
Sunday, June 18, 2023

~ Happy Father's Day ~



Just_Lin said...

I hope all the fathers in your lives are having a nice Father's Day.

I just cleaned my toaster. I swear I could put together a whole piece of bread with the amount of crumbs that came out of it.

The other day my carbon monoxide alarm started chirping once every minute, indicating that the battery was expiring. It's located pretty close to one of the smoke alarms so it took me a few minutes to figure out exactly where the noise was coming from. Once I got it down, I saw on the back of it that it was time to replace the whole unit. I was able to replace that on the same day. My smoke alarms are good until the end of the year but I sure don't want to be surprised by them waking me up in the middle of the night to alert me that they need to be replaced so I have ordered 4 new ones to replace them all now.

Today was a really beautiful day. Some days we have "June gloom" where it is overcast and gray.

Mary/MI said...

Hi Justlin, It has been wickedly hot & dry here. The grass crunches when walked on.
I rented a dumpster for a few days. Matthew & I have been throwing out all kinds of stuff. I can't believe I had so much unneeded stuff stored away! We cleaned out the small attic, lower & upper garages too. I have stuff too good to throw away so I will be packing them up to donate. It sure feels good to get rid of it.
I went to my Union retiree meeting/lunch today. We used to have pot luck, but it stopped during covid. Our union now orders nice subs, cookies and water for us.

Thanks for the reminder to check my smoke alarms. I will check them all tomorrow.

sacBarb said...

JL, I think I need to check my smoke alarms, too. They were supposed to be good for 10 years and I think it’s getting close to that. We’ve been doing so much at Marie’s that I have been neglecting my house. Her toilet is still not fixed. One of the plumbers showed us how to use a bag in the toilet bowl underneath the seat so she can actually use the toilet, but change the bag every time. We put a garbage can outside her back door just for those bags. Chad goes over daily to make sure she’s doing it, because she’s not supposed to flush the toilet. They finally were able to get a camera down the pipe and in addition to redwood roots in the pipe, they saw a break in the pipe. The lawyer wasn’t much help, because our case wasn’t big enough for them, money wise. They gave us some advice of things we could do ourselves, but I don’t think any of them will be that effective! They also said, the HOA’s rarely lose in court! That’s very discouraging!

Claim to Fame is going to be on starting this Monday, at 8:00 on abc. I’ll be watching. I enjoyed the first season. Are you going to watch it?

Dianne, I hope you were feeling better at the concert after you texted how hot you were. It’s a shame it got so hot for you. My sisters-in-law stopped here Wednesday on their way back to Oregon and they gave me Debbie’s Bible. I was so touched that they thought I should have it.

Mary, I’m glad you are pleased with your new washer & dryer. You are so right about appliances not lasting as long as they used to. My Samsung fridge is about 8 years old and the ice maker has died. I had someone out to fix it and he said it can’t be fixed. Since the rest of the fridge is still working, I decided we’ll just go old school and make our own ice in trays! We did it for years, so we can do it again. We did get spoiled with the automatic ice maker, but it won’t kill us to make it again!

Just_Lin said...