
Sunday, January 31, 2021

The Period

 by Dianne

A kindergarten class had a homework assignment to find out about something exciting and relate it to the class the next day.


The first little boy called upon, walked up to the front of the class, and with a piece of chalk, made a small white dot on the blackboard, then sat back down.


Puzzled, the teacher asked him just what it was. "It's a period," said the little boy.


"Well, I can see that." She said, "But what is so exciting about a period?"


"Darned if I know," said the little boy, "but this morning my 16-year-old sister was missing one, Dad had a heart attack, Mom fainted, and the guy next door shot himself."


Mary/MI said...

Just sitting here high on my branch (not THAT kind of "high" ).
Wondering where all my owls are. Are you keeping warm? I am sure Seaside is!
It has been bitter cold here and will be even colder next week end. Hurry up spring!!
I got up and did my usual routine...fed birds,Zoie, and the guys <--- in that order lol!! Many roads have drifted shut, so Matthew didn't have to work today. Looks like I will be home bound for a day or two. I really need to get a pedi! I have been doing a terrible job!

Just_Lin said...

Mary Hellloooo!! Here I am. I hope you are keeping warm. It makes me cold to see the weather forecast in your neck of the woods and along the east coast. No snow here, of course, but I am listening to the rain.

A while back you mentioned about being careful about hawks, not wanting one to swoop down on your little Zoie. Well, several days ago when I first got up in the morning, I saw a huge hawk sitting on the railing of my back deck. It had its head turned away from me and, I swear to God, it was so huge that I momentarily wondered if it was a turkey. LOL Anyway, it turned its head back and I could instantly see that it was a hawk, just a really big one. Just when I was able to get my phone to try and take a photo, crows came swooping down to chase it away. As it left, I could see that it was a Red-tailed Hawk. The following day, my neighbors and I watched as the hawk and a second hawk were talking and talking to each other as they flew from tree branch to tree branch in the trees on the hillside across the street from me. Then one of them would fly to my redwood tree in my backyard then back again. I'm wondering if it was a parent and child, maybe showing off the redwood tree as a good place to hunt for little birdies that I feed on my deck. For a hawk, it would be like a birdie buffet.

I'm glad Matthew isn't out driving in the bad weather.

Just_Lin said...

Barb Well, it's raining again. So far, no winds, which is good. I'm glad you got your satellite dish back up. I didn't have any damage from that last storm except there a a couple of boards loose on my back fence. They reported that the wind gust were up to 60mph. A neighbor had a whole section of their fence come down. It was pretty windy earlier today and they said we might get gust up to 40mph with this rain tonight. It's just normal rain for now, though.

As for the Bachelor, maybe you find Matt boring. LOL It seems to me you were having more trouble watching this season than you usually do. I don't know if that had to do with your dish or the provider, or what. I just remember you missing things and not being able to see things well well. I don't recall that ever happening before when we watch together.

There's no way I could wait until 6 p.m. before eating anything. I can't eat for the first couple of hours of the day but if I go without food for a couple hours after that, I feel nauseous. What I can do and have been doing for several days now, is that I am not eating after 7 p.m. I had gotten into a very bad habit of late night snacking.

Just_Lin said...

Seaside Did you ever get any more of the rain? We're getting some here as I type this.

I've been spending too much time sitting around and doing nothing. I haven't even worked any more on my paint-by-number. Hopefully, I'll get back to that, soon. Now, all of a sudden it's time to get ready to file tax returns. How is it that it comes up so fast? It seems like I was just doing this about 6 months ago, not 12. Another thing I need to deal with, is getting my REAL ID, which I guess is still required by this coming October. My driver license extension will expire in May so I want to get the REAL ID by then. It appears most of it can be done online and documents scanned to the DMV but then you still have to go in person with your documents but no appointment is needed. I think I'll wait until early March to deal with it as I will have my second dose of the COVID vaccine a couple of weeks behind me by then.

Just_Lin said...

Dianne How are you and Louis doing? How's your leg? Did you get a PT appointment? I'm sorry you've had so much going on in the last couple of months or so. I hope you get relief for your leg soon and find out what the problem is.

I had groceries delivered yesterday just because there were some heavy items and I didn't want to have to deal with it with my bad arm/shoulder. It's much better than it used to be but I don't want to reinjure it. Mostly, I've been sitting on my ass and watching TV, especially British shows, but yesterday I actually did some housework. Also, it appears that I have fixed something in the house that has been annoying me for years. Above my linen closet there is a cupboard and the door would not stay closed. Every time I closed it, it would pop back open within a second or two so it was always ajar by a couple of inches. Very annoying. So yesterday I got on a little step stool and, with a hammer, smacked the inside of the top hinge which looked like it had been wrenched out of whack. I also did a couple of other things and when I closed the door, it stayed shut and remains shut as of now. Yay! I'm feeling very satisfied with myself.

Mary/MI said...

I couldn't figure out how to copy & paste from FB messenger to our small group, so putting it here.

Raquel is going into surgery at 6:00. She had a miscarriage a few weeks ago.
They did a D&C a week later. Today she was bleeding terribly and in excruciating pain.
She had to be put on morphine. Seems that somehow they didn't remove all the tissue from the D&C!
Dr has no explanation. Says they used ultrasound and didn't detect it!
Poor thing!

Just_Lin said...

Mary Oh, poor Raquel! I'm so sorry this has happened to her. I hope the procedure goes well and she is on the road to recovery soon. (((HUGS)))

Mary/MI said...

JustLin, She made it through surgery and is in recovery. She is doing fine. I
will feel better when she is home. I can't believe the Dr wouldn't suggest she go to the hospital with all the bleeding! I guess she had huge blood clots and even bled through many pads and left a trail of blood all the way through the emergency area!
Her hubby bout passed out seeing her bleed like that! Luckily Myla was at day care.
I had to laugh. My sis said yesterday Raquel accidentally scratched Mylay in her private area while putting on her panties. Myla is a strong believer in "kiss my owie". Yup, she yelled at her Mom "Kiss my jina!". As much as Raquel was in pain, she couldn't help but laugh lol!!

Dianne/Denver said...

Mary, I’m so glad Raquel is doing well. How scary for them. How’s she feeling now? I have to laugh at kiss my owie! Out of the mouths of children! Will add Raquel to my prayer list. My list. Keeps getting bigger every day. Our weather has been beautiful.....almost 70 today but the snow is coming tomorrow night and most of the weekend. Can’t blame me for your bad weatherthis time.

JL, we’re feeling ok. I started PT yesterday for my leg. I sure hope it helps because it’s really hurting me. I had an eye surgeon appt yesterday too and I’ll be having eyelid surgery on my left eye In about a month. My eyelid is so droopy that’s it’s bothering my vision. He did a test to see if I needed surgery on my lid or eye. Luckily I just need the lid. I still have to go to hospital outpatient for the surgery. So that was yesterday and today was my annual physical. Tmrw is Pt again. Louis is going to go back as he’s not walking right and he almost fell again tonight. He’s just not right in my opinion. I talked to dr a little about him today.

We took my SIL to dinner tonight. We hadn’t seen her for a couple of weeks. She’s retiring at the end of the school year. Had luncH over the weekend with my niece anD great niece, Lydia. She’s so darn cute. They are trying to have another baby over the next year. I got Lydia some really cute outfits. She’s growing like a weed.

Mary and seaside...what r u up too? R u both cheering for the chiefs this weekend? We’re going to Tammy’s to watch the game. It will be fun to have some company to watch it with this weekend. My son dropped over the other night. It was a nice surprise.

Well, that’s about it. Hope you’re all doing well

sacBarb said...

Mary, I’m so sorry Raquel is having these issues after her D&C. I hope they were able to clear everything out and she will be on the mend. Maybe the doctor didn’t suggest going to the hospital because of COVID. I will pray she doesn’t have any more problems. It may be safer in the ER. Maya is such a cutie. Kids can be so funny.

Seaside, I still have not gotten an apple fritter. Still craving! LOL Are you getting the rain and wind we are having? I’m so glad I don’t have a wood fence. My hubby changed our wood fence to a block wall because he got tired of replacing sections every winter, and also because our doggy would get out and roam the neighborhood.

Dianne, is your leg better? I hope you have gotten some relief from the pain.

JL, I have tried to find somewhere to get a COVID Vax. A friend got one yesterday at Safeway in Roseville, but only Placer County residents are eligible. I went online to look for other pharmacies giving the vaccine and Savemart in Sac was listed. I called and after about 30 rings someone finally answered the phone, but they aren’t taking any new names for their wait list. California is not doing a good job at rolling out this program. Just heard on the news Yolo county is taking appointments. Still no Sac appointments. Very frustrating! I’m also looking for my sister. She turned 90 in January and hasn’t heard from her doc. She has a health plan other than Kaiser.

Mary/MI said...

I copied and pasted this from our family group on FB.

Lena sent Today at 1:18 PM
Raquel is feeling great today! Thanking God! No bleeding! She has a curvy uterus which has a deep hidden chamber not seen on ultrasound. It was still filled! Last night's surgeon was an older man. He went old school and used a different probe that the younger surgeon admitted she never thought to use. Raquel is a medical mystery lol! Learning experience for all.

Thanks my sweet owls for your prayers and good thoughts for our precious Raquel!

Mary/MI said...

Funny thing is that origunaly, Raquel didn't want the older Dr. lol!
We oldsters can teach them youngins a few things eh? lol!


Hi ya all.....just sitting here IN THE SUN! 😣

Mary Was so sorry to hear all that Raquel had to go through. Poor thing, hope it will be good from here on. You're right I am keeping warm Lol We had a couple days where it sprinkled for a minute and then nothing. Right now the sun is so dang bright I can hardly see.....time to close some shades.

Barb I would mail you a Fritter but I think it would be pretty yuky before you got it. It's so dang good, I usually pull off a couple bites everyday until it's no good anymore. We don't have any problems with wooden fences here but glad ya all fixed your problem with it.

JL We get a lot of hawks here and whenever I see some ding-a-ling across the street at the park with their baby off leash I come in the house. I never want to see another baby get grabbed again. Glad to hear you didn't get any damage from the winds. We got very little wind here but we sure do see your area on the news a lot. I had to renew my license last year and they asked me if I wanted a regular one or a REAL ID. I didn't bother with the real one because they said it's mainly for traveling. I really don't think I'm going to fly anywhere but I think I should have just got it anyway. ???? oh well Good for you getting your groceries delivered. I know my shoulder hurts like heck the next day after carrying heavy bags and stuff in the house. Hope your shoulder is doing better, that's so painful. Hope you get to do some more of your painting soon.

Dianne I'm glad you got your PT started and hope it's helping. I've been so worried about you both, just to much stuff for way to long! Is Louis feeling any better? NO more falls!
NO Chiefs! Brady and the Gronk all the way 😎 Very nice you'll be watching with Tammy, always fun to watch with others. I can't wait cause this withdrawal is getting me. TWO weeks with no game! Ready for next season now. I can't wait for Saturday to watch NFL Honors to hear who the Hall of Fame inductees will be. I better hear Peyton Manning or you will hear me screaming at your house. Of course if I do hear it you'll still hear me LOL!! No way he can't be one of them right? 😍 BTW---I hope to hear Woodson too.

Well it's only 4pm so I think Gidget and I can get another walk in before dark. See what kind of trouble we can get into lol Stay safe ya all and be well.
SEE YA AT THE SUPERBOWL πŸ˜ŽπŸΆπŸ§‘πŸ’™πŸˆπŸˆπŸˆπŸˆπŸˆπŸ’™πŸ§‘

Dianne/Denver said... snow here yet Mary. Chilly but sunny. Just need a sweater. Ok with me. Mary, your house does not look fun. To much snow for me. So glad Raquel is doing well. Mary, you guys haven’t gotten your shots yet have you? Any news on it?

Barb, keep trying I had to go on a website over and I until I found openings. Still, never heard on any sites I signed us up on. I’m nervous about our second shot especially Louis. Mine is the day after him so andy is going to come stay with him until I get done. I’ll just feel better. Louis doesn’t know I’ve made those plans yet. He had a sleep study two nights ago. They sent him home at 6am and a car parked so close he couldn’t get in car. Security was called twice but didn’t show up. An hour and a half later a small dr came walking through and crawled in for him. Dumb there was about five cars in whole garage that early. No results on that yet. Louis has a pain dr appt as mri last week showed some back issues. Dr thinks it may be making his leg weak.
No, my leg isn’t better. Pt isn’t having me do exercises as she feels it aggravates it. She’s sousing a massager and heat to just try snd get the pain gone. My back isn’t doing great either. I’m really bent over between my thigh and back.

Seaside, I might be for Tampa Bay this weekend since they haven’t won in many years. I rally just want a good game but my one grandson is a huge Brady fan and he’s swaying me. Poor Brady no one wants him to win. I think Peyton will get in hof tmrw as a bronco! I hope John Lynch does too.

JL, you be careful climbing on those ladders. You don’t need to break something. Don’t you have a neighborhood handyman? It’s good you got all that fixed though. Our restaurants are opening to 50% this weekend with restrictions as our numbers are down. You haven’t had a shot yet either, have you? I can’t remember. Yes, this year has not started out great for us And expensive too.


NFL Honors in 4 hours!! Can not wait........
Peyton Manning!!!!! 🧑🧑🏈🏈🏈🏈😍

Mary/MI said...

Here I am, checking in! I felt the "nudge" lol!

Congrats to the Tampa Bucs! I didn't watch too much of it, just flipped to see if any of my football squares won.. :( nope!
Happy to see Brady get the win and induction into the Football Hall of Fame.

My son Matthew gets his second Rona shot tomorrow after his last bus route. The school knows he may not be in the next day, as most that have had the 2nd shot, have had some discomfort/side effects. Just in case, we are having his fave."Taco Tues." today in the form of "Burrito Monday" lol!

I was not able to make my apptm. for new glasses today. Our roads are still snow covered and much black ice even on the free-way. Salting the roads does not work when our temps are in the single digits.

I have made my home made tortillas, have the meat cooked, now just need to roll out the beans, cut up lettuce, cheese & tomatoes. I almost forgot. I have to make the guacamole!


Happy day after the Super Bowl!! πŸˆπŸˆπŸ’›πŸ˜Š Withdrawal is real! LOL

Mary You son of a gun....homemade tortillas AND guacamole!? I'll be right there. Hope all goes good with Matthew's second shot and he doesn't get much of any kind of side effect.

JL How's your weather doing? Are you still getting rain? I'm still waiting and now they're saying we'll get some this week. I bet my house doesn't πŸ˜’ I think if we even get a drizzle I'm going to go out and dance in it LOL My poor neighbors.

Barb How are your babies doing? Haven't heard to much about them lately. I keep forgetting, do you have two or three? When I had RAIDERS he was my only baby and when I had Puff she was my only. I'm such an animal nut but I've always had just one at a time.

Dianne I think you're so adorable and not telling before it aired that MANNING got in. I was so dang excited when they announced it, then sat there with tears! It just made me so so happy, he sure does deserve it. I also got really choked up when Wilson was named Man of the Year. Another one that's so deserving. He does SO much I don't know how he has time to play football. Which he does extremely well. It could not have been a better weekend! Hope ya all had fun at Tammy's. are you AND Louis doing? Is he feeling better and doing any better with his balance? I was sorry to hear that PT wasn't giving you much relief. Are you going to continue with it? Thinking of you both and hope your second vaccines work out well.

Valentine's Day is almost here and then all the stores will get even more Easter stuff in. Uh Oh. This is a dangerous time of year for me. I am an animal nut but bunnies are my BIG problem. I guess it got worse years ago when I started collecting Beatrix Potter things. I have so many bunny everything's LOL I'm a real sucker when I walk in a store and see those faces!! I'll be visiting less stores until Easter is over πŸ™„ Well I'm going to try Lol
Have a good week ya all and find some silly fun...hugs πŸ˜ŽπŸΆπŸ°πŸ‡πŸ°πŸ‡

Just_Lin said...

Seaside We've actually been having some beautiful weather lately. There have been lots of surfers at the local beach, all in wetsuits, of course. People sitting on the beach are all bundled up in jackets. LOL Beautiful blue skies, though.

I actually did work on the paint-by-numbers a little bit the other day. I finally had to stop as it was really bothering my eyes to try and read the numbers in the tiniest of places. Even using a magnifying glass can be problematic after a while; all that moving in and out of focus. It can get hard on the eyes.

Speaking of focusing.....That part of the half-time show where the Weekend was in the gold maze and the camera was going around and around his head for waaaay too long, started making me feel nauseous. And then we come to the jock strap headed dancers. What in the world were they thinking? It was ridiculous. I really didn't care about the game but I get a kick out of how much enjoyment you get out of football. Does Munchkin enjoy it as much as you do?

Just_Lin said...

Mary That's great that Matthew will be getting his second COVID shot. What about you and Jim? I don't recall if you said you two were getting your vaccines.

I'm so glad that Raquel is finally on the mend for real. Hey, there's a lot to be said for the older doctors as they've seen a lot of things that the young one's haven't seen, yet. At least her first doctor has learned something and the important thing is that Raquel is doing well now. Had to laugh at "kiss my "jina".

Did you make your guacamole? Tonight I'll be having more of the chicken enchiladas that my neighbor brought to me the day before yesterday. They are sooo good and I feel very lucky to have such a nice young family living across the street from me. A few days back, I made a tamale pie so I finished that off last night. Tomorrow I'll be back to wondering what's for dinner. Maybe I'll get tacos for Taco Tuesday. I don't make my own but I really like the ones that the nearest Mexican restaurant makes.

Just_Lin said...

Dianne I'm sorry you aren't feeling any pain relief for your leg, yet. PT always takes a while to notice any improvement, it seems.

Don't worry, I wasn't on a ladder. I was only on a step stool that's about 10 inches high. If I fell off of that, the worst that would happen is that I would stumble into a wall. LOL

That is so stupid that someone would park so close to Louis's car that he couldn't get in. I've had people do that to me on a couple of occasions when I was parked at the local shopping center. Fortunately, I was able to get in on the passenger side and climb over the center console and get into the driver's seat that way. It was not easy, though, that's for sure.

So if they think Louis's weak leg issue is due to a back problem, does that mean they'd no longer think it's related to the COVID vaccine? I do recall he got quite a temperature, though, so I understand your worry about what will happen when he get his second shot. Did he ask about taking Benadryl? I don't know if it would be helpful to do or not. You wouldn't want to suppress the body in a way that would limit the build up of antibodies. I would be interested in a doctor's thoughts on it.

Just_Lin said...

Barb I'm so glad you finally heard from Kaiser and are all set to get your first COVID vaccine. I'll be getting my second one on the 16th. I'm so lucky that I was able to get started during the short window that Kaiser was taking 65 and older.

That's a big hunk of pork that Chad was smoking. Was that for pulled pork sandwiches? My husband was big on meat and grilling. He was also pretty good in the kitchen, too, and I took advantage of that. It was nice to come home from work and have dinner already prepared. Yes, I was pretty spoiled by him.

Have you had any more trouble with the neighbors and their dog or did that situation correct itself when Chad moved back in?

Well, tonight is Bachelor night. The biggest trouble makers are gone now so it will be interesting to see where the drama comes from now. Oh, yeah. I just remembered that the Heather woman shows up. I wonder what that's all about.

Mary/MI said...

Hi there!
JustLin, I did make my guacamole. I made a small side dish for Matthew without tomatoes. My Mother used to set food aside for me without onions. I like them now. I have since gotten sensitive to tomatoes, which I love! My face breaks out. I still eat the dam things lol!
I have never had tamale pie. Did your chicken enchiladas have white sauce? I have never made them.

Jim and I have not been contacted for our shots. Michigan has been very slow at the process. Now a worse strain is showing up in parts of our state. Oye vey!

Mary/MI said...

Dianne, Dam I hate that you are having so much trouble with pain! Sometimes I feel so helpless not being able to help my owls :(
We still have piles of snow here. It hasn't gotten above zero so nothing melts! Not even the roads. Ours are still snow covered and packed down. The snow plows try, but it is just too packed down.
I hope the roads are better next week cuz I have an appointment for my yearly physical.

Mary/MI said...

Seaside, you are so sweet! I love surprises! You find the cutest Doxie things. I have my Easter-doxie-kitchen towel out and hanging on the oven door.
Zoie was on "time out" last night. She was in a bad mood because Queenie (Lab) was hoovering too close to me. I was taking Zoie's leash off and she almost bit through my glove! I was so mad I yelled so loud and scared both dogs lol! I made her wear her leash until bed time. Mean Mama!

Mary/MI said...

Barb, I am missing you.
Wondering if you have had your shot yet.
Matthew had his second shot last night and had no ill effects. I was soooo worried about that because I have been hearing the second shot was hard on some people.
I keep checking my health care web site, but they keep saying the same thing "all appointments have been filled, please keep checking back!"
Hope you are ok!


Hi ya all......

JL It must be a real pain using a magnifying glass when you do your paint by numbers. I'm sure my eyes would be all over the place too. I hope you still get some fun out it though and that sometimes you don't need the glass. I am soooooo missing surfing as I haven't been driving anywhere---traveling, since this whole dang pandemic started. Linda Mar can be fun but I really love places like LaJolla, Huntington Beach and of course I love my Santa Cruz and Natural Bridges is great too. I guess you can't beat MAVERICKS for super waves though, especially right after a storm. Geeeeeze....I'm ready! LOL
I had to smile about you getting a kick out of my football addiction. It's real! haha My Munchkin loves football and especially the RAIDERS but he isn't a nut about it. He won't watch every single game no matter who it is. I will 😎

Mary Mean Mama!!!! My poor Zoie. She was just claiming her territory. Tell her Auntie Seaside understands and forgives her πŸ˜‰πŸ₯°πŸΆπŸ˜ŠπŸ’›

Barb Hope you're doing good dear one. Thinking of you πŸ’œ

Dianne How are you and Louis doing this week. I know your second shots are coming up pretty soon. Does your doc think it's ok for Louis to get it since he had a reaction the first time? Just be careful and take care.....worry about you both!

SO I know ya all have talked about the 'jock straps' on peoples heads in the performance by The Weeknd. There's a reason. A while back he came out with a new song and video called Blinding Lights where he has bandages on his head and is bleeding. It didn't end with one video it has become an ongoing story and has many different kinds of head/face masks. The Weeknd wore a mask on the music awards show too when he accepted his awards. I won't bore ya all with the story but at least you know why they did that. 😊
Time for a walk......Gidget is ready. Hugs to ya all 😎🐢

Dianne/Denver said...

Hi.....I nudged barb. It’s very cold here. Wind chill tonight -25. We are breaking a record. It’s been lightly snowing but supposed to pick up during the night. Looks like I’ll be home for a couple of days if it’s icy out there. Boring. Had my hair done today and then Louis Andy I went to store. I had a couple of prescriptions. One was $285 with insurance for three months. Crazy. I had a coupon but ins was cheaper.

Seaside, we are doing about the same here. My pt isn't really helping. Louis is back in for balance and his back. We are just not great here but so it goes. Yes, the dr said for Louis to get the second vaccine. I’m very nervous about it for him. you surf now when it’s warmer? I didn’t realize you were a surfer. I’d be scared of sharks!

JL, hope you get more painting done. It would be hard with a magnifying glass. Looks like bachelor is changing. I wonder who will do the last rose ceremony with Chris going off? Interesting. Louis can’t take anything before his shot. The doctors say nothing can be taken before the shot. I see you get your shot on Monday. Hope it goes good for you with no after effects.

Mary, how cold is it there? I’ll be we have you beat but not in snow. Brr. Has Matthew been driving or has school be closed with the weather? I’ll bet Zoie is enjoying the snow. I just had my physical too. Isnt it about time for your hair appt? Glad Matthew did good with his shot. Everyone is so different.

Barb, we are all missing you.

Mary/MI said...

Happy Valentines Day!
Nothing exciting here. I gave Jim his favorite treat, long cherry licorice.
I am pretty sure he doesn't have a romantic bone in his body lol! He never gets me anything unless he gets an after Valentines day sale candy. Always been that way, so I stopped buying him stuff years ago.
I am watching "Withering Heights" for the 1000th time lol. I love Laurence Olivier!
The end always kills me!!

Dianne, Matthew has been working right along.
I got my hair done 2 weeks ago. We are off schedule now lol! My next appt. is Marc 1. I am not crazy about my cut. Hardly any layers. She knows I don't like short layers. She must have been afraid to cut too much.

Today it's 15* I believe our high! It has been snowing on & off for days.
Can you say "cabin fever?". I take Zoie on short walks. He little paws get so cold, but she loves it out there so I have to carry her in.

Just_Lin said...


sacBarb said...

Hello all my beautiful Owls. I’m sorry I’ve been MIA, but I’m here now. I was going to post yesterday after Dianne nudged me, but I spent the whole day in bed, first watching CNN and the Senate vote and then just depressed. I respect that we all have different opinions and I don’t want to dredge up politics, but I just say that as an explanation of why I didn’t post yesterday.

So, Happy Valentine’s Day to you all. I was surprised by a knock at the door and a delivery of a pretty bouquet of flowers from Sakima Dog, Todd’s dog. I called to tell Todd thanks and he said Sakima must have gotten his own credit card! LOL

I will be getting my COVID vax on Friday. I was told to take all my regular meds and to drink plenty of water beforehand.

Chad set up my new computer yesterday only to discover that my monitor is not compatible. So after Chad researched monitors, I ordered a new and bigger one. It should be here Wednesday. I will be so happy to be able to post on the desktop computer instead of my phone.

Dianne, I hope you and Louis are feeling much better and you don’t get a reaction from your second vax, especially Louis.

Mary, you guys sure have a lot of snow. It’s funny that Zoie likes to walk in it. When Todd moved to Denver from San Diego, his dog would NOT go outside to do his business unless Todd shoveled a path for him. They were all happy to move back to S. D. after five years.

JL, what the heck is going on with the Bachelor? Tomorrow’s show has already been taped, so I wonder if there will be some kind of announcement or if it will just go on as usual? The internet was lit up with all kinds of theories and opinions yesterday!

Seaside, thank you for the sweet valentine card from you and Gidget. It was a very nice surprise.

Just_Lin said...

BARB You're on the wrong blog.