
Thursday, June 5, 2008

Summer, and no good TV!

i do love the summer, i really do!
however there is one thing, and only
one, that i don't like about it,
there is nothing on TV!

i miss my shows, they keep me company,
they give me something to look forward
to on certain nights, its like i know all the
people on the shows, and enjoy a visit
with them each week, and then "poof they
are gone" leaving me in the lurch

it was so fun watching American Idol
routing for a winner, seeing the winner
and then "poof, gone" just like that!

my dear grey's, gone!

so now i find myself, looking for things
to do at night, grasping the air, flipping
the channels, reading book after book,
and watching videos on you tube!

when i was younger i so looked forward
to summer, as it was a time of no school
and playtime had no end

now, its just, well, summer is here!

nothing on TV

how age changes everything!

in my travels on you tube i found
this video and immediately smiled

i hope you enjoy as well!



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iteach said...

I did it!

iteach said...

The kids are at grandma's house.

My hubby went to the store, but he is home.

I need to look busy, I will be back later!

:) said...

You did it Congrats on 200!

I pooped out :O) said...

"You have been outted" LOL....

Thanks for sending be your pic, you are a amazing owl!

Dianne/Denver said...

Carol, thanks for the compliment. I think it just sometimes helps to tell your story so that others know it can work out in a divorce with a child...just takes a lot of lip biting.

Ok Owls: I went back to the dr and I still have pneumonia and am coughing, etc., again. Needless to say, yesterday was not a very cheery day for me. I had to get all the meds again that I was in while in the hospital and my primary asked me if I wanted to go to the hospital or try outpatiet. Hell, I would rather do outpatient just to have my own doctor..although, the room service menu meals were a temptation.
I am going to try and bring my lap top in bed like K-GIRL does and hope I don't get burned so I can post as well as read. I am still on oxygen and doing nothing!! Not good for a busy owl. :(
TINK AND ZONA: Bad news....the rain ended up in Denver...sorry Zona...I love it.

Tina~in_ut said...

Carol....I LOVE the summer tv season! It's when I get to catch up on all I missed during the tv year. I will sit and watch a whole season of something at once. Last summer I watch all the episodes of 24. I just finished Without a Trace and am trying to finish Lost. AND I can't wait for The Closer! Plus I have my NASCAR race each week! I just get so behind during the year because of all the shows i tape~

LynnD~ you have great taste in TV~!

HoJo~ congrats on 1st~

Whabbear~ you write it....i'd blush~

Zona~ smack back~

I was planning on going to SoCal on Saturday with my daughter in it looks like the whole damn family is going! No one is packed.....and my washer is you think mom will mind if i bring my dirty laundry? :)~

kgrl~ mwah~

Tinkatia said...

I just got up to check on the "Girl of the Night" and it was Barb in Wa. I guess I did cheat when I looked at her pictures because I had no idea up until then.

Dianne - I am glad you are enjoying the rain I sent Zona. Some of it stayed behind and I am so sick of it. Please get better fast. I am sending all my prayers and positive energy your way.

Zona - Dear sweet daughter of mine. You will always be the innocent teenager I remember seeing in your picture yesterday. Please go to bed early.

VIG - Pleasant dreams my dear. Miss you so much.

Good Night to all my other feathered friends.
Love, Tinka

iteach said...

Have I told you guys how nervous I get when I fly?

Very nervous!

Jennifer said...

Miss Tink: I hope I have the weekend to finish my assignment! ; )

Dianne: I am SO sorry to hear you are still so sick! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers! Just get plenty of rest!

I'm off to bed....

Night everyone! I have to get some sleep so I can work on my homework tomorrow for Miss Tink!

Tina~in_ut said...

don't be nervous, iteach....unless of course you are flying into LAX!~

Jennifer said...

Iteach: I pray you have a safe flight and you and hubby have a great time! Enjoy each moment!

iteach said...

I pray more on a plane then I do the whole year.


I'm glad I'm going with hubby. Strangers hate it when I ask them to hold my hand.

Zona said...

ITEACH: I always take my rosary.

TINKA: Good night..sweet dreams!

TINA: No smacking back allowed..;)

Tina~in_ut said...

OH....sorry zona~ i didn't know the rules!

does anyone know if want is sleeping?

iteach said...

Well I took care of all my phobias before flying.

I bought new underwear today to fly in. I don't want to die in old underwear.

I have my eyebrows waxed, so I die looking happy.

I cleaned my shower, so no one will see how dirty it looks.

Zona said...

TINA: Well..all right don't want me to have to call my cousins the cops do you?? ;)

ITEACH: You aren't going to die...

iteach said...

Zona- I don't have a rosary!

Can you believe it?

I bought a really nice expensive one for my husband when we got married. I was hoping that he would get the hint, but he didn't.

I really wanted from him, but I don't want to ask.

I think rosaries come from the heart and soul. I don't want him to go buy me one, because I asked him too.

I know weird!

MEK in AZ said...

Just finished watching the top twenty selected for so you think you can dance..

the chick with the ODD implants actually made it thru - i didn't think she was very good - so what do I know!! LOL

Iteach- safe flying tomorrow!!

Barb in WA - the reason why i didn't think it was you - was the black and white - made it look like it was BEFORE your time!!

Dianne in Denver - sorry to hear that you are STILL sick!! get well soon!!

Now - I'm going to watch the Next Food Network star!! It's a rerun from Sunday -but I missed that.. (it's already boring!!!)

have a kitty that needs some attention..

be back later...

Zona said...

ITEACH: Sometimes you have to spell these things out...

Zona said...

MEK: I have a kitty that needs attention too...;)

Enjoy your show!

iteach said...

Zona- I'm going too!

Diane, I'm so sorry about round two with the meds.

iteach said...


Tina~in_ut said...

OMG Zona! I didn't know you had a cat!

Jennifer said...

Iteach: I have SEVERAL rosaries! I will be happy to give you one! (You can still say a rosary without have ten fingers...just say a Hail Mary on each one, and then an Our Father between each ten!)

You will have a safe flight and a LOT of fun! I just know it!

Be sure to call me when you get home (then we need to plan on meeting Jodie and Goldie this summer)!

Night everyone....I really will go to bed now!

iteach said...

Good night Jennifer!!!

Want2Sleep said...

No I'm not sleeping. I'm getting ready for the Heart concert in Hawaii.

iteach said...

Want- You can borrow my broom to get to Hawaii.

However, I need it back on Tues., because that is when Aunt Flo is coming to visit.

Zona said...

TINA: I don't, I'm allergic...;)

ITEACH: It'll be fine...

Zona said...


Hi WANT! I missed that Heart concert, but BARB/WA told me they'll be here in go on sale Monday!!

Want2Sleep said...

Maybe I just better use my frequent flier miles Iteach ! lol

Want2Sleep said...

Woo hoo Zona !

iteach said...

Oh, Zona, now I know what you mean by kitty.

iteach said...

Okay, I am going to pack. We are suppose to leave in five hours.

Zona said...

ITEACH: ;) Meow...

WANT: JOURNEY and CHEAP TRICK too!! Mr. Z loves all three!

sacBarb said...

Hey, Hey, everyone! I am back from Phantom and it was great.

So much activity here today. I had no idea the grad picture was Barbwa. Very pretty missy.

MEK: I made more of a mess 'cleaning' and shredding. Now I have to clean that mess up.

Dianne: I do still watch Days and I kinda like the John storyline too. I don't want them to make him a complete villain though. I am so sorry you are still sick. Can't they give you something stronger to kick this thing?

Bon'O: Congrats to your daughter on her wedding. I hope the weather holds out for the event. Are you going to NC?

Bear: So do you have a date for the nuptials yet??

K-Girl: e concert will be over by the time you read this, so I hope you had a good time. Did Want and Zona get there in time?

Iteach: Are you packed yet? It should be around midnight-thirty where you are.

Waving a wing at all the other Owls.

Want2Sleep said...

Zona, I got to see them at one of the state fairs a few yearss ago and Styx, I think ! Fun....

Are we really sure that was Babs (clap clap) in WA?

iteach said...

I'm glad you had a great time Barb!

It is 11:49 here. I'm almost packed!

I will sleep on the ride to the airport (2hour drive).

If I take enough drugs I will probably sleep on the airplane too.

iteach said...

Cheap Trick is from Rockford which is one hour from me.

Want2Sleep said...

Pince is from Minneapolis, 20 minutes from me. lol

Just sayin'

Want2Sleep said...

make that Prince

Barbara_in_COviaWA said...

Want....That was totally me (toot toot)!!!

MEK...we had our yearbook portraits in black & white. Everyone was pissed about it. There was color in the book for the sports pages though. Go figure. Guess it was more important to high light that lovely Purple and Gold!

Want2Sleep said...

Great picture Babs! I was trying to be Matlock and guessed it was an early 70's picture. Wrong!

whabbear said...

SacBarb: Yep! October 4th! :)

whabbear said...

iteach: A broom makes a poor sanitary napkin!

whabbear said...

Hello, Sleep!

Dianne: I'm delighted you're back posting!

Want2Sleep said...

My Bear Buddy !

Want2Sleep said...

Bear what is all this about a wedding?

Unknown said...

Whab, how would you know sweetie! Did I read right? You & Tina had sex?

Goldie & BonO~Here's hoping the brides have good hair days LOL! Rain and humidity makes me unrecognizable!

Jennifer~ I just finished paying my bills. TG I can do it all online for the whole month.
Kgirl~ I love Heart. I sing "All I Wanna Do" at Karaoke. Kinda "horny" song lol!!

Tina & iteach, get packin'. I should talk! I'll be gone 2 wks and still not packed!

Diane~ nasty pneumonia! My sweet 5 yr old great niece has it in one of her lungs.

iteach~ I need a good mystery book to take to Europe with me. I told my niece to go out with her friends
at night in Paris and leave pooped Auntie Mary at hotel to rest. I love mystery & Biographies.

iteach said...

Who is Jaimie?

Mary/MI said...

I am Jamie LOL! I was panicing thinking I lost my post. Jaimie is my niece. She was using my computer and didn't sign out of gmail.

iteach said...

I was about ready to go to bed!

Your post was a mystery and a biography!

You got me good!

Mary/MI said...


sacBarb said...

Mary: Was that a test for all of us? To see if we noticed a stranger?

Bear: Yay!! Congrats!! **clap clap**

Iteach: Have a great time in LA

iteach said...

Good night Mary, sleep tight!

iteach said...

Thank you Barb!

Bear, I'm so happy for you!

Zona said...

MARY/MI: Dang we guard our nest well!! I just checked in and I wondered too!

Zona said...

SACBARB: Hi sweet lady!! I didn't make that concert..and it's too hot here. How was YOUR day??


ITEACH: Are you calmed down now about the flight??

Tina~in_ut said...

LOL Mary~ that Jamie reeked of YOU!!! Karaoke.....hello~ :)~ when do you leave?

sacBarb said...

Hey Zona: My day was great and I was lost in the magic of the night. How was your day?

Mary/MI said...

SacBarb~ All of you passed the Miss Marple test lol!

I wasn't picked for jury duty this morning. Just as well, I saw the look on the kids face and knew I would say not guilty! He looked so upset. He didn't look much over 16 or 17. I didn't stick around to see how his trial went. Either way I have a feeling he won't be back in court again!

Mary/MI said...

Tina, we leave on the 11th.

Mary/MI said...

SacBarb~ I am slow tonight.."lost in the music of the night" I love, love love that song!

Mary/MI said...

I am heading to bed. I will leave the 269er to someone else :+)

Tina~in_ut said...

goodnight mary/jamie~

Tina~in_ut said...


Tina~in_ut said...


Tina~in_ut said...


Tina~in_ut said...


Tina~in_ut said...


Tina~in_ut said...


MEK in AZ said...

OMG - the rapper group on TTS just sang a song about riding their bike with NO HANDLE BARS!! I thought - okay!! whatever...

I'm with the rest of you - thought that JAMIE knew WAY too much about this place and all of us!!!

mary - glad you didn't get picked today...

Well, I'm off to bed - the bug spraying guy will be here early!!

I hope everyone has an excellent Friday!!

Zona said...

SACBARB: It was hot...and not in a good way..I couldn't get motivated to do anything...

TINA: I can hear you all the way down here..;)

Zona said...

G'Night MEK!!


Want2Sleep said...

I'm not sleeping.

sacBarb said...

Sorry about the heat Zona. Crank that A/C up so you can be comfortable.

I'm whooped so I'm going to bed. Good night Zona, Tina, Want and Mary. Hi & Bye to Bear who should swoop in soon. Sweet Dreams all.

Want2Sleep said...

Bye SacBarb!

Jodi said...

Good morning HO's!!! Just waiting for my coffee to brew.....I really need it today.....I just couldn't get to sleep last night!!

Want2Sleep said...

hey Jodi,,

Jodi said...

SACBARB - Love that show......have never seen it in person, though. The music is just amazing!!!

ZONA - I about choked when I read about your "cat"!!! I totally got that right away......I know poor TINA doesn't. :P

TURTLE - Have fun at the Heart.....hope the girls can still rock it!!

ITEACH - Cheap Trick used to play Madison in my youth.....seriously, I think it is still one of my favorite concerts.....can you say FUN?!!? Have a great trip.....I hope you remembered the sign!!

WANT - I'm not sleeping, either!!!

Jodi said...

280!!! Just cuz I can!! :P

Tina~in_ut said...

hey want and hodi~

goodnight sacbarb~

hodi~ how cum Zona can say something...and then you go and get it? that's just not fair!~ :)~

Want2Sleep said...

Still storming here Jodi...

Want2Sleep said...

hey Tina...

Jodi said...

TINA - I always get it!!! :P

Jodi said...

WANT - Not storming here now.....suppose to later.

Jodi said...

Time for a march?!!?

Jodi said...

left, left, left, right, left!!!

Jodi said...

left, left, left, right, left!!!

Jodi said...

left, left, left, right, left!!!

Tina~in_ut said...

where are we marching to?

Jodi said...

I hope ZONA made it back in from letting NIKKI out!!!

Tina~in_ut said...

it stormed here and i sent it to Dianne~

Jodi said...

left, left, left, right, left!!!

Jodi said...

left, left, left, right, left!!!

Jodi said...

left, left, left, right, left!!!

Tina~in_ut said...

letting her out where?

Jodi said...

left, left, left, right, left!!!

Tina~in_ut said...


Jodi said...

left, left, left, right, left!!!

Tina~in_ut said...


Jodi said...


Tina~in_ut said...


Jodi said...

TINA!!!! Congrats on 300!!

Tina~in_ut said...

Want...we need to get you some marching boots~

Tina~in_ut said...

Hodi...i think MEK got it~ :D

Jodi said...

TINA - Hell to the BLOODY no!!!

Want2Sleep said...

Sorry Tina,,, no boots. Still learning to tease my hair.

Want2Sleep said...

Why is Jodi swearing ?

Tina~in_ut said...

want~ lol~ do you need me to come over and show you how? Or I could send Hodi...she's closer and way better at it than me~ :)~

Tina~in_ut said...

oh...and in answer to your ??? about hodi and her swearing....fuck if I know~

Want2Sleep said...

My teasing comb is stuck in my hair..

Tina~in_ut said...

Use gum to get it out~ :D

Want2Sleep said...


Tina~in_ut said...

for works...try it~

Tina~in_ut said...

crap....i just googled it....sorry...not gum....peanut butter~

Want2Sleep said...

I just turned your myspace friend request in as SPAM. Hope that's ok.

Tina~in_ut said...

lol......your loss~

Want2Sleep said...

I like to live on the edge...

kahonugrl said...

OMG that was one of the best concerts I have seen in the 16 years I have lived here.

Those Wilson sisters rocked!!!

Had a great time got some pics but was able to video like 11 songs. I will try to upload them and hope that I was not a total geeknoid and didn't screw it

See everyone later today~

Bon'O said...

Hellooooooooooooo??? Anybody awake today?

K'girl~~Glad it was AMAZING!

LynnD~~You must be smiling watching eBay get the media smackdown. Let's hear it for the little guy!

Major To-Do List calling me...TGIF All!!

whabbear said...

LOL@SacBarb! Hello to you, and HOdi, and Sleep, and Tina, and all you Romper Room Owls!

It's Friday, and that means French Open semi-final day for the men! Can Djokovic come up with the goods to beat Nadal? Stay tuned!

whabbear said...

Good morning, Bon'O!

Turtle: Good to see you commenting over on Jackie's blog!

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