
Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Most Astounding Fact

by Michael


Anonymous said...

see! we are all stars!!

Tinka said...

Good Morning Michael - I knew we were all Stars but I wasn't thinking about the stars in the skies. That was mesmerizing and watching it was a nice way to start my morning. Thanks for sharing.

Tinka said...

I had a difficult time getting to the nest today. I guess my GPS was off. It wouldn't accept my password.

Tinka said...

Something is weird here. I closed off and later came back and my comment wasn't posted. It said "1 comment". I closed off and tried again and it said "0 comment". The comments are only showing on the second page. Michael, have you got your voo doo working this morning?

Tinka said...

it's fine now. Must have been a glitch.

Tango and Tia look so beautiful today and they don't know they have to go into the hospital tonight to have dental work done. I am already worried about them being put under anaesthetic. They will come home tomorrow afternoon. They will be on soft food for a while. Poor babies.

Zona said...

MICHAEL: Beautiful video! I think I'm too much a part of the Star Wars generation tho...when I saw the field of stars brighten towards the end..I was certain we were headed for warp speed!! ;D

TINKA: It's so scary when your pups have to go in for any kind of procedure..I know they will be fine though! :)

I finally got the Hawaii farm..and then got trapped there! Be careful what you wish for.. ;D

Have a good day everyone!

Tinka said...

Good Morning Zona - I am heading to my Hawaiian farm too. Maybe I can rescue you. Waiting for your call that should come in 4 minutes.

Michael - I am going to check on those warm puppy beds this morning. Thanks again for finding them.

Just_Lin said...

Michael Congrats on being prettiest today and thanks for the very interesting video. I always knew you were a star at heart. The subject is fascinating. When you really think about it, do you think all this just happened by accident?

Just_Lin said...

Tinka There were major solar flares yesterday and the radiation from those was expected to reach us during the wee hours of the morning. They were expecting it to interfere with some things such as cell phones and GPS. Some airline routes were rerouted to avoid it. Maybe that's what messed with your computer.

Do your dogs need extractions or just teeth cleaning? It's Dental Awareness month.

Just_Lin said...

Zona How are you feeling? I hope your antibiotics did their job well for you. I find lately that I wake up with a lot of congestion in my lungs. My son was very sick recently and I think I may have caught a touch of it, whatever "it" is.

Tina~in_ut said...

Loved this wideo, Michael ...... ya done good....for once......lq~ thx for sending it.....I'm going to the beach now and bask in the sun......nah.......j/k......sitting in doc office....waiting to hear how dad is doing.....THEN the beach......see y'all later!~

Just_Lin said...

I had a couple of very nice things happen to me recently. First of all, a couple of days ago I discovered that I still have funds in an account that I mistakenly thought I had closed out. There's $6,000 there! Yay! Then yesterday, I was having lunch alone at a coffee shop that I frequent and a gentleman sat in the booth next to me. We exchanged a couple of pleasantries and then he asked if he could join me. We had very nice conversation and he paid for my lunch. Gee, I feel like I'm "winning" as Charlie Sheen would say. LOL

Just_Lin said...

Tina Waving at you down there is sunny SoCal!!! Hope you get an excellent report from your dad's doctor.

Lynn D said...

I love Neil! He has a sexy voice too!

Tired today but so happy my brother is doing well!

Waving at everyone!

Just_Lin said...

LynnD Very glad to hear your brother is doing well. (((HUGS)))

Anonymous said...

Damn J/L!! $6000.00!! And a man!!?? You musta had ur sparkly eyelashes on!!

I just saw a darling bag online that would be great for spring! Its GUCCI "light powder ostrich" and only $4800.00!! You would have enough left over for a scarf!!

There are 11 variations so click on the ostrich...well its not actually an ostrich...its a purse made of ostrich skin....

I just love a windfall!!!

Just_Lin said...

Michael If I ever spent that much money on a purse it would be a sure sign that I have dementia.

Anonymous said...


Oh I get it...ur gonna play it smart and buy FaceBook stock when it goes public!! Smart girl!!

and FYI...

The actual stock offering would be weeks away, with shares probably starting to trade in May. If the company sells the expected 7-10% of the available stock and raises the expected money doing so, it will be the largest Internet IPO in history -- and value the entire company between $70 and $100 billion, making it one of the most valuable in the United States.

Lynn D said...

You know the cycle of life is exhausting. As I posted my brother is doing very well but one of my cousins, who we were raised with and just a bit older than us passed away this morning.

Mentally I am fine but I am physically exhausted today.

Just_Lin said...

LynnD I'm so sorry for your loss. (((HUGS)))