
Monday, May 19, 2008

The Farmer's Market


By Just_Lin

I just found out that our local Farmer's Market is in operation again every Wednesday afternoon. The booths are set up on a small street not far from the ocean. I really enjoy going to it and looking at all the wonderful produce. Last year was the first year they set it up and it was such a wonderful distraction for me. My husband had just died a few months before and I spent so much of my time crying and grieving. Looking at the earth's bounty was so soothing and healing to me. It encouraged me to be kind to myself, to provide my body with healthy foods and proper nourishment. It gave me a small measure of comfort.

There's something special about buying fruits and vegetables directly from the people who grow it. It's as if it's only one step away from growing it myself. Somehow, when I buy my produce from the big corporate grocery chain, I feel I've lost that connection to Mother Earth. There are too many degrees of separation.

I'm looking forward to my visit to the Farmer's Market next Wednesday. There's always live music and the people are always in such a friendly, happy mood. I usually run into people I know and that's always fun. I'm looking forward to picking out my zucchinis, mushrooms, ripe tomatoes, succulent grapes and berries, juicy fruits and melons, and sweet corn. Oh, and there's a lady there who sells her muffaletta, an olive relish, that is so delish on thin crackers.

Once I have my bag full of all my delicious healthy foods, I will make one more stop. It's the booth at the far end. That's where they sell the "Killer Brownies". I get the ones with chocolate chips in them and believe me, they really are killer brownies. Healthy food can only take you so far and then you have to have a treat. Yum!



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Just_Lin said...


MEK in AZ said...

LOL - there she is!!!

ibebold said...

No she didn't!!! BUT!!!! she is now doing the happy dance all the to bed!!!

MEK in AZ said...

Congrats - IBB

Just Lin - you should be careful what you wish for!! LOL


cpgem - glad you got some blogs!!

Just_Lin said...

IBB You came in at the last minute!!! Kudos to you! Good job!

Just_Lin said...

I knew the HOMEK sisters couldn't resist a march to 200!

ibebold said...

That was fun!!!
Thanks Ladies!!!
Now seriously.. going to bed.. must work in the morning!! and it is 12:30 already!!!
Have a great rest of the night!!!

MEK in AZ said...

Okay - dramatic rose ceremony coming up!! LOL

where is EBJ? - oh - I keep forgetting - I get these shows an hour earlier - even though we are in the same time zone!!

MEK in AZ said...

Nite - IBB

Just Lin - they just happened to be at commerical - so I was helping in the march!!!


MEK in AZ said...


Just_Lin said...

MEK Do we still win Mr. iteach?

MEK in AZ said...

Just Lin - I don't know - we'll have to ask !! LOL

Just_Lin said...

MEK We better not ask tonight. Iteach has been having a bad day.

Mary/MI said...

Making a quick fly-by.'

Jodi~Still bragging about her 3-way with Mr Jodi and the greasy Vicks guy!

Lovey~ you could join them and do a 4-way!

Glynis~ Yay on the "super sucker"!!

Zona~ Tell MrZona that I have a never used Bob Dylan tie dyed shirt he can have.I don't know what I was thinking when I bought it at the concert!

MEK~ Quit Bogarting the degrees!!
You are young, how in the hell do you know the Romper Room DITTY?

Poop! I wrote this hrs ago,pushed "publish" and left. It didn't post LOL!! Here goes again!

MEK in AZ said...

Just got finished with the dramatic rose ceremony!! LOL

Just Lin - yes, we'll give Mr. Iteach the night off!!

Mary in MI - that damn romper room lady NEVER EVER said MY name!! heck, i was going to do that at my wedding reception to look for the single girls, but my mother didn't think that would be very funny!! i thought it would be a hoot!!!

sacBarb said...

MEK: I agree, where did they get these guys???? The show is half over here...What was the crazy jacket guy thinking when he got dressed???

MEK in AZ said...

SacBarb - don't worry - it gets WORSE!!!!!!! LOL

and - I did guess the LAST rose - so that was good- I think!!

YUCK - this is really going to be a train wreck and I'm going to wish that Medium was on year round!!

MEK in AZ said...

It's 10:12 p.m. and it's still 86 degrees - who wants some??!!

MEK in AZ said...


MEK in AZ said...


sacBarb said...

MEK: Jenny just asked crazy jacket guy the same question. Deanna said she liked it. What is SHE thinking?

MEK in AZ said...

SacBarb - just wait - it's AMAZING!!! LOL (crazy jacket guy)

you will probably watch this with your mouth hanging open - like WHAT NEXT????!!!!!!!!!!

I am thanking God that she let several of these guys go HOME - don't think I could stomach it!!

But - I won't spoil anything for you!!!

Mary/MI said...

MEK~That would have been a riot!

Mr Mary left for the far north this morning to go fishing. I am soooo looking forward to having the bed to myself! No miller lite farts tonight! LOL!
Have a good night all.

sacBarb said...

MEK: I guessed the first rose for first impression.

sacBarb said...

MEK: OMGosh...I guess you can't tell a guy by his jacket. LOL

MEK in AZ said...

SacBarb - I did also - i like him - I picked him during the intro thingy before they even got IN the limo!! He seems to be one of the few normal ones there..

mary - lol - no farts!!

MEK in AZ said...


MEK in AZ said...

Mary - i took a baseball glove to my sister's wedding to catch her bouquet and it hindered the process!! - i didn't catch it!!

oh well...... it was fun and everyone thought it was funny!! So - I thought a huge ole mirror - oh well....... I enjoyed myself - cuz I did mutter their names as they came out - heck, when I got married - there sure weren't many single ones left!!! LOL

MEK in AZ said...

Josh Groban is going to be on the Tonight Show - I will have to try and stay awake!!!

MEK in AZ said...


Zona said... was so hot here today. 111 is what I heard on the TV as I laid in front of the fan under the a/c duct..not moving. It's still 100 degrees right now. I hate summer.

MEK: Did I ever mention I hate AZ summers..cuz I do.

MO: Take 40 degrees please.

TINA: I think it'll be too hot for the monkeys tonight...and the ninja outfits.

JODI: SNAP!!! Thank you!! ;)

MARY/MI: Mr. Z would love that!! Just the tie-dyed part! ;)

BON'O: I'll get it to you this week. :)

VIG: I love your avatar..but where are you going?? BTW today was another one of those days..

ITEACH: Sending hopes and prayers for a better day tomorrow.

AMICUS: I thought he was great in QAF too!

SACBARB: Still waiting to hear about The Swan, details please..;)

J/LIN: Thanks again for the great blog today.

G'night IBB and TINKA!

My brain is frying in my I'm going back to my a/c duct and fan. Good night everyone!!

sacBarb said...

Zona: I pretty much told all about the swan in my post.

Iteach: praying for a better day for you tomorrow and good news about Mr. Iteach.

Mo: I love your new owl.

MEK: I heard on the news that Tucson has the lowest gas prices in the nation. Lucky you.

Final rose ceremony on now.

MEK in AZ said...

Zona - you survived!!! I think you have mentioned that you hate AZ summers!!

you will always be 5-10 degrees hotter than me!! Guess that is the only thing to being closer to the boarder!!

MEK in AZ said...

SacBarb - that's what they keep saying!! so we aren't bitching at all!!!

I found it for $3.37 the other day at Diamond Shamrock - it's up 10 cents now - but again - i am NOT complaining!!!

the most "dramatic" rose ceremony!!! LOL

MEK in AZ said...


sacBarb said...

MEK: That was a very interesting ending. I felt badly for the oyster farmer, but some of the others seemed like real jerks.

Just_Lin said...

I'm calling it a night, Ladies. Have a good night.

sacBarb said...

MEK: I paid $3.93 yesterday and that was the cheapest in town. YIKES!

MEK in AZ said...

just lin - good nite - sweet custard dreams

SacBarb - i felt badly for him also - but he didn't stand a chance -

thank goodness, she sent the personal trainer home!!!!!!

MEK in AZ said...


MEK in AZ said...

like I said - on the gas - we are NOT complaining!!
our little shell station in our little town (just opened at Thanksgiving - and is our only gas station) - they are at $3.53 - so i get gas when I'm up in Tucson!!

sacBarb said...

Night Lin. Sweet Dreams.

MEK: Was he the Prince among men?

MEK in AZ said...

sacBarb - is that what he said? I stopped paying attention to him half way thru - praying that she would NOT pick him..

and his little "display" after being rejected proved me right - what an ass - could imagine having to put up with him week after week - I think we know why he is still single - I would HATE to belong to whatever gym he works at.. YIKES

MEK in AZ said...

I'm going to call it a night also!!

Good Night Everyone!!

hope everyone has an excellent Tuesday!!

MEK in AZ said...

245 - can't leave 250 hanging out there

MEK in AZ said...


MEK in AZ said...


MEK in AZ said...


MEK in AZ said...


MEK in AZ said...


sacBarb said...

MEK: Thanks for the Josh Groban alert.

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