This Night Owl Blog has given so much! It is a fun place, we don't bash and we have fun being "tedious"! We offer advice, give love, lots of free food and an open forum which can be about anything that is important, thought provoking or just plain silly. And sometimes we just March (some to different drummers, but all together). :) It is not about a single person, it is about all the people on any given day blended together.....Goldie!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
~ Angels & Demons ~
Angels & Demons is a fantastic movie and I want to see it again. Maybe I'm biased. I'm Catholic AND the movie takes place in my favorite cities, Rome and Vatican City. There is just something about it.....when you've been to almost every place shown in the movie, it comes to life for you. Both my husband and I were whispering with excitement throughout the movie about the different places we have seen in real life. I was shaking my head when the main characters walk into the Pantheon and there is hardly anyone there.....NOT!!!! That place is always packed and it's hard to move around!
I realize that most of the movie is filmed on a sound stage using green screens, but it's still fun to see all the different places. Even when they are racing down to St. Peter's tomb, it looks so realistic. They were not permitted to film in any churches, so the fact that they were able to re-create everything is amazing. The Cardinals really look like they are standing in the Sistine Chapel.
The other thing I love about the movie is the co-mingling of Religion and Science. The movie begins with a priest at Cern working on an experiment. The argument for and against the combining of the two is heard throughout. It reminded me of my blog with Bear. I even thought of him during the show~
I would highly recommend seeing this movie, but if not, at least read the book. For more fun facts click here~
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Ha I did not have the Shortcake so I am moving fast this morning!
Morning Glories!
Tina I would bet it is different watching Angels and Demons if you had been to the different sites. Alas I have never been to Italy so the movie was not as entertaining for me.
Will be back after a hit of cawffee
Good Morning Lynn. Congrats on first.
I am up early because I have to take the doggies to the kennel this afternoon and I want this to be a really good day for them.
I will come back and read the blog after our breakfast.
I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day.
Good Morning Tinka! I hope the babies get settled quickly for you, because I know it is hard for you to leave them there. See you in a bit.
Good Morning Hooters!
Congrats on 1st lynn! Morning Tink.
Hope everyone had a great weekend and lots of fun at the party on Friday!
Will watch the vid later tina~, but sure it is good.
Love the long weekends, hate the catch-up. BBL
Goldie - Good Morning. I am happy you had a good weekend. It's hard getting back to normal isn't it?
Tina - Loved your blog. I can't wait to see it.
This is my last time on the blog until June 4th. I have so much to do today. Have fun everyone. Please excuse the long march I am going to make.
Good Morning OWLETTES!!!!!
LynnD.. Congrats on 1st...
Morning to... LynnD, Tinka and Goldie..
Hope everyone had agreat weekend... I had an O.K. one... got to spend the only day off this year with mr. IBB with his fricken sister... I got tricked into it.. I was not a happy camper...
But survived the day.. and so did she...
Goldie.. glad you had a good weeeknd with the Family...
Tinka Safe travels..
LynnD.. LOl @ being fast because you didn't have the shortcake...
Guess I will have to say that is why i am slow today because I had Cheesecake!!!
Hope everyone has a great day!!!
Good morning Tinkatia, LynnD, Goldie and Tina. I liked your blog, Tina. There was quite an upset by the Vatican over the movie.
Tinkatia, happy travels!
Hope everyone is healthy and happy!
Sorry I missed you, IBB. Mornin' to you, too!
Can someone help me out to Carol's feast? I thought maybe it was on her myspace page, but I can't get to it. A friend request tells me my email address is wrong. Dang. Been using the wrong e-mail address all this time!
Any help would be appreciated!
Mornin' Everyone!
TINA: Finally!! The trailor looks excellent..and since it kinda sorta seems like you liked the movie a bit, Mr. Z is gonna have to wait on 'Transformers' so we can see 'Angels & Demons' first! Oh, darn. ;)
Loved your review and thoughts on the movie TINA..thank you!
BONUS..Ewan McGregor...purrrrr..;)
LYNND: Congrats on FIRST!! Going to the PO today I hope! ;)
TINKA: Take lots of pics, relax and have fun. Tango and Tia will be well looked after. I'll miss you you! :)
GOLDIE!! Good to see you! I'll go turn that light out now.. :)
IBB: When will SILs learn to stay home..ijs..LOL It just occured to me that mine could be thinking the same about me when I get dragged to their houses. ;)
BONACCI: I can't help you with seeing the video..but I can wave Hello! :)
Tinka I hope you have a fabulous trip!
IBB I now know it is dessert slowing me down! LOL So glad you and the Sis in law survived! LOL
Zona I did some of my chores on line! What a novel concept! :)
Waving at goldie and bonacci!
Want to send a shout out to Just Lin for always picking the best comments for the front page!
OK, Tina, now I have to read the books! I'd like to do that before seeing the film.
Tinkatia: Your cruise is coming up, I presume? Have a fantastic time!
IBB: LOL'ed at your sister-in-law rearing her ugly head in your life again. I can't wait for MEK to tell me more of the story!
Agreeing with Lynn D: J/L, your comments of the day are priceless!
Morning Hooters~
Thank you all for the nice comments, prayers and well wishes regarding my friend and her daughter. There is now a new angel looking out for all of us. The parents made the decision to keep her alive until her organs could be donated to other babies or children that needed them.
Sometimes life just isn't fair huh?
Have a great day all. Kiss those children of yours. Tell them you love them, over and over~
LynnD Congrats on #1. Will you have some shortcake today? I would. :)
LynnD and Bear Thanks for the shout outs. It is not really my job, we all can suggest QOTD's, I just seem to do it the most consistently because I don't want Carol to have to worry about doing it.
Tinka I know you worry about Tia and Tango but I bet they will do just fine and will enjoy their little adventure.
Kgrl Christina's parents are heroes in my book. They will be helping so many other children and even saving lives. (((HUGS)))
Zona The post office? Are you sure you want to risk it? LOL
Tina Thanks for the blog today. I haven't read the books or seen the movies. I always enjoy Tom Hanks, however. Last night I watched Taken. That was a real nail biter.
Congrats on first, LynnD! How was your cawfee this morning?
Tina, I really enjoyed the movie, too. And, I thought it was better than the Da Vinci Code in that it wasn't confusing. I had read both books before seeing the movies so I knew what was going on but I think if you hadn't read the Da Vinci Code before seeing the movie, it was very hard to follow. JMHO. My hubby was completely confused at the Da Vinci Code but loved Angels and Demons.
Zona, Mr. Z wants to see the Transformers movie? Do you? I'm thinking it's a man thing because when I saw the previews I thought, "OMG, I could never sit through that!" LOL
Tinka, have a wonderful time!! I wish I lived closer so I could watch your babies for you. I know it's hard to kennel them but they'll be fine.
Turtle, I'm so sorry for you and your friends. How giving they are to think about saving another in a time like this. (((hugs)))
42 Any marchers out there?
TINA - As you know I LOVE this movie!!! I couldn't imagine being in your position, actually having been to all those amazing places!! Tom Hanks is in fine form (the pool scene @ the beginning of the movie) and Ewan McGregor.....meow!!!
LYNN D - Congrats on first!!
TINKA - Have fun on your cruise. I can't wait to see the pics!!
ZONA - I would go again with a heartbeat!!!
TURTLE - Your friend made a very difficult choice, but a positive one. I for one feel better knowing that I have yet another "little" angel watching out for me.
SLIN - Great march!!
SANDIE - Just finished the book yesterday.....thanks again for sending it....I LOVED IT!!!
Waving a wing @ everyone. :O)
Holy crap....don't know how ZONA'S name got to the end of my other post.....doo dee doo doo!!!
Jodi, you're welcome! Did you get some ideas on what to do with our necklace?? LOL!
Whabbear- so sucks that the Supreme Court sided with the damn no's but so HAPPY they upheld your marriage!!
K-girl, I am sorry for you, your friend and the newest little 'angel'. they made a difficult but wonderful choice in giving the gift of life. She really is an ANGEL.
LynnD~ congrats on first~
Tinka~ enjoy ur cruise~
IBB~ In-laws....who needs em?~
Bonacci~ Carol's feast IS on her myspace on her videos~
Goldie~ to heck with the vid....go see the movie~ :D
Zona~ yes....see THIS movie....not the Mr's~
Bear~ Definitely read the books, then see the movies~
J/L~ Taken looks good too~
Kgrl~ I'm so sorry about ur friend and the whole family~
Jodi and Sandie~ it was fantastic, wasn't it? :D
Just making a quick fly-by. We are stopped in Fargo N.Dakota. I have been gritting my teeth trying not to lash out at my SSO! He made a last minute decission to take this Northern route. It is fricken freezing here! All I packed was warm weather clothing. I am looking for a working wood chipper lol!!
It is hard to see the screen in the daylight. Did I say daylight? There is no daylight here! There has been nothing but dark clouds since we have this dark gloomy state!
Talk atcha later dontcha knw.
Hi hooters,
Tina I haven't seen the movie, we usually wait til things come out on DVD so will have to check it out!
Lynn congrats on 1st today!
Kgirl, I'm so sorry about your friend. Such a hard decision to make to donate organs, but I'm sure there are families who are so grateful.
Goldie it does such about Prop 8 being upheld, I was waiting for the decision at 10:00 practically holding my breath.
However I am happy that the marriages that took place are valid.
Tinka have a fabulous cruise! I still don't know where you are going but a cruise just about anywhere has to be awesome.
Is anyone watching the Bachelorette? They all say "AMAZING" and "here for the right reasons" just like on the past shows.
MR. EBJ cussed up a storm and dissed all the guys LOL. It is almost as entertaining listening to him as the show!
We are going to visit Nancy the kitty today when MR. E gets home from work.
I will post pics on MS later on hopefully.
Have a nice day everyone!
From Area 51:
Lani, Poe doesn't sit at the table with us. He has a little metal bowl we put stuff in, or we just hand him a bite.
He loves to try everything we eat, his faves are cheese, peanut butter, pasta and just about anything Mexican.
Okay, I give. No way I can catchup after the 700-plus comment marathon on the 500th post.
Life is a busy thang, ain't it?! Had a reunion with my old grade school mates. Not surprisingly most were found via Facebook. LOL! Was so fun!!
My baby is graduating 8th grade this week and she and I are road trippin' to Florida we'll be gone from Saturday 'til 6/15ish. Don't know if I'll be able to check in.
Don't go behaving yourselves while I'm away. Should I ever have time to catchup, I hope to read all the smut, the whole smut, and nothing but the smut... so help me blog.
Waving a hooter to Lynn_D, Tink, Goldie, Ibebold, Bonacci, Zona, Whabbear, Kahonugrl, Just_Lin, Sandie, Jodi, Tina, Mary, East Bay J, and all who fly in later!!
Lois, have a wonderful time!! What a great bonding time with your daughter.
EBJ, when does Nancy come home? Do kitties leave their moms at 12 weeks like puppies? You know I'm watching Bachelorette! But, so far I don't like any of the guys! And, even Jillian is getting on my nerves! Pretty soon I'll be cussing like Mr. EBJ!
Lois is waving her hoochie at us?????? Oh wait, that was hooter! LOL
Have fun on your trip Tink and you too Lois! Although in the car with a teenager is not my idea of a vacation.....
What exactly is the difference between a Hoochie and a Hooter?
Same Same right?
And somehow with LL's twisted sick sense of humor being in a car with Lane 2 won't be such a big deal.
Sandie we officially get to bring Nancy home on June 5th. She will be just over 6 weeks old.
She is litter box trained and eats kitten food.
I think normally they stay with mom til 8 weeks, but she has never known a mom other than the gal who has taken care of her.
We will get to spend the weekend with her and she will get to know us!
It will be a long weekend if we get our way, MR. E will pick her up Friday afernoon, and we will return her Monday evening.
She has to be tested for leukemia and get her first set of kitten shots next week before we can keep her for good.
Here is a cool story about modern medicine.
My brother and his wife have been married for 3 years. They have been wanting to have a baby.
My brother had a vasectomy over 10 years ago, when he was still married to his first wife.
His current wife is younger and has no kids. She also has issues with ovulating and was told she probably couldn't get pregnant.
He had the vasectomy reversed, but it did not work. Soooo he went in and had some procedure where they can extract the sperm.
She had 11 eggs extracted, and they ended up with 5 of them becoming fertilized.
Her dr. implanted 2 of them, and today they went for an ultrasound, and saw a tiny heartbeat!
Now that's what I call AMAZING!
NN have a safe trip with your daughter!
SANDIE AND EBJ: I "will" be watching Bachelorette as soon as I have time to watch my two taped episodes. Why do we always like the new person in a group until they become the main character on this show? Remember how we liked Jason and also, the gal before him that picked the snowboarder?
ZONA AND LYNN: How are your phone arms and ears today?
LL AND TINK: Have a fun trip. I can't wait until we see pictures of both your trips.
TINA: Glad you and your husband liked the movie so much. I had one question for you.....I didn't know you were Catholic!! :)
TINA - I know for certain I want to see Angels & Demons. Love Tom Hanks, Ron Howard movies, & the adventure/intrigue.
Dianne, you are right!
Even MR. EBJ said that Jillian is kind of a "pain".
She hasn't rubbed me the wrong way yet!
I did like the guy she had the single date with (air line pilot). Many of the guys seem immature. And the one with the foot feetish! I am AMAZED that she didn't sent him packing!
Not so much that he has a foot fetish, but just that she seemed kind of grossed out by it.
MEK are you watching?????
TINK - Have the best time ever on your cruise. We will watch over Tango & Tia for you.
IBB - I am sorry your 1 day off couldn't be exactly how you wanted it to be.
H-GRL - God Bless Bella & her family.
MARY - Did I understand you to mean you would like to put MR MARY in the wood chipper? :)
DIANNE - I'm waving to you too.
LL - Have a great trip with your daughter. What a wonderful opportunity to create a fond memory for both of you.
Afternoon Owls!
Kgirl I think the parents of that little child are Angels on earth. What a decision to make. I was thinking about it today and I could just feel the grief wrap around my heart. I to would decide for the organ donation but just imagining it made me catch my breath and my heart hurt.
Bless them.
Whew, I almost didn't think you saw me, Lani.
KGIRL: your friends are so special and I am so sorry for their loss
Well, just finished getting my nails done and now I'm going to meet my niece for an early dinner
Happy Tuesday Owls. I hope you are all having a good day. Now that Idol is over, what are we gonna watch on TV?
Tina, Thanks so much for the review of A&D. Sharon and I are going to see it tomorrow.
LynnD, Congrats on #1 today.
Tinka, have fun on your cruise and don't worry about your babies. They will be well cared for.
I have a meeting tonight and have to be ready in 20 minutes, so I gotta run. I will be back later.
Rushing to do all the last minute chores. Leaving at 8:30 a.m. for Alaska. This is my last post until June 4th. Have fun everyone. Thanks for all the well wishes.
My last chance to march.
93 for Zona
94 for VIG
95 for all the rest of my friends in the nest.
99 Bye for now.
100 for Mek
Mek - It was so kind of you to say you would march to 25 for me so I tried to pay you back by counting to 100 for You.
Love you All.
Private and Confidential to Tinkatia: You be a good girl, now! LOL!
EBJ: The power of modern medicine, huh? Amazing!
Tinka Bon voyage! I hope you have a marvelous time. We will miss you.
EBJ I am so happy for your brother and his wife. They must be so excited!
NN/LL So good to see you! I bet you and your daughter have a great time and make lots of wonderful memories.
My daughter and I are cruising to Alaska in late July. We are starting to get excited.
Checking in for the night. We are on the edge of the Minnesota/Michigan border. We drove over 700 miles today. My SSO amazingly was able to drive to this Indian lodge/Casino. I would have stopped hrs ago! We are at the "Bad River" Casino/Lodge. He barely got the luggage in the door and out he went, not as tired as I thought lol!!
The temps here are under 50 deg.
Lani, yes. he came this close to being stuffed in a "chipper"!
I forgot to wish Tinka & NN happy travels!
Diane, glad you made it home safe & sound.
Zona, I'm a failure at sending you pics! I tried a few times. I did get yours! I much prefer your temps.
bbl have to check other sites.....
Mary Glad you are out of the car for the night. Your chipper remark made me laugh. I loved the movie "Fargo". It's one of my all time favs.
MARY - LOL @ chipper.
EBJ - How wonderful for your brother & his wife.
Today I worked on the scrapbook I am making for Georgina. Didn't do much of anything else.
Hi to BARB
Must be everyone has gone nite nite!
Correction~I said I was in Minnesota,nope, in the tip of Wisconsin. I think in the U.S.A. LOL!
Good nite everyone!
You to sweet lurkers :):)
Sweet dreams, HOoters!
I haven't seen this movie, but I haven't seen a movie since Nim's Island!
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