
Sunday, April 12, 2020

~ Happy Easter ~


Mary/MI said...

Happy Easter! Love you all!!
Be safe!
Don't burn dinner lol!!

Just_Lin said...

HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE! Enjoy your day and be safe.

Mary I won't burn anything. I promise. LOL

Dianne said...

Happy Easter ...we did take out so I won’t burn it either, Mary.

sacBarb said...

I hope everyone had a nice Easter. Chad cooked a pork butt and made pulled pork, as you probably saw on my FB feed. It was so yummy and there’s enough leftover for a couple of days. We put it on Hawaiian buns so we didn’t even make any side dishes.

J/L, my nails were getting pretty long, too, so I filed them down. I’ve had to do that before when I haven’t been able to have them done for extended periods, like when I had surgery and when I was in Seattle for Chad’s surgery. I did that on advice from Sheenah instead of taking off the silk. I used to have acrylic On my nails and if you really want to remove it, you just need to soak your nails in polish remover that contains acitone. That’s preferable rather than ripping them off.
I will be watching the Bachelor spin off tonight, also.

Dianne, LOL @ not burning your Easter dinner. What did you order? My son, Todd called and we had a nice phone visit on speaker with his wife, Vicki. They are still both working from home. Vicki went grocery shopping on Saturday and wore the mask from when they used to snowboard in Denver. They were glad they didn’t get rid of them, even though they don’t snowboard anymore.

Mary, How nice that you get to see video of Myla so you can get your baby fix. I have friends that have also been doing doctor appointments by facetime or another video format. I’m wondering if that is going to continue after this crisis is over. It would save people from being exposed to other illnesses. I have always worried about when I’m in a waiting room with people coughing and sneezing, or who knows what!

Mary/MI said...

SacBarb. You gave some good advice to Dianne. I have not had acrylic nails in years.Lately I have only been "farming out" my toes lol! I hate bending over to do them, although I can do them in a pinch.
I am having allergy/sinus problems. All of today's high winds didn't help.
My new therapist, a cutie guy) was a bit easier on me today. I told him the first gal did a deep massage on my shoulder Fri. and I was in pain all week end! I never have trouble with pain between my shoulders. She must have irritated a nerve. I have another pain patch on. I hope I sleep better tonight!

I had my cousin make a few more face masks. She is no longer taking orders, as she was getting overwhelmed . I should have given her a larger order earlier lol! I gave to friends here, that ordered and sent the last 3 to Karina, Dianne, & Donna's Lorie. I was going to send all my owls one :(
Keep staying safe!!

Mary/MI said...

Lonely in here!
Yup, I'm as bored as you all lol!
I have been busy with Zoie. A couple of days ago she she started limping on one of her front paws. I have doggie stairs everywhere, but lately she has not wanted to use them, so I have been lifting her on to the bed,down the porch steps,on couch etc. I help her getting off them also. She has never used the stairs to get down. Always jumps! I have mounds of padding on the floor by my bed. I have a ramp off of the porch which she never uses! I am trying to get her to use it. Today I ordered a padded ramp from Ebay. It has carpet and slats underneath. I will see how that works. I have given her small doses of Motrin, which seems to help. She still wants to go for walks.She tends to go to far, so I wind up carrying her back. Oye vey!!

Just_Lin said...

Mary According to my information, Motrin is not safe for dogs. I think the only people pain med that is safe would be aspirin in the correct dose for a dog and for a dog Zoie's size. Please give your veterinarian a call and ask them what you can give her.

Things are quiet and boring here. I don't have much to write about. Last night I made a decision about my last two eggs. I don't plan on going to the grocery store again until the wee hours of Tuesday morning so I had to decide if I was going to use the last two eggs for a breakfast or if I should make brownies. Brownies won! My mother's homemade brownie recipe lifts my spirits more than breakfast does. LOL

The other day I made banana-nut bread and gave half to the young family across the street. They gave me a pan of chicken enchiladas. Score!

Just_Lin said...

Barb How are you doing up there in your neck of the woods? And how are your sister and Sharon?

The last few days have been dreary and overcast so I don't even feel inspired to walk the dog. I vacuumed the other day and that ended up giving me a backache. I guess that's a good of an excuse as any to put off housework. LOL You'd think with all this time at home that my house would be white-glove spotless, but nooooo....

I have this constant low level of anxiety, it seems. So many things are kind of "pending" right now. My real estate tax due date has been extended to May 4 so I'm waiting to pay them as I don't want to spend the money any sooner than I have to. My driver license expires on my birthday in a few weeks but has been extended until September. When this is all over there will be a rush to try to get an appointment at the DMV since I am required this year to take a written test. I should probably use this time to study. LOL My car registration is due May 18 and needs a smog certificate this year. I usually just take it to the gas station across the street from my neighborhood shopping center and have breakfast at the coffee shop while the smog check is getting done. Now the coffee shop is closed. My routine mammogram has been postponed to late May. I guess I'm no different than a lot of people that feel their life is on hold. I'm also feeling anxiety for all the people to rely on a paycheck to get by and are no longer getting one. This is definitely not a great economy when most of America can't go a month without a paycheck.

Just_Lin said...

Dianne Okay, where are you? Are we going to have to send you a nudge or two?

You must really be getting cabin fever about now. I am missing not being able to go run an errand without major consideration or go have breakfast or lunch at the coffee shop. I am able to step outside and even go for a walk with the dog when my back and sciatica aren't too bad. Do you have a private outdoor area of some kind where you can step outside?

You said Louis is watching stuff on Netflix. I recently finished the most recent season of Ozark. Have Louis watched that? It's outstanding!

The other day I wanted to soften a cube of butter. Being cautious about it, I put it in the microwave for 5 seconds. At least I thought I did. I accidentally pushed the Express 5 Minutes button and proceeded to day dream until I looked in the window of the microwve and saw a collapsed butter wrapper swimming in a pool of melted butter. What a waste of a cube of butter.

sacBarb said...

J/L, Oh no, a whole cube of butter! It’s worse now because when you go to the store, they may be out of butter. Last time Chad was at the store he had to buy margarine. I haven’t used that in years. I think your choice for using the eggs was a good call. I’d always go for the brownies. Nice trade for half a loaf of banana nut bread. We haven’t baked anything, but now I am considering baking brownies.
I am having the same anxious feelings. I had an appointment for my taxes in March that was canceled. I told them to just file an extension, that way I won’t have to think about until October. I have all my stuff together, so it won’t be a big deal, but I wish I had gotten them done earlier. I had doctor and dental appointments rescheduled for May, but I doubt they will happen.

Mary/MI said...

We are truly connected owls!
I made brownies today!
JustLin, I would love your Mom's recipe! I loved my Mom's homemade cakes.
Thanks for the advice on Motrin! I will cal our Vet tomorrow.

SabBarb. I have done the "butter thing". I hate cleaning up the mess!

I have therapy tomorrow, then on to Walmart to pick up a few things. I am glad they are making masks mandatory! The last time I was there many had none on. One young lady had a very young baby hanging on a wrap thingy on her chest. Baby had no cover of any kind a I assume that was her mother with her also no mask! I had all I could do not to ask them wtf!!

Just_Lin said...