
Monday, April 25, 2022

Sex after Surgery


by Dianne


Mary/MI said...

Funny Dianne! It reminded me of my Cousin Lucy. She was not a very pretty gal, but sweet. She married a handsome architect. He was partially blind, but still managed to have a very profitable career. A few years after they were married he was fortunate to have an eye transplant and could see very well. My cousins would kid her that he stayed married her to her any way. Not nice, but she laughed it off. They are still married and have 2 children.

My Zoie is doing so much better tonight. She is even sniffing around the yard in her favorite spots lol! What a mysterious and scary few days around here! She is still a bit slow, but then she is in her 12th year. Thanks to all that had a hand in sending out prayers for her. I really believe they helped.

Just_Lin said...

Mary I'm so glad that your Zoie is doing better. That was a horrible day you had the other day, It was kind of funny that Zoie surprised you by feeling good enough (miraculously)
to stand up at the car window and lock you out. LOL What a pain in the butt, though.

I did a weird thing the other day. I went to take my clothes out of the dryer and it seemed like an awfully small load in there. I looked over at the washing machine and there was the other half of the load still in there. My mind was definitely elsewhere when I took one armload of wet clothes and put them in the dryer, started it and walked away. Ha! Good thing I'm not a surgeon!

Just_Lin said...

Dianne I'm so glad that your Easter worked out well and that the restaurant could accommodate your large group. You must have been relieved.

How nice of that lady to share information with you about being on oxygen. I've often wondered if you've ever considered moving to a lower elevation where breathing might be easier for you. And what's happening with the pain you were in with your back and legs? Have you gotten over that? Sometimes I hurt myself by just sitting wrong for a length of time either in front of the computer or on the couch watching a show. Somehow, on the couch, I often end up in a bad position which feels good while I'm doing it but I pay for it the next day. I've been mulling over the idea of getting one of those under desk pedal leg exercisers to at least strengthen my legs. Walking would be best but my sciatica always acts up and makes walking distances very unpleasant. Losing weight would certainly help and I need to motivate myself to do something about that as wishful thinking isn't working.

Just_Lin said...

Barb How was your celebration at The Spaghetti Factory? Have you made your big batch of meatballs? Now you make me want some Italian food. I bet yours is delicious. I still miss having an Olive Garden within reasonable distance. My friend and I used to like to go there periodically. I know it's not seriously Italian food but there were things there that I really liked.

Having tattoos is the new norm. It seems like most people have at least one now. Maybe not in our age group, though. In my family everyone has at least one tattoo except for my brother and I (the oldies). If I were to get one, it would be a paw print with my dog's name, Ursula. I still miss her so much. I don't think my old, thin skin would take well to being tattooed, but maybe it would. My preferred place would be the inside of my forearm but my skin is probably too crepe like at this point.

Just_Lin said...

Bebbi I hope your mom is doing better everyday. Check in when you can.

Just_Lin said...

Seaside How are you, Gidget, and Munchkin doing?

Bebbilane said...

HI Everyone!
Checking in now finally. I am so busy with my Mom and going out to Bardstown to check on her house.Also, working on Durable Power of attorney for health and finances. All that exciting stuff that surprises you when someone gets unexpectedly sick.

Dianne - glad to hear you had no problems at Easter too! That is so nice.

Mary - Zoie being better is probably a huge relief and so funny when she decided to show you she was better...! Yikes!

JL - Thank you! My Mom is working hard to be better. If I would get a tattoo it would be a Yellow Rose. I don't think I will ever get one though. So sweet you would get Ursula's name.

I hope all of you have a great day today. I am heading up to see Mom after work.

Just_Lin said...

Just checking that I can get in via my phone.

Dianne/Denver said...

.just trying to see if I can get on. No problem. JL, I get back and shoulder shots tmrw. I had X-rays of them and hips last week. Will get results tmrw too. If I have to have a new hip..I will. The pain is horrible in my left thigh. Sometimes it stops me in my tracks. I went to primary dr today and he wrote a prescription for full time oxygen. My oxygen was 78 when I was there. I’ve been using it at home and in car..not in restaurants or getting hair done today. I’m so breathless and I don’t think oxygen helps it much but the numbers really drop. I ordered a small concentrator out of pocket for $3500 today. Ordered it directly from manufacturer as they r out of stock everywhere. Ins and Medicare won’t pay unless I get a used one with one year warranty. The one I got has three batteries and a lifetime warranty. We thought that would be better. I’m bummed about needing it but I’m scared of a heart attack or stroke. I’m stressed with the cost.

Went to lunch with my two Ww friends today and bens (Kayla’s old boyfriend) grandmother. She’s a Ww too. I gained two pounds this week. Great..I don’t even know how! I couldn’t get weighed at dr today as I couldn’t breathe or walk. It was a little strange. She said they miss Kayla. I didn’t say I missed Ben that’s for sure.

Bev, I’m glad your mom is in rehab and doing better. Do u see an improvement? I hope so.

Mary, so glad Zoie is doing better. Very scary but I did chuckle about her locking the door. Hope she gets her energy back soon.

Barb, r u able to get on blog yet? We r missing you and anxious to hear about your dinner.

I go at 8:45 am tmrw. I’ll be in bed earlier tonight. My dr appt this am was 8am. I set my alarm for 6:15. I turned it off and woke up,at 7:40. Boy did I throw my clothes on and was only five min late and I called to let them know. Whew! Well, time to call it quits and see if this will post.

Seaside…where art thou?

sacBarb said...


sacBarb said...

I think I fixed it. Leaving for an appointment now. Will be back later.

Just_Lin said...

Barb Yay! I'm looking forward to hearing what the problem was that kept you out of the nest.

Bebbilane said...

Hi Everyone!
Hoping you guys had a good day. I am at the hospital staying overnight with my Mom.
Dianne - really hoping your pain got better during the day and you can go get your shots soon.

Barb- glad you made it back! I hope your appointment went well!!

Just trying to sleep in this hospital bed while Mom is worrying about things at her house.

Pray for her and I if you pray! She worries too much!

Take care y’all!!

Mary/MI said...

Bebbi, I remember those uncomfortable weary nights at the hospital when Jim had his stroke. Almost of month of winter driving and worry! I will continue to pray for you and your Mom.

SacBarb, I see you found your way back to the nest :) Catch us up on your shenanigans lol!

JustLin, I would get that Ursula tat! You do, and I will get a "Zoie paw" tattoo too! I swore I would never get one lol!
Zoie had a bit of a set back yesterday. She couldn't keep her food down. I took her with me to look for a different brand of dog food. I put her on her blanky in the cart and we strolled around the store until I could see she was getting anxious to get out. So far today she seems to me ok, We go out for very short walks so she can do her business. She is sleeping next to me now.

Dianne. I have knee and hip sudden pain come on when I am walking on hard surfaces like the stores. Our ins. gives us access to a wonderful website "Silver Sneakers", where I look at exercise/ stretching vids that I can do sitting down.
The one that has helped me the most is so simple. I do it when I get groceries. As soon as the pain starts, I raise my knee,bent, and then stretch it out, and bring it down. I do it a couple of times, then I am good to go lol! I don't care who is watching. I just do it!
I hate that you are having so much breathing trouble! You oxygen levels are too low! Mine is always in the 90s.
My biggest problem right now is constipation! I think it may be the calcium pills.I have cut back on them. Too much, too quick for this body!

Seaside. Thinking about you. I bet you are getting warm temps. We had two whole days of high 70s. We are back down now :( Looks like May will stay cool too :(
How is Gidget? How old is she? Zoie is into her 12th year. I worry about her slowing down. I miss her perkiness! Hopefully the warmer days will perk both of us up!

Mary/MI said...

Where is everybody? Dianne, I have been wondering how you have been navigating your new breathing contraption. Check in please!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Linda!!! Have a great day! What's on your agenda today?

Waving at the rest of you invisible owls! Come out of the bushes and check in!

Dianne/Denver said...

I’m here. I’m trying to adjust to walker, oxygen and a purse. It’s very hard getting in and out of the car. I keep a small walker in the car now. I need the stability of the walker. Today we were waiting in restaurant and I tried sitting on walker. Guess what? This is not the one with a seat. That ones in Louis car. Louis is in so much back pain still with no solution in sight. We r quite a pair.
Went to lunch yesterday with Todd it was so nice to catch up with him. He getting promoted to sergeant on May 16. There will be a ceremony we will be able to go too. I’m so proud of him. He’ll have liane pin his new badge on him. I just don’t like that he’s back on the street again. He’s says back to bullet proof vest. He’s been in robberies for 18 years. Now he loses his car too. He’s excited though.

Bev, how’s your mom doing? Why was she in hospital? I thought she was in rehab. Hope she’s doing better. Seaside…where r u?
Barb, did u ever figure out why u couldn’t get in the nest? Maybe Mary locked the doors. She’s trouble like that sometimes.
JL, how was your bday? I told u to come out and I’d not only take u to eat but share my oxygen with you! Nice offer, right?

Went to lunch with barb and another friend to celebrate our 1/2 bdays. The restaurant sent us couples for our special day. Nice day out and barb helped me. It broke a record today going up to 89 and of course windy. That’s about it Happy Mothers Day to everyone

Bebbilane said...

Hi Everyone!
Happy Mother’s Day!

Dianne - Congratulations to Todd on his promotion! Sounds like you have been staying busy despite the extra challenges!
My Mom is in Rehab and gets out Wednesday. I keep saying hospital because it is attached to the hospital but in a separate building.

I have been extremely tired lately. I drove to Bardstown yesterday after a visit with my Mom, brother, sister and brother’s gf. They came to the rehab and we had lunch. I drove to Bardstown and forgot to unpack all of Mom’s medical supplies (walker, shower chair, etc). Now I have to drive back again.

JL - hoping your birthday was great.

Hi Barb, Mary and Seaside!!

Have a great day everyone.

Just_Lin said...

Mary Here I am, too. I hope you are having a good day. Have you started in on the wine, yet? My son and granddaughter are coming for a visit tomorrow so I am looking forward to that. My daughter sent me something yesterday because she thought Mother's Day was next Sunday. LOL That means I have something to look forward to later in the week.

How is your little Zoie doing? Do you think he problems are resulting from back pain. I know doxies are prone to have difficulties with their backs. I hope she is back to normal now.

If you are cooking dinner tonight, I hope you are making something that is a favorite of yours. It is also permissible to drink and cook at the same time.

Just_Lin said...

Dianne I was waiting to post until we heard from Barb again but I guess that isn't working out. She still isn't able to post using her iPad for some reason. It's a mystery.

Do you have a cross-body purse you can use so it won't slip down while you are navigating the walker and the oxygen? It does seem like a lot of things to juggle.

I did have a very nice birthday. My friend baked me a cake and gave me earrings. She had tripped in her apartment and bashed her face into the door jamb, hard. She is all sorts of black and blue on her face. The swelling has gone down some around her eye but the blue colors have now extended down her face and even into her neck. We decided to just have dinner at my house and not go out. We watched the current episodes of our favorite streaming shows and had a pleasant evening. The sweet family that lives across the street came over earlier in the day and brought me an orchid plant, chocolates, and the two little kids made cards. I love that Autumn accidentally transposed the numbers, having me turn 57 this year. If only..... LOL

Congratulations on your son's promotion. Did he have to take oral and written exams to apply for the sergeant position? It's worrisome for you, I know, but very exciting for him. He should be proud of himself.

Just_Lin said...

Barb We sure are missing you here. I hope you get the sign in problem sorted out soon. I know you much prefer using your iPad instead of having to sit at your desk computer.

Just_Lin said...

Bebbi I hope your mom is doing better every day. It was nice you were able to have breakfast out with your son. I hope to do that with mine and my granddaughter tomorrow.

Just_Lin said...

Seaside You haven't been here in quite some time now. I hope all is well in your world.

Dianne/Denver said...

Hi…how was your breakfast JL with the kids? What a nice picture you posted. Do they live far from you? You r looking really great …look young! Did u have a nice Mother’s Day! It sounded like it. What
did u get from your daughter for Mother’s Day? Has it arrived yet? Ow on your friends fall. I’ll bet that hurt bad. I hope she’s getting better. When I hear the Word fall I freak out. I can’t even watch americas funniest videos as I don’t think any of them r funny. Yes, my son took the written and oral exam. He took it a long time ago and didn’t get low enough on the last to be promoted or high enough. I think,back then he wasn’t trying too hard as he was very involved with the three boys sports..coaching, etc. he has Ashton still left in high school playing sports and he’s sad he won’t be able to attend them. His days off are Tuesday, we’d, and Thursday. He works 12:30-10:30pm. He won’t get to do all the off duty he does now either. That’s a big loss money wise for him. He’s been told he may soon go to a detective sergeant. He would like to do it. He’s got quite a few people under him now. He’s nervous. He received an email yesterday from a father and son that he helped save the boys life after a shooting. The boy wrote that it was his four year anniversary for being alive and then the dad wrote a thank you…quite touching too.

Bev, glad your mom is home now. Can she stay alone? How’s her speech doing? Is she still in pt? Hope you caught up on some sleep.

Seaside…I’m coming to nudge you. How was Mother’s Day? Been surfing yet or too cold? We’re having low 80’s , no humidity and terrible wind! I hate the wind…better than snow but not much. It’s been every day for weeks. Feel like I live in Wyoming. Big fire dangers too.

Barb, is there anything we can do to help u get back on? R u able to read the blog at all?

Mary, what r u up too. There is a special on Sunday from the Ryman theater in Nashville of the service for Naomi. It’s such a sad situation. Then Mickey Gilley died this week but he was sick. His theater in Branson is where the tenors perform. Mickey had shows for himself scheduled all month.

I went in for my pulmonary hour test yesterday at 7:25=am. I don’t like those tests. I don’t know results yet. I see pulmonary Dr next Thursday. I’m praying she will release me for my back shots then I have to get those scheduled. I seriously can barely walk when the pain hits me. It’s excruciating! I got yet another walker. I have one small in my car, one with a seat in Louis car, one with a seat in bedroom and my new smaller one in the living room plus one more. I’m really using it with this leg pain. When it hits I about feel like I’m going to fall. I feel like I need it for balance. Still not used to carrying everything in someplace so sometimes I secretly leave my oxygen in the car. Anyway…that’s my medical boring update! We r taking my travel chair to Todd’s ceremony Monday. I just hope Louis can deal with lifting it.
That’s about it. Chime in everyone

Mary/MI said...

I'm here Dianne! I am stumped as to what has changed on my Phone? Looks like I will only be posting on my pc. I can read your post, just won't let me comment! I will keep trying anyway.

Thanks for the heads up on the Naomi special. Our home town boy/man, just played at the Ryman and played at Red Rock the last three nights. "Billy Strings". He h as gone a long way for such a young man.
Sad about Micky Gilley :(
I hope your Son gets whatever position he wants to be able to be at family doings. You must be so proud of him. He is surely making a difference in people's lives.

JustL, I don't think Zoie's back was the problem. Sometimes she jumps too fast going up the patio steps and hits her throat on the edge. Also, I bought a new bag of her reg. food about the same time. It could have been tainted. I have slowly been shifting her to the "Science" brand.
She is doing better, just not 100%. I bought her a doggie buggy which came in yesterday. It was all put together when I got home. Jim usually hates doing that, but loves that dog! I gave her a short ride and she loved it! I will take her on my longer walks. Before, I had to make the walks short because she got tired quickly.

I don't trust this site, so I will be "copying & pasting" LOL!

Dianne/Denver said...

Mary….your here. The site can be trusted. I texted seaside last night too. I’ll write more later heading out the door to meet barb

Mary/MI said...

I’m on my phone posting. Let me know if it goes through.

Mary/MI said...

On my iPad now

Just_Lin said...

The warning triangle has disappeared from mybith PC and phone.

Just_Lin said...

Nope. Still there on the home page.

Dianne/Denver said...

Hi…I’m back….had a nice lunch at a chicken place. It was very good. I sent Tina JL message to see if she could do some adjustments. I am very proud of todd. I think,he’s a good and fair policeman. I’m trying to find a smaller purse to carry along with walker and oxygen. I have so many coach purses but their leather is so stiff. I got a purse on Amazon for $23. It’s cute and has soft leather. Kind of weird to go from coach to Amazon. Lol. That’s good Zoie has a chariot now for long walks. Hope she likes it. We watched the first top gun movie tonight. I don’t think I ever saw it. Now I’ll want to see new one. Well, I don’t have much new since my last Novel I wrote. Bye…❤️

Mary/MI said...

Just checking blog---------->>>>>>>>>