
Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Carpenter Builds One Final Home

by Dianne

An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer-contractor of his plans to leave the house-building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying his extended family. He would miss the paycheck, but he needed to retire. They could get by.
The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter said yes, but in time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials. It was an unfortunate way to end a dedicated career.
When the carpenter finished his work the employer came to inspect the house. He handed the front door key to the carpenter. “This is your house,” he said, “my gift to you.”
The carpenter was shocked! What s shame! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently.
So it is with us. We build our lives, a day at a time, often putting less than our best into the building. Then with a shock, we realize we have to live in the house we have built. If we could do it over, we’d do it much differently.
But we cannot go back. You are the carpenter. Each day you hammer a nail, place a board, or erect a wall.
“Life is a do-it-yourself project,” someone has said. Your attitudes and choices you make today, build the “house” you live in tomorrow. Build wisely!
Work like you don’t need the money.
 Love like you’ve never been hurt.
                   Dance like nobody is watching.
“To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world.”


Just_Lin said...

Dianne Thanks for the blog and thanks for the nudge, too. I hope you are enjoying your trip. Congrats on not over-packing which is what I tend to do. As long as you didn't forget anything that's essential, you should be good.

How wonderful that Bruce was able to escort his daughter down the aisle. I hope you have wedding pictures to share. That's really great that your DIL has finally buried the hatchet with Andy. I wonder what all the fuss was about. It sure went on for a long time. You must be really happy and relieved that all that nonsense is behind you.

Ursula is doing fine and I haven't heard any obnoxious explosions late in the evening lately. Once in a while when a sports team wins a game, someone in the neighborhood feels to celebrate by setting on noisy explosions. I wish they wouldn't but at least it doesn't last a long time and it's not at midnight.

I don't have exciting weekends but this coming Sunday a friend and I are going into San Francisco to see a play. It's a comedy so I hope we laugh a lot. It's called 'The Play That Went Wrong".

Mary/MI said...

Good advice for us all! I'm afraid my house is a bit lopsided by now lol!I went to my lunch today. What a crazy day! I decided to take the back roads because one of the co workers hubby said, "Just go this way.straight shot!" Well first of all our road to town was closed for repaving. I took a different route. For 18 miles a followed a double wide prefab home on a truck!. By then I was a bit confused about where I was! I stopped at a little party store to ask for directions. This is what the little old lady said "Go to the first flashing light, turn right, go six miles to stop light, turn left, go to next light turn right. It will be next to a big building and a school." Wrong! I was heading out of town, turned around and pulled over. Just then my lunch friend called me and gave me good directions. She even stood outside waving at me lol!
The old lady even drew me a map. I could not decipher it lol! My navigator kept asking for a street name. I would begin to spell "State Road" and it would quit at the 3rd letter. Must be it didn't want a road name, just street!
Came back home via hyw , much easier, but some "old lady" cut me off as I was about to enter my ramp. Good thing I was paying attention! I laid on my horn! Hope I scared her!
After going to my credit union bank, I went to get on the ramp. There was one guy ahead of me. We waited for oncoming traffic. He pulled out...and did a u-turn in the middle of the 4 lane hyw! People were nuts today!
Dianne, We will only be in Vegas 3 nights. Just enough for me! Wish you were going to Nevada Vegas :)

Just_Lin said...

Mary That was a really nice photo you posted of Jim and his siblings. How wonderful that they were all able to get together. When you wrote that his sister's second husband is quite a bit younger and takes good care of her, it reminded me of a woman who used to be a client at the veterinary hospital where I was working. Most times when I saw her, she was dressed to the nines and easily presented herself as sophisticated, upper crust kind of lady. Then again, some days she would come in with her top on backwards and inside out, tag under her chin, and wearing her husband's slippers. LOL She had traveled extensively, had gorgeous jewelry she had bought around the world. She was in her early 80's but looked twenty years younger. She did marry a much younger man with the idea that he would take care of her when she became frail. She was quite disgruntled that he was the one that became frail, not her.

Another Vegas trip, huh? You're right that it's not Paris or Italy but you can go to those themed casinos and pretend a little.

Just_Lin said...

Mary I think you stepped on me! LOL Well, you had a wild time today. I'm glad you are safely off the roads.

Just_Lin said...

Barb Well, Bachelor in Paradise is sure not disappointing when it comes to the drama and tears. OMG! Everybody seems to be crying in this group.

My stomach is growling loudly but I don't want to eat too much as I am going to dinner with a friend to Outback and I really want to save my appetite for that. Btw, it sounds like I'm going to have to make that taco soup. I'm starting to get lazy about cooking. It's difficult when it's only myself to cook for. I wasn't feeling well yesterday so I just made myself some buttery noodles for dinner. It's a comfort food for me. The two previous nights I had the white meat from a roasted chicken I got at Safeway. Ursula gets to have the dark meat mixed in with her dry food. One night I had a sweet potato and corn on the cob with my chicken and the next night I had small red potatoes and broccoli with it. I am not feeling very inspired. It's nice that you have someone else there that is into cooking.

Mary/MI said...

Just, OOPS LOL!! Your food sounds good! Today I made mini meatloaves with peas and scalloped taters. I have a small turkey breast for tomorrow. Zoie will get some of that white meat while we are gone. I hope you are feeling better. We are still getting loud bangs once in a while. Usually about the time Zoie squats! She runs to the door shaking and wants in! I usually leash her and carry her behind the garage. She feels safe there. poor baby!

Dianne. I am packing very light too. We only take one small suitcase. It's easy in the summertime. Nothing big & bulky. Glad all is well in the family! It's so much more pleasant all around.

Barb, where art thou?

sacBarb said...

sacBarbAugust 16, 2019 at 5:14 PM
Hi Dianne. Thanks for the nudge. I meant to get here sooner, but I am easily distracted. There really isn’t much going on in my life. It’s been really hot in Sac - 109 on Wednesday and a cooler 106 yesterday. I didn’t know there was a Las Vegas in NM. I guess there really is something new to learn every day! LOL

sacBarb said...

Mary, Here I am. One thing about going to LV is that no matter how hot it is outside, the casinos have really good a/c inside. How nice that you still have lunch with former coworkers. I always enjoy it when I meet up with my former employees. Of course, I do see the Jennifers regularly, but I only see the other three when we occasionally get together.

sacBarb said...

J/L, I haven’t heard of that play. You’ll have to give us a review afterward.
Yes, I agree, this BIP cast is very emotional! I hate having to wait a week for the rose ceremonies. I don’t really know why it bugs me so much!
I agree about cooking for one person. I would sometimes have just a baked potato and load it up with stuff I had in the fridge, like left over veggies, or cheese and sour cream, or cut up lunch meat. I’ve also had just pop corn for dinner. It’s so much nicer now that I have a built-in chef.

Dianne said...

Today I was pulling out of our condo project and had to wait for a couple of cars to go by. When I pulled up to the light on Pierce and Coalmine there was a car in the turn lane with blinkers on. I thought it was car trouble. I pulled up and stopped at light and then noticed another car stopped on other side of road. I thought maybe they had hit each other. I got there as just as the police pulled up. They went over to car by me..I thought to be sure they were ok....then I saw them pull someone from under the car . I then saw the motorcycle in the middle of intersection. The police instantly started CPR on the man. He had his helmet, gloves, etc., on. There was a glove by my car. The paramedics got there and got the heart machine out with the officer never stopping the CPR. They then put a sheet over him. I was praying like crazy for him and he was dead right by my car. The officer came to ask me if I’d seen accident but it must have been just seconds before I got there. I will never forget the sight of that person laying there covered with the sheet. All I could/can think about is this persons family. It was a heartbreaking sight.

sacBarb said...

Dianne, OMG that must have been awful. I am so sorry you had to see that. I almost got hit today in the parking lot where I get my hair done. A woman started backing out and I was right behind her car. I punched the gas and barely got by her. She never even saw me. I hate parking lots. People just don’t pay attention!

sacBarb said...

J/L, BIP ought to be exciting and drama filled, again! From the preview I saw, Chris Harrison gives some, or maybe all, of them a stern lecture!

sacBarb said...

Mary, I think you left for LV today. I hope you win big money! 😸

Dianne said...

I heard motorcycle was going 80-100 mph and hit a car that was turning. He went 10’ in the air and landed on the car in the front cars ahead of me on their roof. He went under their car. I don’t think anyone in either car was hurt. It’s a residential area.

Just_Lin said...

Dianne OMG! Like Barb said, that must have been awful! Thank goodness you weren't there a minute sooner or it might have been your car that was involved and then it would be even worse for you. It's clear that it was the motorcyclist's fault but that's a steep price to pay for being stupid. Why the hell was he going 80-100 mph in a residential zone is a question that will never be answered. Thankfully, he didn't hurt anyone else, at least not physically. I hate it when motorcyclists ride between the lanes on the highway but it's legal for them to do it. I always feel a little startled when they are suddenly there right beside my car.

So, I take it you had a really good time at your Texas Tenors concert. You got that nice meeting with them and a photo op and everything. How fun!

Just_Lin said...

Mary Are you back from your trip? Did you win big? Do you get tired of answering that question every time you go to Vegas? LOL

The explosions around here haven't been too bad but there was one early yesterday evening. I don't know why unless someone's sports team won. Setting off an explosion seems to be the only way that person can celebrate a win. I guess "yay" just doesn't do it for them.

I can now see a new toenail growing in on my dog's back paw. I had been wondering if she'd get a new nail or be bald on that toe.

Autumn is on the way. I can tell by the shedding of the redwood tree in my backyard. It's starting to cover the ground and all over my deck, too. The gardener must hate it when my tree does this each year. It's a lot of raking!

Just_Lin said...

Barb We went to the play, "The Play That Goes Wrong", on Sunday and it was a fun one to see. As the title suggests, it is about actors who are doing a play and nothing goes right; the scenery is falling apart, people can't enter due to a stuck door, door suddenly opens and smacks someone in the face, etc. Anyway, we got some good laughs out of it so it was fun.

I've discovered (or rather my doctor told me) that my periodic stomach issues in the morning are due to coffee. I love my morning coffee! I do not love getting stomach aches or actually vomiting, though. I am not a morning eater but I am now forcing myself to have toast in the morning with my coffee and so far everything has been fine. This getting old crap is for the birds!

Our texting last night was funny, you thinking I was watching Paradise and me thinking you weren't because it was too early. It looks like we will both be seeing it at 8 tonight so our conversation will make more sense. LOL

Mary/MI said...

I’m still in Vegas. No, I don’t get tired of anyone asking lol!
Dianne. That image will stay with you got s while. I saw a similar accident in front of my childhood home. Ideas about 10 yrs old. I still can see the body flying out and under a car. My parents were afraid I would be traumatized, so they had me talk to someone about it. That part is foggy me.
Our first morning here I could see down the strip from our 15th floor. Emergency vehicles everywhere in front of a Casino next to us. I could see a tour bus stopped and traffic being rerouted . The road was closed all day. I found out two pedestrians had been hit by the tour bus. At least one died. Someone later said they saw a paramedic cover someone with a sheet. ☹️. Such sadness.

Mary/MI said...

Sorry about my spelling. Hard typing on my phone.
We go home tomorrow . I have had a little luck. Just enough to keep me going. Jim has done good. That makes me happy. I have a long story to tell ya when i gat home. Too hard typing with these fat fingers lol. Nothing bad , just an experience with our drive to the airport and our taxi ride.

Dianne said...

Hello....we had a very fun trip to New Mexico last week. The weather was warm during the day but no humidity and perfect nights. The meet and greet was so fun. I asked a question to them too. They then came down where we were sitting for personal pictures. There were 23 of us...all fan club members. We recd a tote bag, picked a CD, 8x10 picture and an hour with them. It was totally worth it for sure. The show was wonderful too. We went to the casino the day before and I did fairly well and Louis lost about $100 . We aren’t used to the smoke but it wasn’t too terrible but we’re spoiled in colorado. It was a fun get away.

Mary, can’t wait to hear your story. Glad you had fun. It sounded pretty cold when you got home per FB. Yes, that accident was very hard to see. The corner is all full of flowers now. You’re will stay with me and it’s right on our corner.

Today was my back shots. I went to surgery dept and they put me to sleep and lo and behold found a vein first stick. Thank goodness. I woke up 30 min later to in recovery. I’ve been sleeping most of the day.

Dianne said...

JL...sounds like the play was fun. How’s your daughter doing? Motorcycles are not allowed to drive between lanes here. I read today that he ran the light. Yes, your team beat us in pre-season so that’s probably why they were Celebrating! Dumb. Hope your tummy is working with the toast. Maybe if you put Baileys or Kaluaha (sp) the in your coffee it would help! Just joking...sorta of.

Barb, yes the town of Las Vegas, NM, is a fairly large town. It’s grown a lot since I was a kid. We mender how it got it’s gambling there. I hate parking lots for driving too. Not only do the drivers not pay attention, the people walking to their cars don’t look for you backing up either. Half of them on their phones. Wow, it’s been hot in your part of the country. We are in the 90’s here and hot too.

No big plans for the weekend. Barb and I are going to see that dog movie tmrw and lunch. Going to lunch with three friends on Sunday and thats about it for me. Possibly watch the Broncos too.

Dianne said...

Me again .....what’s up guys? Not much new here. Barb and I went to the movies yesterday. I can’t remember the exact name but it was about a race car driver and dog. It was a really good movie and a heartwarming story. I totally recommend it. Went to lunch with a couple of friends today and that’s about it. I’m boring. Things were on the go the last few weeks with the wedding and my cousins being here and our little trip...and now it’s boring!

Mary, what is the story you said you’d tell us?

Dianne said...

Getting sick of me yet? It’s now 4:44 am and I e been up since 3: 30;am...i went to bed about 12:30pm. Grrr. Why am I waking up so early and wide awake! Not like me

Just_Lin said...

Dianne Are you still up or are you back to bed? I was up earlier than I would like because my daughter is here for the week and she is working from here so got up early to shower and all that stuff. Of course when she was letting her dogs out and feeding them breakfast my dog could hear that and wanted to get up and eat, too. I tried going back to bed but I could hear the shower and then hear the hair dryer and when that was done, I could hear the garbage and recycle trucks coming around so I just gave up. It is fun to have my daughter here for the week. She drove down on Friday and it was a long drive but uneventful until she was feeding her dogs dinner at a rest stop and accidentally knocked over one of her dog's medications and the pills spilled into a puddle. I was able to get her more of the meds from my vet so that was good.

Other than my daughter being here, there is nothing going on for me to write about. I haven't been to a movie theater in quite some time. My friends saw that dog movie and really liked it, too. I tend to avoid those kind of movies as I know they will do something in it to cause tears.

Just_Lin said...

Mary I'm with Dianne..... I want to hear the story you were going to tell us about your taxi ride. I see that Eric Clapton is going to be playing in Vegas soon and I'd love to see him but I don't think I know anybody who loves him as much as I do to spend the money to do it. Not even to go see him in S.F. Both dates are coming up very soon. He's the #1 person that I would like to see in person.

I seem to have tendinitis in my elbows, especially the right one, and I keep aggravating it. I've come to the conclusion it happened when I was struggling with the king size mattress while putting on a new bed skirt. Every time i lift something heavy I aggravate it again. I should be icing it and I should try to remember to do that.

Just_Lin said...

Barb Are we going to have to nudge you? I'm looking forward to the drama on Paradise tonight. I'll be forcing my daughter to watch it, too. LOL She and I have been watching Big Brother together.

Dianne said...

JL, never went back to sleep or took a nap....a very long day. Had an early lunch and that’s about it. I had 1/2 tuna melt and the other half for dinner. I’m still counting points. We fired up an excursion for Louis on out five day cruise 🚢 In November. They all didn’t sound very handicap friendly to me and I really don’t have a big desire to see the Mayan ruins . Louis will go with my cousins on one and I’ll hang out on the ship. There are 8 of us gong. We shall see how that works out. Fun that your daughter is there visiting. Do you two have any plans?

I’m getting the nudge out!

sacBarb said...

Hello everyone. Sorry I’ve been MIA again. Things have been pretty boring here and other than the 105 temp today, there’s not much to talk about. I did see the eye surgeon on Thursday, but I still don’t have a date. The October calendar wasn't open yet, so they will call me with the date.

Dianne, I have never known anyone who is a genuine member of a fan club - well maybe the Ross fans, but they never got the kind of perks you got, so that doesn’t count. How fun that must have been!

J/L, Paradise is getting more interesting. I was sure glad to see the new crazy girl go. I just wish Kristina would get the boot, but she will be there for at least two more weeks!

Mary, We are all waiting to hear your story!

Mary/MI said...

Hi Gals! It seems I have not had a moment to myself lately. The heat in Vegas kind of did me in this trip. We had more drama just getting to Vegas, and our Casino lol!
We left for the airport plenty early, or so we thought! We were within 15 miles of the airport when we hit a traffic jam/construction zone. We barely moved for over an hour! Jim decided to take an exit ramp and try to find our way around the mess! We had to ask for directions since we weren't familiar with the area. We had Jim's car so no navigator. My phone didn't help at all. We finally made it. Jim dropped me off while he parked. I ran like crazy! I checked us in and had to have my luggage tagged in case it didn't get on the plane with us. We got to the security area. Jim breezed in and kept going. I couldn't find my drivers license!! I finally ran back to the check in desk, and there it was, on the counter! I ran like crazy to go through security. They could see I was in a hurry. The dam gal decided I should be frisked! Meanwhile Jim finally noticed I was not behind him! He kept trying to call me, by then I was separated from my purse and carry on, and being frisked! He came back and saw what was happening and grabbed my stuff. I was so mad! We were the last on the plane. We had isle seats so sat and buckled up. WHEW!!! We would never had made it if we hadn't left the freeway!
When we got out to the Taxi stand, we were hit with temps of 106* We got in our Taxi and told him not to take "the tunnel" it is the long way they use if you don't know the area. We took off and realized real quick that he didn't have his ac on! We told him to turn it on. He said it was! We argued back & forth, him insisting he had 'cold air" coming out if his vent! There is no way that was happening! He called in to hi supervisor , but I think he was faking it. He really thought we were stupid I guess! We couldn't even roll our windows down because he had the only access to them! He finally opened them up. Man, were we hit with hotter air! Jim was not looking too good by the time we got to the Casino, via "the tunnel!" , our bill was over $10 the usual fee! He had the nerve to say" I won't charge you the tip!" He was lucky we paid him at all! Jim got out and looked around said, "how do you get in this place?". It took him a few minutes to cool off once inside. I think he was on the verge of a heat stroke!
I worried about him all day. He was better later that night after eating.
So, there is my adventure lol!!

sacBarb said...

Mary, That taxi driver was a real jerk! You should report him to the company. Why wouldn’t he want to have ac on? When you got to the hotel you should have reminded him about not going thru the tunnel and just given him $10. A tip is given if you’re satisfied with the service! Geesh!

Dianne said...

New blog