
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Crazy Lady!!

crazy day @ work yesterday
multitasking, delegating all day
it never stopped
i tried to stay in control

no way, i lost it, crazy me

the room cleared, and it
was just me, this crazy lady

owning a business
can be very stressful

does anyone
ever listen
can i be in
all places
at all times

as others might think at work
i do not have 20 fingers
and 20 toes, and eyes in
the back of my head
i am here to tell them i do not

it will never get
easier, i know this
it is what i signed up
for, i have the corporation
papers to prove it

my business
my baby

would i change it?
absolutely not

will i still complain?
each and every day

i am me, i can't be another!


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kahonugrl said...

way to go babs

Just_Lin said...

Barbwa Good march!! Sorry I just missed it.

Just_Lin said...

Maureen Sweet little piggy dreams to you.

kahonugrl said...

sweet dreams as you moi moi BEEOTCHO!!!!

kahonugrl said...

waves back to Amicus, shout out gretings to Whab, J/lin, abd barb/wa

Just_Lin said...

Turtle How are you tonight?

kahonugrl said...

I am good, tired but good. How is the puss?

MEK in AZ said...

Barbara - great march - shouldn't you be doing something else??!!
LOL!! you know - like watching Idol!!!

Just_Lin said...

For a minute there......oh, never mind. My cat seems to be doing pretty well. He gets an ultrasound tomorrow afternoon.

Mary/MI said...

Here I am all dressed up and ready to PARTY!!! I think we should all bring a guest. I am waiting for Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom.

Did someone say that clothing was optional? Never mind the tassles I will have my guests hold up my ta tas for me LOL!!

Dianne/Denver said...

It is snowing hard here and 30 degrees. I hope I can get out for the party tomorrow..I have 4 wheel so it will be okay.

I am so glad you all are happy about the Bronco tassels MEK...You guessed the second blue and one orange!! If we all get together and twirl really good and stay together we could tape it and maybe be asked to be a half time performance this fall!! TINK; I too am excited to watch Joey and Bear twirl!! Heck...maybe even on America's Got Talent this summer. The possibilities are endless.

TINA: You are bringing Utah green jello? What the heck is so yummy about green jello?

TINK: I thought you were still 39 until next week? I am getting confused.

I can hardly wait for the party (s) in the next two days. MrD is out of town until Friday night so perfect curfew!!

Mary/MI said...

And yes it takes 2 men to hold them up LOL!

Just_Lin said...

Mary/Mi LOL that your guests will hold up your tas tas for you. I guess they're really close friends. How about helium balloons attached to the tassles?

Just_Lin said...

Dianne Exactly where will the tassles be located on Joey and Whabbear?

Dianne/Denver said...

J/L; that you mention it...I can see our salary for the Talent Show and the half time entertainment going up as you speak. This could be quite a show. I wonder if they could twirl them in different directions at the same time. Maybe all the NFL teams will hire us...I doubt the Raiders can afford us!

Mary/MI said...

JustLynn~ I'm not touching that with a ten ft.pole LOL!!!

Dianne/Denver said...

MARY/MI: Are you getting a visual from JustLin?

MEK in AZ said...

Dianne - did you get us cheerleader shorts to go with the tassles. glad mr. d is out of town - my company will be here JUST in time for the party!!!

LOL - Just Lin - ten foot pole!!

mary - howdy!!

and, I must say - even though I had a spoiler - I shed tears when one of these kids get sent home!!

I need to go to bed early tonight.. have to look good in my fancy party clothes!! :-)

Good night, everybody!!!

hope everyone has an excellent 100 blog day!!!

Just_Lin said...

Dianne and Mary Us ladies could be a drill team with Joey and Bear bringing up the rear, so to speak. Bwahahahaha

Just_Lin said...

MEK Night, night. Get your beauty sleep.

Mary/MI said...

JustLynn, now would you rather have balloons hold your ta tas ? Not me no sir-e-e -e.

Bon'O said...

Whew...after spending the day in the Owls' Nest Pressroom, just finished watching IDOL and the Clinton/Obama Debate on split screen. Now I'm REALLY exhausted!

Even though I had a spoiler, IDOL Result shows are getting too emotional for this soft-hearted mama. Proud of my homey-girl. Loved the delivery on her parting song tonight.

And, what an EXCELLENT debate. Finally getting down to the specific plans and the REALLY hard questions.

Thanks for such an entertaining day, guys 'n' gals. Can't wait for morning. East Coasters, please don't tear each others' tassles off before we Westies show up to take pictures, OK? PAR*TAY!!!!!

Just_Lin said...

Mary You have a point there (actually two). I think these guys might be in the way when it's time for naked Twister.

Mary/MI said...

MEK! Sweet dreams to a sweet softy lady. ( I cried too)

JustLynn~ I am getting a weird visual thanks to you LOL!

Just_Lin said...

Okay, here I am. Ready for the party.

Mary/MI said...

Night Bono ~I guess we are all a bunch of softies. I wouldn't have it any other way! :+)

Just_Lin said...

BonO See you tomorrow.

Mary/MI said...

justlynn, I love it! tassels and all!!

Just_Lin said...

Mary Now in real life, when I bend over like that, my boobs would be hanging as low as these tassles. LOL

Mary/MI said...

Justlynn~ I found the pic on photo bucket. How did you move it here?

Just_Lin said...

Mary I clicked on it, then once it was larger, I right clicked it and saved it to my computer.

Mary/MI said...

The "saved it to my computer" is where I get lost. Do you mean to your photo gallery?

Just_Lin said...

On mine, I save it to documents and it automatically goes to the "photos" section of my documents. I know nothing about computers but this is how it works for me. Then when I go to edit my avatar, when I click on "browse" my photos come up automatically and I choose one.

Just_Lin said...

I don't have a digital camera so I don't have a bunch of photos stored anywhere else on my computer.

Dianne/Denver said...

MEK: I can't afford the cheerleading outfits too...only tassels. JUSTLIN: Let's bring our batons too!

Mary/MI said...

Let's see if it worked

Mary/MI said...

woah, thanks Justlynn!!

Mary/MI said...

Justlynn, I don't alway use my camera. I use my printer/scanner and send that way.

Dianne/Denver said...

J/L: I don't know how you found my old photograph but I hope you don't mind if I use it for my party clothes.. I love my orange tassels...I am ready to party----

Dianne/Denver said...

JustLin and Mary: I didn't realize you both had such long flowing locks. You are two pretty sexy chicks. J/L: did you wear this outfit for Custard?

Dianne/Denver said...'s one minute after midnight...time to start the party but I want a small nap before the fun begins....Can I get one of you two that are left on here to wake me if something happens that shouldn't be missed?

Mary/MI said...

Diane LOL! I saw that in photo bucket and almost used it. Too bad the tassels aren't rotating heh heh!

Dianne/Denver said...

mary: They were rotating when J/L sent them to me...but they must have slowed down for now

Dianne/Denver said...

Hey, someone mentioned a theme song for our party...How about "We Are Family"....mmmmy sisters and me!!

Mary/MI said...

Diane. It's after 2am here. I will be taking a nap too. Maybe Tina can wake us up. I hear she has a "ahem" throaty alarm LOL!

Mary/MI said...

Diane, that's a great idea! I have that on my Karaoke. I will leave it setup for whoever shows up.

Just_Lin said...

Hello again. I like your avatars, ladies. I need to rest up for the festivities tomorrow. See you then. Don't get your tassles tangled. :)

Just_Lin said...

450 :)

Mary/MI said...

Goodnight Justlynn I'm goint to bed too. Thanks for your experteeez!!

Just_Lin said...

Mary I see you have red tassles. Very festive!

Good night for real.

Dianne/Denver said...

J/L: Mary's tassles are not red...they are orange!!!

also.....too bad I have been spelling tassles wrong all night, duh...where were the spelling police?

Dianne/Denver said...

Night we practice in our sleep...We Are Family.....singing, kicking and twirling...all at the same time!!

Mary/MI said...

Diane. I had spell check correct me. I was confused as I was given both spellings in different places, go figure!

Mary/MI said...

G-NIGHT!! for real lol!

Dianne/Denver said...

Mary: Now I checked spell check and it is also showing me tassels. I went on google and there was both....guess it is like Mek said desert/dessert...

Tina~in_ut said...

OMG......nasty Ho's in this place! Where are my tassels/tassles? I want brown ones! :)~

Jodi said...

Good morning HOoters!!!

Luvin' everyone's tassles!!! And pic is sexy as hell!!! I especially love the yellow skin and orange tassles. :P

TURTLE - Bring on the Sex on the Beach shots!!! Boy, it's been a long time. Good thing I have Friday off!!

TINA - Are you bringing the hard boiled eggs?!!?

Jodi said...

Gotta go get ready for work. Just wanted to wish everyone a happy THONG THURSDAY......although maybe we should rename it TASSLE THURSDAY for the party!!!

HAPPY 100TH BLOG CAROL!!! Luv're the best!! :)

Jodi said...


Jodi said...

left, left, left, right, left!!!

Jodi said...

left, left, left, right, left!!!

Jodi said...


Jodi said...

left, left, left, right, left!!!

Jodi said...

left, left, left, right, left!!!

Jodi said...

left, left, left, right, left!!!

Jodi said...

left, left, left, right, left!!!

Jodi said...


Jodi said...

I couldn't leave when I was so close to a march!!! LOL!!

Maureen said...

PARTYYYYYYYYY!! Happy 100th Blog!!

Have a great day!

whabbear said...

I'm all dressed up and ready to twirl!!! Joey, how about you?


Oh. Wait. I don't like parties. I gave up alcohol years ago, and marijuana is against the law.

NOT, NOT, and who gives a f**k !!


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