
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Where is the Sun?

by Jennifer

Dear Sun,

I am writing this letter to let you know how much I miss you. It has been ten days since the last time I saw you and it looks like you will not come back again for another nine days. Nineteen days without you just breaks my heart.

I remember the last time I saw you. It was nine days ago at recess time. You briefly came out to visit and it was such a joyous moment. I remember putting my face directly into your light soaking up your goodness. I felt like a welted flower that so desperately needed your light to grow.

I will be anxiously waiting for your next visit you are so important to me. Take care and godspeed!



Jodi said...

Good morning HOoters!!!

JENNIFER....I so miss the sun, too!!!

iteach said...

Good morning Ms. Jodi!

DeeDee said...

BAM!!! 3!

We got sun....

Good morning Jodi and Jennifer!

Nice writing J!!

Lynn D said...

Morning Glories!

Jodi got first even with a broken wing! Congrats.

Jennifer I would send you some sun as we actually had a few days where it came out, seems we are on limited sun doses here too. It is glorious when it does and everything seems sharper and easier when it shows it's face.

I have upped my vitamin D today to 2000 IU's as I do not have the sun to help my body make it. It helps but I would rather see the sun.

Jodi said...

Good morning JENNIFER, DEE DEE & LYNN!!!

Just got done taking a shower...and the only one home to help was my oldest son Tim. I can do the shower myself, but he had to help me holster "the girls". Geesh....I hope I haven't scarred him for life!!!

Jodi said...

Going to venture out today. The one thing I haven't done yet is drive...and I MUST do that. I'm not talking about driving on a highway or anything....just the few blocks to work, and I think I might visit my Dad this morning. Wish me luck!!!

bonachichi said...

Good morning Jodi, Jennifer/iteach, DeeDee and LynnD!

Beautiful blog, Jennifer. Jodi, what an accomplishment... Getting #1 whilst on the disabled list!

I miss the sunshine too. I guess we need the rain but maybe we didn't need it all in 5 days' time? On the bright side, there is some fun to be had out there. You can surf in the street now.

Zona said...

Good Morning!

JENNIFER: After days of rain I woke up to bright sunshine, birds singing and the sounds of kids playing outside! I pulled up all the shades and let the light stream in..and now I'm walking around with a goofy smile on my face. I never in AZ..that I would be so happy to see the sun! Today though..I truly am! I wish I could send you some of this beautiful sunshine today it could warm you up from head to toe!

JODI: Congrats on FIRST! You truly are a know that? Mr Z called it long ago! I'm really impressed by how you are not letting this injury get you down..I think I'd still be under the bed! Make sure you get some rest too though..kay?

HI DEEDEE! BAM # right back atcha! :D

BONACHI: We need the rain too..but why does it always have to come all at once? A little here..a little there all year round would be much better!

LYNN: How's the expansion coming? ;)

I hope everyone has a great day..we are going outside and enjoy this wonderful weather while it's here!

Zona said...

Here Comes The Sun
by George Harrison

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun,
and I say it's all right

Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
and I say it's all right

Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
and I say it's all right

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...

Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun,
and I say it's all right
It's all right.

I'll be singing this all day now!

Lynn D said...

We have sun and bright blue sky today! Jennifer your blog brought me good luck!

whabbear said...

Good morning, Jennifer, Dee Dee, Lynn D, Bon, Zona, and Jodi!

Yes, the sun. We haven't caught many glimpses in the last week, but it's been great for the drought. Rain totals, snowpack, and reservoirs are all up to where they should be at this time of year. And more rain on Monday.

But live for today, right? Huz and I may even have an opportunity to hit some tennis balls!

Have a great Saturday, owls! And watch some Australian Open if you get a chance!

Jodi said...

BONACHICHI - lol @ disabled list!! I want to go surfing on your street, too!!

ZONA - I'm sure MR. Z has called me worse....especially after hearing my potty mouth!!! ;) But thank you....I've always been under the belief the more active you are the faster you will heal. Not just this time, but anytime I've had surgery!!!

WHABBY - Have fun with the balls!! :) ;) :P

Jodi said...

I must say....I don't know what I was really scared of. Driving was a piece of cake!! The most difficult part was closing my door and putting on my seatbelt, but I figured both of them out, too!!!

Mary/MI said...

Happy day Jennifer, Dee Dee, Lynn D, Bonacci, Zona, and Jodi & Whabby!
Making a quick fly-by! I am recovering from our Casino night. We were celebrated our 31st wedding anniversary.They have a fabulous steak house! We didn't leave the Casino until almost midnight. I had some good luck and donated it back(remember that Diane) lol!

It is 3pm and I haven't had my shower yet! I am pretty sure Mr Mary would love to help me "with the girls"! Too bad for him, I shower solo :) The 31 yrs of being married to him gives me that right LOL!

Jennifer, we have had sunshine & dry weather here in Mich.It has been a cold MOFO though! Spring is only 56 days away!!

Mary/MI said...

Zona, love that song!

whabbear said...

Help me with "The girls"??? ROFLMAO!

Just_Lin said...

Good afternoon!

Jodi Congrats on first today and double congrats on your successful driving adventure! Yay! This means you have your independence back. Except for needing help with the girls, that is. LOL Poor Tim. I bet he won't share that little bit of info with his friends.

Zona Thanks for the sunshiney song. I'm still humming it. :)

Jennifer We are lucky to have an afternoon of sun here. I took advantage of it by going out and running a few errands. It did feel good to have the warmth of the sun on my face instead of the rain. I do love the rain but too many days in a row starts causing problems. Today is our break as we have another bout of rain coming our way.

Mary Happy Anniversary!

Waving a water-logged wing at DeeDee, LynnD, Bonach, and Bear.

bonachichi said...

I see Zona has become her own music montage. Good for her!

Jodi said...

MARY - Happy 31st Anniversary!!!

SLIN - Glad you could get out and enjoy the sun!!! Yes, I bet Tim will not be sharing what a helpful boy he is. ;)

Mary/MI said...

Thanks Jodi & Justlin!
Jim just brought home a pizza. We decided to hunker down tonight. That means him watching tv & me exercising and on the puter. Not what we did 32 yrs ago lol!!

Just_Lin said...

Mary I guess you were exercising in a completely different way back then, but maybe making similar grunting noises. LOL

Mary/MI said...

oops that was 31 yrs ago, come to think of it we could have,,,, well never mind lol!

Mary/MI said...

Justlin, you got it lol! Actually we met on 1973 and married in 1979. We had both been married before so we were being a little cautious.

Jodi said...

MARY - You know you could just attack him on the recliner!!! ;)

Mary/MI said...

Jodi, are you nuts? Never! while he is eating his pizza and drinking his beer! lol!1

Jodi said...

OK.....I've just about had it with my the damn emergency brake won't release. GRRRRR!!!!! Anyone with a mechanical mind...or know a mechanic that might have any suggestions on how to release the damn thing?!!?

Jodi said...

I'm signing off for now, but seriously, if you have any suggestions, plese text me!!!

Tina~in_ut said...

Jennifer~ I saw the sun today for about 5 peaked thru the clouds and a ray of light shown on part of the snow covered mountains...I thought of you~ It was so pretty~

Jodi~ congrats on first~ That makes you the prettiest...even with that black, blue, yellow, and purple arm of urs~ ....and please tell me that you had ur bra on and that Tim just had to fasten the hooks!!!!!!~

DeeDee~ find a plane yet?!!!~

LynnD~ got farm?! :)~

Bonachichi~ you should go surfing down Rodeo!~ ijs~

Zona~ I heard it snowed in AZ....go find it!~

Bear~ I really don't need to know when you are going to be hitting balls! TMI!!!~ :)~

Mary~ Happy Anny~

J/L~ Glad ur dry~ Let me know when ur wet again~ :)~

Well....The Winter Dance is tonight~ All three kids are hubby and I have a couple of free hours on our hands....I wonder what we'll do with the other hour and 50 minutes~ :)~

whabbear said...

Don't worry... we ran out of time, and didn't end up hitting any balls. Perhaps a little slapping later?

Mary/MI said...

Oh Whabby, you say the most stimulating things, and your not even on a space ship....are you?

bonachichi said...

Whab's spaceship has been in the shop since he landed in CA. He's working at NASA so he can get a deal on parts. When the engineers finally fix it, he'll jump in and go back to his home planet.

bonachichi said...

Tina, I think you'll be hosting a dinner for the dance-goers during the other 1 hr 50.

Mary/MI said...

Bonacci, I knew it!! I think he is using the nest as a cover!

DeeDee said...

Hi everyone.....

I have to share this. I didn't post about Haiti because I didn't want to get heated up. But earlier I called my friend Beth who lives in Midland, Texas in a nursing facility.....shes only 60 but shes lazy....

Beth asked me if I watched the telethon ...knowing I would get heated up......

She has the driest wit I have ever heard and so many of her observations are dead on.....such as.....

Beth on the Bible: "Some Jew wrote that and made a lot of money..."

Beth on Haiti: "Looks like they need another earthquake to me.."

Beth had a leg amputated due to diabetes late last year and Medicare will NOT pay for a prosthetic leg!! So she hops!!

I say nobody outside our borders get a fukin' nickel until our own citizens are taken care of....The very idea!

I do not pay 40%+ in income tax to have it sent to some third world country so it can be stolen passing through the hands of corrupt leaders! OURS or theirs!

I want AMERICANS fed..
I want AMERICANS housed..
I want AMERICANS healed..

I'm done. Blame Beth for that outburst...she started it....lq

Dianne/Denver said...

JENNIFER: You need to move to Colorado. We have sun over 300 days of the year. Do you want me to start house hunting for you?

BEAR: Ahhhh,you make me think of the good old days sigh

JODI; I am glad you driving went well. Are you ready to do back to work or are you enjoying this "retirement"?

I have slept the day away with my pills and just being tired. I find this damn tooth feels much better when I am sleeping. I go to the dentist on Monday AM. MrD went to the movies tonight with my SIL to see the Eli movie. We girls were thinking of going to a movie but everyone decided they would rather stay home tonight. It was a busy week and think we are all just tired. The girls go back to school on Tuesday after five weeks off.

TINA: Glad you and the hubby are
"renewsing an old acquaintance" tonight. BTW...the sun shone on the didn't shown...and they only reason I even point this out is that you are such a stickler on my spelling Missy.

MARY: Happy Anniversay again. Boy, you have been married for a long time and especially when this isn't even your first marriage. How long were you married the first time? I guess you must be much older than I had thought but more importantly...YOU MUST BE MUCH OLDER THAN ME.

DEEDEE: I can see you and I have an exciting life. I was on FT awhile ago looking for some help and you and I were the only ones on and even my stranger buddies weren't online. I know you don't like to harvest or plow...but I felt sorry for us being home on a saturday night at 7PM... to all of you later. ZONA; I hope you are finding all that snow we keep seeing on our news.

night all owls

Dianne/Denver said...

DEEDEE: Now I see what you are doing on a Saturday

Mary/MI said...

Nite Zona. btw I was married the 1st time for 7 long grueling years lol!!
I was in kindergarten at the time so I am younger than you lol!!

Dianne/Denver said...

UMMM MARY, didn't you have a child from that first marriage? Boy, you must have matured at a very young age.

Jodi said...

TINA - No....I need help putting it on, too. But I did have my back to him. God I love that kid!!!

Jodi said...

DIANNE - I have been bored, bored, bored. I think I have watched more movies in the last week, have been doing some reading, and of course playing on the computer. Dare I say that I'm bored with that, too?!!? Shocking....yes, I know!!!

Jodi said...

TINA - He is also the one that agreed to get up early with me to help me put my uniform top on and my sling. ♥♥♥

Mary/MI said...

Diane, I had 2 sons 17 months apart. one in the 1st grade the other in the end of my 2nd grade. Get a grip. I am younger!!

Just_Lin said...

DeeDee Sorry, but I just have to ask. Is Beth a bit bigoted, per chance? Hopefully, she didn't have her leg sawed off with a hacksaw in a park one night as is happening now in Haiti. Why doesn't she qualify for assistance with getting a prosthetic leg?

Just_Lin said...

Jodi You raised a good boy. It's a lucky girl that snags him.

bonachichi said...

Diane, let me know how huz likes the Eli movie. I've got it but hadn't planned on watching it.... Now if someone says it's good, I might invest an hour or two.

DeeDee, our government is like a parent who starves their children in order to feed strangers. I do wonder; If the Haiti disaster had occurred in say, Afghanistan or Hitler's Germany, would people be running so fast to their aid? In my eyes, if we help one country, we should help them all.

Maureen said...

And anti-semitic.


Just_Lin said...

MO Amen. I thought I was being inclusive of that.

Bonach Check your history. Yes, we do help when other countries have devastating natural disasters, regardless of politics or religion or skin color.

Jodi said...

Thanks SLIN!!

MOHO.....♥ U!!!

bonachichi said...

Ouch. J/Lin, I am a scientist, hot an historian. I am always happy to have additional information in order to make intelligent decisions. I believe I used the words "I wonder". The implicit meaning is that I don't know the answer. Thank you for informing me that historically, we have helped the countries we've had spats with. At least our government doesn't value one nationality over another. That's comforting.

Jodi said...

It's been a long trying night....I'll see you all tomorrow!!

DeeDee said...


No Beth hasn't a bigoted bone in her body.....she just said death would be better than sitting on the ground with a sheet over your head for a house...and waiting to die under rumble...and you have to admit...Haiti is a cesspool.....hacking off legs in parks.....good lord....

DeeDee said...

But I don't think we should help Haiti....their lives are just not that different now that the hubbub has settled down......

The government of Haiti runs on assistance from other the last leader....who had a huge drug import and export business...but then the money is illegal so the USA is their biggest source of yearly assistance.....

Just_Lin said...

DeeDee. I beg to differ. They were and are terribly poor but their lives are profoundly different. How can they not be whe all the children were in school when the quake hit? The schools are gone, hospitals gone, government buildings gone, homes and businesses gone. Tens of thousands of bodies transported by dump truck and put into pits for mass burial. Many people will never know the whereabouts of their loved ones and their neighbors. So many amputations going on because of untended wounds. Yes, as of last night they are being performed in a park by the light of a headlight and with a hacksaw because there are no scalples available.

Just_Lin said...

Bonach. No offense meant by my comment. We always offer assistance no matter what country is in need not just to those thought to be allies. A few years back we offered help to Iran. In kind, other countries offer help to us when we have a crisis such as 9/11 and Katrina, and they are not all countries we would think of as our best friends. It is the humanitarian thing to do.

bonachichi said...

J/Lin, it's very hard to offend me. Maybe it's impossible. I don't know. Just a bitty sting is all, but I know that if I didn't deserve it at the moment, I've deserved it in the past. No harm, no foul. You speak your mind and I respect that. I also admire your zeal and dedication. You keep on calling it the way you see it. I've not survived this long with my mouth without being knocked aside a time or two.

Just_Lin said...

Bonach LOL I didn't want to knock you aside, honest.

iteach said...

Oh, Mr. Sun,sun,Mr. Golden Sun
Please shine down on me!!

For not having any sun today, I sure did find yellow today.

My son won the pinewood derby race for his pack. :)

Today is the first anniversary of my grandma's death, we all went to church tonight & had pizza. It was nice to be with family.

Finally, I went to the little wannabe mall in the town next to me and bought Carolyn a winter coat for next year at JcPenney's for only $12. I was very excited about that deal.

I also got all her winter PJ's for next year at JcPennys and they were all only $5 a piece. Very please with my deals.

iteach said...

Holy Cow is my hubby snoring loud!!

iteach said...

Oh, also my other cool thing for the day was getting a hour long facial at the beauty school. That was sooooo relaxing.

Tomorrow is cleaning day. :(

Tina~in_ut said...

Jennifer~ Didn't you hear? Cleaning day has been canceled due to lack of interest~ :D

iteach said...

Thank goodness Tina!

Mary/MI said...

Hi Jennifer! Your days sounds fun! I have a few unfinished things to do tomorrow. I have been putting off painting one last wall in my kitchen and grouting a small area. Oh and I have yet to shop for new window treatments for my big sliding door in the kitchen!
B-o-r-i-n-g lol!
I am heading to bed. Have a good night and a peaceful Sunday everyone!
You too sweet lurkers! I see you! :)

Mary/MI said...


Just_Lin said...

Jennifer Congrats to your son! How fun! And congrats on the great deals, too.

Mary Sweet dreams. And Happy Anniversary, once again.

Tina~in_ut said...

goodnight Mary~

Jennifer....NO WORK ON SUNDAY!!~ :D

J/L~ add me as a friend on FB!~ :)~

Just_Lin said...

Tina Did you finally finish with hubby? LOL If I ever get to FB, I'll be sure to look you up. Maybe even invade your farm.

Just_Lin said...


Just_Lin said...


Just_Lin said...


Just_Lin said...

I had to take it. Tina already had enough for one night. :)