
Wednesday, September 30, 2020

No One Believes Seniors Anymore

 by Dianne

No one believes seniors . . . everyone thinks they are senile.

An elderly couple was celebrating their sixtieth anniversary. The couple had married as childhood sweethearts and had moved back to their old neighborhood after they retired. Holding hands, they walked back to their old school. It was not locked, so they entered, and found the old desk they'd shared, where Jerry had carved I love you, Sally. On their way back home, a bag of money fell out of an armored car, practically landing at their feet. Sally quickly picked it up and, not sure what to do with it, they took it home. There, she counted the money - fifty thousand dollars!

Jerry said, "We've got to give it back."

Sally said, "Finders keepers." 

She put the money back in the bag and hid it in their attic.

The next day, two police officers were canvassing the neighborhood looking for the money, and knocked on their door. "Pardon me, did either of you find a bag that fell out of an armored car yesterday?"

Sally said, "No."

Jerry said, "She's lying. She hid it up in the attic."

Sally said, "Don't believe him, he's getting senile."

The agents turned to Jerry and began to question him. 

One said, "Tell us the story from the beginning."

Jerry said, "Well, when Sally and I were walking home from school yesterday..."

The first police officer turned to his partner and said, "Were outta here!"


Mary/MI said...

LOL, That was funny!
It is cold and rainy today. I will be packing away most of my shorts and drag out my big girl pants and sweats.
I pulled out my sewing machine and did some mending I have been putting off.Mostly shortening PJs. Hard to find ones that are short enough.
Jim is feeling much better.
Matthew is still driving his school bus. He was late yesterday. He said one of the kids spilled a carton of milk and he had to clean it up. He sure didn't want it to sit all night long lol!

Dianne said...

Hi.....big celebration tonight....the Broncos won. We beat a team that hadn’t won a game yet either but hey, that’s better than losing! At least it was something to watch on tv tonight. Mary, your pants are too long and mine are too short. I have to order tall pants, which Are too long, and then take them in and have them shortened. The average length is too short! At least you can sew. I’m impressed. You can do u everything. Glad Jim is feeling better. Yuck...I wouldn’t want milk on the bus the next day either. Doesn’t anyone clean the buses during the evening? I guess I didn’t know the driver has to keep it clean.

We’re still having nice weather here. Louis and I went for a mountain drive yesterday and saw beautiful colors with the leaves changing. He goes to dr tmrw and I’m going with him. I think he’s been falling too much this year and want to see why or what can be done to help him. He’s now walking the mall for exercise instead of the lake...safer. He’s losing weight too. Im Gaining his loss.

Barb, are you still getting all the smoke? We’re still getting it here from our fires. I’m sure yours is much worse. What’s new your way? Still agreeing not to get hair colored? Are you going to let it go natural or just for now?

JL, how are you doing? I know you’re really sad. You’re in my thoughts. I’m sorry you are having to go through all this now. Is your daughter still there?

Mary/MI said...

Dianne, The bus drivers have to clean and disinfect, plus fill bus with gas.

I spoke too soon about Jim. He said last night when he got up to use the bathroom he felt a bit woozy. When he got back to bed and laid down, the room started spinning. Not sure what caused it. I am going to his medical website and mention it to his Dr.

Thinking of you Barb :(

Have to get my oil changed today. I will be needing new tires before winter. I have my original ones on. about 5 yrs. There goes about $500! I need to win the lottery lol!


Hey ya all.......

JL 😘💗You are in my heart...BIG hugs💛💜💗

Dianne I just got done ordering my Christmas cards!! YAAAAAAAY!! I'm so excited I wish
they could be here tomorrow LOL but supposed to here Oct 12th, so that's not to bad.
You know I'm a football nut so I watch it all!! I'm such an idiot because every Bronco's
game when they're in huddle I yell OMAHA! Can't help it dang it. Miss my guy. My RAIDERS won
their first two and then the third one they played like a bunch of ding-a-lings. Hoping
for better tomorrow.

Barb and JL Don't know about you guys but the smoke is horrid here. We had a day that was
pretty good but they told us not to get to excited it would be worse the next day. Well it
was and then the Napa fire started and it has hit us really hard. My car is covered in
smoke every single day and it's making us all kind of sick, making it hard to go out at all. Geeeeeeze we all need this to end. Feeling so so bad for people that have had so much

Mary I been thinking of you, your cutie hubby and precious little Zoie. Does the change in
darkness at night change her potty times? I so wish it was cold and rainy here. I just don't do the heat and remember the good old days when October meant cold weather. Not for a
few years now. I sure do hope we get more than maybe five days of rain the coming winter. Last winter we got almost nothing.

I did check out DWTS to see how Tyra did. It was ok. I don't pay much attention to that show except to fast forward to see how bad everybody is LOL I have always been a Big Brother fanatic but they really put the screws to the fans this year. I know it's no big deal and a lot of people pay extra for all kinds of stuff but I pay a lot for my cable and
just not going to pay more for all access on so many shows. I'm waiting to win the lottery too LOL never going to happen 🙄

P L E A S E be well and find fun stuff to do. I send lots of hugs and lots of love to ya all......thinking of you every single day 🧡💜💙💛

Just_Lin said...

Thank you everyone for your kind words of condolence. This has been really, really difficult for me. I only cried a little bit today so things are looking up.

Just_Lin said...

Barb Like I already told you, it really lifted my spirits to finally get my hair cut. I don't feel so dumpy. I am liking it gray so far. Today my neighbor across the street, Rainbow, and her little girl, Autumn, brought me some fresh baked cookies. When I opened the door and stepped out, little Autumn said, "I thought you were an old lady coming out of your door". LOL I informed her that I AM an old lady.

My nail salon is doing nails inside again, with the needed precautions. I'm not ready to have my nails done. I'm trying to let them breathe for a while as they were covered with acrylic for a long time.

Just_Lin said...

Mary I am jealous of your rain. With a little luck, we might actually get some next weekend. I would love that. I've been watching a lot of British shows lately and sometimes it is raining on them and I feel so nostalgic for it.

So much of my daily routine was centered around the dog that I'm not sure what to do with myself now. Even if I was just talking to myself, she would lift her head and look at me expectantly in case I said one of her favorite words like walk, treat, or snack.

It's a bummer that Matthew has to clean the bus but having a sour milk smell would not be okay. I hope Jim is doing better.

Just_Lin said...

Dianne My daughter was just here from Friday to Monday. It was just very fortuitous for me that she was here during the horrible events of Saturday. Although I'm sorry she had to go through that horrible afternoon it was great support for me to have her hear. Although the vet didn't get here until after the dog passed, my daughter helped her get the dog's body onto the stretcher and carry it out to her car. I was sobbing too hard, plus I still have healing shoulder issue. She and I had already been crying for hours as the dog had one seizure after another. It was hell. My sleep pattern has been very screwed up since then. I think it's because I am not at peace with how things went for my dog at the end. Not at peace with it at all.

Sorry you are still getting smoke from our fires. Our air has been good here. Good air is something I normally take for granted.

Just_Lin said...

Seaside My daughter and I always watch BB. I never did tune into the after dark stuff when it was free so I don't miss that. Another reality show I enjoy is The Amazing Race, which I love. It's probably my favorite. I also watch the Bachelor and Bachelorette shows which is more of a guilty please. I guess I watch that for the same reason that some people low down to look at an accident. LOL What pisses me off about DWTS now is that west coast doesn't get to vote live like we used to. We have to remember to vote 3 hours earlier so we are voting on last weeks performances.

Dianne said...

Mary...I think I’ll need new tires this year too I’m hoping not as just got license plates. Did you talk to Jim’s dr? Is he better? I went to dr with Louis on Friday. We were there for quite awhile. He told her his knee and hip felt better. She still wanted him to get an xray of knee, updated sleep study as he’s tired all the time and some new allergy med. on sat he texted me from the shooting range that he couldn’t hardly walk with the pain in his hip! So he called dr yesterday and she ordered X-ray for that too plus starting him on some Pt for balance since he’s fallen a few times this year. I think it’s weird he felt ok Friday but not sat..I’m not the best care giver.

Seaside...yea for you ordering your cards. I’ve had mine for awhile. I should do them but I won’t lol. I think you enjoy football more than I do. I used to never miss going to,a bronco game and as old age set in never missed watching it on tv. If I’m home I watch it but don’t just stay home for it. We used to have a group that took turns having bronco parties for years but then everyone got older or died! We miss Peyton too...a lot. How’s your smoke situation? It’s amazing how much we get here with all the fires too. Couldn’t even see our mountains yesterday.

Yesterday I picked up a lady friend and took her to see and have lunch with another friend They live far from each other and neither are driving much anymore is 90 snd the other is 88. They r a lot of fun to have lunch with every few months. They really enjoy seeing each other too.

Dianne said...

JL..I love your new profile picture. Your hair looks really nice. Didn't it feel good to have it cut? I had mine cut a little shorter this past Saturday. I was letting the sides grow some but when I put my mask on I look like dumbo! I’m so glad your daughter was with you for that sad weekend. I hope you’re getting decent sleep again. I know this will be a huge adjustment for you. Hugs to you.
I don’t watch DWTS although I read Tyra made an error on the show last night. I used to watch it all the time. Amazing Race can’t be on now, right? I did used to really like that show. We are still having nice weather in the 80’s but no rain or snow...thank goodness on the snow part.
That’s about it Barb, how are you feeling? Time for a nudge I think.

sacBarb said...

Dianne, Thanks for the nudge. I am here and I am OK. I think I’m turning into a cat. I have been sleeping a lot. My cats sleep with me no matter what time it is, day or night!

J/L, well that was a fiasco on DWTS last night. How the heck could that happen? I don’t believe the “technical error” excuse, more likely human error, imo! I’m glad Anne is gone, though, even though she wasn’t a terrible dancer. I like the rest of the dancers.

Sheenah is going to do selected clients at her home since she closed the shop for good, but she hasn’t started yet. I am doing the same as you, so I am OK with waiting. I am keeping base coat and color polish that Sheenah gave me, on my nails. It has helped them grow a little just so they aren’t down to the finger tips. Even though I had some polish, Sheenah said the stuff she gave me was a better product and not to use the “crap” I got at Target! LOL.

Seaside, It’s good to see you back. The Raiders exhausted me on Sunday. They need the reduce the penalties. The first two games were exciting. My youngest son, Todd, has season tickets for the first time ever and when they announced “no fans” I thought we were going to have to put him on suicide watch! He has been a die hard fan since he was 10 (he’s 46). He even bought a memorial brick with his Dad’s name on it for the new stadium. He sent me a duplicate one for Mother’s Day. The Raiders Org. sent him programs from the first three games. They are being really nice to their season ticket holders. Of course, he paid a dear price for them. Before he could even buy them, he had to pay another big chunk of $$$ just for the privilege to buy the game tickets.

Mary, I had laugh at you shortening your pj’s. I know exactly how you feel. I had a pair for six months that I still needed to hem. I just never felt like dragging out the sewing machine. Finally, I just rolled the legs up and sewed a cuff on each leg, by hand. 😹 Has the doctor diagnosed the cause of Jim’s dizziness?

Dianne said...

Barb....they r letting 5700 fans in our bronco games. Aren’t they letting any fans in the raiders games? We got a refund for this season but can still bid on the weekly games. They go by priority number so mine doesn’t come up much. I’ve had the tickets since the late 70’s. Glad you’re feeling ok. I was getting worried. I can sleep like that too but then it makes me depressed. I’d better prepare for staying in with winter around the corner here. Ugh

sacBarb said...

Dianne, I think I am a little depressed. I sleep a lot when that happens.

Dianne said... too

Mary/MI said...

SacBarb, I keep my sewing machine in the basement. Out of sight, out of mind lol! I have not put it away yet, just in case I forgot to mend something else. It will soon disappear into the dungeon lol!!
There are days when all I want to do is take naps with Zoie. I know she gets tired following me around all day. I feel guilty when I look at her and see she wants to sleep. She likes when I am on the pc. (like now) She has her fave. bed in here and passes out lol! I wish she would just stay put and sleep her little heart out! I know she will follow me when I get up!

Dianne, I channel surf so much. I missed the DWS fiasco. Jim is still doing good. He has a set back now & then, but nothing too bad. I sometimes think I have a 2 yr old here lol. I have to constantly remind him to drink water and not get up too fast. He needs to move out of his Lazy-boy more. He complains of aches and pains, which is normal at our age, but rarely does his stretches and exercises. I do mine every morning outside, rain, snow sleet, temps high or low! I don't want to stiffen up!
I look like a 90 year old when I fist get up lol! I rarely sit unless to read my paper or get on pc. It will be winter soon enough, so I have been spending a lot of time outside.
Justlin. I was with Jim's Roxy when she passed, at the Vets. She almost died under our porch. I made Jim pull her out and drive to the Vet. He took her in his truck because he wanted to take her on one last ride. I waited for them at the vets. Roxy made her last shaky walk into the room and died on the gurney. We were all crying, even the vet. It was hard, but I was so glad she didn't die alone. As hard as it was for you, I am glad she had you there at the end. Hugs to you.
BTW, I love your cut and beautiful gray hair! I am glad you have chosen to keep it. AAAnd you are not old... I always say, there is some one some where in their 90s wishing they were our age lol!! xoxoxoxox

Seaside. Always good hearing from you! I think of you every time I use my Doxie kitchen towels. They may be Easter bunny, but I use them all the time. We do Doxie toast when I have smaller French bread. She pretty much keeps on her poopy/peepie schedule the same all year, which means we are outside about 10 pm sometimes! Oh well, we need to keep every "thing" moving lol!!

Stay safe and keep that beautiful smile.

sacBarb said...

Mary, I don’t have a basement, so my closets are full. I keep my sewing machine in the spare room closet and even though it’s not hard to get out, I still put off doing mending, etc. I have to sew on the dining table, so if the sewing machine is on it, we usually eat in the family room on TV trays. That’s another reason I don’t like to get it out. When the kids were small, I sewed a lot and I had a desk in our bedroom where I could keep the machine and all the thread and stuff in the drawers. I don’t have that desk any more. One of the kids has it.

JL, I am anxious to see The Bachelorette tomorrow night. This is going to be an interesting season and it looks like more drama than ever. My life has been so boring, I look forward to TV drama. LOL my son, Todd, starts his new job on Thursday. The contract job ended last week so he’s had some time off. He was going to start a permanent position with the same company, but they decided not to hire him, even though they made an offer in writing that he had to sign and return. His former company, the one that laid him off, reached out to him because they had a vacancy in another division and he interviewed and was hired. So, he’s in good shape. Also, his seniority with the company will be restored. I’m so glad, because he has a huge mortgage payment. His wife is still working from home.

Dianne, How did Louis’ doctor appointment go? It’s so nice of you to pick up your friends so you can all visit with each other. Our air has finally cleared and it hasn’t been as hot.

Seaside, our Raiders are now 3-2. Sunday’s game was very exciting. They must have gotten a real ‘come to Jesus’ lecture during halftime because they came back and killed it!

Just_Lin said...

Barb I think I still have a sewing machine stashed in a cupboard in the garage. It's been so long since I've seen it, that I'm not 100% sure. i haven't had it out in many years. It's easier to just mend something by hand than to drag that heavy thing out.

It's funny how you and I were not in sync at all last night about a number of the dancers. Usually we see things pretty much the same. I was extra generous in my personal scoring, I think. Maybe that's because I had brownies cooling in the other room. LOL Speaking of the brownies.....when I cut into them, I discovered that the middle of the pan was not cooked. This has happened to me a few times over the years. I have a feeling that when I push "Start" for the oven timer, my thumb accidentally also pushes "Off" for the oven which is right next to it. I need to be more aware of that in the future. I was rushing because I wanted them done before our show started.

That's wonderful about Todd getting rehired by his old company and especially great that he gets to keep his seniority, too. That's really a win/win.

I'm looking forward to the start of Bachelorette tonight. I wonder how many guys Clare will tell off. LOL

Just_Lin said...

Mary My Ursula would follow me around the house, too. Whenever I was on the toilet, she'd come in the bathroom, push aside the shower curtain with her head and look in the bathtub. She did that for all the years she was here. More recently, I'd been thinking I should get a large stuffed animal and put it in there to surprise her. LOL I never did it. Also, she had started to lie down right behind my feet when I was doing something at the kitchen counter instead of lying down on the little kitchen rug in front of the back door. Fortunately, I never stepped back and tripped over her.

I wish I was more like you and kept moving more. I know that I sit too much. I thought I was going to go grocery shopping yesterday but I woke up with an upset stomach. I ended up staying home in my lay-around comfy clothes and reclining on the couch for hours. When I felt better, I had chicken noodle soup and toast. Obviously, I was feeling a lot better by evening because I was making brownies. Aren't brownies a comfort food? LOL I just ate buttered noodles for dinner. That was definitely a comfort food for me.

Ny hair still shocks me when I step in front of the mirror. It was definitely a relief to get it cut. It's so much easier to deal with.

Just_Lin said...

Dianne I bought Christmas postage stamps last week so I can start addressing my cards any time now. Ha! I know that won't happen. I will procrastinate and rush to get them out. I guess it's one of my Christmas traditions.

I'm going to go to Benihana's for a late lunch/early dinner tomorrow at 3:00 with a married couple that I sometimes have dinner with. I don't know if you have Benihana's there but they cook at the table. Normally, there are 8 people seated at each table. Since there are 3 of us, I'm thinking we will be at one end of the table and a couple of other people will be seated at the other end. Either that, or we will have the table to ourselves. The food is fabulous and I'm really looking forward to it.

The Amazing Race is airing tomorrow night, Oct. 14. It was filmed before the pandemic ever started. I really enjoy that show. Even if I can't travel right now, I can do it vicariously through them. Thankfully, my travels don't include having to do all the tasks that they have to do.

How's Louis doing? Did he get x-rays? I went to the ophthalmologist the other day because I suddenly have a new black spot floater in my left eye and I also noticed I could see flashes of light in the outer edge of the eye when I was in total darkness and turned my head swiftly. This came on after a few days of sobbing over the dog and I didn't know if I had done something to my eye. Anyway, it turns out it is just the aging process. I joked that as soon as I let my hair be gray, everything else is falling apart.

Just_Lin said...

Seaside I keep forgetting to watch the 49er games. Maybe that's why they keep losing. LOL

For a while, it looked like we might get rain last weekend but it never happened. All we got here was a little drizzle. I'm so disappointed. On the upside, we've had great air for quite a while now.

Dianne said... how did bachelorette go tonight! I’ve been reading about it so you two keep us updated. I didn’t realize the amazing race was starting again. I wonder if survivor will..Louis likes that show.

JL. Louis had his X-rays today and I had a ct scan of my lung. I had a nodule on it when I was in hospital after cruise so this was a follow up. We both are supposed to hear results tmrw. I also had to go to eye dr as my left eye feels like I’m swimming in a pool with my eyes open. I have a dry eye and got more drops and my eyelid is really drooping and covering half of my cornea. I had that lifted before but it’s droopy again so I’ll probably be looking at some eye surgery. I go back in a week. Went and had nails done too. I had color but didn’t like it so went back to pink and white. It lasts much longer too. Our virus numbers are going up so just in case they have to close this is better. So hoping that doesn’t happen again. We are going to have a Colder couple of days coming up. It’s been pretty nice here. Our game was postponed until next week as patriots had covid. Did You eat the brownies anyway? I would have probably. Yes, we have Benihana’s here. I haven’t been for a long time. The girls are taking me to PF Changs for my late Christmas dinner next week.

Barb, your raiders are doing good. I cheered for them on Sunday. That doesn’t happen much but I wanted to see KC not win. Louis is walking the mall with a cane. His dr appt went ok. We went over every thing so she’s having some tests for different things on him. One is with a sleep study but he can’t even get in for consultation until first of December. He didn’t hurt on that Friday but the next day his hip,and knee started hurting again. Kayla a nice bday dinner and a party that went well. She has decided to go back to counseling after five years. She wants em to go with her. I just hope she really goes. It’s been in prayers for years as you know. (Thanks for those) so glad Todd got his old job back with seniority. I’m really glad for him.

Well,,,I don’t have a sewing machine. I did when I was in my 20’s. I never cared for sewing. I was in 4H years ago and (you won’t believe this) but I won ribbons on my cookies! I sewed my apron to my dress in home ec so there ya’ go! We are going away to the mountains Sunday and Monday. Hope the weather is nice. It will be nice to get away although I’ll be wiping everything in sight down. must be beside yourself with your Raiders. I tried to text you on a number you called me on one time but it said not working. I may not have had it right but know I was thinking about you. it snowing there yet? Tammy getting a new furnace and It was supposed to get put in tmrw but now been delayed a week. Hope it doesn’t get too cold here. I too wish I was active like you have so much will power and stamina.

Dianne said...

No news from dr on either of our tests yet. Went to lunch with my aunt. She lives an hour away from where we met and do do I so it works out. I’m feeling kind of down with all this medial of mine and Louis plus the crazy world and virus. I need to,shake it off. I’m sleepy and tired so I think I’m nodding off. Night

Just_Lin said...