This Night Owl Blog has given so much! It is a fun place, we don't bash and we have fun being "tedious"! We offer advice, give love, lots of free food and an open forum which can be about anything that is important, thought provoking or just plain silly. And sometimes we just March (some to different drummers, but all together). :) It is not about a single person, it is about all the people on any given day blended together.....Goldie!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Picnic Time!
by Iteach
Did you know that behind the owl’s nest just past the tall pine trees we have a picnic ground?
Yes, we do and I have been there a lot with my children.
It is the most beautiful park that I have ever laid eyes on. The grass is green and lush. The trees are tall and strong and they are fun to take a nap under. There is always a gentle breeze that makes the leaves dance and laugh. The sun is always smiling on us and the temperature hovers around 75 degrees on most days.
What is also unique about our picnic ground is that it is free of mosquitoes and allergies. I have no idea why, but I’m not going to question it.
Shirley will be sitting under the pavilion preparing all the wonderful picnic food. She always does a wonderful job.
There are numerous trails to walk with all your dogs. Please do remember to clean up their droppings.
VIG will be under the gazebo with her piano serenading us with light musical songs that will drift us off to an afternoon nap.
In the evening Whabby will provide star and planet stories around a campfire.
Please pull up a lawn chair and share with us your favorite parts about a picnic.
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«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 605 Newer› Newest»Joey I brought you a gift too. It's a cowboy hat with a hunky cowboy wearing it! LOL
Hello, join right in, just watch your step, the floor is very wet, Shirley has a water gun...Unless you have a wet suit on then you will be fine!
Goldie Hey, excellent marching, even if you are missing your whore's shoes.
Well, I already gave Joey is frisbee, but I have a pineapple upside down cake waiting for him..
Hartldo welcome to the picnic! There are tons of food left. Shall I fix you a balloon...I mean plate?
J/L: Joey's in the woods with my nekkid guys! I'm sure he'll love the cowboy too!
This warm fire and music is making me sleepy....
Great barefoot march! Congrats!!!
it was tough with just one shoe j/l, - I havent' been able to get that one out birdee's ass yet. It seems to be wedged in there pretty tight..
Hart !!!!!! Good to see you !
OMG - Goldie - congrats on 400!! how exciting..
and - Donna is here - welcome, welcome to our nest!!!
Ronnie - LMAO -
I forgot who asked for jello shots, but the second batch is ready for consumption!!
I havent' marched this late at night in a long time. And it is only 10 minutes to 11! Speaking of old...
doesnt' matter who asked MEK- just pass them over here!
hartldo Hey, welcome. Join us by the campfire. Have a s'more. Sometimes we have serious talks and sometimes we just have fun and PARTAY like today.
Well, I think I am going to curl up in my sleeping bag and stay close to the fire!
***gets super soaker filled up. Aims carefully...waits...waits...FIRES!!!***
Want2 - you and I need to break out our cameras and get this documented!! LOL
Jennifer - hope you didn't wear out those nekkid guys!!
poor birdee - she sure is taking a beatin' today!!
MEK: Thanks for the Jello shots! I didn't get any the first time around because Whabbear got to them first!
THANKS! Just what I need!
Hey, who let Bear up in the tree to take our picture while we're stargazing? Good thing we wore our jammies!
Donna~~Pile on..always room for one more out here in the wide open spaces!
I will take 10! Unless they are the lime ones, I don't like the lime jello shots...
Thank you for all the warm welcomes! The s'mores are great!
Dianne in Denver - I saw those chocolate marshmellows and just could not bring myself to actually purchase them...
I'll take the lime ones!
Goldie Do you even want to wear the other shoe that's been "assed by Birdee"? LOL
I'm off to watch a movie with my brother. PARTAY on, Owls!
Hart is a very good dancer,,,get her some music !!! lol
Speaking of our dear Birdee, where the heck did she go?
HA!!! You MISSED Shirley! I was getting my Jello shots!
(Jennifer is filling up water balloons....)
...running....running....almost there!!!
SLOOSH!!! (I think I got her)! AGAIN!!!
Thanks Want, but I'm not a good dancer (or singer) but I love to do both! Come on, twist my arm.
Have a jello shot, they are Delish!
good point just lin-
I thought about buying those chocolate marshmellow for rice krispie treats.
cpgem - there are NO lime ones!! I made orange, cherry (lots of cherry), peach and strawberry!!
Passing to GOldie and Jennifer!!
Donna - again, it is really good to see you here!! watch out - Shirley might "welcome" you with a super soaker to the head!!
I don't think the Flips will last long enough for this party....
I believe birdee is having a shoe surgically removed from between her tail feathers....
Oh my Cherry is my favorite, I will take 10 of them!
okay - I better make some lime ones!! be right back!!
OH - I found Whabby - he's trying to get in the fridge and take the rest of the jello!!
Carol: I'm high, I'm high! LOL! Cause we just got back from the Lone Star...
Donna (Hartldo)! WELCOME TO THE OWL's NEST !!!!
I can't believe Shirley is still causing mischief! She's been going for hours!
Good Nite, Just lin!! enjoy the movie
Well, since my sleeping bag is wet, I will have to climb into my own bed!
It's past my bed time.
Thanks for the fun and the great food!
Shirley: I salute you for your great cooking and excellent strategies of attack!
OMG - there's whabby -
Lone Star on Saturday? Wow you are starting early!!!
J/L and Jennifer:
Good nite!
Nite, Jennifer!! thanks for the laughs and smiles tonight..
whabby - Lonestar on a Saturday??!!
Mek, Thank's for the sympathy! Nice to see someone care's! LOL
Maybe we need some vaseline to help get this shoe out of my ass!
Whabbear: I couldn't finish all my shots that I took so I will give them to you!
You guys be good! (But have fun)!
Night night!
cpgem - jinx, you owe me a coke!!
Constellations visible right now: Scorpius, Saggitarius, Aquila, Lyra, and must conspicuous: Cygnus, the Swan!
A little later on, Pegasus will be coming up over the Eastern Horizon.
Keep Looking Up, Owls! (and keep that second batch of jello shots coming! We need something to soothe our throats after the pipe passes around!) ;)
Whabby: Thanks for sending me the link for this blog again! It's good to be here! (Mr. Hart is at his weekly poker game and I'm being lazy.)
hartldo, Welcome! Nice to see you.
birdee - I am having a vision of someone helping you "lubricate" your ass!!!!!!!!!
nothing but clouds here Whabby- going to rain soon and storm.
MEK: Yes, I dragged Huz! LOL!
Goldie: Nothing but fog and gloom here in San Francisco, too! No stargazing for us tonight!
whabby - I'm sure you REALLY had to twist his arm!! NOT!!
We have a lot of fun here Donna- join us anytime. No ass kissing here! Just a little lubricating...
our sky is cloudy also - no star gazing here either...
Birdee come sit over here. This blanket looks nice and cushiony! (he!he!he!)
Looks like Shirley and Birdee are both claiming to be Ms. Innocent. Very suspicious.
Goldie, The brownies are yummy. I'll have another
Carol, there you are again, helping your family. You are their guardian angel.
MEK, great golf story.
Joey, 'fluffy poop' LOL I won't be eating anymore chocolate marshmallows.
These blankets are lumpy and noisy.
I bet Bear knows how to get things out of someones ass..........
Jennifer thanks for the laughs and good night!
Goldie - you mean I can quit kissing your ass??!!
ROFLMAO @ MEK! And the answer is NO
Good night, Jennifer!
Hart: See!! It's fun here! Although, to use another RHPS line, you picked a rather special night! It's one of the owls nest's affairs! LOL!
MEK: OMG! OMFG! Can HE do it? Are we going to witness a miracle tomorrow?
want - omg - too funny!!
and - you are right, we'll have to get out the "big gun" camera!!
Since I'm new here, I should probably kiss ass ... for a while anyway. ;)
Ok, I assume you are talking about the Shark?? I am so excited to watch tomorrow!!
Sleep: Please! That's hardly appropriate for the campfire!
But... not that you've brought it up... I'm a little better at going in than getting out.
jinx...geez I remember that as a kid, and as soon as I go to the store, I will buy you a coke!
oh no Mek, now Bear will want to tell us about his "big gun"....
I would NEVER have said that if I wasn't drunk and stoned around a campfire.
HARTLDO: The party isn't over..we haven't had the fireworks yet and I think EBJ brought them so I guess she will be setting them off. Welcome to the nest.
GOLDIE: Who put that shoe in Goldie's butt? Last I saw them SHIRLEY was climbing around in them. At least we know what to get them for their birthdays!!
JENNIFER: I bet ZONA has all those guys hidden and is "swimming" with them!
Goldie: Me, too! I can't believe this is happening!
There you are! :O)
No, no, Shirley took my shoes and got one stuck up Birdee's butt!
Don't blame it on the drunken, stoned stupper you are in, as you would have said it anyway!!!
Whabby - I KNOW -- I really hope he pulls it off - guess Miss Evert is a good luck charm for him..
oh - did you see where Wie got disqualified for NOT signing her scorecard??!! DUMB!!!
Goldie - kissing, kissing, kissing....
G'nite Jennifer and J/L.
Y'all need to move closer down here by the skinnydippin' pool. Nothing but clear skies, but it's not dark enough to see the stars yet. Maybe if we have Bear slur us a...I mean tell us a story first while we roast the s'mores, by then they'll be out.
Hey! Who put their flaming marshmallow out in my shot glass?
Come on Bear, you would have said that anytime, anywhere, in front of the world.
bon'O: I didn't see any jammies!
LOL...way to funny!
Ok, it's 1:10 am here in lovely Nova Scotia. Where are the fire works? Can I have a smores? I have never had one before.
It seems we think a like when it comes to Whabby!
Carol - Thank you for the kind things you said about VIG and me today. I just came down stairs to say good night on my trusty Mac Intel. Everyone keeps telling me I am going to like my Mac lap top but so far I am finding it somewhat frustrating. Scrolling with my fingers instead of a mouse is hard to get used to. VIG was a great help to me today. We had lots of fun trying to contact the picnic and trying to avoid getting hit with Sheila's water bombs.
BonO - I received your picture of my daughter in the woods. I now have her safely at home and tucked into bed for the night. I am heading there too.
Be good tonight owls. I will check on you if and when I wake in the night.
Thanks for the fun party and for all the great food.
Good Night. Take Care.
Love, Tinka
We've known him way too long
good night, Tinka. Thank you for the John Denver songs!!
I clicked 'publish' six times before it posted. Sorry, now I have thrown the counting out of sync.
MEK- Wei is a spoiled, over-rated brat. Not surprised at all, and don't feel sorry for her.
Ok, it is starting to thunder. I am going to crawl under the sheets with mr. Goldie (wink*wink*)
PARTY ON and see you tomorrow- someone make sure Whab gets home safely.
we've got "Two Weeks Notice" on and it's at the point where she REALLY needs to go to the bathroom - I LOVE this part!!!
are we marching!!!
take your shoes Goldie....
Yes we have! :O)
not until someone cleans them Want!
Goldie - I SO agree - I can't stand her - we laughed our ass off that she is out of it!! especially since she was finally doing well!!
almost 500
Night Goldie! Thanks for the laughs! Good night Mr. Goldie! **wink!wink!**
LOL - missed it by THAT MUCH!!!
Goldie - congrats on FIVE HUNDRED!!!
Good nite!
Can you attach a mouse to your Mac Laptop? If so maybe that will help!
Just give it time, all you need is time!
Good nite!
Wahoo- got 400 and 500!
Thanks Shirley (wink* wink*)
Night everyone- have fun
GOldie - and you claim to only have one shoe on!! RIGHT!!
sleep well........ thanks for all the laughs - (see me kissing your ass!!!) I'm getting a brown spot on my nose!!
bear has that brown spot a lot,,,,hmmm is it the same thing?
Brown spot!!! Have you been sniffing Birdee's ass?
carol, carol, carol...
I don't blame ya, there is no way I would be taking those shoes home either, as bird crap is very hard to clean!
Yes, want? :O)
EEEWWWW, that's all I have to say
Glad you got your daughter home safely Tink.
Where the Heck is Iteach? Didn't she go to the movies hours ago? I'm sure she's proud that we've kept the party going for her. Uh, she WOULD be proud, right??
All bears have brown spots :O)
why does it feel like midnight??!!
sad - I am getting old!! didn't have my nap today!! LOL
I am cracking up! So funny, thanks for the laughs, they were so needed!
Get the red hat out Mek..
Want - I still own that damn thing, but still have never worn it...
cpgem - NO, thank YOU for all the laughs!!!
Bono - do you need a towel?? who all is in that skinny dipping pond with you??!!
MEK: I DID have a nap today and I'm still tired! It's 12:27 a.m. here. I'm going to call it a night. Thanks again for welcoming me everyone! This was fun!!!!
JENNIFER: "Everybody loves a pooper that's why we invited you, party pooper, party pooper." Anyone know that song? TINK : can you play that on your guitar?
Donna,,,,you just got here !!!!!
Gosh, I hate to leave, but I am getting sleepy! Its 12:30am here, so it is def my bedtime...
Thanks again for a great blog, and giving us a picnic today! It was so fun...Thank You!
You were at your best today! Your wit and humor that you gave the nest today was perfect! Thank You!
Well, ya know! :O)
I love when we "play" thanks for being such a great sport!
Watch Whabby, as you never know where he might land...
And to all ya owls:
Great times at the nest!
You were missed...
Ok, bed for me...
Good nite
Donna - stop by again soon - have a good nites sleep!!
I know Want. If I'd checked in earlier and realized you were having a picnic, I wouldn't have worked so hard here at home and I wouldn't have been so tired. You can call me a party pooper too.
damn Carol,,you can't leave Bear with me !!!!!!
cpgem - I know, and you know too!!
good nite!!
Nah, good to see you HART!!!
Hi, Dianne! LOL@MEK and Carol! OK, guilty as charged!
Niters, Donna and Tink! Check back later!
want - I think bear has left us also!!
I'll definitely stop in again.
He passed out, as usual.
Sorry to say our drunk, stoned bear is all yours, just make sure he cleans up after himself!
Again, good to see ya, come back any ole time...
Speak of the perv, I mean devil
OH - there's Whabby doing another SWOOP in the nest!!
Good night Carol! Thanks! ((((HUGS)))
Wow--just tried to say g'nite to hartl and Carol and got Joey's error message.
MEK~~also said something to the effect of "Towel, schmowel". Come join us in the pool under the waterfall. It'll wake you up!
But, on 2nd thought, I'll snag that towel. Need to run home and feed the critters.
Good night Donna!
Just checkin in -
Carol - Yes I have an extra mouse and it works beautifully with my notebook but I don't want to look like I am the only one who can't do it right so I am trying to use my finger. I may give up, however, and take the route of least resistance. It might save my poor arthritic fingers from more damage.
Dianne - Thank you for not losing my daughter. She is such a darling. Yes, I can play the party pooper song or any other folk song as long as it is in my key. (My spell check says there is no such word as pooper but we know differently don't we?)
Good Night Again.
I have not checked out! I just had to step out to prepare the lamb chops!
And that is code for what Bear?
Flying in to say Good Night too!
Thanks for all the laugh's!
Carol , love playing with you too.....all of you
And by the way, the shoe is clean, as is my ass!! ;o)
Goldie, no surgery..I think if I just relax, it will extract itself.
I'm wearing armor next time I join you all. ;o)
hartldo, come back soon!
Mo, I second what Carol! You were missed!!!!!!
Have a good rest of the night everyone.
If you go down in the woods, today, you'll have a big surprise...
want - i was thinking the SAME thing!!
Good night, Birdee!
Birdee - good night - good to see you again!!
and I agree - MO - we missed you!
LOL, Mek...
TINK, your daughter Zona was lost long ago in the stream with the nekked boys! I haven't heard from her since and I think she just sent one of them up to get her some jello shots. She really has you fooled even at every party!!
Hi BEAR: Glad to see you roaming around tonight. Sounds like you are still celebrating turning 50!!
MEK: You are sending your hot weather here before you arrive. They are saying 100 for tomorrow. Colorado wants you but no extra heat, please!
LOL@Sleep! Really, we're about to broil lamb chops, and eat them along with baked potatoes and salad...
Oh, and washing it all down with Vodka martinis...
Bear?? Drinking? Noooooooo
Picnic time for teddy bears,
The little teddy bears are having a lovely time today.
Watch them, catch them unawares,
And see them picnic on their holiday.
See them gaily dance about.
They love to play and shout.
And never have any cares.
Good Night Birdee!! Thanks for the laughs! Sorry about the shoe.
Dianne - too hot - in Denver - I was hoping to bring some "cold" clothes - maybe some LONG sleeves - I haven't been able to wear in - forever!!! BUMMER - I guess I need to check the 7-day forecast before I speed pack tomorrow...
Bono, are you singing again?
OH MAN, the thunder and lightening is starting up - rumbling, like there is no tomorrow.... might have to shut down - but I'll give it a minute and see what transpires...
Well good night everyone! It's been a blast. Thanks for inviting me Iteach!
Want~~Just picking up where Bear left off....but I think I found Joey....
"Beneath the trees, where nobody sees
They'll hide and seek as long as they please
Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic!"
Shirley~~Sweet dreams Sunshine. You must be absolutely exhausted, you vixen!!
Shirley - good night - i enjoyed your adventures today!! thanks for the laughs!!
Just noticed that was 5-69. MEK, I'll take that towel, PLEASE!
Well, the lightening is REALLY bad.
So - I will say good night now..
Iteach - thank you for a WONDERFUL blog today and bringing the FUN back into the nest!!
Good night everyone - I have left the last batch of the jello shots!!
I hope everyone has an excellent Sunday!!
Bono - LOL!! passing the towel..
okay - oh - just had the room light up..
I'm REALLY shutting down!!
hugs to all.......
BONO: I can twirl my baton to that Teddy Bear song. It is a great marching song (guess I march to that "different" drummer the nest talks about in the opening!
SHIRLEY: I would imagine you will get a good nights sleep tonight. Why are your clothes so dry as you leave the picnic and what's in that cooler AND where did the new jello shots MEK just made go?
I think SACBARB is pretending to be sitting on a whoopee cushion. Too bad she doesn't know that we all know SHIRLEY took them with her and SACBARB is not fooling anyone around here!
Bear snuck in and took all the jello shots, i saw him....
WANT: Then I wonder what was in SHIRLEY'S beverage cooler? Maybe BEAR AND SHIRLEY are in cahoots and they split them!!
SACBARB: Enough already---
Welcome Hart!!!
I see everyone is passed out infront of the campfire. Now this is the group I love!
Crap I just took a tumble over a odd f#ck me shoe and ewwww it is covered with slime or vaseline gross!
What the hell happened here???
Good Lord I think I see Zona nekkid laying by the waterfall. Good thing I am dragging my blanket. Geez
I will check back in the morning to help clean up the mess.
Nite Nite all!
Dianne, I SWEAR that was NOT ME!!!!
Welcome Hartldo. Sorry you missed the picnic
LYNND: I don't think I have ever seen you up this late on the nest/picnic. Why do you have to leave already? We aren't all passed out. I love that you mentioned about seeing always seems to be me telling on her to her TINKA-MOM!!
SACBARB: Ya right. It was funny the first time and kind of the second time but the wind has changed direction and it is NOT funny anymore. Besides--I saw you lift your cheek!! (remember that one time when you reminded the nest how I flew over and pooped on everyone)--well,
Bear is not good at sharing adult
I am surprised to not see JODI tonight at the picnic. I know she is off work but hey, a it's a picnic and she is missing all the jello shots, swimming, water fights (not really a water fight when the victim is unsuspecting) and did I mention the jello shots. WAKE UP MEK...WE NEED SOME MORE!!!
OK Dianne, I know, payback is a bitch
SACBARB: You're telling me. I am about to fly around a little and see what is going on from above and you know what happens when I fly at night! You better put that cushion over your head!
I'm flying, I'm flying (in my Peter Pan voice)!!!
I have a blanket over my head while I am running to the car. I have to go to bed now because I have to get up early.
Good night Dianne and anyone else still here. Sweet Dreams to all.
Want I just saw you. Good night.
Well WANT, I guess it is just you and me and I think I will head off to sleep. I can stay the night because I am scared of bears..just in case IBB's bear travels in the night. I know our BEAR is harmless but it is the growling ones that scare me.
It was a great picnic. I was wondering why we never saw the fireworks? Maybe we can use them for our 200th celebration! Night all...
Ok...I think I will be tedious and march to 600 on my way home...591
592 (downing a 1/2 full jello shot I just found)
593.. where the heck is my baton..
594 left, right, left, right
OMHeavens, how am I going to get caught up on so many comments!
We just got home and it is 1:19 a.m. here!
595--it sure is a lot easier to march with MEK, TINA, and JODI resting tonight
Wahoo...I made it. I was afraid you (ITEACH) would jump in and get my march. I have never done a 600 before...whew. I am sleepy, wet, stinky and now really heading out. Thanks again ITEACH for the good party..I wonder if SHIRLEY is asleep yet?
I'm asleep
We tried to go to the 7:00 show, sold out.
We tried to go to the 7:30 show, sold out.
So we had to go to the 10:10 and it was a 2 1/2 hour movie.
I'm exhausted!
I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart.
Today was really special and I needed that.
I hope you enjoyed yourself too!
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