
Friday, April 20, 2012

~ Wisdom Teeth ~

by Tina~in_ut

I cannot tell you how much fun today was! I wasn't looking forward to getting up early on my day off, but it was worth it. The boy went first, but woke up second. He wouldn't budge! It was great because I could kiss him all I wanted. Can't do that when he's conscious.

The girl woke up when they moved her to her recovery chair.....probably because they plopped her in it. She kept telling us she was fine. But every person she called, and she called EVERYONE, got to hear a song from her. It was easy really....she called someone, we asked her what song they wanted to hear, she asked them, and if they didn't have a song.....we told her what to sing and she sang! I only wish I had a video of that. My brother's call was my favorite....I told him that was my gift to him.

This video makes me laugh because she kept telling us she was perfectly fine. It almost makes me wish we could drug the kids every so often and film.....just to amuse ourselves~ :D

I really wish the hubby had gotten this video right side up!!! It's hilarious! He wanted to dance. He wanted to dance from the second he woke up. He wanted to get out of his chair, but we wouldn't let him. SO....when he got out of the car, he started dancing (if you can call it that!). This is the kid that won't even goof around and dance at home. All the rest of us will, but not this kid....and here he is....outside even. And the hubby got it's not "hooking"'s "cooking"......must be some rap thing~


Unknown said...

this is great....on several levels...

most of the time parents trot out the kids school programs and pageants that they have taped...

I thought the next batch of stuff from Tina would be a prom or maybe graduation....

This is an eggsdra special treat!!

Tinka said...

Good Morning Michael - Congrats on being first.

Tina - All I can say is "YOUR KIDS ARE GOING TO KILL YOU WHEN THEY SEE THIS". You must promise them that you won't show this at their weddings. They would probably put a HIT out on you.

I bet they feel awful for a few days when the drugs wear off. Poor babies. Give them lots of love and comfort.

Unknown said...

Hi Tinka!

"Did you hear about the two peanuts on the subway? One was assaulted!"

Just_Lin said...

Michael Good morning. You are looking very handsome in first today.

Just_Lin said...

Tina OMG! That was pretty darn funny. I bet they aren't feeling so good today though. I hope they heal quickly.

Just_Lin said...

Tinka Don't give Tina any ideas.

Tinka said...

Michael - Thanks for the laugh.

How are you feeling now?

Just_Lin - You are so right. I probably put the idea in Tina's head.

You asked about the repairmen. Well one guy was great. He came on time and took measurements for a new retractable screen door for my kitchen door. That way my "babies" can sit and watch the people going by.

The other guy who was going to install hand grips in the bathroom is another long story. I will tell you about it when it gets resolved.

Nap time. Have a great day everyone.

Zona said...

TINA: Omg..I am so grateful there were no video cameras around back when I was younger and had to have two molars pulled..I've heard over and over how I acted..I sure wouldn't want to see it! The pic of you and your son is a keeper..I think it's really sweet! I hope they are both feeling better today. :)

TINKA: I'm sorry that one of the handymen has turned out to be not so handy.. :(


101* here right now..need fanners..spritzers and a tall glass of ice tea.. :D

Just_Lin said...

Tina Now you did it! You took their wisdom away.

Just_Lin said...

Zona Low to mid 70's here and beautiful.

Jodi said...

TINA - Priceless!! Loved your son's version of "hookin'" and your daughter practicing her smile for Prom....lmbo!!!

Jodi said...

Waving a wing at MICHAEL TINKA, SLIN and ZONA!!

sacBarb said...

Tina, Those pics are a good source of blackmail for a long time. All you have to do is mention them and I bet you can get them to do whatever you want. :)

sacBarb said...

Michael, congrats on landing first.

J/L, we had a beautiful day here too. Love it.

Tinka, Were any of your workmen "hunky?"

Zona, I saw on the Today show map that AZ would be 'sizzling' today. Time to turn on the a/c.

Jodi, Hey girl, good to see you here.

Just_Lin said...

HOdi Thought of you the other day when I saw a show on tv where they were visiting a cheese factory and showing off the curds.

Shirley(NCC-1701) said...

Tina, THAT was funny!!!

Just_Lin said...

SacBarb Are you all on your own now? How are you feeling? Hope you're stronger every day.

Did you see on the news today that there was a major backup on the freeway up in Sacramento as police were looking for some armed man on the loose? Yikes!

Just_Lin said...

Shirley Well, what a treat to see you here! Welcome back. Is work done for now?

Shirley(NCC-1701) said...

No Just Lin not until May 1st or 2nd. I just did 2 here at home and now I am off to bed. Have to work in the morning. Nighty night!!

Shirley(NCC-1701) said...

Oops, I forgot...


Just_Lin said...

Shirley Thanks for splatting. Sweet dreams.

Unknown said...

have yall been reading the developments in the Etan Patz case...??


The way I understand it is that the D.A. made a campaign promise to reopen the he did reopen it a year or so ago...

and they had never thoroughly searched that basement because of the new concrete floor which was poured at or shortly after Etans disappearance...

I hope they really have something and just aren't ruining another persons life by implicating him. (the handyman)

Well hell...they've already done that...

Just_Lin said...

Michael Well, the handyman did give Etan a dollar the day before for "helping him out", whatever that means, and a newly concreted basement floor is suspicious considering the situation.

Tina~in_ut said...

oh man....i loved yesterday!~ the kids were hilarious.....and i'm not in trouble with the pics and vids....they posted them on i reposted them too~

Thanks for all ur comments today....I'm off to bed so I can git up in 3 hrs~ ugh~

and Michael....i didn't know about the little boy......i was just a kid myself back then~ :D

sacBarb said...

J/L, The incident was all over the TV today and the freeway was closed for almost 6 hours with cars backed up for that long. People on the way to the airport missed flights and things were a BIG mess. I heard about an hour ago that they finally caught the guy they were looking for and shot him dead. They also said earlier he may have had an accomplice, but they didn't mention him in the last update.

Tina, on Inside Edition they showed the Delta plane that had to turn around and go back to the airport in NYC due to a bird strike. They showed a vid that a passenger took with his iPod and I kept thinking that he shouldn't even have had it on.

sacBarb said...

J/L-2, Yes I am on my own now and I'm doing well. I still have a lot of internal healing to do, but the incisions on my chest and leg are all healed in the surface. Also, I still can't lift over 10 lbs. and vacuum. In fact, I may never be able to vacuum again...j/k. :)

Just_Lin said...

SacBarb Sounds reasonable to me. LOL Is Tinka sharing her housekeeper with you?