last weekend was our time here
for the cherry blossoms to bloom
the blossoms bloom in Branch Brook
Park which is in walking distance
from my house, i grew up around this
park as so did my parents
you can drive thru this park, as it
covers two cities Belleville and Newark
i drive thru the park often as there are
no diversions such as lights
my dad walks the track in the park
every morning by the bocce ball courts
were all the Italians play bocce ball
i think of my mom and dad with their
friends "hanging" at Branch Brook Park
and i smile, such a sweet memory they
shared with me
it is a landmark in our county, it has
seen many different ethnicity's throughout
the years, it knows many secrets, including
mine :O)
in the Newark section the park element
has changed, several yrs back i was walking
the track and i see a young man lying in the
middle of the track, as i approach i hear
sirens, i look at the young man and he
is not moving, a passerby tells me that
he is dead and the police have been called
i stood their frozen, unable to move
he could have only been 18
as the police approach, i leave with
this horror of a memory, one that i
will never forgot
you see this park has good and bad
memories for me, just as in life
and every year at this time i make
sure i go to see those wonderful
cherry blossoms and as i walk thru the
park, i think of that young man, never
having a chance in life, which always
makes me grateful for mine~~
1 – 200 of 219 Newer› Newest»First!!!!!!
The cherry blossoms here are beautiful right now...
Morning to all...
Congrats IBB on 1st and good morning!
I survived the babies and my children (I need a t-shirt that says that!) They just left.
I loved every minute but I think it will be a week before I recover!!
Have a great day everyone.
Loved the cherry Blossoms. It is 32 here right now...
Positive thoughts today for you and DAD...
Hope everthing goes well...
Morning Goldie...
Yes you do need a T-shirt that says that..but so glad you had a good visit... It is 50 and raining here...
Good morning everyone!
CPGEM: Mr. Z grew up in a town called Cherry Valley. It had one street light and a corner store. On the lot diagonal from his parent's house, were dozens of cherry trees. Every year they would bloom and we'd watch as the cherries began to grow and ripen. On the first of June there would be a Cherry Festival..and people would come from all over to get a bucket and buy the cherries they picked themselves. There were different lots of trees all over the town.
The developers came a few years ago and bought up most, if not all of the land where the trees grew. Now there is row upon row of houses, and the corner store is gone. Mr. Z's parents are gone as well. But the memory of all those days of watching the trees bloom with his folks will be with us forever.
Thank you CPGEM for a beautiful blog and for sparking these wonderful memories.
Good morning Goldie and IBHO!:)lol
Congrats on first IBB!
WOW Carol, those pics are gorgeous...A beautifully written story about the memories the park holds for you! You are an excellent writer and your blogs always make my day!
It's raining here and kinda chilly..It was hailing last night!
have a great Monday y'all!
Good morning Zona..You sneaked in there;)hehe
HEY IBB--Congrats on first!! Send rain please!!
Did your choice win BB?? And what about America's Favorite???
GOLDIE: So glad to hear you had a wonderful weekend with your grandchildren.
We are looking at 100 today..when are you and I gonna switch weather?? ;)
JODI: Relish and enjoy your days off, you sure do deserve them!
KGRL: Hope you had the best birthday! Ready for some 69's today?? ;)
Okay..Mr. Z is going up on the roof to check the a/c..I better get out there and make sure he is careful!!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
HI JOEY!! I didn't sneak very well, did I?? BTW..I checked out the jeans..shhhh...very cool!!! :)
Goldie, I'll wave when the kids go by.
Good morning all.
Good Morning Ibebold (1st), Goldie, Joey, Want2sleep, and my darling daughter ZonaBaby.
The birds are singing to me as I am typing. It sounds so spring-like. As I put my 'babies' outside for their run and look at all the blossoming cherry trees I will think of you sitting and talking in the nest. I will be back shortly.
Morning Glories!
Way to go IBB! First First First!
I see we adopted a new owl in area 51 Hi Amy welcome!
Carol thinking positive thoughts for your Dad!!!
Some of the cherry blossoms are out in our area. We have so many micro climates not all are in bloom yet.
I woke up to a misty moisty morning outside. Very pretty as everything is turning that wonderful new green! It almost looks like pictures of Ireland. It is about 50 and we have rain but that is ok.
Hi Goldie, Tinka, Joey, Want, and Zona!
Waving at anyone who flies into the nest after me!
TINKA!!: How are you feeling this morning?? I want you to know that I am sending big {{hugs}} your way.
LYNND: It sounds gorgeous where you are! Spring is almost over here..and everything is a nice shade of tan. ;)
MEK: OK..I caved..the a/c is set to 82..but I want to state for the record that I was out voted by the two hairy ones in the family! ;)
Waving a big Arizona Howdy to Want2Sleep!!
Good Morning Lynn - Your morning weather sounds exactly like here. I noticed how green every thing is here too. It is a "misty moisty" morning. Victoria has Japanese cherry trees and they are all a pretty pink. I wonder why I love them more than the white ones? When I had Japanese girls "home-staying" at my place during the 8 years
(99 - 07) they always got so excited to see the cherry trees from their home town. I don't know why we have so many. Maybe VIG knows the answer to that one.
Carol - My thoughts and prayers are with your dad.
Amy - I am happy my directions didn't confuse you and you found your way to the nest. You did well. Carol had to direct me here. It took me hours to find my way through the forest.
Waving back at Zona....
Send warm weather--quick!
Welcome Amy.
Best wishes today Carol for your Dad.
Want- I will tell them to honk on when they go by too.
Is it time to go home yet? I need a nap.
Good Morning Ibb, Goldie, Josephine, Tink, LynnD and Zona who is sending warm weather my way, I hope !
Goldie, they are going back to snow showers again today. Ugh.
Zona, We were both posting at the same time. I didn't see your note to me until just now. I was off messaging you and VIG on myspace. Have you gone to bed now or did you sleep last night?
TINKA: I am going to go to sleep in just a little bit. I fell asleep sitting up on the sofa watching TV last night, does that count?? ;)
WANT2: Warm weather on it's where is my bellows..?? ;)
Morning everyone!
Congrats on 1st Ibb!
Beautiful pictures Carol. As I peek out through the blinds I see small buds appearing on the trees. The grass seems to be a lot greener too. Temperature will be about 12C today. Best of luck to your Dad Carol. ((HUGS))
Assorted muffins (reg & LF)
Toast (white,12grain)
Fresh fruit
Assorted smoothies
Milk (reg, soy, chocolate)
Jams, jellies, marmalade & PB
I put a bouquet of Mayflowers from Nova Scotia on the diningroom table for everyone to enjoy.
Good morning HOoters!!!
GOLDIE - WTC!!! 32 degrees here, I want our sping back. At least it's not as windy as it was on Saturday. :P
CAROL - Great blog. We don't have cherry trees here, but my dad has a beautiful crab apple tree that will bloom in the next couple of weeks. It has beautiful dark pink blossoms - and it always seemed to bloom around the time of mom & dad's anniversary (May 9). 3 1/2 years ago my friend Kathy's son (he was only 4) passed away very unexpectedly. Our neighborhood got together and bought the family a crab apple tree for their yard and a park bench so she could sit under it. I asked her what Isaac's favorite color was, and she said white. How funny that of all the colors in the world, that he liked white. So that is the color of the blossoms on her Isaac tree. I'll never forget the night we all got together to present the family with the tree and present the bench to them. It is something that I look forward to every year - seeing Isaac's tree bloom.
Zona my Baby - Sleeping in a chair is not considered by doctors to be a restorative sleep so no that doesn't count. Now get to bed and sleep until this afternoon. Listen to your mother. You will become sick with how little sleep you getl
SHIRLEY - Thanks for breakfast....and the flowers are beautiful!!
MEK - lol @ already getting a march in this morning!!! I love it!! :P
Good Morning Mek, Shirley and Jodi.
Shirley - Thank you for breakfast. It always cheers me up. I will have toast, marmalade and tea. You are a ray of sunshine.
Jodi - Your story about your friends son is so touching. It made me cry but it is a good cry. I will think of Isaac when I look at my crab apple tree in my front yard. I lost a favourite cousin 2 days ago. I am thinking of him as all the trees are putting on their green colour and everything is coming back to life. He is suffering no more and I am sure there is plenty of colour in Heaven.
Ok, TINKA slid in when I was trying to hit 30!!
TINKA - Thank you for your words for Isaac. And I am so sorry to hear about your cousin. ((((HUGS)))) 2 you dear lady!!
TINKA - I'm quite sure there are amazing colors in heaven. My youngest brother was an artist, as well as an amazing musician. Whenever we have an incredibly beautiful sunset - I tell the kids "Look Uncle Dale painted this for us"!!
Shirley - I forgot to thank you for the mayflowers. We don't have them here but I remember them in Nova Scotia. Every son would pick a bouquet of mayflowers for his mother on May Day. - I also forgot to tell you what a beautiful blog you wrote. Where is my head this morning?
IBB - I don't where the heck my manners are today......CONGRATS ON FIRST!!!
Happy Monday!!
Good morning...
cpgem - i don't have cherry blossoms, but in Colorado - I LOVED when the Aspens and other trees would change colors - it is SOOO beautiful...... I miss that.. in the desert - our cactus bloom, but it's just not the same!!
IBB - congrats on FIRST...
Goldie - happy that you survived your company!! But - I'm sure you miss them dearly..
Zona - turned on the AC - LOL
Gotta love it!!!
Joey - congrats on your march to TEN!!!
Want2 - has it warmed up there yet? We keep trying to send us some of our degrees!!!
Dianne in snowy Denver - sending you warm thoughts today!!
Tinka - enjoy your fur babies today!!
Lynn D- good morning!!
Shirley - thanks for breakfast!!
Jodi - enjoy your days off!! Thank you for sharing your story!!
Our high is supposed to hit 94 today...
I hope everyone has an excellent day!!
Jodi - Thank you for reminding me of beautiful sunsets. Now I will think of your brother Dale when the sun sets this evening. I am trying hard not to cry and to see all the beauty that is around us.
I think maybe I will feel better if I eat some breakfast. I will try to be back later.
Jodi - LOL - I couldn't help myself!! :-)
The one thing that is AMAZING here in AZ are the sunsets - I had NEVER experienced colors like that until we moved here - that is ONE thing that I do enjoy!!
Oh man, I just posted and got a big foad. @*!)$(#!!!
Anyway, it was a wonderful blog Carl, I think it is so nice that you grew up where your parents did.
I have a lemon and an orange tree in the back, which both have beautiful "cherry" blossoms! haha
Today I am getting together for lunch and gab with Seaside Lady, we haven't seen each other in about 5 months.
We will start to plan the BABB, which will be here before we know it!
Jodi, you might not have seen it, but a couple days ago on the blog I asked if you would share your potato salad recipe with me, so I could make it in your honor for the BABB!
I would much rather have you come in person to make it, tho! :)
Hope you all have an AMAZING day!
Mek - Thank you. I will enjoy my 'fur babies' today more than ever. They are such a great comfort when they snuggle up on my lap.
Shirley~I love fresh flowers! I already had my corn flakes, but I will have some juice, which I assume is freshly squeezed :+)
MEK~I will be looking for a couch update.LOL!
Want~ "You are getting sleepy....."
ibb~ #1 today!!
goldie~glad you survived. Enjoy the quiet.
Zona~What sweet memories. My parents lived on Maple St. I remember all the buckets on them.They were being tapped for Maple syrup.
Lynnd~"misty moisty morning" love it!
Carol~ I'll be thinking of you and your Dad today. Keep us informed. I don't have my parents anymore, so I am 'borrowing all or yours.
MEK~That includes your funny Mom :+)
Joey~MUAH, just cuz
Tinka~ Love that you are enjoying you bird choir.
I have a busy day today. I am off to the big city to get my prescription glasses, do some shopping, and drop off donated items to a friend how is holding a benefit for Jerry, a friend of mine. 4 more days before Vega$
I'll check in later sweet owletts including Joey and Whabbear of course!
That was supposed to be CAROL not Carl. Sorry bout that!
EBJ - Good Morning - have an AMAZING time with Seaside - tell her hi for me!!
AND - if Jodi won't share - I make a "mean" potato salad - noone has EVER complained about it..
and - I hope YOU have an AMAZING day!!!
MEK I am relieved, as I do NOT make good potato salad.
I hope you too have an AMAZING day. ;)
Jodi, I just read your post. What a sweet thing to do in Issac's memory. My girlfriend gave me a dogwood tree when my Dad passed away. It really meant a lot to me.
~~Waving at Eastbay!!
I really have to go ......
EAST BAY J - I did see your post about the potato salad. I will have to think long and hard about that one!! It is a secret family recipe. My cousin still runs all the Jacobson Bros. Meats & Deli's in and around the Madison, WI area. They still sell that potato salad - but I must say - it is NOTHING like what I grew up with. My grandmother and great-aunt are the ones that perfected that recipe. I suppose because they have to mass produce it now (they sell it to a lot of outside venders, too), that it has just lost something along the way. Just ask GOLDIE - she is totally hooked on MINE now!!! I would love to hand deliver it - maybe there would be a way for me to ship it to you. IBB - any ideas about that?!!?
Flying through! Gads a bunch of you have posted this early morn.
I am in the midst of a very busy week. I will be checking in as much as I can but I am chasing my tail like crazzzzy!
Hi, Jodi, Shirley w/breakfast thanks, Mek, EBJ, Mary, Tinka did I say hi before if not you get an extra!
Ok have to go search on the computer and buy a Tweedle dee and Tweedle Dumb costume be back in a bit!
Good Morning, Mary!! I hope you have a wonderful day!!!
OKAY - here's a "pain in the ass" - we are on the National DO NOT CALL list - and we have been getting ALOT of solicitor calls in the last week and it has been REALLY iriating...
WELL - my neighbor across the street JUST called - (I think calling someone at 8:31a.m. is TOO early - anyway).. She wanted to let me know that her and her husband had put our name down on a "couple" of things at the Home Show - cuz they couldn't get their "deals" unless they shared names of friends!!!!!!! (WTF - I'm sure they would NOT appreciate it if we did something like that to THEM!!)...
anyway - I politely asked her (geez, I have been having to be VERY polite lately and my patience is wearing thin) - anyway - I politely asked her to NEVER do that again - that the phone calls are ALREADY starting !!(and it's not just "a couple" she just laughed (which I didn't really appreciate) - SO - at least, I, now know, why this is happening.. would you EVER do that to a friend?
okay - back to enjoying our lovely blooms and being thankful for a NEW DAY!!!!!!!!!
Oh EBJ say Hi to Seaside from me too!
MARY/MI - Thanks and enjoy your busy day!!!
EAST BAY J - Please say hi to SEASIDE for me, too!!! Enjoy your lunch. :P
Jodi, I didn't realize it was a secret family recipe. I would never ask you to give that up!
I'm honored that you would even consider it, but please, don't share it! Keep it in your family!
ok.....TURTLE is still sleeping!!
left, left, left, right, left!!!
left, left, left, right, left!!!
looking around the corner for MEK!!!
left, left, left, right, left!!!
left, left, left, right, left!!!
left, left, left, right, left!!!
left, left, left, right, left!!!
left, left, left, right, left!!!
left, left, left, right, left!!!
left, left, left, right, left!!!
66!!! The year I was born!! :P
left, left, left, right, left!!!
69!!!!!! Yesssssssssssss!!!!!
No Mek, it's still 34 degrees here. Our usual temp at this time is 65, we need some of your heat, fast !
My antena just went up. Did I hear Jodi's potato salad being mentioned?????????????
Good Morning Owls!
Beautiful Dogwood trees are in bloom here.
Carol: I saw the original cast perform on the Tony Awards the year Jersey Boys won Best Musical. They were phenomenal, and I would have loved to have seen them perform the entire show. Lucky you! I doubt there will ever be a more perfect cast for this musical, but fortunately, the National Tour is awesome too. The show exceeded my expectations in every aspect! I loved it so much I'm going back to see it again on May 11th. :)
Zona: Thanks for the just cuz hugs! :)
Lynn: I read an article that said Sandra Oh and Brooke Smith played lovers in an off-Broadway show so there's a good chance you're right about that shocking kiss. They've already been there, done that. :) Also, I read Kate Walsh is only making a guest appearance, because Private Practice will be back with new episodes this Fall.
Hello to everyone!
Well dang...I just wrote a very long post and it went away. I have no idea where but now I have to shower and get ready to take my aunt to lunch. I guess I will try and remember it and write when I get back. Here I was so proud of myself to finally post during the day!!!
Happy Monday Owls!!
I loved seeing the photos of the cherry blossoms. I lived near Washington DC as a child and my parents would take me to the Jefferson Memorial every year to walk along the tidal basin and enjoy the beauty of the capital with the trees in bloom. Sometimes I just didn't want to go and I thought it was the dumbest thing on earth. Now I can look back and remember this with happy memories. It was one of the few things that I can remember doing with BOTH of my parents.
I love when I talk to my Japanese friends and they tell me about the Cherry Blossom Festivals that they have in Japan. It is a simple time where families gather for picnics and just enjoy time together. Such a nice tradition to carry on here.
I would love to go for a picnic today... but the rain would make it an uncomfortable mess. Oh well, we had a great weekend!
Hope you all have a happy Monday!
Zona and MEK~ Just curious... do you have AC or a Swamp Cooler? I lived in Las Cruces, NM for one year and we had swamp coolers. It cracked me up when I heard that term because I had never heard of it before.
BTW, if anyone is looking to buy a new home and has 2.5 MILLION dollars the floating house from Sleepless in Seattle is for sale. Let's not all jump at that at the same time!!
Ok..I am ready to go and going to try and get this post I will never remember it by this afternoon.
IBB: Congrats on first. I will never be first as I sleep too late UNLESS I do like ZONA did and spend the night on the floor and then I can be first (uh oh, did I just bring this up in front of mommy Tinka again)? Go to bed Zona and get some sleep. ZONA, so you have your air conditioner set to 82?? When I come and visit you will have to crank that baby to 65!!
LYNND: I am not going to even ask why you need Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee costumes but my mind is running amuck!! I am writing up my "to do" list for you and will be sending it over soon since you are in the work mode.
MEK: Anything new on the couch fiasco? I wouldn't care for someone giving my name and number out either. When you are on the nocall list, is it okay for vendors to be calling you when it wasn't you that actually gave permission?
SHIRLEY: I don't really know what may flowers are or what they look like..would you mind describing them to me? You fix the best meals so I am packing to come to your house too!!
MEK is right...Colorado is beautiful in the fall with our Aspen trees changing. Currently our trees are just starting to bud and then grass is a tiny bit green..not pretty yet but our weather is gteat!
Welcome to the nest Amy. I think you will enjoy it here.
GOLDIE: Glad you had fun with the grandkids. It does get easier as they get a little older!! I know sometimes after a couple of days with the kids I am ready to be alone and not have to watch Hannah Montana or wrestling (depends on if I have the boys or girls)!
MARY/MI: Can I give you 3 quarters to take to Vegas for me? You and your husband are always so lucky!
JODI: Enjoy your days must be really tired.
EBJ: Are you taking any pictures at lunch? Give Seaside a hug for me and tell her I miss her. Maybe you can talk her into coming into the nest.
Ok...I really have to go now..have a good afternoon everyone.
Dianne - is up - in Denver!! Good to see you in the middle of the day!!
Thankfully, I called the store before going to get the manager's name - he is off today (lucky him) - but I'll get him tomorrow!!
Glynis - we have Air Conditioning - I had never heard of "swamp coolers" until we moved here and I also thought that was the oddest thing - I am still not really sure WHAT they are - but we have AC!! and - I have NO idea how Zona has gone THIS long without turning it on!!!
I would LOVE to just go SEE the floating house - you have to wonder how many "looky loos" they will get!!! I always thought that would be so AMAZING to live there!!
GOldie - LOL at your eyes perking up for potato salad!!
Ooooooo....I love when the trees are all in bloom! We sadly had to remove a beautiful flowering plum tree from the front yard last year because of storm damage. We now have the most beautiful crab apple. I love the deep pink blooms! I should take a pic tonight when I get home.
Congrats on first today ibb!
I missed yesterdays blog because we went on a wine tour yesterday. I will have to read it later.
Have a great day Owls!
A good Monday to everyone who has already flown through or will pass through later. Missed you all yesterday, and Welcome to the Nest, Amy/Wi !
Everything is in major growth spurt here. The wild hyacinths, bluebells and daffodils are beginning to fade, the peonies and rhodies are just starting to bud, my purple lilac tree is covered with almost black clusters about to open, the neighbors' pink dogwood bloomed over the weekend, and you can almost hear the grass grow! My favorite right now are the bright 'granny-smith-apple' green leaves that weren't there last week on the birch and alder trees. They just sparkle in the slightest breeze. The down-side, of course, is that I can't poke my nose outside without sneezing and getting itchy eyes.
(splitting post)
We have a 'swamp-cooler'. I don't care for the window-insert A/Cs, and have yet to justify installing central air. Except for a couple miserable late August-Early September weeks, strategically opened or closed windows and drapes will keep the house almost comfortable all summer. I just hate not having it open to natural light, though, so 'swamp-cooler' it is. Mine is like a roll-it-anywhere big box fan on a wheeled base. Rather than being just a fan, though, it has an 8-10 gallon receptacle that cycles water through an enclosed straw-like screening on the back side. It does create quite a bit of humidity without really good cross-ventilation.....thus the 'swamp' cooler effect.
Glynis beat me to the punch today. I was going to suggest we all pool our pocket-change and purchase the Sleepless in Seattle houseboat at the south end of Lake Union for our own personal time-share and BlogBuddy gatherings! Wouldn't that be a kick? We could hop a float-plane to explore the San Juans, hike to the Pike Place Market and Aquarium or for a ride up the Space Needle. I'll pass the hat later today!
Bon~ I love that idea!! I bet we could find lots of people that want to stay overnight. It would make an incredible B&B! I wonder how the neighbors would feel?
OK, so I am feeling guilty because I never came back the other day with a recipe. So better late than never:
This recipe comes from the Simply Classic-Jr. League of Seattle cookbook.
It is a favorite of mine and many friends.
1 head red leaf lettuce
1 head bib lettuce
1 cup watercress leaves
2 red delicious apples, sliced thinly (I have used fuji and granny smith)
3/4 cup glazed pecans (I have also used glazed walnuts)
3/4 cup crumbled blue cheese (I use gargonzola)
1/2 cup walnut oil
1/4 cup cider vinegar
2 Tbsp. minced shallots
2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1 Tbsp. good maple syrup
1/4 tsp each salt and pepper
Cut up salad greens and add salad ingredients in order given.
In a cup with a lid, add all dressing ingredients and shake well.
Pour over salad and toss. Serve immediately.
Dianne/Denver I have changed my avitar to a picture of mayflowers. Here's a little explanation about them.
Nova Scotia's provincial flower is the Mayflower. They chose this flower because it blooms throughout Nova Scotia when the last snow of winter remains. It is a symbol of being able to stand strong through tough times.
Oh Mother Hubbard!! It is snowing here!!
MEK- thanks for doing 50 for me yesterday. To answer your question, I don't think a 'friend' gives out your name to random telemarketers. In WI we have a do not call list that is more extensive then the Fed. list. So we are on both. But we get them still. Drives me nuts!
Shirley- I need a Mayflower
Thanks for the flowers Shirley!
Glynis, that sounds so good! Thanks for the recipe..I love those local Junior League cookbooks!
Okay, I rarely watch Dr. Phil..It just came on and I'm sitting here with my mouth gaped open in amazement!
I've heard of people with the "hoarding" issues..but this takes the CAKE! lol
OMG..She has a condo and a home..7 total refrigerators and freezers..She is hoarding OLD and ROTTEN food! **gags**
This is unreal and sad!:(
MEK, a true friend would not do that!
Thanks for the reminder about do not call! I had been signed up when I lived in SC and it reduced the amount of calls dramatically!
I had forgotten to sign up wonder I receive at least 5-10 daily! lol
Hey gang! What a morning!
First I loose my internet connection in the middle of my search for Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.
Finally it comes back and the costumes I found three weeks ago are freakin sold out!! I know I should have bought them then but figured I had time. They would have cost me $80.00 it was doable.
Now I look for similar ones and the cheapest are 90.00 freakin dollars each!!! Just can't do it.
I think I am going to order the damn propeller beanies and put together the rest from the thrift store. I hope I can find some damn bow ties. Argggggggh
I am calmer now.
Dianne: The costumes are for a fund raiser for the foodbank. Every year in May we do a garden party and tea at one of the Volunteers house. She has an amazing garden and all of her Rhodies should be in full bloom by then. Her garden is an acre of landscaping she has done herself.
Anyway this year we decided to do the Mad Hatters tea party to make it more fun. I was late to the costume list and ended up with Tweedle dee and another gal is going to be Tweedle dum. I thought I could get the costumes no sweat when I looked them up three weeks ago but it seems there is a run on Alice in Wonderland costumes right now! WTF
MEK: I think I would kindly return the favor to your neighbors and volunteer their information to all of the charitable organizations in your area. Didn't it occur to them to use fake names??? Geeez
Bon: Thank you for the MS player info yesterday. I will get to it but did not even attempt it yesterday. Just was not in the frame of mind to sit and to it yesterday.
Ok Now I have to get my grossry list ready and make sure I pick up an ink cartridge for the printer that Mr. Lynn D promised he would fill and get running. Well he filled it and it is not working!!!!!! I have to print off the special Event food license we have to have and have it filled out by the end of the week.
Do I sound stressed? Oh just a little.
Lynn - NO, you don't sound stressed at ALL - NOT!!! Hope things calm down!!!
joey - i saw the previews for Dr. Phil and I am NOT going to watch it..
Goldie - i can't believe it is SNOWING at your house...
Where is everyone -
I see the bushes parting as I type
WOnder how the planning for the BBQ is coming along - I'm sure it will be AMAZING
Furniture store manager is off today
so - I am not really doing anything
watching my soap operas
MEK you little shit!
OMG - I got FOAD twice in my little march -
Goldie - TOO funny - i didn't get to see you there in my FOADness!!
BUT - I prevailed!!
I guess you can run faster in flip - flops than snow boots, RIGHT!!
Goldie - that's a BIG shit!! Thank you very much!! LOL
MEK- just read your furniture story. OMG- brought flashbacks to me. Had a similar experience- but it was a matter of "oops" it didn't make it on the truck. The Ottoman did and the couch did, but not the overstuffed chair. Long and short was my hubby talked to the owner (Ayers Furniture if Jodi is reading) and told him, buddy if you know what is good for you you will have it here by the end of the day. The owner personally brought it in his van!
I do have two loads of laundry going - one drying, one washing..
Goldie - thankfully, the owner was a smart man - !!
Holy Crap MEK- your Owl looks like it would eat my owl up!
I think the snow is tapering and now it is just sleet. Lovely....
Hello Everyone!
Carol, thank you so much for putting those pics up for me, and I am sending positive healing thoughts and prayers for your Dad.
Thanks too, to those of you who posted yesterday about the pictures. Yes, we did have a wonderful time! Laurie was just too excited for words!
I am in Sacramento, arrived yesterday and will stay until Tues afternoon to help out my daughter Amanda. My grandbaby Emma is very sick, and Amanda needed her Mama to come help! She just started a new job with the State of California, and Emma is way too sick to go to Day Care, so I am here for a couple of days. Her MIL will be able to take some time off her job later after I leave to help then.
It is so sad to see the little ones sick. Emma has never been sick a day in her life, (she is 18 mos) until she atarted Day Care! I guess this is just the beginning!
She just doesn't understand why she feels so bad. All she wants is to be held, which is fine by me, but is not eating much or drinking. If she doesn't start drinking more today, we will be taking her back to the Dr.
I am sneaking in a comment while she is napping.
I have always wanted to see the Cherry Blossoms in Washington, but I guess they are just as beautiful all up and down the east coast.
All of our flowering fruit trees in California, like my plum tree had blossoms in February and are done for the year. I wish they would stay longer, they are so pretty!
I hear we have a new Owl in our Nest! Welcome Amy!
Well, I better go for now, I have some cleaning up to do while Emma sleeps.
Haved a wonderful Monday everyone!
Peace and Love, Donna Jean
Oh, PS: I am using my new Dell Laptop! I got a Sprint Card for Wireless and it works fantastic! I love this, now I will definitely be able to keep in touch while Laurie is in the hospital, and be able to watch movies etc.
Wednesday is her MRI in SF, then we will find out surgery dates.
Bye again, DonnaJean
Good afternoon Owls and Shits, little and big varieties!
Carol Thank you for the cheery cherry blossoms today. I've also been sending good wishes to your dad.
IBB If your sister is the big shit are you the little one? Congrats on first today!
MEK I'm sorry about the whole couch mess. I know it's really disappointing as that was the "perfect" one. I hope you get a great deal so you don't have to give up the couch just to make a point. I agree, also, that your neighbors are definitely NOT friends.
Shirley Thank you for the mayflowers. I love the symbolism.
BonO I, too, have to deal with allergies. I grew up in So. Cal. and there were lots of orange groves at the time. I would get hayfever so bad that I couldn't see because my eyes were weeping so much.
Joey OMG, if I was going to hoard something, it wouldn't be old, rotting food. AMAZING! I may have to watch it. LOL
DonnaJean- Hope your grandbaby gets better real soon. It is so hard to see them sick.
Oops, I forgot.....
Amy Glad to see you. Welcome to the nest.
DonnaJean I'm so glad the laptop is working out for you. Hope your little Emma gets well soon. ((HUGS))
Just got chased in by a brief, blustery April shower. Maybe it'll bring me some of Shirley's May flowers?
MEK~~Looks like you and Goldie are kinda all alone here, so I have to tell you...thought of you last night. Daughter sent online photos of them with the Budweiser Clydesdales and next to one of their huge transport semi's. They were at the Fayetteville, NC Dogwood Festival this weekend.
Sun's back out, so it's back to work for me.
p.s. Brothers & Sisters fans~~Is there about to be a romance between two who THOUGHT they were bro/sis, but aren't? I missed a few episodes and need to catch up.
p.p.s.~~Went down to preview post and saw DonnaJean and JustLin so had to come back to flap a wing your way before I go out to sneeze some more. Always keeping the whole family in good thoughts ((DJ)).
That's odd, my picture didn't come up. Must be because I am using a different computer.
So, I inserted one that we just took when we were at the play.
Thank you Goldie and Lin for the get well wishes for Emma.
Goldie, how was it having your grandbabies last week? I bet you were in seventh heaven!
Bye agin! DJ
Hello from my newly cool home in AZ!!! ahhhhhhhhh :)
MEK: It is 95 right now. I don't know how we survived this long either. I wonder if I sweated any pounds away???? :)
CONGRATS ON 100!! Maybe I can march better now that I'm cool!
DIANNE: 65?! MEK..please tell DIANNE how much that would cost..LOL!! I might split the difference and go 75!
GLYNIS: No swamp cooler on our house. My sister had one, but no matter how she cleaned it, it smelled moldy and it made the house smell that way too. When Mr. Z was doing maintenance on it and found a hornets nest inside...she called an exterminator and then covered the cooler up for good. If it gets too humid, as it does during the doesn't work anyway.
J/LIN: LOL! Saw your good morning and thought it was a typo..then I scrolled!! ;)
BON'O: Not have flowers..I have dust and a couple sad looking trees...
JODI: Please find a styrofoam container, dry ice..two pounds of your famous potato salad and send it Priority to ME!! :)
LYNND: Mr. Z had to get a mask for a skit at work..(don't ask) and boy were we surprised to find the Halloween store up the street still open for business...until I walked to the back and saw all the nurse, maid, dominatrix and such costumes...ohhhhhh...I get it!! ;)
BARB/WA: I've never seen a crab apple tree..I'll be looking forward to the picture!!
MARY/MI: Major good luck in Vegas..I'm starting early so I can pile the good vibes on!
DONNAJEAN: Hope Emma feels better soon. Lots of prayers headed your way for both her and Laurie Elizabeth..and strength for you!
VIG: I did just as the doctor ordered!! ;)
TINKA: I did just as my cybermom ordered too!
J/Lin: That would be good afternoon...don't mind me, I'm still getting use to the a/c...;)
My dad is great, the surgeon was able to get it all out. He has to go back in 6months for a check up. We will know Thursday if everything he got was benign...
Thanks to everyone for all the good thoughts!
I am at work, playing catch up.
I will check back later!
And, I love the Cherry Blossoms!
Zona....hey kiddo! You snuck in there while I was posting and talking on the phone the same time. I had to go back and see what the doctor ordered and I am glad that you are doing what you are told!
Good afternoon all you lovely owls. Sorry I have MIA, but I am here now. I've had a very busy weekend and Monday and it is after 5 in the nest so I may just have a glass of wine.
IBB: Congrats on being the early bird today.
Carol: Thanks for the cherry blossoms. The trees here bloomed about a month ago and now we are seeing a lot of green.
Shirley: Thanks for breakfast and the bouquet for the table. The May flowers look something like crocus. Are the same family?
Hi Amy. Welcome to the nest.
Amicus: I loved seeing Jersey Boys too. I would have gone to see it again, but it was only here for two weeks and it was sold out. I just got the new schedule for our Broadway Series:
The Drowsy Chaperone
The Color Purple
Avenue Q
The Lion King
I have only seen Stomp and The Lion King. I will be seeing the others for the first time.
Jodi: That was such a touching story about the tree and bench for Isaac. What a nice tribute to him.
Shout out to everyone else who posted and who will post after me. Have a good day. I am raising my glass to you all.
VIG: Talking and typing?? On my, you're a better women than I Gunga Din...LOL!!
CPGEM: YAY!! Great news! {{HUGS}}
SACBARB: Wine...did you say wine?? :)
Hey Zona. Want a glass?
SACBARB: I would never turn down the offer of sharing a glass of wine with a good friend..pour away!! :)
125 was for Travlin' TINA!
Zona: Here ya go. Cheers!!!!
LOL BARB!!! :)
ZonaBaby - I am so glad you did as you were told. Now don't you feel better for doing the right thing?
VIG - I love the streets that are lined with the blossoming cherry trees. It always reminds me of
"Anne of Green Gables" "White Way of Delight". Do you also remember her cherry tree that was outside her bedroom window and she called it "The Snow Queen". It blew down in a bad storm one winter. I love that book.
Please check your messages.
Donna Jean - I hope your grand baby gets well really fast. It is so scary when the little ones get sick. Traci went into convulsions with a high fever when she was 18 months old. I was so happy she was with her mother and not with me. I would have thought it was my fault.
sacbarb....i have the schedule for our broadway series too! are shows will be
A Chorus Line
Spring Awakening
The Color Purple
The Rat Pack
There will also be special showings of Movin' Out and RENT
I won't get those extra 2. Mom and I will be getting the series this season though. So excited. Phantom is coming again this Aug. We have seen it twice though and it didn't sound like mom wanted to see it again. I want to go though!
Zona..a Gunga Din back to ya...talking and typing wasn't actually working that well for me if you look at the grammatical errors I made in the typing. And I was thinking about what I was typing when the phone rang and I answered the phone.."Deafblind Outreach, VIG speaking"! Oopps...that's not actually my name at work!!!
CPGEM...happy dancin' for you and your Dad! Soooo glad today went well!
mek.....sounds like you need to sign your neighbors up for a couple magazines or catalogs! once you get on a list for one catalog you are on a 100!
Tinka...hi nice lady! That is so funny that you think of Anne of Green Gables and the lane...I think the exact same thing!!!Okay, one more thing to talk about at tea on Thursday..Anne of Green Gables and L.M. Montgomery!
Barbara_in_Wa. where are these Broadway plays being performed that you will be seeing? Would this be Seattle?
Barbwa: I was hoping that Wicked and Spring Awakening would be on the schedule. Maybe next year. Phantom is our last show this season. It will be the 4th time I will see it, I love that show and I play the CD in my car a LOT! LOL @ telling MEK to sign her neighbors up for catalogs. That would totally pay them back. MEK, you should do that. Or, you could do a Murphy Brown and order 10 pizzas sent to their house. :)
Carol - such good news! Happy for you both.
DJ- I enjoyed every second. Even if it did take 10 years off my life.. especially when Brynn tumbled down a couple of stairs (on my watch no less) and has a shiner and rug burn. At least she didn't walk around saying "grandma did it"! Boy, did I feel bad- she got over way sooner then I did!
Joey- not sure where you are in VA- please check in and let us know you are ok!
VIG - I have such a long list of things to talk about we may be there for long time. Can't wait.
GOLDIE - We had snow today? When? I've been laying down since about noon....I'm fighting a damn migraine. Wouldn't you know I'd feel like crap on my day off. :P
I'm getting off the computer now. The words look all wonky and I feel like the room is spinning. Just wanted to wish everyone a good Monday night.
CAROL - Great news about your Dad!
140!! For Jennifer!!
JODI: Feel better soon...{{hugs}} and prayers..
TINKA: I know you're right, I just have such a hard time listening. Don't give up on me!! ;)
VIG: At least you didn't answer with "THE NOTORIOUS VIG"!! Can you imagine what they would have thought?? ;)
SACBARB: Seconds?? :)
Zona - I will never give up on you. You are too good of a kid.
Zona: ya go. That finishes that bottle. I have plenty more.
S'aww riiightt Bwarrbb...two ish good forr meee...HIC!! ;)
ooooppppsss...HI Cybermom...I'm bein' good...;)
148 again
150 this is the series for portland. i'm sure seattle would have a very similar schedule!
Wow BOY HOWDY!! That's for TINKA and JODI!! Feel betters...:)
have joey and ibb checked in since the tornado in virginia?????
BARB/WA: You just made a Patrick Dempsey sandwich!
I just checked and saw JOEY on the other blog..I hope IBB is ok...
IBB should be okay - she is WAY more north than where I believe the storms hit - BUT - I will call her!!!
i'll go do that..
ibb is fine - i'm talking to her right now....
she does not have internet - she appreciates everyone's concern!!
OH! I forgot IBB lived there too. Glad to know she is ok.
Jodi- sorry (big hugs)you have a migraine. It snowed this afternoon for about an hour. Big fat wet flakes. Stuck for a while, then sort of sleeted. At least her on the far west side it did.
MEK: Thanks for the update..I was gonna go eat dinner, but decided to wait for your report. Tell IBB I said HI!
Finally back from running errands!
Amicus: Hmmmm very interesting. I kind of wish they would keep Addison on glad to hear her show was picked up! Tho I don't watch it.
Vig: Dang shoot and darn it. I have not watched my tape of brothers and sisters yet! I kind of figured they were going with her not being a real Walker.
Bono: I thought they were kind of hinting at romance the last couple of shows. Was just trying to figure out how they were going to write the incest storyline! LMAO
Glad to know IBB is ok. I did not know there were tornados in Virginia. Joey where the heck are you check in!
Zona: Glad to hear you finally wised up and turned the AC on! LOL
Carol: So happy about your Dad!!!
Sacbarb: Raising a glass with you!
OK I am off to scarf down some dinner.
Lynn_D.....I am so sorry! I didn't mean to ruin BS for you! I was very excited to see a question about one of my favourite shows that i knew the answer to, that I just blurted it out! I will delete my spoiler post and put myself in the naughty corner or mat!
glad to hear that ibb is ok. sounds like joey is around too! just not here....
zona....i love me some dempsey sammie!
OMG I have not heard about the tornado!! I appreciate y'all looking out for me...I am fine...I fell asleep watching t.v. and am now watching CSI Miami with one eye open still haha
I haven't watched it in a while, but the beginning sucked me in!
I think the fact that we've had a LOT of rain and it just being dreary, has me so sleepy:(
Thanks y'all! Talk to ya tomorrow....22 mins. until it's over then I'm going nite nite!
OH and LynnD: "misty moisty" cracked me up!! lol
HODI I hope that migraine goes away! sorry you're in pain!
Carol, that was your best blog yet! I loved it!
Cherries are my favorite fruit, and there were lots of cherry trees and orchards where I grew up on Georgian Bay. There's one thing I used to LOVE to do around the beginning of July, and that was eat the traditional cooking cherries, the deep red Montmerencies (sp?) right off the trees.
I actually liked montmorencies (sp?) better than the sweet black cherries!
To the best of my knowledge, I've never seen a basket of montmarencies (sp?) in California; they don't appear to exist outside of cans of berry filling for cherry pie.
Thanks, Carol, for sparking some wonderful old memories of childhood life in the Beaver Valley! And, I'm absolutely amazed at how different our lives are in one respect: you can reach out and touch the places with your childhood memories. For me, those places are long long ago and far far away!
Whabbear, the spelling police says you spelled it correctly! lol
I am still giggling that you wrote 5 paragraphs and said "cherry" a few times and never went there;)haha
Here ya go: info and pics for you about cherries
WOW whabby, you can order some of those EXACT cherries of which you speak, HERE
I see a toll-free number on the page too!
HI..CAROL, I am so glad to hear the news about your dad. I hope all the tests come back in the best way.
SHIRLEY: Thanks for the picture of the mayflowers. I have never seen or heard of them. I wish I could smell them!! It is an interesting story to go with them.
ZONA: HMMMM, so you are drinking again? Guess you will probably be first again tomorrow. Hey TINK..can't blame BEAR and I this time...Look towards SACBARB!!!
DONNAJEAN: I hope Emma starts feeling better soon. I can't stand it when our babies are sick.
MEK: You make me laugh calling me Dianne is up in sound like my daughter. She tells people don't call before the crack of dawn for mom...after 12:00.
I spent the day having lunch with my older aunt and it ended up lasting 5 hours. I don't know where the time went and her stories were so interesting to me that time just flew was a nice afternoon.
Congrats on First!
Glad you enjoyed your grand babies, and yes I am sure he can be tiring
Feel better
It is surely an oddity to be in the same place my parents and
their siblings grew up in!
Glad you enjoyed my Cherry Blossoms!
Joey and Ibb
Very glad you are both ok!
Memories are good, I am glad you
shared yours
Loved your story of the special tree. That was a great idea, and they will have it forever
Should be "it can be tiring"
Hi there!
MEK glad IBB is ok! What an amazing sister you are! ;)
Joey I love all the links you are always providing. I think you should be known as Linkmaster Joey, or Masterlinker Joey.
Which do you prefer? LOL!
I've never heard of those cherries that Whab mentioned, and there you have pictures of them. LOVE IT!
Had a nice lunch with Seaside Lady, she got to meet my princess and my sassy boy. I put a couple pics on Myspace.
Details for the BABB are in the works!
Jodi, hope you're feeling better.
Will check in tomorrow!
Thanks again to everyone! Your good wishes were appreciated..
I am tired, I can't type anymore :(
Off to bed....
Everyone have a good nite!
Love today's blog Carol! Like Whabbear, I have found memories of the cherry trees at my cousin's house. They had three trees in a line (a tree for each of us) and we would climb them and sit up high in them eating the cherries off the tree! GREAT memories!
This blog also reminds me of my favorite Japanese Haiku poems. (I really got into it in high school and bought as many Japanese poetry books I could find).
Here are some of my favorite Japanese Haiku poems (by Basho)
Keep in mind these were "translated" from Japanese to English
Spring night,
blossom dawn.
Cherry blossoms -
of years past.
Storming over
Lake Nio, whirlwinds
of cherry blossoms.
Cedar umbrella, off
to Mount Yoshino for
the cherry blossoms.
Dusk - though last
bell's faded,
air's cherry-rich.
OMG, Joey! Thanks!!!! I checked the link out, did a little searching myself, and discovered Fountainofyouth
Check it out! I cannot BELIEVE it! The secret to healthy longevity was there... right under my nose... but I haven't eaten a fresh Montmorency in probably 25 years!!
ROFLMAO! I got myself into rereading my poetry books.
This one doesn't talk about Cherry Blossoms, but it is a neat one...sigh...(I so relate to this)
Mist floats on the Spring meadow.
My heart is lonely.
A nightingale sings in the dusk.
(In case someone knows Japanese):
Haru no nu ni
Kasumi tanabiki
Ura ganashi
Kono yu kage ni
Uguisu naku mo
BTW: YAKAMOCHI is the author! (Stupid thing didn't post it the way I typed it.
Ok...I need to go to bed...
Sorry...can't end on an "odd"!
; )
...but I AM a bit odd!
It has been a long day here. I just wanted to say goodnight.first a few words to...
Diane~ I will think of you when I put 3 quarters in the slot machine.
Zona~ It is never too early for good luck wi$hes.
Bar & SacBarb~ I bought my Wicked tickets yesterday. I can't to see it!
sacbarb~ Let me know if you sent me an email on MSN(HOTMAIL). I will wait to open it after I hear from you.
Jodie,honey,sweetie, get better!!
Waving at Joey & Whabby~~~
I'm off to bed, another busy day tomorrow.
EBJ - we had THEE most AMAZING sunset tonight!!
which one of those AMAZING final girls did he send home!!!??
Bono - rubbing it in that I missed the horses!! LOL - I'm so glad that your daughter had her camera with her!!
Barb in WA - that IS a great idea!! I'll have to think on that one!!
Just got finished watching Medium - I just LOVE that show!!
cpgem - I am SO glad that everything went well today!!
I am off to bed - it's been a LONG boring day!!
I hope everyone has an Excellent Tuesday!!!
mary/mi: I did send you an email.
Did everyone go to sleep??
TINA- Hope you feel better soon!
JODI: When you wake up, I hope your headache is gone!
J/LIN: How many more days??
1 2 STEP
Zona: are you marching?
Who woke up??
Somebody's there...
I am here
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