bet your family is so proud of you, Birdee.
Birdee just look at my beautiful bright smile. No one is going to think I would soak them. However your chicken face does look a little quilty.
Yes they are ronnie!!!
what's wrong with my chicken face!!
Goldie, don't believe them..I'm not peeing on anyone!
Ronnie have you been "welcomed" to the picnic yet today?
***whispers to Goldie...get ready***
birdee- you got 300 you little sneaky pee'er
I'm ready.........
Maybe Birdee can't pee well, but can she ever march with those chicken feet.
Should I distract here dancing in my whore shoes on the whore box???
OMG, what was that wet on my head. Is it a rain cloud or is BIRDIE flying around dropping "loads"? It really seemed like it came from that tree and call me silly but I swear I saw a monkey climbing up it. There isn't a zoo near is there?
***whispers to Goldie...wait...wait...wait...ok NOW!!!!!***
Goldie, LOL "sneaky pee'er"
Welcome to the picnic Ronnie!!!
man, I am sitting here drinking a big glass of orange sunkist soda (diet) and calculating how many times I will have to pee during the night because of it!
Shirley, Shirley, Shirley~
I was welcomed with flowers this morning and never got a drop of water OR pee on me.
Thank you for asking.
Yes she does, especially when someone is having chicken for dinner...She march's away really fast!!!
Now? Do you mean dance, pee or drop????
Diane, Good thing you weren't looking UP!!
CAROL: Is "crap booking" anything like "crap cooking"? I think that might define my cooking qualities!
Ok..back up....I am going to throw my baton up in that tree and see if I hit anything!!!
Dianne-with the droppings on her head-in Denver, have a towel and a beer.
Did we get her?
Shirley made me do it....
The zoo you are referring to, is right here in the nest...As some crazy animals, are all around us!
OWWWWW!!! No we didn't get her Diann-with-the-baton-in-Denver got us. I give up. Good help is hard to find.
Shit! I hear Shirley screaming and a crackwhore pump red shoe just hit Birdee in the head!
GOLDIE AND SHIRLEY: I think you got a few people at one time.
RONNIE: Thanks, I'll take that beer and towel. BTW GOLDIE, why would you be drinking diet orange soda at big picnic like this and on a Saturday night too? It doesn't match with your shoes (that SHIRLEY is still wearing-I think she likes them)!
Did I tell you all that I found chocolate marshmellows and brought them? Anyone ever tried them?
Diane. OUCH!!
Excuse me birdee, may I have my shoe back please :)
Hey, you get what you pay for lady...
Is that a baton sticking out of your head Birdee?
***Climbs down the ladder and goes back to the pavilion to contemplate her next move.***
Carol,At a campfire my favourite songs are ones I can play on my guitar - like John Denver songs or Vince Gill's. Maybe we need someone else on the guitar.
Goldie, sorry, no! They look very good on these here chicken feet! ;o)
Carol- because it tastes good with pineapple juice and rum in it ;)
Shirley- I believe we have been requested to report to the naughty mat
Shirley~ please don't contemplate about anything. Girl, you are dangerous.
Hey Tinks can you play "Grandma's Feather Bed"? Or how about "Rockie Mountain High"?
ROFLMAO@Sacbarb with "chunky dunk"! Too frickin' funny!
hehe Goldie
**catches the frisbee in my mouth-ewww, doggie drool** lol
Yes Carol, it's been rather quiet but nice! I feel the love from everyone and that's enough for me!:)
200th already!? wow! Seems like we just celebrated 100!!
I hope you all have a great night! Thanks again for the birthday wishes and the wonderful picnic!!
OH and Carol, I'm so sorry to hear about Timmy losing that!:(
You are so sweet to help him!
Birdee~did you sit on that whoopie cushion, or was that natural?
oops- that rum answer was to dianne/denver (apparently too much rum, if there is such a thing)
No to the chocolate marshmellows- have seen them but not tried them.
ronnie, Hell NO!! That is a huge lump on my head from this ass whooping I'm getting!
Oh and your typo "crap-booking" had me cracking up!! Loved it!
Ronnie if this was a real life picnic believe me I would be the quietest one here, if I dared to show up at all.
I do believe the crackwhore red pump shoe is sticking out of Birdee's Ass!
She has a red barrette in her chicken flap today in honor of the picnic, so Ronnie I think that is what you see....
Shirley - I can play anything by John Denver. He sings in my favourite key.
LOVE YOU JOEY- Happy Birthday and you can play frisbee with Pepper anytime.
ronnie, that was me burping!
ppsst....Ronnie....I know where Shirley is hiding....I brought some water balloons!! LETS GO!
Did we get her?!
Tink: Absolutely, John Denver Songs!
I've been lately thinkin
about my life's time...
Sittin' here by the fire
and watch the evening tire
While all my friends
and my old lady (old huzbear)
sit and pass the pipe around!
And talk of poems, and prayers,
and promises...
and things that we believe in...
how long its been since yesterday
and what about tomorrow...
Ahh, the campfire. What what a wonderful way to end the picnic today!
hehe love ya too Goldie!
OMG what does this mean?? As I just tried to post!
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I said "The chocolate marshmallows just look fluffy poop" haha
Ouch, since I wear a size 10 I am betting that my shoe sticking out birdees ass is hurtin'
I think you're right, Carol.
I think because 5 of us posted at the same exact time haha
We overloaded the system;)
Bon: I don't think those guys made it here! (Did Joey get to them first?)!
JoeBlow: Those guys were for ME!!! (But...I guess it IS your birthday...)!
Yes it is sad that he lost it, Timmy is blind, so who even knows if he dropped it right in front of himself, and then someone just picked it up, knowing he could not see....
Carol, why are you looking at my ass? ;o)
Pipe?? Whab has a pipe?? don't bogart, pass that puppy around!
Anybody need some Band-Aids?
Hey! What the...!?! I see you running away Jennifer!!!
That was perfect! Now are you high?
aww that's so sad Carol:(
People are just greedy!
Why the band-aids?! Are my nipples showing?ROFLMAO
I would have warned you Shirley, but you know how hard good help is to get....
How the heck can I ignore it, you got a size 10 "crackwhore red pump shoe" sticking out of it!
"A hard man is good to find"
Oh wait..A good man is hard to find;)haha
I just hope you don't poop, cause that will be really messy!
Ok Goldie I deserved that one. Lol!!
I'm in the mood for s'mores. Where's that kindling for the fire? Jennifer must have found the nekkid guys and got sidetracked.
Where's Tinka and her uke? VIG and her keyboard? (oh, I remember now--SHE went to the little store for 'picnic supplies'. I know, 'cuz she sent me some on MS!)
Mary/MI should be showing up with her karaoke machine soon.
Did you bring extra oxygen, Dianne? I might need a 'hit' if I start singing.
(Oops, just noticed a BUNCH of you showed up while I was away. Let the singing begin!!
I think I need some band-aides! I just tripped and fell trying to run away from the pavilion!
What are you talking about Shirley?! I was by the fire the whole time! Yeah....that's it!!! What are we singing? John Denver?!
What about some Gordon Lightfoot?....
I think you had it right the first time Joey
I guess we got Shirley...her hair is wet and so are her pants. But, then again, we've already discussed her wet pants. lol
(that was just me closing my parentheses....hate 'dangling things') :o)
Sorry Bon! I got side tracked! Here are some shafts that Bruce was going to fletch into arrows....Oh...and some O'sage (sp?) Wood that he was going to make a Bow out of...
I may need some help for the big stuff! I have a lot of photographs too!
I'm having a really hard time keeping up!! LOL....
it's a bitch to get old!!
I agree Bon, I hate danglin' things...if they don't stand on their own, I don't want any part of it.
Who's a bitch MEK?
Happy Birthday Gooey...
Shhh....Ronnie don't let Shirley hear you! We were both at the campfire...remember?! (wink, wink...)! ; )
Whabbear: What constellations are visible at are special picnic location?
Jennifer is throwning Bruce's wood and shafts into the fire- now that is SWEET REVENGE at its finest..
Hiya MEK and Want!!
, between bitch and MEK.
We'll be ok, Ronnie. Just look what Jennifer brought us!!
O, by the way, if you can't tell...I just opened a fifth of Souza! Where were those limes again?
Hey Goldie, nice shoes !
Oh, maybe we won't be ok, Ronnie. She just through what we needed on the fire!
THREW! Dang tequila anyway!!
Yes....sweet revenge....I'm going back for more of his crap! (Old guitars...guitar magazines...ah...there's his hat collection)! OH...(Sorry MEK and Tina) but I see a lot of his NASCAR memorabilia!
WOW! This fire is stoking!!! WOOHOO!!!
Why are we talking about danglin' things and shafts? Did I miss something while I went and changed my clothes (glaring at Jennifer)?
Bon~I found some really cold limes in J/L ice chest.
Be back in a bit with my jammies. I'm thinking about staying the night.
They were nice shoes till Birdee got one up her ass!
L 0 freakin' L ~~NOW, it's a PARTAY!
How come Ronnie is so "innocent" in all this Shirley?! (I guess she can run faster than me)! Plus...I did trip and fall!
I think Whabbear past out again!
You are as old has you feel!!! You spry youngin!
Ok sorry Joey but now you are not going to like your present. I wrapped up a big box of chocolate marshmellows for you. It is the one with the big red ribbon over in the stack of gifts.
Whabby is "high" :O)
Jennifer LOL that you're throwing Bruce's shaft into the fire! How cathartic!
Dianne_the_majorette_in_Denver I wish you would have told me you had a baton. If I would have known, I'd have brought mine along, too!
Shirley You are a riot!
I'm too late for the picnic but it sure was fun reading about all your adventures. Maybe you'll do this again sometime before summer's end.
First Time Posting....Donna
HEy Baby, join the partyyyy!!
LOL @ Whabbear being high! (I wonder what constellations HE is seeing now)! LOL!!!
Where did Joey go?! I thought I heard a bunch of guys giggling in the woods! I think Joey is enjoying his birthday! (Wink, wink, nudge, nudge)!
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