There once was a woman named Tina who lived by herself in a very old home, fondly named Owl Manor. Her husband had ran away from home about 5 years back and she was planning on moving soon. One day while packing up all the super soakers and red stilettos she noticed the temperature dropped really low. She walked down the long hall of Owl Manor to check the thermostat, but it showed no difference. She thought about it for a moment and thought it must have been broken. She decided she would call Lynn to fix it, as Lynn was know for fixing everything with her farming tools. When she passed the Bronco wall mirror that Dianne gave her she thought she saw a movement of shadow in the reflection. Then the temperature suddenly returned to normal and when she looked back at the mirror nothing was there. She shrugged, scratched her butt and continued on her quest of packing.

A couple of days later the temperature dropped. Again Tina went to the thermostat and it showed no change. She remembered she had called Lynn but Lynn was so busy farming that she could not come and look at the thermostat. Tina promised herself she would call Lynn again after she watched all the reruns of American Idol and beg Lynn to come by. When she passed the Dianne Bronco mirror she saw the movement of shadows. Slightly translucent but visible. The shape was indescribable. It changed shape like water flowing out of a washing machine, the shape seemed to be of a tall person, like her friend Zona, but she knew Zona was swimming her 100th lap. Suddenly she felt something, but when she turned nothing was there. Now she was scared and finally admitted that she wished her husband did not run away from home. She began to tremble and call for DeeDee, but as usual DeeDee was on the Queen Elizabeth 2 for her world cruise getting it on with Captain Stubing. Slowly she turned back to the mirror to see Dianne holding her hand out to her telling her to "get the fuck over here" but Tina stumbled and fell flat on her face, when she looked up the figure was still there, it got closer, and closer, and closer. She screamed out "HEEEEELLLLLLPPPPP" but no one came. Closer and Closer IT came.

A few weeks later Shirley stopped by to say hi to Tina and to make sure the super soakers were all nicely packed. She knocked and knocked but there was no answer. She was short on time because her fish had to be fed and if not they would die, so she left. The next day Officer Whabby came out (in more ways than one) to investigate, but found nothing but a few empty boxes and American Idol playing on the TV. Just_Lin, Whabby's partner wrote on the report that is was a unsolved case, the report also noted the QOTD
Owl Manor was soon cleared out and put on the market for sale.

All was well until one day the temperature dropped in the Manor. Birdee went to her parents and asked them what happened. They said they did not know and went to the thermostat to see. It showed no change in temperature. They decided they would call Goldie's friend Jodi to see if she could fix the thermostat with her potato salad tools. Birdee went back to playing with her worms in her room. Had she looked up into her Mo inspired Miss Piggy Mirror she would have seen a shadow peeking from behind the reflection of her nest. But just then her parents Goldie and Jennifer came in to tell her that Jodi was coming to fix the thermostat and that she'll have to deal with it for a while, but when they finished saying this the temperature went back to normal. The parents said to themselves never mind and went into the living room to use the stripper pole and play strip poker.

Tinka the amazing psychologist convinced Birdee that is was a figment of her imagination. She probably would have kept believing that except about a year later the temperature dropped once again. Birdee happened to be by herself because her parents went out drinking and whoring and her babysitter Mary/MI was not available because she was to busy playing house with the kitchen carpenter hunks (who btw had great butt crack).Birdee was experimenting with bird seed makeup at the time, in front of the Mo inspired Miss Piggy Mirror. She stared in terror as the THING crept out from behind her nest. She trembled so much her feathers started to fall out. Her stomach started to rumble with fear (which of course gave way to a huge poop). She did not call for anyone, she knew no one was home. And now as done before, the THING came closer and closer and closer and closer and closer.....

Owl Manor still stands empty to this day, except for one lone mirror on the wall in the long hallway approaching the bedrooms. There is no movement, or sounds from the Manor. However if you go to the Manor at night shadows appear and you can hear the night owls making that oh so familiar sound, whooo, whooo, whooo, and you have to wonder where are the missing? Or are they not missing and perhaps just living among the night owls. One will never know, except for the next sacrifice of Owl Manor, its gates are open, waiting, waiting waiting........

«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 219 of 219YAY.. Dianne.. 200!!!!!
Yea, I got 200 on the 2nd Annual Halloween blog. Now SHIRLEY...THAT has to count for something tonight, right? Can't we have a new category on the stat list?
J/L: Is that Brad I hear still screaming every time you go into that little 4" room?
Dianne 4 inch room? Poor Brad. He just misses me.
Oh, Mo. The cops and the dog bite... Sorry I didn't answer you earlier. The woman owner was not arrested, but charged with some type of assault because she knew her dog was prone to attack.
I don't have to be involved. I think there's a little bit of a witch hunt because I met more people who saw and reported the attack whilst walking this morning. That woman is not liked at all.
OK.. I am pooped.. I am going to bed..
I have alot of cleaning up to do tomorrow.. blood, guts, tampons, jello shots, etc etc etc..
Thanks to everyone for attending the nest Halloween Party.. it was fun!
Oh, no! Carol's flippin' out cuz she can't get on Farmville? It's probably overloaded.
I see 200+ comments today! You owls really know how to throw a shin-dig! I had so much fun. Thank you everyone, for letting me come to the party!
Sweet dreams, Carol! Thanks again for hosting such a grand party.
Good Night everybody. Thanks for the great blog Carol. I am exhausted but what a fun day. See you all tomorrow.
Bonach Help yourself to the leftovers on the buffet table.
Sweet dreams, Tinka! It sounded like you had a marvelous day. :)
Seems to me that Bonachichi should be the one cleaning up as she is the newest on the block/nest and we have all had our times. Remember once we even saved enough money to hire itout? Bonachichi...get your swifter out and get cleaning...spotless please
Yes I had a wonderful Halloween and now I can't sleep. I have been taking all the Halloween stuff off my farms. It isn't four o'clock yet new time so I guess I had better try and sleep a few more hours. See you later in the day. Love, Tinka
Okay, clean-up crew's here... I might as well do something. It beats doing that, "Well, if it's 4-something in new time, that means it's really....".
I think I'll start by hosing the whole place down. Wash all the blood and guts off.
UGH! Who hit me with a tranq dart??? I feel woozie! I tried getting coffee over at my Home Fires blog but some crazy naked woman was running around with a pack of barking dogs!! STOP THOSE DOGS! That is not a soccer ball, it's Birdee's head!! BAD DOGS!
Thanks for the party was a great time!
You crack me up! LOL
Thanks bonacci for helping clean up!
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