
Sunday, December 25, 2022

~ Merry Christmas ~



Mary/MI said...

Bah Humbug!
I hope you are all enjoying you Holiday.
As you know, Jim is still in the hospital with not much improvement. He called this morning and told me he is secretly trying to walk a couple steps at a time,,, on his own! He is listed as a "fall risk"! He is determined to get out of there! He doesn't feel like they are doing enough to get him moving. They are weening him from the steroid breathing treatments. If he can go 3 strait days with out a problem he will be well on his way to come home, probably with oxygen.

Just_Lin said...

Mary Bah Humbug, indeed! I'm sorry you are without your husband on Christmas but he is where he needs to be. At least the timing was such that you got him to the hospital before the really bad weather hit. You can be thankful for that. And I'm so glad you have that generator as back up if you need it.

This is a weird Christmas for me as it is the first one in my life where I have been by myself. I've been watching some movies. For dinner last night, I had Honey Baked ham, which my daughter had reserved for us before she came down with COVID, derailing her travel plans to come down here. I made mashed potatoes, candied yams, and green bean casserole to go with it. I'll be having some of the leftovers tonight. In a day or two, we're supposed to get several days of rain so I think I might make some cheesy potato soup with some of this ham. Honey Baked has a great recipe for it online.

I hope you all had a nice and peaceful Christmas Day.

Dianne/Denver said...

Hi..merry Christmas. We had a nice Christmas at Tammy and James. Small group but nice. We did name exchange this year and James and Kayla’s boyfriend Michael got our names. We got a $400 gift cert to ur favorite place is the mountains. That will give us about three nights there…..great present. I had wendys name and louis had Tammy’s so that wasn’t too hard. I still,ended up getting the girls some things. I called it stocking overload

JL.that’s too bad your daughter had Covid. Maybe she could come for a few days afterwards. I remember when I was a single mom. My ex had the kids Christmas am and I always felt sad on that am. I always got them later in the day . Mary, I’m glad Jim is home. He is going to have to stop smoking now I think. Do u think he will? Did you and Matthew celebrate just a little for the holiday? Christmas Eve we just ordered Chinese food and louis napped all night…boring! I wonder what barb did? We r doing Christmas with Todd and family for lunch at their place tmrw. I’m finally getting down on pkgs. I already bought four ornaments for Christmas next year. They r half price right now.

That’s about it here. Still haven’t heard from sleep study about louis. Our bronco coach got fired today after one year. We r embarrassingly terrible . Have a happy new year…any plans? Night

Mary/MI said...

Mary here, checking in.
JL, Sorry you were alone Christmas Eve. Hopefully it won't happen again! I hope your daughter is doing well.
We sure got a lot of snow!Temps were in the 20s all week. Most of the snow is gone today. It is 6pm and it is 50 deg.! Crazy weather! Getting snowed in was kind of a blessing. I was able to rest up, although Jim would call all hrs lol! I told him he could since we were not together.

Dianne, Matthew & I had steak filet, baked tater & salad Christmas Eve and opened our gifts. As usual, Jim waited til the list minute and never got me anything before going to hospital.Lately he has been giving me cash lol!

I have been non stop busy keeping up with Jim. It will be tricky balancing what he needs and what he can & should do himself. Basically he can do anything he used to do except walk his dogs and drive his car. He was never really active. His Lazy Boy was always his basic destination anyway lol!As long as he has his oxygen he can walk anywhere in the house. He seems to think he will be able to wean himself off of it eventually. Dr. didn't seem to think so, but I'm not telling him!

I got the cutest gift delivered today! Barb A. sent me a sign with a Doxie on it that says "protected by DACHSHOUND SECURITY FORCE!..monitored 24 hrs". Loved it! It came just as I was having a stressed out moment. Friends are the best!!!