In celebration of our 100th blog, have a chuckle on these 40 quotes by you "The Night Owls" 20 quotes found by sacbarbAccording to Tina I am Strongly Obnoxious. Well people those are strong words from a woman who has such ugly feet! LynnD
it's a bright, clear & sunny 27 degree day here. Think I'll go out and smile at someone :o)) Bon'Oregon
I am confused- did you steal someones purse? Goldie
What a great and terrible thing it is to be a (hu)man! And we're all in this "thing" together. Whabbear
wouldn't it be great if men wore signs that informed us of their true nature? There'd be a hell of alot of bachelors around. Just_Lin
I better go too before the sun comes up and I turn to ashes! Zonababy
I used to have a cat that would answer the phone... I just wish she could of hung it up... ibebold
(Beans are a)Great protein source and fill you up, but watch out! Maybe that should be Butt watch out! Lynn D
Ok I did the dishes! Wiped the counters and put the coffee on. There is also hot water in the kettle for tea and cocoa. I feel like friggin' Owlerella! Lynn D
And for dessert....mole ass cookies, anyone? Just_Lin
it is very hard to keep birdee in her cage, I have tried however she is always hiring a locksmith! A cute one tho, a george clooney look a like!
I just put dinner in the oven.....their is an alarm going off upstairs....better go see what I'm burning down now~ :D tina
My greatest reward has been the hugs and the smiles and the god bless you's I get and they are always from the people who I really don't expect them from. Lynn D
I am often found talking to myself. Its when you answer that you have to worry. goldie
Hooters really does have great food!!! :-) when I was single - my friends and I would go there to watch sports, cuz HELLO, that is where the MEN were!! :-) MEK
Some of my best friends live in the gutter. iteach
I don't have a cell phone. I barely have a cordless phone. I am sooo tech challenged. Zonababy
Don't feel bad or think I am ignoring you if I don't answer... I probably am LOL!!!
I don't give up my Woodie,bob,Dick or Harry for anyone! Mary/MI
621 comments?!!? Good God - I'm not even going to try to catch up. DON'T YOU THINK THAT IS A BIT TEDIOUS?!!? LOL!! I luv it!! jodi
20 quotes found by just_linDam foad monster followed me here! He changed his outfit, but I recognized him!! ~Mary/MI
Oh and I was a pretty tight package in my twenties too Mary and did not realize it either. Unfortunately my bricks have not only shifted but all of the mortar is loose to. ~Lynn D
Condoms have saved many a pair of men's underwear from ruin. ~Whabbear
I feel that I need to clarify that the hot young thing who removed his underwear (purrrr) for me was not wearing the condom at the time! ~Goldie
Thought I'd been evicted from the nest for a minute. Can you say "Suicide Watch"?! ~Bon'Oregon
I can't iron or vacuum because I had a hysterectomy 10 years ago...I think you have to take it easy for awhile :) ~Dianne/Denver
I would love to entertain you tonight but I am once again flat on my back and coughing up a lung. I think I even saw one of my kidney's make an appearence. ~Lynn D
Interesting statement that you are flat on your back waiting for Mr D to bring you a Whopper...see what this group has turned me into!!! ~Dianne/Denver
I hope the guest blogger is not the one who likes to look at hineys. ~iteach
- after i got sick on screwdrivers - I couldn't even drink oj for a long time either - still can't drink vodka, just the smell makes me sick... but - I can get sick on rum over and over again - and I'm okay!! LOL ~MEK
Lynn D, no I don't believe it was the first time I was asked for a bj- just the first time someone slapped down money in front of me when requesting one!!!!!!! ~Goldie
Mo quit stocking the cupboards and sit down and shoot a flying maxi pad with us! ~Lynn D
I am NOT on viagara! ~Whabbear
Gotta go run and put in a load of laundry...brb...don't let me forget to put the clothes in. The day I burned the hard boiled eggs, I also washed two loads of WATER!!!! :)~ ~Tina_in_UT you have to have boobs to post here? Cuz I will be kicked out~ :)~ ~Tina_in_UT
a couple extra found by shirley1 "Holy craparoni! This was the longest journey to find a blog -- EVAH!" (first comment made) Maureen
2 "Ladies, I don't need a drink. I need a new bra." Iteach
3 "God I'm bitchy today." Lynn D
4 "that's it mek....we are changing your hair color~ :)~" Tina~in-ut
5 "Did I just see "Tina" & "virgin" in the same sentence?" Bon'Oregon
6 "Am I late for "roll call"? " Lovey
7 "Well kick me in the ass and call me surprised! I did it!" Seasidelady
8 "DANG! *shouting* "Hi! Billy Mays here for OxiClean" Does anybody else want to shoot their TV when they hear that? I think I just lost an eardrum!" Bon'Oregon
9 ""see a penney, pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck" Last time I tried that I fell in an ant bed, split my pants, and busted my brassiere." Delores
10 " Ok......just entertaining myself here!!! :D :D" Jodi
11 "Holy crap Batman - the nest has been invaded!!" Jodi
12 "Tina oops sorry about the diet pepsi use the maxi pad to sop it up! They make great mops.
" Lynn D
Special Thank You's Today
sacbarbjust_linshirleyExtra Special Thank You to
joey for thinking of the
quotes as a way to celebrate!
And our celebration would have not
been complete without our menu
many thanks to:
bon'oregonThere you have it, you all said it, even tho you might not
remember, its all here, so as we did yesterday
Go and enjoy your blog....And stuff your faces as
after today there is no more food!