
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Our 100th blog Celebration, Part 1

In celebration of our 100th blog, have a chuckle on these 60 quotes by you " The Night Owls"

20 quotes found by barbwa

Whabbear~ I just went to the end of Wed. blog. Yes sweetie you do qualify as "one of the girls"
mary/mi feb1

I also tried a thong ONCE - oh dear Lord - what was I thinking??!! apparently, not very clearly!!!!!!!!
mek jan31

SacBarb - you will look beautiful in anything you chose to wear - and i swear - i will tell you if your ass looks big!! :-)
mek feb1

Whabbear You have a point about my Va JJ. Might make someone get the munchies. And I'm not going to say anything more about that!
just_lin feb1

Geez, you don't think they will mistake me for a hooker in my boa and heels do you?
goldie jan30

True story here, owls. The first time I went to Europe as an adult I spent a week by myself in Brussels. I have no idea why, but being there made me unbelievably horny. How weird is that?
whabbear jan31

In case you are not aware, in our store we spell whore: J-O-D-I~

You now spell Jodi I-D-I-O-T!!!!
jodi feb3

MEK- of course I say 'bitch' with the utmost respect and love. Besides, whore and slut were already taken..........
goldie feb10

OMG you guys, this is cheaper than therapy

I need the love, I need to feel it, I need to connect, hell I need the sex! And its got to be good...
carol feb12

Can't a chickenowl get a little help around here?? You guys ever heard of VEGETABLES????
birdee feb12

Goldie - I tried to go back to "that" profession - but found out I can't survive on nickels!
canadiangirl feb12

TINA - Are you sure you would recognize a multiple O?!!?
jodi feb12

Joey: For some reason every time your "owl" picture comes up I think it is a boob..a big naked one!
dianne/denver feb 13

JODI: If I scroll past your march to 500 really fast I can almost see you drinking that beer...kinda like a flip book!!
zona feb 13

My eyes are crossed and I have some vile pictures in my head now. Something about hiney licking. Has my dog been blogging???
lynn d feb 13

even tho it was "thong thursday" i did not wear mine, actually i don't even own a pair, i cannot stand a 24hr wedgey...
carol jan 31

I certainly hope I'll be riding a cowboy. :)In fact, I'm hoping to wear him out.
just_lin jan31

Goldie: Thanks for the chili. I left some Beano for anyone who needs it.
sacbarb jan 31

20 quotes found by zona

1)LYNND: "Maybe write to Colin Firth, George Clooney, Hugh Grant & Johhny Depp and see which one would spend the night and give me my last sexual thrill." (from: What Would You Do)

2)LYNND: "Go braless!!!! Who the hell cares, if you are dying, and why be uncomfortable!! That one is for you, ITEACH!"
(from: WWYD)

3)IBB: "HUGE GROUP HUG--Oh what the hell, how about a group grope?" (from: WWYD)

4)MAUREEN: "orgasm--correct spelling for Ronnie and what Colin Ferrel can bring on." (from: WORDS)

5)WANT2SLEEP: "Sometimes I worry about our poor BEAR. So smart yet, you know." (from: Here's Your Sign)

6)KGRL: "JODI-my friend, I would never insinuate that you are or we're ever cheap...a HO yes, but cheap never!!!!" (from: HYS)

7)LOVEY: "We don't stop laughing because we get old. We get old because we stop laughing." (from: HYS)

8)ITEACH: "I am going to stick with sex. It seems like the only thing I have been able to do right lately. :)" (from: HYS)

9)GOLDIE: "I am full blooded German, I'll ask Mr. G what I taste like and let you know...teehee :)" (from: HYS)

10)CPGEM: "WHABBY: LEAVE IT TO YOU to throw your garbage on the floor. Did you also leave that errant satellite floating in space? Geez when will you learn to pick up after yourself?" (from: HYS)

11)TINA: "ITEACH--I'll send you the do it yourself kit. Wait...Jodi has a ton..I'll have her give you one of hers.
:)~" (from: HYS)

12)J/LIN: "I want Custard! Morning. Noon. Night." (from: Life In Six Words)

13)JODI: "Zona-LOL @ holy crap!!! Like holy crap batman!!! BAM!!! ZIP!!! SPROINNNG!!!" (from: LISW)

14)ITEACH: "SCIRISH--You are never alone. We are here for you. We are all strange birds here, but we have a lot in common." (from: LISW)

15)MEK: "Nyquil keeps me awake--and so does Dayquil-so I'm screwed." (from: LISW)

16)CPGEM: "MEK yes, a good march will always put an owl in a good mood and we have you to thank for that!" (from: Attitude)

17)DIANNE: "J/LIN...all this talk almost makes me want to go and wake my husband up...almost!" (from: Att.)

18)MARY/MI: "J/LIN: You are a nut! I think you have your cowboy hat on too tight!" (from: Att.)

19)MEK: "I missed this march--but I love to watch a good kicking, scratching, elbowing, tripping to the finish line!! LOL" (from: Att.)

20)J/LIN: "Yes, I AM THE Queen of Tedious!" (from: Att.)

20 quotes found by joey

Special Thank You's today:

The blog is yours, go and enjoy, and don't eat to
much, as you need some room for tomorrow!

Don't forgot bring a 100 of "something"
Thank You to iteach


«Oldest   ‹Older   1201 – 1400 of 1464   Newer›   Newest»
iteach said...

Hubby is anxiously waiting for me in bed!

If I'm not too tired I will come back later! :)

MEK in AZ said...

Congratulations, ITEACH - great march!!!

Just_Lin said...

MEK LOL @ "we tripped". Are you two doing a 3-legged race?

iteach Congrats on 1200! Does that make up for the 69?

MEK in AZ said...


♥LOVEY♥ said...

Night Night Iteach.... have fun!! hehe sweet dreams

iteach said...

I purposely said that just for you MEK!

MEK in AZ said...

No, potato sack racing is more like it!!

MEK in AZ said...

Iteach - thank you - Barb would like for you to take a shower if and when you return!! LOL

iteach said...

Good night Lovey!!

iteach said...

And Brush my teeth!

♥LOVEY♥ said...

JUSTLIN how many days to go?

Just_Lin said...

iteach Bwahahahaha

MEK in AZ said...

Iteach - Barb wants you to gargle and use scope!!


MEK in AZ said...


MEK in AZ said...

For some reason - it feels ALOT later than it really is!!

Just_Lin said...

Lovey 47 days and 19 hours.
Makes me smile just to think about it. We'll be saving more horses. LOL

♥LOVEY♥ said...

LMAO @ savin more horse..Woohooo wtg....

Want2Sleep said...

Mek and Barb, you're missing the Colorado vs. Minnesota hockey game.

♥LOVEY♥ said...

Busy busy day Mek n BarbWa.
I can't believe u left us all hangin like that..LMAO

sacBarb said...

So MEK, is that the record now?

Want2Sleep said...

Oops, it's missed it.

scirish said...

Holy owls!!!! I hope no feathers were lost in the making of this awesome march!

♥LOVEY♥ said...

SC they beat the crap outta me

Just_Lin said...

Lovey We figured we saved a whole herd just in our first visit!

♥LOVEY♥ said...

I'm gonna ask Goldie to start puttin a special knock out in their brownies

scirish said...

Lovey....I can see the feathers flying

♥LOVEY♥ said...

JUSTLIN ROFL... hahaha ...
That's alotta horses saved

♥LOVEY♥ said...

hell that's alot of ridin

sacBarb said...

Locey, you really need to wear your helmet, et al for these marches. They take it very seriously.

♥LOVEY♥ said...

in all truth it wasn't Mek bustin a move marchin most of the night...LOL

♥LOVEY♥ said...

SACBARb, I agree, no more party hats for me, it's the helmet all the way

sacBarb said...

LoVey - sorry I screwed up your name

scirish said...

oh crap! I have to go shower...I just left a white drywall ass print in my chair...(is it really that big???...ass, not chair)Loves and 100 birthday wishes!!!!

♥LOVEY♥ said...

that's ok SacBarb close enough hehe SWAK!

scirish said...

or....i can just blog pantless

Just_Lin said...

scirish Yes, just blog pantless! It's a party!! :D

scirish said...

hmmmm...the pantless me IS a scary thought.....gonna go do that wash kinda thing

♥LOVEY♥ said...

My Dear Owl friends,

Thank you so much for the tons of laughter today.
I had a blast!

Carol, Congrats on 100 blogs.
You have built a very special place and I thank you very much for letting me nest here.
The Night Owls is truly unique!

Owls you are my family, and I love nesting with you.

Thank you to all Owls that blogged and commented in those 100 days.

Thank you to all the owls that helped in making today's blog.I loved it and look forward to tomorrow's post.

Night night Dear Owls,
With Love n Hugs xox

sacBarb said...

Night Lovey. Sweet Dreams

scirish said... is rather freeing...but how will i explain the basket weave pattern on my butt?

Just_Lin said...

Lovey Sweet dreams. See you tomorrow.

Maureen said...


I finally made it in! I can't read 1244 comments...I just now gor home from working at the coffee shop.

In honor of what I did tonight, I am bringing...
100 muffins ( I baked muffins!)
100 cappuccinos, espressos of mochas and decaf maple nut coffee
100 fricking dirty dishes, pots, pans and coffee carafes
100 thanks to CAROL for this bloggy!

100 {{{{hugs}}}} to each and every one of you!


scirish said...


scirish said...


Just_Lin said...


Just_Lin said...


scirish said...

i did it!!!!!

Just_Lin said...

Maureen It's been wild in here today! Thank you for the caffeine. I need it.

MEK in AZ said...

We are back..
we had ALOT of comments to catch up on!!

SacBarb - crotch less panties and you thought no one would remember!! LOL

AND - I'm not sure if that is a record or not!! :-)

scirish said...

gonna take my basket weave butt into the you guys! (that may be a beer commercial....but...well you know)

Zona said...

SCIRISH: I have a basket weave pattern on my butt just naturally.

MEK&BARB/WA: AHA!! I knew it! LOL!!! ;)

Zona said...

Night LOVEY! Thank you. :)

HI MO!! Missed you today!

MEK in AZ said...

Okay - Owlettes!!!

Sorry about the long wait for our surprise - ...

today has been SOOOOOOO much fun in WAY more ways than you can ever imagine!!!

Sorry, we couldn't address everyone!!

Thanks for the phone calls and the fun guesses!!!!

Thank you everyone for the laughs and good thoughts!!!

Good Night!!

Hope everyone has an excellent Friday!!!

hugs and kisses!!
MEK and BARB!!!

ibebold said...

This is INSANE...
1200 +...
and are there any brownies left....


MEK in AZ said...

Hey ZOna!!!

sorry I couldn't tell you!!

We have headaches from drinking and laughing SO much - we're turning in early tonight!!!

hugs to all!!!

MEK in AZ said...

IBB - great - you show up right when we were leaving!!! CRAP..

okay - we really need to go!!

love you, IBB!!!!

sacBarb said...

MEK: I was counting on the alcohol to dull the memory. You guys haven't had enough yet. Here, have some more jello shots. They came from your fridge.

ibebold said...

Everyone is leaving... i am too late...again!!

Work was busy... that is good it has been awhile...

Just_Lin said...

I think I had too much to drink today. LOL

ibebold said...

Just_lin.. you changed your clothes...
What happened to the tassels...

HeyBARbWa... enjoy Tucson!!!

sacBarb said...

Good night MEK & Barb. Sweet Dreams.

ibebold said...

hey SACBARB---you still up and sober!!!

Zona said...

IBB: Here's your gift bag..100 pit passes for Dale Jr.!!

SACBARB: Are you poopin' out yet? ;)

J/LIN: You do look a little tattered around the edges..


ibebold said...

You just got 1269...
Thank you so much for the pit passes... can you have them here by May 3rd.. I will be going to a race that day!!!

Just_Lin said...

Okay, I've got my tassels back. Are we wearin these outfits again tomorrow?

MEK & Barbwa Get a good rest. More partying tomorrow.

sacBarb said...

IBB: Well I am up

Zona: I am pooping out a little. How about you?

ibebold said...

Just-lin...Custard would loss his mind if he saw you right now...You sexy thing you!!

Just_Lin said...

IBB I did send that pic to him a little while ago. He can always pretend like I look like that. LOL

MEK in AZ said...

Okay - we made some other stops!! had to catch up ...

SacBarb - I know - I can't believe Whabby snuck in here and took the jello shots before they were readY!!!

IBB - glad work was busy -- Barb says HEY - she's waving at ya!!

Zona - :-)

Just Lin - howdy!!

sorry we are leaving!!

now - we are REALLY out of here!!

ibebold said...

Just-lin.. too funny...

Just_Lin said...

IBB Custard remembers me from when I was a hot young thing so maybe in his mind's eye he can still kind of see me that way. He says I was his dream girl.

sacBarb said...

Hey what happened to my Owl??? It was here a minute ago!!!!!! OK, Who has my Owl???????

ibebold said...

That is so sweet...Just _lin... I hope you two really make it !!! Long distance has got to be hard!!

ibebold said...

I should have difficult... I know where this bunch will go with the hard comment!!!

Just_Lin said...

SacBarb Your owl seems to have magical powers. When I click on the blank square, he reappears.

ibebold said...

I should have SAID difficult

sacBarb said...

Whew! There it is! I swear it was gone for a minute. Maybe I have had too many jello shots. I am seeing things now...or not seeing them

Just_Lin said...

IBB Custard got things straight between us. Bwahahahaha!

ibebold said...

Scabarb... you said you were only up... not sober... maybe you are NOT seeing things...

sacBarb said...

J/L: I am so glad you saw it too. I was beginning to think...well nevermind

Just_Lin said...

SacBarb Your owl comes and goes. Good thing Tina isn't here to comment on that statement.

ibebold said...

You know she would!!!

sacBarb said...

IBB: Lin saw it too or rather didn't see it. Whatever.

ibebold said...

get your helmets ready!!!
this is going to be for MEK & BARBWA

Just_Lin said...

Boy, it sure was fun in here today. What a bunch of hilarious owls we have!

ibebold said...


ibebold said...


Just_Lin said...

Here we go.

ibebold said...


sacBarb said...

Maybe my Owl has a ghost. This is really creepy.

Just_Lin said...


ibebold said...


ibebold said...


ibebold said...


ibebold said...


Just_Lin said...


Just_Lin said...

Crap, I missed it!

ibebold said...

WOOOHOOOO.... 1300....
That was for BARBWA and MEK!!! those little druken in AZ owls!!!

Just_Lin said...

Hey, congrats, IBB. Good job! Did you have any of those jello shots?

ibebold said...

I love jello shots...
Thanks I will have some!!!

Just_Lin said...

IBB MEK would be proud of you.

ibebold said...

I know she is!!!

Want2Sleep said...

Oh good, IBB made it here!

sacBarb said...

IBB Congrats on 1300. Wow, we are really chatty today.

Just_Lin said...

IBB The next time you go visit MEK, maybe the rest of us should meet you all there. :)

ibebold said...

MEK taught me everything she knows!!!
about marching!!

sacBarb said...

Zona where did you go?

Turtle are you here?

Just_Lin said...

Want It's good to see you here. We don't see you very often.

Just_Lin said...

SacBarb Turtle was going home, I think. I don't know where Zona went. We know what iteach was up to.

ibebold said...

That would be great... !!!

sacBarb said...

my last comment was 1313. Wasn't that the Adam's Family address?
1313 Mockingbird Lane? Not an owl, but a bird nonetheless.

Want2Sleep said...

Thanks Lin, good to here, great party !

Just_Lin said...

This party is supposed to continue tomorrow. I didn't even party this hard in my youth!

ibebold said...

1313 mockingbird lane is where the MUNSTERS lived!!!

Mary/MI said...

1,285!! Good grief!! It will take me half the night to catch up. Goodnight to whoever is leaving. I'll be back I'm going to do some skimming....

Just_Lin said...

And I sure wasn't wearing tassles when I did party! LOL

Word of caution: Don't wear tassles around cats.

ibebold said...

Just_lin... I have never whorn tassels in my life!!!

Just_Lin said...

I need to clean the kitchen. I'll be popping in and out for the next several minutes.

sacBarb said...

IBB: Thanks for the correction. I knew I heard that address somewhere.

Just_Lin said...

IBB Well, I never wore them either, except for the ones on my majorette boots when I was a baton twirler. One of Custard's pet names for me is Twirler.

ibebold said...

I am full of TV trivia...the addams family lived on Cemetary lane!!

ibebold said...

well you crazy owls...
I really need to go to bed.. I need to get up early and get my hair colored before I go get it cut and then home to get the ribs in the oven!!!

HAPPY 100...
PARTY ON!!!!!!!!!!

kahonugrl said...

home is where I am.....

so when is the next march?

Want: I was there for 11.5 hours !
combined all of my typing time was maybe an hour? and i am very good at multi tasking

Tinkatia said...

I am here as your designated driver if anyone needs a ride home. I guess I will be up all night doing it. It's a big country. I am home from my computer meeting and I am hungry. Thanks for the muffins Maureen. I am going to feast on lobster tomorrow. I didn't get a chance to eat much here today. Good Night to the late crew,
Maureen, Scirish, ZonaBaby (Go to bed Sweetie), Want2Sleep,
Mary, Mek, Ibebold and Jus Lin.
I will wait a half hour to see if anyone needs a ride. If you don't I am off to bed. See you on Day 2 of "100 days."

sacBarb said...

Night Tinka. Sweet Dreams

Tinkatia said...

Good Night Sac Barb and K-Girl - I didn't know you were still here. I scrolled back as far as I thought there were owls. You must have been snuggled deep in the nest.

sacBarb said...

Night IBB. Sweet Dreams to you too

sacBarb said...

Turtle, looks like it's just us and Lin and she's cleaning the kitchen. How was work for you today?

Mary/MI said...

I'm still here. I had my "roots" done today and painted a room, so I missed out on some of the shenanigans.
I did stop and have a Bud light at the VFW and toasted the owls. I think they might be a little worried about me lol!!

Want2Sleep said...

I'm mad at Bear, he was supposed to be here to drink with us !

Tina~in_ut said...

you don't think i'm going to read all this, do you? :)~

sacBarb said...

Mary: we missed your music

Tina: I can't believe you don't want to read over 1300 comments. What else have you got to do?

Hi Want. I didn't see you there.

Want2Sleep said...

Hi SacBarb,,,,what's new?

Just_Lin said...

Hi, I'm back.

Tina You missed some very hilarious stuff!

Mary/MI said...

Tinaho! Thanks for the travel info. I already ordered the pocket dodad.

Tina~in_ut said...

I think I've read about 600 of them and Hodi read me some while I was at the store....but really...1340 comments!!!!! Who's on the floor passed out? :)~

Tina~in_ut said...

Oh good Mary~ You will have so much long will you be there?~

sacBarb said...

Want: You missed a good party. Whabby was here for some of it. I thought he would be back. Maybe later.

Just_Lin said...

Well, Zona just kind of quietly disappeared!

Want2Sleep said...

I was here SacBarb, well, on and off. It was crazy.

sacBarb said...

Tina: Hard to tell who is passed out on the floor. It got pretty crazy in here.

Tina~in_ut said...


Tina~in_ut said...


Just_Lin said...

Mary Did you wear your tassles to the VFW? LOL

Tina~in_ut said...


Tina~in_ut said...

J/L~ WTH!!! :)~

Just_Lin said...

I just kind of nonchalantly took that, didn't I?

sacBarb said...

Lin: I guess Zona doesn't want to play tonight.

Mary/MI said...

Tina, at least 2 wks. I want to go to Rome too.

sacBarb said...

Turtle seems to be gone too

Just_Lin said...

I was thinking Zona might be the one passed out on the floor.

Tina~in_ut said...

Mary~ I'm going with two favorite cities in the world!!! I'll have to fill you in on Rome!~

Want2Sleep said...

Turtle's prancing around the neighborhood in her hula skirt and majorette boots.

Tina~in_ut said...

Want~ I don't think Turtle's wearing anything~ :)~

Just_Lin said...

Want It sounds reasonable to me. ;)

Want2Sleep said...

oh my ...

Want2Sleep said...

I better get the bail money ready. Last time she was caught she was riding her cycle with only the boots on.

Tina~in_ut said...

Want~ let's leave her in overnight! She'll probably make friends~ :)~

Just_Lin said...

Want Are you in the same neighborhood as Turtle?

Mary/MI said...

JustLynn~ noooooooo! There are too many pre-verts there LOL!! Them old guys would want a floor show!!

Just_Lin said...

Mary Oh, I know they would. It sure would liven up their Thursday night, wouldn't it?

Want2Sleep said...

Lol Tina.

No lim, but i will fly there for any reason what so ever!

Want2Sleep said...

or Lin,,,,,,can't type

Just_Lin said...

Want Yep, I really like the islands, too.

Want2Sleep said...

But I wear clothing there, Turtle, not so much.

sacBarb said...

I love the islands too. I bought a timeshare on Waikiki when I was there.

Just_Lin said...

SacBarb Really? How cool! How often do you get it?

Mary/MI said...

Tina~ Hop on, the more the merrier! I would love to get more info. When you have time send me a myspace note, or I can give you my email addy.
It's going to be a wild year, Vegas May 2, Paris May-June BBBBB in August and we already have our early August tickets for Vegas! I think I am crowding my "bucket list"!!

Want2Sleep said...

What area ScaBarb?

Tina~in_ut said...

Dang Barb...give me the key~ :)

Mary~ aren't you busy~ I'm busy too, but for some reason, don't want to go to Mexico on Monday~ :(

Want2Sleep said...

Owls Nest party at SacBarbs timeshare,,,woo hoo !!!! I'm there.

whabbear said...

I'm sorry, Sleep! A co-worker sent me some critical data tonight to analyze for a talk I have to give next Thursday, and I am under such time pressure to complete the slides for the talk that I had to get the analyses done!

Sorry for wimping out on the party! :(

It was fabulous! Thanks to everybody! I had a great day! :)

Want2Sleep said...

I'm not talking to Bear, someone tell him.

Tina~in_ut said...

Bear~ Want says she isn't talking to you~ :(

Want2Sleep said...

Thank you Tina.

sacBarb said...

It is somewhere on Waikiki. It is a Wyndham property and I'm not sure exactly where it is. I bought the equivalent of one week per year, but it is a point system.

Tina~in_ut said...

You're welcome, Want~ Do you want me to tell him anything else?

Barb~ when are we going?

sacBarb said...

Tina: I just got back. Not quite ready to go again.

Mary/MI said...

Tina, I didn't know you were going to Mexico. Be careful not to let one of "us" sneek back in your luggage LOL!!

Tina~in_ut said...

Barb~ hello!!!! so're retired! :)~

Mary~ I leave on Monday for a week~ Right now I'm in a hotel room about 10 minutes from my house with my come I got the sofa bed? :(

Just_Lin said...

Tina How come you're at a hotel only 10 min. from home?

Tina~in_ut said...

My cousin and I go to the scrapbook expo twice a year....and we scrapbook the rest of the time in a hotel in-laws are at my house now, so there isn't any room! Oh hell....we wouldn't stay at my house anyway~ :)~

Just_Lin said...

Tina So "girls just wanna have fun". :)

Just_Lin said...

Tina You timed that well. You leave just as the in-laws arrive.

Want2Sleep said...

Turtles is on the phone yacking with someone...busy gal.

Tina~in_ut said...

J/L~ Oh yeah.....but no drunk scrapbooking.....that just doesn't go together~ :)~

Tina~in_ut said...

j/l~ I ALWAYS time it like that~ but they are actually hear to watch the kids~ so that is nice~

Tina~in_ut said...


Tina~in_ut said...


Tina~in_ut said...


Tina~in_ut said...


Tina~in_ut said...


Just_Lin said...


Tina~in_ut said...


Just_Lin said...


Tina~in_ut said...

YAY!!!!! :)~

Just_Lin said...


Mary/MI said...

I posted something a minute ago and my screen went blank. I think we are wearing out the blog today lol!!

My post said:
Whabbear, I see you are on Wants shit list heh heh!

Tina~in_ut said...

I think the shit went to bed~

Tina~in_ut said...

SHiT!!! I mean I think BEAR went to bed! sorry~ :)~

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