
Wednesday, April 30, 2008



by Lynn D

I am calling this blog phobia because that is what I have when it comes to dentists. I am obsessing over this right now as you are reading this tale of woe. As I am either in the car or on my way to the oral surgeon or am right now in the chair as they prepare to dig out my last lone wisdom tooth and the one in front of it.

Let me say I come by this phobia in a true and honest manner. The first dentist I remember was when I was five. I don’t remember what was being done, (I think a filling as I have always had crappy teeth) but I do remember the dentist slapping me in the face. Seems very harsh to me as I am sure they were torturing me with drills and needles and all of their weapons of torture.

The second dentist was when I was a teen and get this, he did not believe in over using Novocain. What he really meant was he did not believe in using much if any. I had a crown on one tooth that kept popping off (he didn’t believe in using enough glue to bond either) and I would go in to have it fixed and he would yank and pull my gums back and push that damn crown back in place until my gums would bleed. Yep you guessed no Novocain.

There have been other nightmares over the years a root canal on an upper back tooth that by the time I got home my whole face on that side was so swollen that it was affecting the main nerve and it felt like a cattle prod was hitting me in the face. That one I had to go to the emergency room.

Now for today’s fresh torture, I have one wisdom tooth left in my head it is a lower back one. No dentist has wanted to touch it. I had one tell me they may have to break my jaw to get it out. The last oral surgeon that looked at it kept cautioning me about how close it is to the two main nerves in my face, well you get the picture. I did not walk from their offices I ran as fast as my damn legs would carry me.

I can’t put it off any longer. The stupid thing is on its side it never came in right and I can’t get a piece of floss back there to keep it clean. We have all known this was inevitable but went with the theory if it isn’t causing pain leave it alone. It is now just starting to cause pain and it has to go. It has even affected the tooth in front of it.

So I am having them out today. I don’t know what will happen and I am scared spit less. I have been in high anxiety since Sunday and it is escalating!!! I am no pain wimp I did natural childbirth and had no problems with that, but this is scaring the bejesus out of me!!

So say a prayer my Owls friends and any of you that are agnostic just send pain pills please!

What are your phobias??? I will try to read them if I make it home.



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MEK in AZ said...

Okay - I better go find something else to do while waiting


Bon'O said...

Hi Grandma Moses (Guess you told him!) & Goldie (Have you noticed? Men just don't 'do' pain very well...maybe 10 scoops of Baskin- Robbins?)!

Since last post I went out in the beautiful sunshine to take some flower pic's in the yard. Came back for a late lunch, and now have 1/2" of hail on the ground. WTC? Tomorrow is MAY, dang it!

MEK~~Thanks for the offer. If this weather doesn't straighten up, I'm there!

To-Do list beckons....bbl for IDOL Results. (Thanks again Joey)

MEK in AZ said...

Mr. MEK just got home and he's pacing around like he's been here ALL fricken day!!! HELLO!!!

Bono- come on down!!!

ibebold said...

Can anyone help me out!!?????

What day did Amicus post the link to the boy singing.. I can't find it... I have looked over three days of comments and can't find it...
Please help me... i would love to see it...
Thanks A bunch!!!

MEK in AZ said...

IBB - it was THIS morning!!! after I marched to 100 - I think

AND - drum roll -

the couch is HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!

did anyone think this would EVER end!!!??

I can answer that ---



MEK in AZ said...

IBB - it was posted at 12:15a.m.

or somewhere around there..

Get the kleenex!!!

Amicus said...

IBB: I posted it on today's blog at 12:15 PM. Hope you enjoy it too!

MEK: Congrats on the couch arrive! :)

iteach said...

Oh, Lynn I am so sorry about your phobias with dentists and I pray everything goes well today.

For whatever I like going to the dentist. I go every six months and I actually look forward to it.

However, I don't like snakes they make me cry. I can't even look at one.

iteach said...

Thank you Shirley, for saying it first.

I owe you one!

Sorry, ladies, cats scare the hell out of me too.

They look really cute from a distance and they look nice on calanders.

I don't know what it is ,but they scare me.

iteach said...

After thinking about I think I know why.

My parents did not like cats.

My mother is really allergic to them.

When she is near a cat both of her eyes turn blood shot red and they buldge out. Her nose turns red and face gets all splotchy.

So my dad would always keep cats away from my mom.

So I'm guessing that is probably why I'm scared of them.

Sorry ladies!

MEK in AZ said...

iteach - don't have to tell any of us you are SORRY - totally understand!!!


MEK in AZ said...

This IS funny - the MINUTE the truck left - the neighbor that put our name on all those calling lists called and asked WHAT DID YOU JUST GET??!! LOL


JoeyfromSC said...

LMAO@MEK! Nosey neighbors lol

I'm SO happy you got the couch!:)

Y'all have been having fun!


1 hour and 30 minutes until we find out if Brooke or Jason goes home! lol
Spoilers will be sent out promptly at 9:59 pm lol EST

JoeyfromSC said...

OH I meant to tell y'all!

I saw on our local news that a Chick-Fil-A opened in Roanoke, VA!(35 mins. from me) and people were CAMPED OUT OVERNIGHT to win free food for a year! lol

I think that is something I'd do! haha

Oh and I skimmed and saw "milk" "double D's" , and maybe "milking"! I'm scared! ROFLMAO

has to do with Jodi's ta-ta's certainly! They are the talk of the town;)hehe

grandma moses said...

mek, YAY So happy your couch arrived!!

bon'o, ya think? wink

Barbara_in_COviaWA said...

iteach......I'm so upset that you don't like my beautiful kitty cats....just kidding! I know there are many many people besides you and shirley who don't like or are afraid of kitties. In fact someone else here said the same thing but I can't remember who now. Since we are "confessing" I should probably come clean too. I'm scared of dogs. Mostly dogs I have never met. I try to be all brave and pet the doggies, but inside I'm waiting for the bite. I didn't want to say anything because of just staying at MEK's with her big doggies. But her doggies were the sweetest things ever! So don't worry MEK! Barney and Bailey were great! It's really all about the owners. If I trust the owners, then I trust the dogs. But I try so hard when a dog runs up to me to be brave. I watch their body language and assess them quickly to see if I need to be wary, or if they just want some lovin'. But inside I'm scared. I always think they sense it even though I control my voice. It's all because when I was a teen I was walking home and a dog snuck up behind me and bit me in the leg and ran off before I was even able to turn around and figure out what had happend. I had a huge bite that bruised the entire back of my leg. Now I'm not so scared that we didn't have a dog of our own for a while, and we always had dogs when I was growing up. I'm fine with my friends dogs, and I love Super Maddy the red toy poodle that we camp with once a year every summer. In fact my lap is one of her favorite spots when we sit at the campfire! It's just strange dogs. I get that feeling in my tummy like it could go bad at any second! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MEK~~ you're doggies did not scare me.

MEK in AZ said...

LOL, Barb in WA - before you came - I actually made the comment to Mr. MEK - I have NO idea how Barbara feels about dogs, but I'm sure if she is doesn't like dogs, she'll let me know!!!

You were GREAT with them... but I can confess - that dogs off a leash scare the HELL out of me - cuz noone knows HOW the animal will react!! SO - your phobia is well understood...

OKAY - the snake crap today MUST end - just now - our local weather guy will show pictures that people take - well - TONIGHT, was "The snakes are OUT" and they showed three different viewer photos of snakes on their property!!! Good Lord.........

We are enjoying our recliner love seat - my "girlfriend" mug is in the cupholder and all is right with the world..

Just waiting for Idol to come on..

MEK in AZ said...


ibebold said...

WOW... I just watched that video...Thank you so much Amicus... Glad I have a box of tissues next to my computer...

ibebold said...

thank you to MEK and BonO for their directions also!!!

scirish said...

Oh LynnD....You do have my sympathy!!! I too despise going to the dentist!! I shake, sweat and have a death grip on the armrest. Hope you made out ok today...

Dianne/Denver...I would be happy to post the WW crockpot recipe, but I'm not sure where the recipe page is?????

Tink...Your basement ceiling sounds like a joy to clean/paint...NOT!

Going to veg on the couch...I think I may have done a bit too much today..

Have a wonderful owl evening everyone!

ibebold said...

AWWWWW joey thank you... just read down far enough... never meant to leave you out...
he is awesome.. I will watch that again and again!!!

ibebold said...

IDOL in 11 minutes!!!!

ibebold said...

Hey Joey-- we are getting a Chick-fil-a .. here real soon... so what is this about winning free food for a year!!???

Jodi said...

JOEY - Yes, it was me and the girls. So happy that they are the subject of conversation!!! Hey, if ya still got it.....flaunt it I say!!! Can't wait for your email as always!!!

GOLDIE - I hope MR. GOLDIE gets back in shape soon. Nothing worse than a bad back. But I think you make a very cute nurse!!! :P

MEK - So happy that the couch has arrived!!! The perfect place to watch AI tonight!!! And lmfao @ your girlfriend cup!!! :P

MEK in AZ said...

jodi - Seriously, Barb in WA bought me a "Girlfriend Glass Mug" it is beautiful and i was really excited that it fits in the cupholder!! :-)

IBB - I told you to have kleenex

AND - the National News just showed a Women's Softball game that a gal hit a three run home run, but broke her leg and couldn't run the bases - and since rules do not allow her fellow team members to help her - two members of the OTHER team -picked her up and carried her around the bases and that homerun won the game for the other team - I CRIED hearing that story - WHAT AWESOME (AMAZING) sportsmanship on that other team!!!

Jodi said...

MEK!!! Go check your page!!!

Jodi said...

230!!! said...

Congrats on First!

Lynn D:
Thank you so very much for writing todays blog. I hope the pain has lightened a little. My thoughts were with you this morning...

So very glad you shared, and you could never me kicked out of the nest! You always serve delish meals! :O) said...

You got your couch!

♪♪ Happy Dance ♪♪
♪♪ Happy Dance ♪♪

So very happy for you, now sit in it and relax

:O) said...

Sorry that should be:

"never be kicked" said...

I have to call my cousin, she is in a funk!

I will be back...

Jodi said...


Jodi said...

Good night HOoters!!!

ibebold said...

Good night Jodi!!!!
Sweet dreams!!!!!!!!!

Bon'O said...

One hour to IDOL results, here. After finding them all a bit disappointing last night, especially compared to the Brit video today, I can't get too excited other than to see if Paula is pulled-together yet.

The story you saw on the national news, MEK, gets even better. Google Central Washington offers the ultimate act of sportsmanship for a full ESPN article. The injured gal is a 5' 2" senior at Western Oregon who had NEVER hit a home run. The other team (playing at home), who carried her around the bases, was their arch-rival Central Washington.

goldie said...

Thanks for the nice get well wishes for Mr. Goldie. He is about the most fit person I know, and incredibly athletic (opposites attract) so his being down and out is KILLING me,- I mean him!
He teaches hand to hand combat and self defense, but I could whoop him with one hand right now.

Idol over, not surprised at the results.

goldie said...

bon bon- I just googled the story. What a fantastic act of sportsmanship! I can only imagine how proud those parents and coaches must be of those young ladies.

East Bay J said...

Hi everyone!

MEK glad your couch finally arrived! Yipee!!

Shirley, I'm a total cat lover but it doesn't bother me at all when I meet someone who isn't. Glad you could share with us!

My mom and dad are not cat lovers either, but they do like my Paula, and other kitties I've had in the past. I do not think they would ever own one, tho. They just tolerate mine!

I am really afraid of snakes. One time I was camping with a boyfriend, and I woke up to a very long whitish snake who was coiled up near my head (we were sleeping outside in sleeping bags). It was one of the most frightening moments of my life!

When I worked at the vet clinic I would always leave the room when someone came in carrying a pillowcase. One of the vets saw exotics and one of his favorites were snakes.

I am also afraid of heights. Last time we were in Hawaii, we stayed at a hotel and were on the 20-something floor. Great view but I didn't go out onto the patio to look!

OK I am going to finish reading, and watch the video that Amicus posted.

Shirley(NCC-1701) said...

Before I go off to bed I just wanted to thank you all for your understanding today. I know it must be difficult to understand how someone could not like what you obviously love so much.

Mek I am glad you finally got your couch. Enjoy it!

Lynn D I hope the pain goes away quickly. Thanks for the blog today.

Tina I hope you feel better soon.

VIG I'm sorry you and Tinka aren't going to be able to meet.

Tinka feel better soon.

Whabbear I hope your feeling better.

Good-night everyone!

Birdee said...

Just stopping in to say Good Night to all of you.
Looks kind of quiet right now.

I hope those of you that aren't feeling well, will have a better tomorrow! ((((HUGS)))

Shirley, I'm a cat lover, and I love you too!

Mo!! Get your arse back to us soon! We miss you!

Carol, were you a little nervous to answer phone's today? LOL

Zona, Thanks sweetie. I think you're a gem too!

Mek!!! you still sitting on that new couch?!

Amicus and Joey, Love the video's you shared.

Have a good night ALL!!

Birdee said...

Oh!!!! Tina!!! Miss you too!!
Hope you're doing ok!?


ibebold said...

Night birdee... miss you in the nest... You always crack me up... And what a great prank on CPGEM...

MEK in AZ said...

I would like to thank everyone who humored me and read thru my couch saga!!

I'm sure that we are ALL excited that it is OVER!!

I hope everyone had an excellent day!!

sacBarb said...

MEK: I'm glad your couch arrived and your girlfriend cup fits in the cup holder. Enjoy

sacBarb said...

Joey: Thanks for the MS message

sacBarb said...

Where is everyone????

sacBarb said...

I suppose the west coast is watching Idol

sacBarb said...

Oh that was 250 for me

Want2Sleep said...

I'm afraid of clowns, oh, and nuns in the dark.

Want2Sleep said...

Hi everyone, hope you're all having a nice night.

whabbear said...

Thanks, Shirley, and everybody who wished me well today! I have no pain right now, just about three weeks of careful attention to keep the area moist and covered.

You guys are awesome!

Sleep: Nuns in dark places? ROFLMAO!

Want2Sleep said...

Good luck Bear Buddy, take care of the ear.

JoeyfromSC said...

Good morning! Thanks to the people who are marching to 20,000 views over on my myspace page;)hehe

FUN! said...

nuns in the

JoeyfromSC said...

Morning Carol! OMG they're cracking me up on my comments section! Go peep it on myspace!

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