
Sunday, March 7, 2010

~ Need You Now ~

by Tina~in_ut

About the time I stopped listening to country music, the group Lady Antebellum was just becoming popular. I wasn't a fan of their music. They won awards and were the talk of the country music scene. I didn't get it and soon forgot them in my "pop" world. Well now I get to hear them on all of the radio stations I listen to because they have crossed over to the pop stations. I love this song. It reminds me of my first boyfriend. 6 months after we broke up, after going out for 4 years, I called him late one night after coming home from a date. I new the guy I was seeing wasn't the one and I was just down. I laugh now and wish I had never made that call, but I did. I probably made a fool of myself, but I also felt better afterwards. And.......6 months after that, I started dating the hubby! I always think of it as the night I finally cleared my head and decided I didn't want to date anyone else except the guy I was going to marry. lol......I would I know, huh? But that's how it all worked out~ Have you ever made that phone call that you just knew you shouldn't have?


Shirley(NCC-1701) said...

WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO! I'm 1st!!!!! Whose the prettiest now?!!!! Oh ya baby!!!!!!! I'm 1st!! I'm 1st!!! I'm 1st!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh hi!

Shirley(NCC-1701) said...

Nice song Tina, but I can't say that I have ever made any of those calls...I have never been in a relationship. Either that makes me lucky or the male population of the world. lol.

Maureen said...

SHIRLEY...were your first? LOL!! ANd yes, you're the prettiest!

Maureen said...

TINA...I don't recall ever making one of "those" phone calls, but I carried out a long distance relationship way too long even though I knew it was time to move on.

SHIRLEY...are you actually off today?

We have had sunshine for 3 days now!

Shirley(NCC-1701) said...

Breakfast is served!!!

Toast (white, WW, Raisin, Brown)
Jams, Jellies, Marmalade, PB
Fresh fruit
Eggs any style
Bacon (crisp & extra crispy)
Pancakes (gingerbread,plain, BB)
Maple Syrup
Whipped cream
Crepes (strawberry, apple, peach)
Cereal (hot or cold)
Ham slices
Assorted muffins
Assorted danish
Assorted donuts
Coffee, tea
Assorted pop/soda
Slim Fast


Shirley(NCC-1701) said...

Maureen I am "off" from the office, but I do income taxes from my home (only charge $30) for a little added cash.

However I have a mountain of dishes to wash, laundry to do, bathroom to clean, vaccuuming and mopping to finish before the day is done. Sometime in between all that I want to relax before the work week starts all over again.

Maureen said...

SHIRLEY...YIKES! YOu have a lot to today. Sit back, enjoy your breakfast (i know I will!!) and take the day slow. If you lived closer I would come and help you.

Shirley(NCC-1701) said...

Thanks Mo! Maybe DeeDee could bring you over on her jet?

Maureen said...

SHIRLEY...pretty confident that that ain't gonna happen! Sorry kid, looks like you are on your own!

Maureen said...

DIANNE...I just looked at your cruise pics! BEAUTIFUL! You and Mr. Dianne looked fabulous! I liked the towel animals, the view from your veranda and of course the steak samdwich!!

Maureen said...

Oh, and why wasn't there a towel owl????????????

Maureen said...

Done being a blog hog...for now!

See y'all later

Lynn D said...

Morning Glories!

Wohooo! Shirley you so beautiful you make need sunglasses!

Never made the last call. Well except in a bar. I have had so few break ups in my life that it really does not matter now.

Need to hop in the shower and run errands then I will be buried in paper work inbetween looking for gold. :)

Have a great day everyone!

Grabbing some hashbrowns and sausage on the way out! Thanx Shirley!

Zona said...


TINA: Oh yeah..I've made that call. It ended up restarting a relationship that was no good to begin with and that we would have been better off leaving alone. A couple months later it ended again..and it wasn't long after that that he made that call. But we both knew better by then, and closed the door for good. I haven't thought about that for years..funny how just the right song can bring back such a flood of memories.

SHIRLEY: Congrats on FIRST and prettiest Sunshine! I hope you've been able to take a break from all that you had to do today and relax a little. I'll be grabbing some orange juice..thank you!

MO: And we have rain!! LOL!!

LYNN: Gold fever has's almost evil isn't it?? ;)

From 51:

BARB & DIANNE: I've decided that if this coughing hasn't stopped by Wed I'm going into the doctor. Well, actually Mr Z has decided. ;)

As I said above it is rainy and cold here today..I'm going to make a big pot of chicken soup. My mom swore it could fix whatever ails you..I hope so! :)

Have a great Sunday everyone!

Just_Lin said...

Hi, HOoters!

Shirley Love seeing your sunshine in the nest. Thanks for breakfast, too. I had two eggs over medium, pancakes and BACON! Yum!

Tina I'm sure I've done it but I can't remember it because it is such ancient history. I have been the one to email again first when it comes to Custard, although last time it was him. We are still trying to find a way to make that relationship work. Time will tell, I guess.

Zona I'm thinking maybe you've been coughing for too long already. Why wait until Wednesday?

MO You are never a blog hog.....well, you are a piggy, but you know what I mean. :)

LynnD Looking for gold? Is that another game on FB? I am such a sucker for games. If I started, I wouldn't get anything else done.

Jodi said...

TINA - I had no idea who this was until they started playing the song on my Top 40 station. Can't say that I ever made that call.

SHIRLEY - Congrats on first....and I love having breakfast for supper!! You are super busy right now (which I'm sure is good for your pocketbook), but please take some YOU time, too!!!

MOHO - Great to see you today!!

LYNN - Great to talk to you yesterday!! I'm sure your well wishes are what made all the difference for Sam!! Muah!!

ZONA - Soup sounds great!! But why wait til Wednesday?!!? SWAK!!

SLIN - Sending "Super Grandma" hugs!!!

Jodi said...

Just got back a bit ago from watching my cousin's son play hockey. Nothing cuter than a bunch of 4 year olds on the ice!! Bonus: Jessie Vetter (one of the goalies from the USA Women's Hockey team) was at the arena!!! So cute and gracious. She stood for a long time taking pics with people and showing off her Silver Medal!!

I hope everyone has a great Sunday night. I've got the soda and popcorn ready.....OSCAR night!!!

Just_Lin said...

Jodi Thanks for the hugs! Son and kids are having pizz with friends tonight so I'm all by my lonesome. Yay! LOL

I used to LOVE watching the Oscars. Still like it but I haven't seen so many of the movies that it's hard to care what happens. Plus, I want to watch the Amazing Race at 8 and catch up on Damages at 10. I guess I'll catch what I can of the Oscars in between.

Just_Lin said...

Don't get me wrong, I really do love my family.

Just_Lin said...


Just_Lin said...


Just_Lin said...


Bebbilane said...

Congrats Shirley on first! :)
AND, super yummy breakfast! Thanks for the Slim Fast, I really enjoyed it.

Tina: I haven't watched the video yet or read the blog. I had a super busy day and just sat down for the first time at the computer.

Just_Lin said...


Bebbilane said...

oops...J/L..I got 25..LOL. That was a weird coincidence.

Bebbilane said...

J/L: Glad to hear you are getting some much needed alone time. :) Did you mean Pizza?

Just_Lin said...

Bebbi!!! You swooped in and stole 25 right out from under me! Congrats!

Bebbilane said...

I swear I didn't mean to. It made me laugh though when I realized what happened.

Just_Lin said...

Yes, I did! LOL See how worn out I am? I don't even have the strength to finish my wor...

Just_Lin said...

I have to go figure out something to make myself for dinner. bbl

Bebbilane said...

J/L: I hope you find something good for dinner. I had sweet potato fries and veggies and it was delicious. I do that when I am tired, I leave off the last letter of words.

Maureen said...

Good evening feathered friends!

Hope you all had a great Sunday.

Just chilling and watching the Acadamy Awards. So far, so good! Well, except for Miley Cyrus' dress, hair and make-up!!!

I haven't seen her yet, but I heard that Mariah Carey has her boobies covered!! FINALLY!!

Mary/MI said...

Good evening hooters!

Shirley, you are the fairest of the land :)!
It was wonderful seeing your breakfast buffet again! You rock!

Tina,I am sure I made a few "bad calls" lol!
The worst was when I called my ex and told him to pick me up from my sister's where I had been hiding from him. He showed up, grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to the car! I left later and never made that mistake again!

I ,met my "Mr Right" a couple months later.

Zona, get thee to the Dr! We don't want your tombstone to say "she waited until Wednesday"

Jodi, what a treat to have an Olympian there! The picture was priceless!

Waving at Justlin, Bebbi,MO,& LynnD! said...


Happy 1.. and yes you are def the prettiest of them all..

YAY for you!


Mary/MI said...

Carol!! MUAH! Have I ever told you that I love you and this blog :)! said...


When I first heard this song, I could not place the artist at all, I had no idea it was country musician. So I looked it up on Google and to my surprise it was. I went out and
bought the cd the following day and its been playing in my car ever since. This is song is great and so are the other songs on the album..

I myself have never actually made the call, however I thought about many times.. said...

Well.. Mary, I am not sure, but it is awfully good to hear it now.. :O)

and right back attcha!

♥♥♥ said...


Yesterdays blog.. I think its awful for a teacher to do that. If it was my child I be in that school screaming my head off in a milasecond! And I so agree.. I want Jennifer as a teacher.. she is the bestest!

Thanks for writing the blog and sending it off to me.. I appreciate it so.. said...

I have had a non stop weekend, All I remember is leaving work on Friday, and now its Sunday nite.. I hate non stop weekends, it almost feels like you have worked.. I like those lazy, eat your heart out on the couch kinda weekends.. Hopefully I can have one of those soon.. said...

I watched most of the Awards tonite, I did not see any of the movies tho, so I could not really put my two cents in, but from what I saw, I was happy with the winners..

It certainly and will always be star studded.. all the dressing up.. I can never even imagine having to get so dressed up like that, and those shoes they wear.. mine would be off in a minute..

And may I say.. WTF did Sarah Jessica Parker have in the back of her head.. It look liked a birds nest, one that has seen its days! said...


Miley looked awful, so skinny with no charm at all.. actually to skinny.. did not like the dress at all.. she should have chosen better.. god only knows she must have dresses coming out of her arse...

Maureen said...

CAROL...OMG...I said the exact same thing about SJP's hair!

I loved the speech by the winner of Best Actress...awesome! A

And the Best Actor winner's speech was great, also.

Maureen said...

CAROL...Miley forgets she is a teenager...not a 40 year old woman. And the slocuhing...STAND UP STRAIGHT!!! said...


You made breakfast and I missed it :(

But the good news is, its 12:17AM which means its a new morning, so I can eat it now. It will be cold, but what the heck, I am hungry!


Maureen said...

I wonder why Farrah Fawcett wasn't part of the In Memoriam segment tonight. said...


I know what is up with the slouching, stand up straight damn it..

I can't wait to watch the E show that does the best and worst dressed.. I should be on tomorrow.. said...


Hmmm.. I had forgotten all about her, maybe because she was more of a TV person, she would probably be on Academy Awards.. said...


Time always tells.. if it will be it shall be.. hang in there..

bonachichi said...

Sorry I wasn't around today. I had a confrontation with a van whilst walking in a parking lot. Hope everyone had a great day! I'm off to la-la land. said...


Sorry about the confrontation.. sooo you were walking and the van hit you?


Are you ok? you can answer this tomorrow.. get some rest... said...

I am off to bed..

See ya all tomorrow..

I hope by this time SJP, took that birds nest off her head cause if not, she is reliving the movie "The Birds"


sacBarb said...

The Academy awards are over here and I'm watching Barbara Walters interviews.

I am very happy about the best actress award. I love her. I am also happy about the best director award although I didn't see the movie. Several of my friends saw it and loved it and I intend to see it.

Was that cryptic enough?

sacBarb said...

Tina, I love this song. I have never made this call. I got married 3 weeks after I turned 18, so I haven't had that many relationships, and only the one was serious.

sacBarb said...

Zona, WEDNESDAY?????? sheesh!

Mo, I immediately thought the same thing about Miley's dress and her slouching.

I also wondered about Farrah. She was known more for TV, but she did make a movie or two. And, they barely showed Patrick Swayze.

sacBarb said...

Sandra Bullock's dress was beautiful and I also liked Queen Latifah's dress. They both looked elegant.

But, I think it was Charleze Theron's dress that had those circles of fabric around her boobs was a definite DON'T in my opinion. Can't wait to hear what Joan Rivers says about that.

sacBarb said...

Shirley, WoooooHoooo for you miss sunshine. I missed breakfast, but maybe I can heat something in the microwave for a late night snack.

Tina~in_ut said...

I've been so busy today.....looking for gold~ :)~ Not really.....ran the kids around, gross-ry shopping, and went to the movies! Thanks for all the comments today~

DeeDee~ If I promise to write about the Yamaha piano, will you post? :D

Shirley~ Congrats on prettiest~

Mo~ Farrah Fawcett was only on tv~ Di made it a point to tell me that she did The Burning Bed, but I had to throw that back in her face and tell her that although a fabu movie, it was a made for tv movie~

Di~ how are your abortionists doing? :)~

Bonchichi~ I'm sure you won over the van~

Zona~ Chicken soup gives me gas~ ....but only on Wednesdays~

Tina~in_ut said...

Oh....and did anyone see at the very end of the Oscars, when Steve Martin was saying those nice things about Alec Baldwin and Kathryn Bigelow was standing in between them....Alec smacked Kathryn on the butt! So funny~

Zona said...

I'm being a real Night Owl..hoothoot..or is it hoooohoooo..?? :D

I wanted to explain why I'm waiting til Wednesday to go to the doctor. I'm on a second course of antibiotics and I want to give them a chance to work first. My last dose will be Tuesday morning. But if I have to go..I will. I am feeling a little better though.

MARY..we already have my epitaph picked's going to say "I can finally stop worrying!" ;)

BONACHI: Uh oh..that doesn't sound good..what happened?

SACBARB: I didn't watch the did Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin do as hosts?

One more gold check..and I'm off to bed! G'night everyone!

Tina~in_ut said... Barbra Streisand pregnant?

Zona said...

TINA: Why only on Wednesdays?

Zona said...

Oh..wait..I think I get it.. :D

Dianne/Denver said...

TINA: I love these songs from this group. Why are you listening to country anymore....not even that noisy Sugarland?

I am sure I have made a phone call like this in my life but nothing is coming to mind. I remember a guy I kind of liked off and on making these calls to me...and me always falling for it, so does that count?

ZONA: Doesn't pulling weeds always make you sick every year? Seems like I remember that and no chicken soup will take care of weeds even on Wednesday.

SHIRLEY: Thank you for the breakfast and the yummy pancakes. I have been starving for them and I just heated up a batch and they are still yummy. You know I love your sun and glad you are able to get some work and money to store up but get some rest too. How is mum?

Hi to everyone but too late to mention is 4:08AM here. But Bono, hope you are okay. You should maybe tell us more that the fact that you got hit by a fan and good night......!!!!!

Ok night but I will probably have to march to 69 just cause'

Dianne/Denver said...


Dianne/Denver said...


Dianne/Denver said...


Dianne/Denver said...


Dianne/Denver said...

Well, that was pretty easy at this time of night./ I think I will save it for a different time and when I am not so all alone on here and in my house.

JODI: You should do a blog on your nephew and your video for everyone to see. ....just sayin'

Maureen said...

TINA...from IMDB regarding Farrah...

although best known for her TV work in shows like "Charlie's Angels" - also starred in such films in "Dr. T and the Women," "Cannonball Run" and "The Apostle" and was nominated for a Golden Globe for her performance in 1986's "Extremities," was absent from the montage.

She did make some movies.

BARB...I agree about Queen Latifah and also about Charlize Theron...what the hell was that with the circles around the boobies!