
Friday, June 19, 2009

~ "Real Housewives of New Jersey" ~

by Tina~in_ut

On Sunday, I was sitting in my bed minding my own business and playing on Facebook. I was enjoying the quiet after two birthday sleepovers. All of a sudden, here come the daughter and the husband to watch a marathon of The Real Housewives of New Jersey! I can't stand shows like that. They are obnoxious and I refused to pay any attention. I kept my eyes on my laptop. But Hell!!!! By show number two, I had a favorite housewife and couldn't wait to see the next show. Although their lives are completely unreal, some of them are totally likable and I didn't mind checking out their houses. By the time I got to the last show, I couldn't wait for the season finale on Tuesday night. I made sure that the show taped in my bedroom and my daughter made sure it taped in the family room. We didn't want to miss it. Man oh man......they didn't disappoint! I couldn't stop laughing. Sweet Teresa lost it completely. Caroline let Danielle have it.......and Danielle...ugh! That silly show has me hooked. I can't wait for the next season!


DeeDee said...


DeeDee said...

there is something strange going on here....I think I logged into a parallel universe or something....omg!

MEK in AZ said...


MEK in AZ said...


MEK in AZ said...

Happy Friday!!

Good Morning.......

DeeDee - congrats on FIRST!!!

I tried to "sleep in" - but my body clock says it's time to walk - I need to "rewind"!!

off to read the blog..

DeeDee said...

Ok....I had to look and make sure there are people in my house! AND! I saw a car go down the I am not "LEFT BEHIND!"
What a strange feeling.....Yoo-Hoo! ladies!....(u 2 tina) come out where ever you are.....

DeeDee said...

oh thank goodness! Good morning MEK! Now I can go on about my day and not worry that maybe I died.......

MEK in AZ said...

Tina - I'm glad that you enjoyed the housewife show.. I haven't watched and refuse to start...

no matter HOW much you all try to get me too!!! LOL...

I'm off to the dog park - (I took the day off from walking) - since our "young" one has her last private training lesson today..
(or at least the last PAID for lesson!!)..

I hope everyone has an excellent day!!


MEK in AZ said...

DeeDee - you are NOT alone!! LOL..
but - it does make one wonder -

WTH is everyone??!!

MEK in AZ said...


goldie said...

Good Morning Hooters!

Congrats on 1st DeeDee- hi Mek!

Just stopping in to say hello before I head to the dr. today is mammo, pap, diabetic check and pretty sure 'swine flu' diagnosis! ICKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

Have a good day hooters and say a little prayer for 'my hooter' and all my other 2000 parts that are going to be smashed,invaded and god knows what today. LOL

bonachichi said...

Good morning to DeeDee, MEK, Goldie and all late starters!

Tina, I hadn't heard about that show until I read about it here. I got a taste of it online and it only made me angry. For many reasons.

To me, those ladies seem crass, uncouth, loud, obnoxious and above all, stupid.

Lynn D said...

Morning Glories!

Wow Dee Dee you hopped into first again! Congrats!

Hi MEK and Bonacci!

Tina I had to laugh when you said your daughter and husband were ready to watch the Housewives!

I had never watched any of the housewives shows either. Then one day I was home sick laying in bed and nothing was on. I think it was a Saturday. I flipped channels and the housewives of OC were on and it was a marathon. I left it there for a minute and shit I was caught up in the damn show. I watched the whole marathon and was mesmerized.

I kept telling myself to look away and change channels but couldn't do it. At one point Mr. Lynn D came in and asked me "what the hell are you watching?" I told him and his eyes rolled so far back into his head I thought he would fall over. He asked me "Why?" as he knows that these shows really never interest me. My only answer was that the psychology of it all was riveting. I also told him soap writers were missing out and needed to watch this shit! LMAO

Well one thing led to another and I had to watch the marathon of the NY housewives. I have to say I think the NY wives are pretty entertaining. At least a few of them seem to have a sense of reality of what real life is like. Just a few, some of them are pretty wackadoo and way out of touch too!

The Jersey housewives are just as fascinating. As much as I am mystified by some of their shenanigans I have to say I really like Caroline. She seems the most grounded in her own way.

Bonacci I get were you are coming from. If you had told me a year ago I would watch even one of these shows I would have said you are insane. I don't know why I do to tell you the truth but there is something so compelling about grown women throwing their lives out there for all to see.

I keep wondering like Carol did is it just for the money? Did they realize what they were getting into? Does their family resent it? Last but not least, If you have secrets and skeletons in your closet why in the hell would you think they would stay there when you are on a TV show? Hello do they not get the media sideshow we now live in at this time? YOU could not pay me enough!

Lynn D said...

Sending Goldie big (((Hugs))), umm maybe that should be a pat on back since she will be squeezed and poked enough today! Hope all goes well!

East Bay J said...

Good morning!

Congrats on 1st Dee Dee!

Haven't watched the show, but after seeing the clip I must see it!

Such drama! Thanx for posting this Tina!

Nancy survived her day alone yesterday, we were so relieved.

We've let her sleep with us the past 2 nights. She woke me up at 4:00am wanting to play. She is so cute!

I'm off to work, I hope everyone has a nice day today!

Tinkatia said...

Congrats on first Dee Dee.

Tinkatia said...

Good Morning Mek, Goldie, Bonacci, Lynn and East Bay J.

Tinkatia said...

East Bay J - So happy Nancy survived her first day alone. It can be scary for the little ones.

Tinkatia said...

Tina - I have never watched that show but I will give it a try.

Tinkatia said...

I am rushing out to take my 'fur babies' to the groomers. I will be back.

Mary/MI said...

Hi all, can't stay too long. We have been out of power since 4am. We had a bad storm come through last night.
I am on my laptop with me wireless thumb drive, on battery power. I have two bored men hanging around me wanting to use it. Never mind that there is a lawn to mow,gardening to do,and a nice "honey-do list lol!
I tried to log into my nightowls account on my cell phone , but it wouldn't take my pass word! g-r-r-r!!!!
hopefully I will bbl

Mary/MI said...

oops. I almost ran over Tinka!

Mary/MI said...

26,27,28! and I got the quote of the day!!!woot woot!!

Mary/MI said...

no one is here to play. I have decided to go help my sister move more stuff today. bbl

Jodi said...

TINA - Luv the Housewives. Not that I think most of it is "real", but more like a train wreck waiting to happen!! Theresa and her "bubbies" cracked me up this season. And I really like Caroline, although her attack dog kinda scares me. This was the best clip of the whole night....table flipping, PROSTITUTION WHORE, and of course THANK YOU!!!

DEE DEE - Congrats on first!!

MEK - Have fun @ your last training session. :o)

BONACCI - I kinda agree with what you said, but I honestly can't help myself!!

GOLDIE - Pray for your HOOTER?!!? Makes it sound like you have a uni-boob!! Hope your appt goes well!

Waving a wing @ LYNN D, TINKA & MARY/MI!!!

I am so ready for a nap. We had a couple scary storms go thru here last night. I woke up before 12:30am and have been up ever since. After I drop the boys off @ the pool and pick Sam up from Summer School, I am soooooo taking a nap!!

I hope everyone has a good afternoon. I'll bbl....Muah!!

Jodi said...

Ok, my last paragraph was kinda redundant....see? I told you I was exhausted!!

Tina~in_ut said...

Congrats on 1st DeeDee~ I had the craziest dream about you last night. Actually, it was pretty normal....which is what made it so crazy! :)~

Mek~ Don't'll get sucked in!!!

Goldie~ omg....You have a fun day planned!!! Don't's also treat yourself to whatever you want day, too! I always buy myself something frivolous on Dr day~

Bonacci~ those women are all of those things~

LynnD~ I agree with you 100%~ Caroline seems the most grounded and gives good advise to the others about raising their kids....but that dog!!!!

EBJ~ Glad Nancy is behaving~ :D

Tinka~ be careful...if you start may never stop~

Mary~ Sorry about the storms....I think today will be the first day without rain in the last 3 weeks for us~

Jodi~ I can see why you love this funny...and yes....a train wreck!

Shirley(NCC-1701) said...


I hope you have a great day!!!

Shirley(NCC-1701) said...

Tina I can't watch your isn't available in my area. I don't have access to the "housewife" shows cause they are on channels I don't get. I may have to check the Jersey one out on youtube though...just to see what Carol is really like. LOL!

Shirley(NCC-1701) said...

Congrats on 1st DeeDee!

Good afternoon Mek, Goldie, Bonacci, Lynn D, EBJ, Tinka, Mary, Jodi and Tina.

Tina~in_ut said...

Shirley~ You HAVE to check them out.....Carol is just like them! :)~

Happy Birthday, Lois Lane!!!~

Shirley(NCC-1701) said...

Do they have Real Housewives of Utah? ija :)

Jodi said...

TINA - Bite your tongue....CAROL is a waaaay classier broad!! :O)

SHIRLEY - I bet they do have it on youtube!!

LOIS LANE - Happy B'day!!

Just_Lin said...

DeeDee Congrats on first! This nest is kind of like a parallel universe. : )

Tina That was a fun clip to watch. I've never seen the show but I understand the attraction. To be a voyeur into other people's lives is most compelling, especially when they are behaving badly. I suspect that these women all love being the center of attention so of course they would like having the camera on them and experiencing their moments of fame.

Just_Lin said...

Shirley There might not be enough silicone, collegan and botox in Utah to warrant a TV show....ijs.

Tina~in_ut said...

Shirley~ I don't don't know if there are Real Housewives in UT....i haven't seen any~ :D

Jodi~ Oh know full well that Carol is one of THE BEST crackwores in Jersey~

Good "Morning" J/L~ Those women are so hilarious....and nuts!!~

Tinkatia said...

Goldie - Good Luck with your tests today.

Tinkatia said...

Mary - I hope your electricity is back on. Isn't it a nuisance when that happens? I keep flicking on lights that don't go on and trying to make tea with a kettle that will never boil.

Tinkatia said...


Shirley(NCC-1701) said...

OK, I just watched a clip on You Tube of "Real Housewives of New Jersey". It looked like it was the same one here or at least from the same episode. One woman tells another to pay attention and the other one goes nuts and flips the table. Not my kind of TV. Reminds me of wrestling and how fake they make it for the audience. You'll enjoy it though.

Tinkatia said...


Tinkatia said...


Tinkatia said...


Tinkatia said...


Tinkatia said...

I thought someone was going to jump out and step on me but I was wrong.

Shirley(NCC-1701) said...

Tinka don't feel bad. I went so far as to change the batteries in my remote control for the TV before I realized I had no power. Can we all say DUH!!!!!!!

Tinkatia said...

Hi to Just-Lin, Jodi, Tina and Shirley.

Happy Birthday Lois.

Tinkatia said...

My cleaning lady just left. Oh it's nice to have clean walls again. I am rushing off to pick my 'fur babies'. See you all later.

Tinkatia said...


Just_Lin said...

NoNewz/Lois Lane Wishing you a very, very happy birthday today!

kahonugrl said...

Morning Hooters~

kahonugrl said...


kahonugrl said...


kahonugrl said...


kahonugrl said...


kahonugrl said...


kahonugrl said...


kahonugrl said...


kahonugrl said...


kahonugrl said...


kahonugrl said...


kahonugrl said...


kahonugrl said...


kahonugrl said...

pencil that in Shirley~

Just_Lin said...

Kgrl You must be gaining on EBJ by now. It will be a very close race by the end of the month, I think. said...

Crap, double crap..

I forgot to put Lois Lane's Birthday song from us to her in the main page of the blog.. but.. the good news is I just remembered.. and have posted the song on the main page of the blog..


Happy Birthday LL.. :O) said...

And for anon who whispered in my ear last nite, to remind me..

Sorry.. I was foggy today..

:O) said...

And of course a sorry to LL as well..

Geez, I feel like I should get a D..

:O) said...

Not a F tho, cause I did not fail completely, I did come thru.. just kinda late.. said...



scirish said...

Tina....I LOVED the clip!!! I can see why this show could be addicting. I absolutely loved the accents too!!

Dianne/Denver said...

Mary: don't log out on ur blackberry. Just bookmark it and then click om bookmarks each time.

Happy bday LOIS LANE.

Tina: haven't watched the video yet. I will when I get home

GOLDIE: r u saying u sent me a swine flu necklace???

Zona: u vm is full!

scirish said...

Thanks everyone for all the encouragement. I ran out the ipod battery and enjoyed it!!! Good thing too, as today was just a comedy of errors, although it was a bit difficult to see the comedy...Unless you count the look on Mom's face when the shower hose got away from me and I hosed down the whole bathroom. At least the bathroom is very, very clean!

kahonugrl said...

ok squishy that remark just left a mental picture of you bathing your Mom in my

Ya know that commercial where the kid explodes the soda bottle and the Mom goes after him with the kitchen sink sprayer?.....something kinda like that only with a naked lady with a hair net on her head (and a smirk on her face) and you swearing as your trying to grab that shower hose.

Look for the comedy Scirish, it will get you thru~

Mary/MI said...

I am at my sisters about 45 miles from my house. I just finished unpacking my least fave. things.. silverware and junk drawer stuff lol!
I got a call from my Son telling me our power is back on. Yipee!!

Diane, I have it bookmarked, but did it before I had my info. in there. Thanks for the tip! :)

Tina, I hate to admit that I have been peeking in on the NJH. The one thing I really hate are the side commentaries from each of them. That is when I change channels.
I am heading North..home bbl

Mary/MI said...

please disregard last line lol!!

DeeDee forgot to congratulate you on 1st!!

LL Happy Birthday!!

Carol,lol @ covering your ass :)

scirish said...

Kgrl...It very much resembled that...The "hose" on the detachable shower head is actually this bendable metal stuff. It twirled around and around quite nicely. All the while Mom is going "oh, oh, oh" It was a fine showcase of my bathing skills!

bonachichi said...

Scrish, I can see you & Mom chasing a sputtering hose around the bathroom. You just can't intimidate those hoses.

For all the brouhaha going on about those HW women, I'm sure creative editing contributes to how nuts they come off.

It's hard not to watch a train wreck. You know it's going to be bad, but you just can't look away.

Lynn D said...

Afternoon All!

Just checking in! Scrishy sorry but I am laughing out loud at your bath time fun!

Happy Birthday Lois Lane!!!

Went out and ran errands and got caught in a down pour. Kind of like a cow pissing on a flat rock experience! I look like a drown rat! We have not had any measurable rain for 30 days and today it is making up for it!

kahonugrl said...


Do you spend much time watching cows pissing on flat rock? It sure sounds like you know that behavior well....

Lynn D said...

kgirl I live in farm land country! LOL
Actually a male horse makes a much bigger splash! Further from the ground you know. :)

Shirley(NCC-1701) said...


Shirley(NCC-1701) said...


Shirley(NCC-1701) said...


Shirley(NCC-1701) said...


Shirley(NCC-1701) said...


Shirley(NCC-1701) said...


Shirley(NCC-1701) said...


Tina~in_ut said...


Shirley(NCC-1701) said...


Tina~in_ut said...


Tina~in_ut said...


Shirley(NCC-1701) said...


Tina~in_ut said...


Shirley(NCC-1701) said...


Tina~in_ut said...

is ur pencil out shirley?

Shirley(NCC-1701) said...

I might have known...Tina!

Shirley(NCC-1701) said...

Why do you have some place I can put it?!

Shirley(NCC-1701) said...

If my computer wasn't slower than shit I would have won that march!

Shirley(NCC-1701) said...

*sigh* Congrats on 100 Tina.

Tina~in_ut said...

you know....lately my shit has been fast~ you might want to have that looked at~ :)~

Shirley(NCC-1701) said...

That gives you the lead in that catagory with 25.

Shirley(NCC-1701) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tina~in_ut said...

lmbo Shirley~

kahonugrl said...

what MPH?

Just_Lin said...

I guess that was a shitty little march. LOL

Tinkatia said...

Where is everyone tonight?

Tinkatia said...

Is there a party somewhere that I am missing out on?

Tinkatia said...


Lynn D said...

This is for Carol. I sent you a gmail!

kahonugrl said...

Fine.... Don't send me one Lynn.

iteach said...

Hello everyone!

Tina, I have not watched that show, yet. I'm hoping to get more TV action this summer.

Lois Happy Birthday to you!!

We just had a wicked storm leave our way.

DeeDee congrats on first!