i am starting to get really pissed
about the high price of gas, it really
has many people at a standstill, and they are
just not doing things that they normally
all weekend long as i drove around
doing errands, there was no traffic
to be had, some roads i travel by mid
afternoon on weekends are bumper
to bumper, i had prepared myself for
this thinking how bad it would be so
i started my days early
well i really could have slept in late
cause there was no one around!
it really has come to being unaffordable
the cost to fill up my tank is $55.00
when the heck did that happen!
my cousin has a suv, $125.00 to fill
her tank up! What!
how in the world are we suppose to
be able to afford this, our salaries have
not gone up, and yet everything else goes up
the poor, can't put gas in their car at all
the middle class, will put gas in their car
and struggle with the payment
the rich, don't really care how much gas is
and heck, why should they!
every time you get a estimate on something
such as landscaper's, garbage removal, etc
they also tell you they have to add on extra
for gas, and if you want the service you have
to pay! So you do it!
i am not good at this, i really don't know
the solution or for that matter have any
i did some searching and this is what i found:
"Why are gas prices so high"
1.) Increase in demand in developing countries, primarily China and India.
2.) Lack of refinement capability.
3.) Some recent natural disasters - Katrina, etc.
4.) Oil speculators.
5.) OPEC price manipulation.
6.) Dollar rates vs foreign currency
7.) Political instability in the middle east.
8.) Normal inflation
so are these really the answers?
perhaps, just not so sure~~
about the high price of gas, it really
has many people at a standstill, and they are
just not doing things that they normally
all weekend long as i drove around
doing errands, there was no traffic
to be had, some roads i travel by mid
afternoon on weekends are bumper
to bumper, i had prepared myself for
this thinking how bad it would be so
i started my days early
well i really could have slept in late
cause there was no one around!
it really has come to being unaffordable
the cost to fill up my tank is $55.00
when the heck did that happen!
my cousin has a suv, $125.00 to fill
her tank up! What!
how in the world are we suppose to
be able to afford this, our salaries have
not gone up, and yet everything else goes up
the poor, can't put gas in their car at all
the middle class, will put gas in their car
and struggle with the payment
the rich, don't really care how much gas is
and heck, why should they!
every time you get a estimate on something
such as landscaper's, garbage removal, etc
they also tell you they have to add on extra
for gas, and if you want the service you have
to pay! So you do it!
i am not good at this, i really don't know
the solution or for that matter have any
i did some searching and this is what i found:
"Why are gas prices so high"
1.) Increase in demand in developing countries, primarily China and India.
2.) Lack of refinement capability.
3.) Some recent natural disasters - Katrina, etc.
4.) Oil speculators.
5.) OPEC price manipulation.
6.) Dollar rates vs foreign currency
7.) Political instability in the middle east.
8.) Normal inflation
so are these really the answers?
perhaps, just not so sure~~
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 434 Newer› Newest»Yessssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!
I have no doubt that you don't know, no explanation is needed :O)
not just what the hell is that MEK, but how did you make it twice???
When the heck did we get to 200? I was not even paying attention!
got a call at the worst possible moment!!! crap!
congrats Hodi~ lol at your skip, skip, skip to my doo~
jodi skipped to the doo! LMAO!
TINA - I'm sure you get kinda wet....dreaming about George, Keith.....do I need to name 24 more?!!?
You potato making Queen!
Congrats on 200!
You missed it cause you were making the chicken...
Congrats - JODI..
Tina - after you called Hodi - she called ME!! LOL
I thought - who the heck calls my house after midnight!! LOL
Barb - I don't have any idea what that was - slip of the finger!!
AND i got the dreaded FOAD message
MEK- Has to be Kraft mayo! And I only use the calf shit yellow stuff in deviled eggs and potato salad too. Otherwise it is the guldens type.
Ketchup only on the burgers and dogs. Thought the hot dog cart guy in NYC was going to stroke out when I SAID NO MUSTARD-KETCHUP!
Jodi if you fall out of your chair I will have to call a medic for you too!
Damnit- typing away while you all marched to 200! and then some.
OMG! Tinka just left me the funniest comment on myspace! lol~
can you tell i'm bored at work??? it's my friday and i'm sooooo ready to go!
OH - and I only like kleenex brand also!!
Oven is still Pre-heating - I need to flour my chicken -
MEK! I almost called you too....but thought better of it! Duh Jodi!!!~
I'm sure I could have just spooned a couple blobs of crisco in there - but I'm SO anal - I had to measure!!!
All this talk of food!!!!
I am hungry!!
Oh GOD!!! I thought today was Thursday!!! Fuck Me!!! It's only Wednesday!!!!! :(
Mek....you're anal...and I just said Fuck Me....it's not an invitation! mkay? :)~
yeh carol.....talk of blobs of crisco makes me hungry too!
Tina - LOL!!! You should have seen me RUNNing to the phone so the ring wouldn't wake up MR. MEK..
Goldie - Howdy - YES, only ketchup on burgers and dogs!!!
TINA - I got the same one.....what makes it all the better is that it from our PINK TINK!!!
tina~ it is hump day. Will that be close enough to "Fuck me" for you??
Tina: I thought you were at the airport.
Tina - LMAO - I would NOT have taken that as an invite!! so, you are safe!!
sacbarb~ I'm in a building behind the hangar in between the runways~ Have to take the freeway to even get over to the airport~
Okay - oven is preheated - heck, by the time I get back - we'll be past 300 -
have to flour my chicken!!
Ok..the nest is turning into:
"Debbie does the Nest"
No Carol.....Jodi does the nest! :)~
so now i want potato salad! damn you guys and your food talk! well i will just have to make some this weekend. maybe bbq some burgers. ymmmmmmy. oh...my....god.....hubby made the best ribs sunday night for dinner. sooooo good! but my damn mouth was hurting so bad it was hard to enjoy them. he will have to make them again! by the way...that is almost gone! yippee!!!
Geez, I did not know Jodi was so easy. I am learning alot today!
TINA - Damn bloody tootin'!!! Well, one 3 way at a time, anyway!!! LOL!!
Ok, now I see...Jodi? Three Way?
Who knew....
CAROL - Trust me.....how do you think I met my hubby?!!? In proper WESconsin fashion.....on a Sunday afternoon in a Country & Western Bar!!!
I am leaving the nest now! Gotta close up my office and head home!
See ya all later!
CAROL - You have to try....it is AMAZING!!!
Ha, no wonder why I am single, I have been doing it all wrong :O)
Not so sure! All those arms, legs, torso's etc... I would not know who's who...
Carol The point is, it wouldn't matter who's who.
I can't believe you are using fowl LANGUAGE!! YOU CAN DO A GROUP {{GROAN}}.
Waving ~~back at ya MEK & Sacbarb
Good to see the rest of you too, even Tinaho LOL!
The Satellite tech was quick at fixing or problem. No more slow internet.
I embarrassed Mr Mary today in front of our niece who staying with us (she's 22).
I have been complaining about his terrible Miller Lite snoring, and my lack of sleep. I asked him to cut back on the booze. Well last night he was just a light snorer & I got some rest. We were all seated at the breakfast table when I remembered this. Without thinking, I said "Mr Mary, you were wonderful last night!" The look on Mr Mary's face & my niece was unexplainable. I LMAO!! I quickly explained myself. I'm not sure she believed me!
MARY/MI - lol @ your conversation at the breakfast table!!! I'm so thankful I don't have that problem anymore.....:D
Hey JUST LIN!!! Funny meeting you here!! :P
left, left, left, right, left!!!
left, left, left, right, left!!!
left, left, left, right, left!!!
left, left, left, right, left!!!
left, left, left, right, left!!!
.damn you slut!
well I tried- not much getting by you tonight-lol
GOLDIE - Ya snooze, ya lose!!! Neener, neener, neener!!!
There must be something to this Hump Day business because you all are in rare form. Oooh, I'm reuniting with Custard on the next Hump Day. How apropos! LMAO!
Hi HodiHo! :)
Mary/MI You are very punny! Bwahahaha!
Jodi~ You can give Mr Jodi a HUMUNGUS hug for me! I give him muncho cudos!!
MEK~I use the same chicken recipe. It is a never fail recipe & the aroma is wonderful!
THANK MARY!!! I'm very proud of him!!! I'll give him a "hug" later.....;)
Why is that young black man calling me a whore?
Man, did I just make a mess of the kitchen!!
Mary - I have NEVER fixed my chicken like this before - i'm using IBB's recipe from her recipe blog in April!!
AND - I just about lost it reading about your breakfast conversation - I can just imagine the looks on their faces!!!
thanks for sharing that !!!
Barb in WA - I am determined to have "holiday weekend" food since i missed out!!
Frank Sinatra fans~ He's on TCM now.
Jodi.....i think you are addick-ted! :)~
just got off a 1/2 hr call! OMG! So nice....other agent should have been able to handle it!!!
AND - I would NOT suggest making this recipe during 100 degree temps - it's outside and now, I have made my house like an inferno!!
it is starting to smell good thou
need a cig tina?
goldie....i need something! :)~
Tina: I thought you just got something!
Mary/MI: Good one
Tina Isn't Mr. Tina well yet? If not, he needs to go to the doctor. Maybe he has pneumonia like our poor friend, Dianne!
Shout outs to Dianne and DonnaJean!
lol sacbarb~
JustLin~ Mr Tina had pneumonia before he left for Mexico.....and got worse! He's starting to sound and feel better now!~
Hi Dianne!~
TINA - You have work mail!!! Testing 1 2 3!!!
MARY/MI - Thanks for the chat!!!
Good night HOoters!!! Gonna go have a 3 way with a big hammer and an ice pack.....damn headache. :(
uh....hodi....no i don't~
I shouldn't read from the bottom up! I thought Diane was in the house. Tina confused me!
Hi Diane & Donnajean we miss you!
Mary/Whore~ why do you blame me for everything? huh? I'm a crackwhore!
Night Jodi! Loved our chat. You rock!
Tina,i wove u
OMG - I just have to tell you
that oven friend chicken was AMAZING!!!!!
who knew!!!
will this night ever enddddddddddddddd????????????? :(
MEK: AMC was really good today too.
oooh Tina, Delta wa on the Sac news tonight and it wasn't good
Delta waS
Are you the person people bitch to about loggage too????
hmmmm am I alone???
Where the heck is everyone?
Turtle where are you? You should be getting off work soon.
Guess I'll take a page from Carol's book and talk to myself
Holy Guacamole!
You guys are almost at 300! What the Heck??
Hello Lynn
Hi there,
When I left for work this morning, I drove past my gas station.
Regular unleaded was $3.99 over the weekend, and this morning it went up to $4.03.
When I went past on my way home tonight, it went up to $4.09!!!
That's quite a leap.
I can't bring myself to fill up my car (an Expedition). I make the pump stop at $50.
It makes me sick that gas is so expensive.
are we marching?
holey crap ..... look at all the comments today!!!
OMG!!! I'm sorry you guys.....Really....I didn't know you were marching.....
Hey Barb you just marched over us for 300 Congrats
LOL - I WAS 303 - aand that was a TYPO!!!
Crap I still get that damn security window and it slows me down!
And yes I know there are instructions but they get covered up when I try to follow the directions and I gave up!
mek...the chicken is good isn't it?!?!?!
we're sitting here trying to figure out what we should even have for dinner
Hey MEK. Any leftovers? I'm hungry and I'm lazy.
ok...i have to go figure out what to have for dinner....
Barb in WA - congrats on 300!!!
SacBarb - YES, AMC was really good today!! FINALLY - they might be back on track!!
Barb in Wa: How do you tease your doo? LMAO!!
I am off to take some allergy meds! The pollen is so thick today it looks like smoke when the birds land on the fir trees!
My eyes are so irritated that I am reading with one eye while the other one just keeps tearing and running!
I will check back in the morning you silly owls!
Oh and Mary MI I can just see Mr. Mary's face and your niece's!! ROFLMAO
SacBarb - yes, there are TONS of leftovers - I opened BOTH packages of chicken and there was WAY more than I thought!!
Barb in WA - YES, that chicken is AMAZING!!!
Hey - So You think you can dance is NEW tonight -
I think I saw Tina in line in Utah waiting for her audition!!
OMG - they just has a kid with down syndrome try out - he'll bring tears to your eyes -
if you are watching...
SacBarb - I just read the Delta story - that guy needs to get a life - I was literally laughing out loud - leave it to a lawyer!!
MEK: Great, I take some but I'll skip the potato salad. Thanks.
MEK: I didn't know he was a lawyer. It figures.
SacBarb - yes, and his 80 year old mother will never be the same and his kids are just SO messed up cuz it was Christmas Eve!!
Good Grief -
oh....okay....Zona sent me the article....whatever....2 billion dollars says it was weather! oops! we win~ :| I probably got to be yelled at by this guy! Oh no I didn't....I was off!!! :)~
Tina- he's just sue happy - he'll never win..
and - Tina - I'm so sorry - you didn't make it to Vegas on SYTYCD but you gave it your all
MEK-- glad the chicken turned out good... but you are right.. it is not a summer recipe...
Mek~ sweet pea.....I AM going to be on the show IKICD! next fall~
MEK: Did you read that inthe newspaper or online? I didn't know any of that stuff, except the Christmas.
i love u too, Mary~
THe judges think they are being punked!! LOL
okay - i've got to go watch this and really pay attention!!
IBB - thank you!! yummy!!!
sacbarb....just emailed you what zona sent me~
SacBarb - it's on Yahoo.com
it's the top story!!
Tina - I can't figure that out!!
LOL - but I'm having a thought!!
Tina & MEK: Our news just said Delta is going to pay them $5,000 and gave then 4 vouchers. Did they refuse it and are suing?
Thanks Tina and IKYCD too.
I hadn't heard about the "settlement" - I'm sure that won't be enough for this guy
MEK..tina's show is.... "I know I can Dance"... IKICD
ROFLMAO - okay -so I am REALLY slow!!!
oh Lord - I need to start drinking
LOL~ omg....you guys are so funny~ SacBarb got it....i will be on "I Know I CAN'T Dance" next fall~
IBB - it's CAN'T!!! LOL
OH MY!!!
MEK: I think we are talking about two different comnplaints. The one I was talking about was from a Sacramento family and they accepted the settlement for their ruined luggage and clothes that had been left out in the rain due to a delay in their flight.
SacBarb - that is TOO funny!! you said Delta was in the news and it was the TOP story on Yahoo.
SOOOOOOOOO - I just assumed - and you know what that means!!
Oh MEK: I am watching SYTYCD and you're roght about the
Down's guy. What a great sport.
SacBarb - wasn't he a sweetie!!
What are the chances that there would be TWO stories about Delta and luggage. LOL
MEK: Yes and I had tears too.
who do we know in Dallas that could be trying out!!
yeah....totally ironic there sacbarb! :)~ lol~
chances - slim!! LOL
LMAO - Tina!!
LMAO - Tina!!
have no idea how that note to tina posted twice - goodness!!!
Mek...in Dallas:
that's all I know~
TINA - George Clooney dumped his girlfriend!!!
Oh my !!!
thanks for that!!!
Oh Shit....do you think I can take a leave of absence and fly to Lake Como to "take care of some business?"
TINA: Sure..just make sure you come...back..;)
lol zona~ Oh....i'll come all right!!!!!
come back....come back~
zona - howdy!!
hey - we were hotter than you yesterday - how did that happen??
You managed to get back on top today!!
okay mek and zona....that just sounded nasty~
i'm listening to sexy back~
i know i can't dance~
hey mek~
hey zona~
hey deedee~
sleeping want?
you're still a whore~ :)~
I almost jumped in there... but tina .. you just enjoy that sooo much...
LOL at I know I can't dance!!!
MEK: It was a lonnng harrrd climb though..;)
TINA: Come again???
Tina - we are talking about the WEATHER!! WEATHER!!! LOL
IBB - howdy!!
I used to could dance!!! LOL
Oh My - Dallas dancers are not doing that great!!
TINA: Sorry I meant..would you like to repeat that??
Hey.. MEk..
Hey... ZONA!!!!
HEY IBB!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IBB - did you watch SYTYCD tonite?
I've got 10 minutes left..
zona - hey - the mars thing actually had some problems yesterday - but it's all good now and scooping up Mars dirt!!
HI IBB!! How's your back feeling tonight??
No Tina, I'm learning to tease my fro like you do .
MEK: Well, I sure hope they find whatever they are looking for.
lol zona.....good thing my caller hung up~
hey ibb~ :)
mek....i know silly....duh~ "the weather"!!!~
hey want~
what are you telling it?
Hey Zona
Hey Tina---
Zona--It is some better... but still hurts!! thanks for asking!!!
I have Lidoderm patches on it now... they help!!!
Hey ..SacBrab.. how are you...
MEK.. I don't watch SYTYCD...Sorry!!!
can this computer be any slower!!!
Hey Want I didn't see you there
maybe not...
Tina can you book me on a flight to Lake Como?
MEK: I'm still watching it. Some of these folks are really funny
Where did everyone go!???
I am not ignoring all of you. I have been multitasking while keeping up with the blog. I am reading 2 books on French & Italian info., while watching tv. ooh G. Clooney is on David Letterman.
I have been doing dishes,laundry and stuffing graduation cards with $20s.
I have got to watch Clooney......
end of the show...
IBB I'm fine how's your back?
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