
Sunday, January 20, 2008

Clemente, My Brother

many yrs ago my brother was born
7 yrs earlier than i he was named
after my grandfather as it had to
be, those were the hidden rules,
the male namesake, my mom
had no choice, Clemente it was

there were so many yrs between
us that i don't really remember growing
up with him, it just seemed we were not
connected, he was far away, invisible perhaps

he had a family a wife and three boys
i wonder sometimes if he was invisible to them
as well, as after 20yrs or marriage he was gone,
left them, he just, well moved on, and from what
i can see he did not look back!

i could have never done that, i could
never imagine my life without my boys
we are close the four of us
like a family team, they have taught
me so much, and i them
my sister-in-law has now become
my sister, no blood, but so very close

invisible then, invisible now
same parents, same blood
yet so very different

we lose life at certain times
it can be untimely or it
can be a life lived long,
either way its devastating

my brother is gone, but in a very different
way, still the feel of devastation is there

my brother is fine, very happy with his life
it is after all his life, his road to travel

life, so different~~


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Tina~in_ut said...


sacBarb said...

Crap - Jodi you are 400 and I was trying so hard

Jodi said...

Or was it you SACBARB?!!? I was using Tina's WAITING IN THE WEEDS method!!!

Zona said...

JODI: WOO!! HOO!! Dance on top of Tina this time!

Jodi said...

TINA - Alex, I'll take ho's for $1000!!! :)~

sacBarb said...

I'm never gonna get this down

Tina~in_ut said...

Jodi~ lol me or Delores? :)~

Tina~in_ut said...

sacbarb~ read your email~ :)~

Jodi said...

TINA - Can you feel me dancing all over you? Was it good for you?!!? I DID IT!!!!!! NANA NANA BOO BOO!!!

Tina~in_ut said...

Jodi~ wait...if it's just Ho...that's me....but if it's Ho Ho Ho...then it's Delores~

Jodi said...

SACBARB - You need to sign up for Tina's Marching 101 class!!!

Tina~in_ut said...

Jodi~ Don't get carried away have a long way to go before you are teaching the class!!!! :)~

Dianne/Denver said...

Tina, why would you someone's picture for your name? YOu are making my head spin more than it already is....

Jodi said...

TINA - One Ho - THAT'S YOU!!!! lol!! :D :D~

Zona said...

TINA: Can I sign up for your Marching .01 class???

DIANNE: That's what Tina does..

Jodi said...

TINA - I don't have time to be teaching any stinkin' class. And how is it that you spell whore?!!?

sacBarb said...

Tina: are you talking about your new avitar - That was my question too - why would you put up Ann Richards??? (That is her isn't it?)

And, YES, I guess I need to sign up for the March 101 class.

Tina~in_ut said...

Dianne~ but it's fun to put up weird stuff~ :)~

Zona~ I already enrolled you~

sacBarb said...

Or I could wait til you all go to bed and march by myself...

Tina~in_ut said...

Jodi~ lol....i spell whore J-O-D-I!~

Zona said...

TINA: Read it again..

Jodi said...

Oh TINA - fyi - I was in a State Champion Marching Band back in the day - so I have PLENTY of experience!!!

Tina~in_ut said...

Zona~ lol.....ROFLMAO~

Okay...confession priest needed~ for some stupid reason...i keep reading these posts as if the name next to the comment is said by THAT person....instead of the name in blue...I've been so confused~ :|

Tina~in_ut said...

Jodi~ so bando's are whores??? Is that what you are saying? cuz my sis was a bando...and she ain't no ho~ so you betta be takin' that back, lil miss~

Zona said...

TINA: Kinda like a book, yes?

Jodi said...

TINA - You better ask your sis what goes on in the back of the tour bus!!!

sacBarb said...

Tina: You say HO like it's a bad thing. And are you sure about your sis?

Zona said...

TINA & JODI: I was in band for 2 months..played the flute. Blew too hard, passed out. No more band.

Jodi said...

ZONA - Well if your blowing skills on New Year's Eve are any indication - I'm surprised you weren't better on the flute!!!

Tina~in_ut said...

Zona~ ROFLMFAO~ OMG!!!!!!!!!! That's what all the guys said about you~ :)~

Jodi~ My idiot sis sat in the front of the bus doing her school work so she could keep her straight A's!!!!

sacbarb~ Oh honey....being a whore is probably the best compliment one whore could give another~'re a whore~ You too, Zona~ :D

Jodi said...

SACBARB - Luvin' you!!!!

Jodi said...

SACBARB - My name is Jodi and I'm a whore......LOL!!!

Zona said...

JODI: Funny how somethings that you do are the exact opposite of what they're called..

Tina~in_ut said...

Okay ladies....oreo's and chips ahoy on the table~ dig in~

sacBarb said...

Jodi: Luvin you too, and Tina and Zona and Dianne too

As for the whore - don't get the cable guy involved in this

Tina~in_ut said...

sacbarb~ that's where i was going and stopped~

Zona~ hubby says "all talk and no action!" I should introduce him to iteach~ :)~

Jodi said...

TINA - I brought some milk - got to be able to dunk all those cookies!!! Ladies (I know that's a stretch TINA) help yourself!!!

Tina~in_ut said...

Jodi~ how come everyone says that about me???????

oh....myspace question. When Zona added that picture...did you guys get one of those update thingy's? I didn't!!!

Zona said...

TINA: I didn't..;)

Tina~in_ut said...

Zona~ omg! shut up~

sacBarb said...

I didn't get a myspace update, but maybe because they haven't updated for Jan 21 yet. The last date on my updates is Jan 20

Zona said...

JODI: Did you get chocolate milk too?

sacBarb said...

Who do you think the secret blogger is for tomorrow? Is it one of you guys???

Tina~in_ut said...

oh...maybe that's it~ :)~ thx sacbarb~

little tiny itty bitty observation~ How come there are 443 comments on our blog for today....and there are other blogs out there for maybe say 3 days and have less than 400?

Tina~in_ut said...'s not me! promise...that was too stressful~ I think it's Jodi~

Jodi said...

DIANNE - Keep drinking that hot green tea - it's the only thing that really helped me. Go back to bed - oh and BTW the jammies are lovely!!

SACBARB, ZONA, TINA - I've got to get into the shower and get ready for work. Thanks for all the fun this morning. You guys are the best!!

Dianne/Denver said...

SacBarb, didn't YOU pay the cable guy? I have never heard of your profession where you pay them!!

Zona said...


Tina~in_ut said...

{{{{hugs}}}} Jodi~ and a big fat kiss with tongue~ :)~

sacBarb said...

Good question and the other day I mentioned that someone lost the Slut of the year by 11 votes and we have ummmm more than 11 people in here...I found that very interesting. BTW no one responded to my comment.

Jodi said...

TINA - I know!!! I know!!! Do you think it is because we're so TEDIOUS!!! lol!!

Tina~in_ut said...

Zona~ you got that right~

Dianne~ go to bed~ get better~ and hurry up about it~ :D

sacbarb~ are you holding back on us...did the cable guy come

Tina~in_ut said...


sacBarb said...

Oh I know why we have so many comments.....beause we are TEDIOUS!!!!!

Zona said...

SACBARB, DIANNE, JODI, TINA: Gotta get dinner for hubby, so I'll sign off for now. G'night everyone!

DIANNE: You better have your Dr. Denton's on!! And earmuffs. And you better be drinking tea! ;)

Tina~in_ut said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jodi said...

SACBARB - vhewee, vhewee interesting. Things to make you go HHHHHMMMMMM......!!!!!!!!!

Tina~in_ut said...

goodnight zona~

Dianne/Denver said...

Someone wrote on the Ross blog tonight that they enjoyed all the banter going on and someone else wrote they were sorry for writing so much back and forth. I wonder if they will be spoken too. Oh well, I am coughing still and need to crawl into bed for the night.

Tina~in_ut said...

Goodnight Dianne~

I'm off to grade papers....and do more laundry~ fun fun fun~

goodnight sacbarb~

sacBarb said...

Jodi I think I was typing at the same time as you...great minds think alike

Tina: Did you respond to that comment. I missed it if you did.

Dianne/Denver said...

Zona, you have to fix dinner now? My clock must be on the wrong time zone.

Tina~in_ut said...

sacbarb~ answer was no, but I think it's Jodi~

Jodi said...

GOODNIGHT ZONA!!!!! Big wet kiss (but no tongue like that ho TINA!!!)

Dianne/Denver said...

Tina, you do laundry as often as ReneeEve cleans house!! I wish I roomed with the two of you. I wouldn't have to do anything..well, might have to find a cook. Tina, is that water clean yet?

sacBarb said...

Nighters Dianne, & Tina sweet dreams.

Night Zona - are you coming back after dinner?

Tina~in_ut said...

Dianne~ go back to bed before I have to hurt you~

Jodi said...

I really am going this time - have a great day owlettes!!!

sacBarb said...

Oh the cable guy, well he did come back but I told you that already.

Dianne/Denver said...

SacBarb, don't try ignoring my question.

sacBarb said...

Night Jodi, don't work too hard

sacBarb said...

Dianne, No I didn't pay him...but I think I'll get a bill from Direct TV. I do have to pay for their services.

Dianne/Denver said...

On a serious note before I go back to bed, I just want to thank everyone for writing such personal stories about themselves today. CPGEM you started out the day with each of us "thinking" again. Each story was very touching and I think what some of you mentioned is so true of the blog. I think we are survivors. We have each been through our own "hell" but have worked it out and like Bear said, "we each have humor in us" and that is so true. After my husband passed away, so many people would ask me "how did I go on each day." I always found that an interesting question...I guess I never thought there was much of a choice--put the covers over my head (which I did sometimes) or struggle and move on in life. Anyway, thanks again everyone for sharing.

On a lighter note, Bono, I let my cell phone go for a pedicure. I don't know how your's like being washed and dried but mine didn't like the pedicure at all. My daughter had her's on the counter last week and made soup and was pouring it and it spilled all over the counter...her's didn't like swimming in chicken noodle soup either.

Ok..back to bed I go with Zicam and cough drops and tea. Night All..

Zona said...

Anyone here?

Zona said...


Zona said...


Zona said...


Zona said...


Zona said...


Zona said...


Zona said...


Zona said...


Zona said...


Zona said...


Zona said...

TO 500..

Zona said...


Zona said...


Zona said...


Zona said...


Zona said...


Zona said...


Zona said...


Zona said...


Zona said...


Zona said...


Zona said...


Zona said...


Zona said...


Zona said...

Well, was the only way to get there!!

Good morning everyone! Have a GREAT day!!! ;) ;)

Tina~in_ut said...

Zona~ what are you taking?

Tina~in_ut said...

Crazona~ I thought of the same thing.....just couldn't do it~ I so admire you for doing it~ :D

Zona said...

TINA: MOI??? ;)

Tina~in_ut said...

Crazona~ i don't understand....why the innocent look? huh?

YAY!!!!! Zona made it to 500!!!! :D

Zona said...

TINA: I shoulda known you'd be here! Back to bed!! G'night! :)

Tina~in_ut said...

Goodnight Crazy~ I'm almost done with the wash~ Just checked in and there you were...500!!! :)~

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