
Friday, September 5, 2008

You Drive me Nuts?

by Shirley

Are you or would you be a good roommate? Do your little idiosyncrasies drive your husband or significant other just nuts? Do they have some that drive you up the wall?

I would not make a good roommate. Certain things have to be a certain way. I could put up with you for about a week and then you would have to hide the knives! Lets share today how neurotic we really are. Ohhh! This is going to be fun!


Maureen said... are hilarious! I used to be a good roommate, but now I have become too set in my ways!! Ya wouldn't have to hide the knives, but wear earplugs cuz every door in the house would be slammed!!

In case y'all didn't see it in area 51...CAROL texted me last night and is having a great time and says to tell all of you "HI"!

I overslept and am late for work. Oopsies!! Bye for now.

P.S - don't congratulate me on first...remember I cheat!!

Sandie said...

Hi Maureen! I'll be right back--gotta go read the blog!

Sandie said...

Shirley, I loved the Odd Couple! Hmmm, let's see--I just can't think of a thing I do that would bother my roomie-hubby. LOL!! First of all, I'm sort of a neat-nik. He gets something out to use it and I put it away. The thing that drives him the most crazy is that I can't stand overhead room lights--I like sunlight or lamp light and so I'm always turning light switches off that he just turned on.

Mo, that's right!! Carol said you weren't allowed to post first cause that would be cheating. I'm telling ... unless you make me a caramel latte.

Good morning owls who are on their way to Owl Manor! (love that, shirley!)

Jodi said...

MO - lol!!! I won't congratulate you......just a get your ass to work!!!

SANDIE - Congrats on technically first!!!

SHIRLEY - Great blog....I love the video. Those two are one of my favorite duos, especially in their Grumpy Old Men movies!! On the 23rd of this month, the hubby and I will be celebrating 19 years of marriage. He's put up with my grinding of the teeth at night, and I've put up with just about everything else!!! lol!!

GOLDIE - Can you smell the eggs?!!? Can't wait for our lunch today!!

Lynn D said...

Morning Glories!

Mo you cheated to first! Wahoo!

Shirley thank you for making me smile this morning. I love The Odd Couple movie! I also loved the series.

Lets see I used to be worse than I am now about everything being in it's place. I have lived with Mr. Lynn D so long that it is hard to tell when we are irritated with each other.

I do hate it when people put my kitchen things away in the wrong place. Oh and what the heck? If Mr. Lynn D or one of the kids clean the kitchen they never wipe the counters or stove down. That drives me crazy! That is part of cleaning the kitchen in my book.

I think I would be a pretty easy going roommate but one never knows until you move in with someone! LOL

Sandie I am amazed and so happy that your family has decided to help in your local food bank. Bless you all! You gave me the biggest smile when I read yesterday's comments first!

Justlin so glad you are home and that you had a fantastic time with custard!! I'll bet you will be floating in the days to come.

DonnaHart: Tell your daughter I know she will be fantastic as she has worked so hard on this play!


I have calmed down and many of you will think I am silly or whacked. I was very upset by the speech that Ms. Palin gave the night before last.

I have never been more politically active than I have this year. Really I for the most part have just read about the issues in the past and then made my decisions based on that.

I had to analyze yesterday, 1. why was I so upset? 2. Why have I been more aware and active in the process this year.

The truthful answer the food bank. I have been much more active and involved with our community than ever.

When Ms. Palin made fun of and was nasty about Mr. Obama's (what she believes is lack of experience) time as a community organizer, I was insulted at first and after waking the next morning I was pissed! I could not talk coherently and every other word out of my mouth was a curse word.

To me Community Organizer is just another word for volunteer. We work in our communities to make things better for people when the current policies and government have just plain failed segments of our society. We are the threads that help hold things together often times.

For her to be sarcastic and snide and make that a joke deeply offended me. As I find nothing to laugh about when people are working their butts off to help horrible situations.

Whether she believes it or not, or thought it was just a speech. It spoke to her true character to me.

I want to tell you in our small food bank we make executive decisions everyday. We have to decide when donations come in how the food is being distributed, how the money can be stretched and what that money should be spent on. When we receive grant money we have to follow the guidelines to a tee and usually have to decide how to accomplish that so we benefit the most. Then there is dealing with gov't commodoties and the senior program because we are limited on these, again we make very tough decisions on how to distribute them and to who. Last but not least when we open those doors twice a week EVERY volunteer has to assess what food we have for the day and we all decide how to hand it out so that everybody that comes through our doors that day takes something home.

What I just wrote is scratching the surface of what we do. Paper work, dealing with our local government and so much more.

So yes I was insulted but I felt the insult for all of the people who work in their communities who help people keep their lights on, help find jobs, who volunteer at our schools, who try to help save people from losing their homes. The list goes on and on.

So if you do not respect what we do then in my book you truly do not understand the American people and you hold us in contempt.

Now I apologize for being on my soapbox but I had to get that off of my chest. DonnaJean I think that may answer your question about how I feel about Ms. Palin. There is more but I will leave it at that.

Sandie said...

Right on, LynnD! I so agree with everything you said. I, too, have to keep asking myself why this election is so emotional for me. I could go on and on, too, but I won't.

I'm glad you're feeling better.

Jodi said...

LYNN D - Thank you for your honesty this morning. I too felt that she really doesn't "get" it....and by putting down "community organizers", I feel it was a slap felt around the world. Kudos and huge thank you's for all you do for the food bank. You truly are an unsung hero in my book!!! Muah!!

Jodi said...

I better get back to the potato salad!!! I'll bbl. :D

Sandie said...

Oops, forgot to say HI JODI!! Have fun at your lunch with Goldie!

I'm off to have lunch with my college son today.

Have a great day, everyone!

Sandie said...

10 for Jennifer

Jodi said...

Before I forget.....just sending special thoughts and prayers to ITEACH today. I hope you get good news this afternoon. Luv U!!!

Lynn D said...

Hey gang,

Jodi I am so jealous that you and goldie get to have lunch together today!

I also want to say that I am really worried about everyone in the path of the hurricanes. Ike sounds like he could be nasty. So I am sending prayers that he is just a blow hard and will blow himself out!

I am going to be in and out today. My two daughters here in town and I are going to have a girls day. We thought we should do this before my youngest pops that baby we are waiting for. Pray her water does not break while we are out shopping! LOL

Sending hugs to all!

goldie said...

I smell the eggs, I can almost taste the potato salad.....
I am making a ham tomorrow when the fam is over and they will be eating mac salad and I will be eating potato salad,,neener neener!!


You spoke what I felt. I decided to hear her speech and McCains in order to truely here all sides. I was appalled that she so blatantly made fun of what is such a noble position. If not for the government failing us, there would be no need for community organizers.

I heard a lot of things in that speech that I researched and found to be untrue.

I have to split this post. At work

Jodi said...

GOLDIE - So sorry....just got a call from school and my youngest is puking his guts out. Lunch will have to wait, along with the potato salad. I cannot tell you how sorry I am and how I soooooooooo needed this today.

goldie said...

I'm back. And I neenered too soon - Jodi just called and her little boy is sick and has to be picked up from school. :(
So, we are going to reschedule our drinking, oops I meant lunch, for another day!

I forgot to say good morning Hooters- congrats on 1st you cheater (just kidding) and great blog shirley! I loved that show.

I think I am a good roomate, but then I have had the same one for 27 years. We know each other like the back of our own hands. We compliment each other and help. I would say that we pretty much split the work in 1/2. So when you have a good roomate, you are a good roomate.

Back to my political rant. Sorry if it offends anyone.

I thought Palin was charismatic, engaging and funny. I also thought she was superficial. Took credit for things that haven't happened- the pipeline?? Still on the drawing board, not even close to construction. Not a mention of health care, foreign policy or how the people of this country are going to put food on their tables next month or next year.

Way too much bashing and no plan of action. How many times do we need to hear what a war hero McCain is? NO ONE disputes that. As a matter of fact, early in his political career he didn't want to be identified with that. He often said so. Now it it trotted out like that makes him qualified for the job. I broke my leg, it does not qualify me to be an orthopedic surgeon.

I have no question that McCain and Palin are loyal to their country- I just don't see how their style will be anymore of a change then another Bush in the White House. I certainly could never support someone who is against gay right and is pro-life but believes in the death penalty. If a life is a life, then how does that work??? I am pro-choice, I'm for gay rights as well as equal rights for all human beings.

End of my political beliefs. Not going to mention them again. I sure hope I didn't offend anyone ad I am just as open to hearing your views.

Hope everyone has a great day!!!!!

Tinkatia said...

Good Morning All Owls.

Tinkatia said...

Good Morning Maureen. Congrats on first.
Good Morning Sandie, Jodi, Lynn and Goldie. I am going to watch the video. Be right back.

MEK in AZ said...


MEK in AZ said...


MEK in AZ said...


MEK in AZ said...

Happy Friday!!

Good Morning....

MO - congrats on FIRST (even though you think you cheated!!)

waving howdy to MO, Sandie, Jodi, Lynn D, Goldie, Tinka, and anyone else that lands!!!

Jodi - hope your little one feels better soon..

Goldie and Jodi - what a bummer about lunch - guess I'll have to have that drink for you!!!

Shirley - great blog - hope you don't have alot of SHARP knives!!

I hope everyone has an excellent day!!

Tinkatia said...

Shirley - Thanks for showing us that video. I loved that movie and I loved the TV series even more.
I have never had a roommate and I don't think I would ever want one. I have seen so many situations where they often completely opposite in their daily habits.
I was married for 25 years but I don't consider that a roommate because part of marriage is trying to accommodate your differences and there are a lot of compromises and concessions. At least I think there should be. There isn't that obligation with roommates. You are either compatible and it works or you are not and you get another roommate. I couldn't stand living with someone who was messy or noisy. I would just move out. There would probably be things that would drive her crazy about me. I don't know what they are because I love living by myself. Everything I do suits me just fine and that's the way I am going to keep it. LOL

I will read the comments and come back after breakfast and Regis.

Tinkatia said...

Good Morning Mek - We must have been typing at the same time. Be back soon.

Tinkatia said...


Tinkatia said...


Tinkatia said...

I got it -- #24 --- Whoopie again Zona and Dianne. I've still got it.

scirish said...

Morning Owls...

Great blog Shirley!!! I have had 2 female roommates in my life and they were both terrible. One "borrowed" my clothes and put them back dirty and had many guys over all the time (this was in my younger years) One morning I had to step over sleeping guys to get to the bathroom. That was the last straw. Funny thing was, she became my roommate because I felt sorry for her when she told me her HUSBAND was in jail and she didn't think she could hold on to her apartment.

The second roommate I got a few years ago. She was my SO's sons girlfriend from Canada. She wanted to run the house to suit her. The final straw was when she told me that I had to keep my dog quiet during the day as she had taken a job answering phones all night. These phones were going to be in MY house and I wasn't even consulted. When I asked her how she was going to do this without waking me, she told me that I could sleep during the day..
I just got a new roommate 2 weeks ago. My SO of 15 years moved in with me. I was really apprehensive as he is messy and I am not. He also stays up later than I do. So far it has worked out fine, but he is upstairs and I am downstairs because of having to separate our cats until they get used to each other. I am surprise tho, that it has meshed as easily as it has, but I still have my fingers crossed, just in case!

Dianne/Denver said...

Good Morning Owls...TINK, I never had a doubt that you didn't still have it!! You go girl!! I guess when you and I get out of our 40's maybe we will slow down some!

JODI: Sorry your little guy is sick. Hope he gets well quick.

GOLDIE: I can meet you for lunch--hmmm, where would half way be.....

I am up early because someone called for three rings at the crack of dawn (7:30) and then a wrong number 15 minutes later! It is only 52 here right now so at least I can open some windows and get some fresh air in and finally turn off the air for awhile and try and bring that bill lower! I have laundry in the dryer already so it is almost time for nap..not really. I am going to meet a friend in awhile.

ITEACH: I am thinking of you at 3:30! Good thoughts to you.

SHIRLEY: I had roommates when I was younger and I wasn't crazy about it and found I liked living alone much better. As a married person, I can't really think of what I do to get on MrD's nerves. I was thinking about asking him but then I don't want to get mad at him. He does the typical man things...some you never get used too.

scirish said...

Tink...I agree with you about the compromises and concessions. The SO and I talked about our differences before he moved in. We decided to build a family room in the basement where he can watch TV late at night and I won't hear him. He can also be a bit messier down there and it won't bother me as much as it would in the main part of the house.

hartldo said...

Home on lunch break.

Congrats on 1st Mo (The Cheater). LOL! So, REAL Congrats on 1st to Sandie!

Thanks Lynn, for your support of my daughter and her play. I'm so excited for tonight, I can hardly stand it!

Hilarious idea for a blog Shirley! I will have to add my 2 cents worth later. I have to get back to school.

goldie said...

dianne- sorry girlfriend, I accepted another offer. Mr. Goldie asked me out to lunch since I couldn't do lunch with Jodi. He said he didn't mind being second choice for me. LOL

SANDI- any baby news yet??? Did I miss it?? Or am I confused about it being your nephew and his wife?

Donna Jean said...

Happy Friday Everyone!!!

Great Blog Shirley!

I had a roommate about 10 years ago. As a favor to my SIL's cousin, I allowed his mother to live with Miss Laurie and myself for a "short" while. Well, what a disaster! The "short" time, became six months, I finally had to tell her to move out. She was a good cook, but never cleaned anything up, her room (which I had to move Laurie out of, because it was larger) looked like Hurricane Hugo hit, she left me with a large unpaid phone bill, (which I foolishly put in my name, so she would have a line of her own), and to top it all off she was a drunk. Not a nice happy drunk, but a sloppy ugly drunk!

And this was supposedly a quasi-family member! Never again!!! I value my privacy too much. And Miss Laurie got her nice big bedroom back!! So, my advice to anyone thinking of getting a roommate, be very cautious and do ALOT of background investigation!

LYNN D~ I absolutely agree with everything you said about Sarah Palin! I too, was shocked to hear how many untruths spewed out of her mouth, and the denegrating of Community Service leaders was appalling!

I also have issues with the fact that she is running for VP when she has a newborn son with Down syndrome, who is going to be needing lots of extra time and attention. There are Early Childhood Intervention Classes, numerous visits to the Dr for ear infections, upper respiratory infections (DS kids get these more readily than other children) speech therapy, Interactive Play Groups, etc. If I remember right, (Laurie is 28 now) almost every single day was taken up with something to do concerning Laurie. Especially as babies, they need constant stimulation, or they will not develop to their fullest potential.

Perhaps as Governor, she could arrange meetings, etc. around all those appt's, but as Vice President? That would be VERY hard to do.

I am not saying that she doesn't love her newborn son, I am sure she does, as she chose to have him. But, choosing to have a child with Down syndrome comes with so many resposibilities. Who is going to be there for this sweet baby boy? Her husband? Perhaps. Already she has said "The newborn is on the bus with my oldest daughter". And how long can that last, with her daughter having a baby of her own, and getting married and starting her own family?

Most likely, she will have a gaggle of nurses and nannies to do what SHE should be doing.

I am all for working mothers, don't get me wrong. I, too was a working mother for 15 years, although I was able to be a stay at home Mom when they were little, and did not go back to work until they were all in school.

But this is no ordinary job. The VP is on 24/7. And I personally think her family, especially the sweet little baby, will suffer the consequences.

Sorry to rant and rave, but this is a matter near and dear to my heart! And I want to make it clear that I would feel this exact same way if she were a Democrat, and Obama had chosen her, although I am sure he wouldn't have!

DONNA JO~ have a fabulous time at the play!

JODI~ hope your little guy gets to feeling better.

SANDIE~ Congrats on being the TRUE #1 poster this morning!

And waving a wing to:


And to any Owls that fly in after I post!

I hope you all have a wonderful day, and a fantastic weekend!

Peace and Love, Donna Jean

Lynn D said...

Ok I am just about ready for the girls day out so checking back quickly!

Iteach I am assuming that you get results on your MRI back today? I will be thinking about you!

Dianne to funny in Denver I LOL about asking the Mr. about possible thing you do that might drive him crazy. I thought the same thing I am NOT going to ask Mr. Lynn D and open that can of worms! LMAO

Jodi I hope your son is ok! Hope it is not the flu. Maybe first week school jitters.

Waving Hi to all of you!

See ya later kids...

sacBarb said...

Happy Friday Owls.

Mo, Thanks so much for taking care of us while Carol is away. You can cheat all you want. And thanks also for passing along Carol's message.

Shirley, I love the Odd Couple. My Hubby and I started out as 'the odd couple' until we had kids and I gave up being fanatic about being neat. It was just to save my sanity. I decided I wasn't going to change him and I was making everyone crazy trying to keep toys picked up, so I just gave in. I found myself much more relaxed and I didn't have those pesky headaches anymore.

Now, I don't think I would make a good roommate for very long. I pick up after myself, but at this age, I don't think I want to pick up after anyone else anymore.

sacBarb said...

Waving a wing at:

Sandie, congrats on #1 after Mo

Jodi, sorry about your sick boy and having to cancel lunch with Goldie.

LynnD, I echo everything you said about Ms. Palin. I work in our foodbank 2X a month and in Nov. & Dec. I work at Christmas Promise. None of these agencies would exist without the volunteers. And the services they provide help families that in this economy, cannot sustain themselves. I, too, resented the remarks Ms. Palin made suggesting that these are just menial jobs.

Goldie, I am sick of hearing about 'the war hero' too. As if that all is required to become President.

Tinks, Didn't you have roommates each time you had those girls staying with you?

Scirish, After 15 years, you and your SO should know each other's habits pretty well.

Dianne, Why was someone calling you for rings?

Donna Hart, Good luck to your daughter tonight. Take lots of pics.

DonnaJean, You have done a wonderful job raising Laurie. She is a very sweet young lady.

Mek, Stay cool.

Zona, are you up yet????

Shirley(NCC-1701) said...

Good afternoon everyone!

Congrats Maureen on being the unofficial 1st person! Thanks for relaying Carols message. Make sure you let her know we are behaving ourselves! Lol!

Congrats Sandie on being the official 1st person! Have a good time at lunch with your son!

Iteach I hope you get good news today.

Jodi sorry your son is sick and you won't be meeting up with Goldie.

Lynn D I don't like when people rearange my kitchen either. I had a friend who tried to tell me how my kitchen should be set up when I first moved in. She did things her way and when she left I changed it.

Goldie I guess you'll have to make your own potatoe salad to eat tomorrow.

Tinka I'm with you...I live alone and I like it just fine. Although it would be nice to have someone to talk to once in a while...but not to stay.

Mek I hope you have a good day too and a great weekend.

Scirish I hope your third roommate is better than the last two. Sounds like you two might have a little bit more fun. **wink**wink**

Dianne it's probably best not to ask Mr. Dianne what gets on his nerves. I don't want to be the cause of any divorces.

Hartldo...enjoy the play and wish your daughter good luck for me.

Donna Jean sounds like you had the roommate from hell!

Sacbarb I had a friend who was sort of a neat freak. No eating or drinking in the living (don't want to spill anything on the rugs) and everything had to be in place. That soon changed after she had kids! Lol!

Tinkatia said...

SacBarb - When I had the International students staying with me I wouldn't classify it as roommates. I only saw them at dinner hour and that was if I was feeding them. They ate out a lot.
They had the downstairs level with everything they needed: kitchen, bathroom, living room, bedrooms. I lived upstairs by myself with my pets. I made all the meals. That was my job. Some kindly helped me clean up from dinner but that wasn't part of the deal. They had their own exit and bathroom. They each had their own bedrooms with TV, VCR's, phones and individual heaters in each bedroom. They weren't really roommates either except they had a living room that they sometimes shared. Most of the time each girl was in her own room. It was more like having an apartment house than having roommates. I only interacted with them at meals and the odd school function we would attend together. I did however get very attached to most of them and cried like they did when they left.

Tinkatia said...

I am getting ready to go to Butchart's with Brian and my 'fur babies'. It is one of the last beautiful days of summer and I don't want to miss it. Have a great day. I will check back this evening.

Tinkatia said...


Tinkatia said...

SacBarb - One correction, when I said I made all the girl's meals I meant dinners. They made their own breakfasts and lunches and snacks downstairs in their own kitchen. I had to add this or else it would look like I had company for all the meals of the day. Off to Butchart's.!

Sandie said...

Thanks so much, Goldie, for asking about my nephew and his wife (Jenny)--no baby yet!! They said she was given the "two-day" inducing formula. HUH?? As of an hour ago, nothing was happening--barely any pains. I can't believe her insurance is paying for her to stay in the hospital. Anyway, thanks for asking and for Jenny's sake, I hope there's a baby soon! I hope you had a good lunch with your hubby.

I had a good lunch with my son--he's just so cute and so grown up (in some ways!). Thanks, Shirley!

Jodi, sorry your son is sick! Why is it that they always get sick on the rare day we have plans??!! I hope he's better.

To the owls who flew in after me this morning (Tinka, Scirish, DonnaJean, sacbarb, Donna, MEK and Dianne)--hello and I see you!

iteach said...

No tumors only swollen optic nerves!!


The swelling is not causing any headaches and my vision field test came back perfect, so no medicine.

If I should develop blurry vision or headaches then they will treat it.

The doctor has no idea why they became swollen, but the doctor said I will probably always have this.

Sandie said...

iteach, so happy to hear your great news! What a relief, huh? My Mom has swollen corneas--it's called Fuchs Disease--is it something like that? I'm so, so glad for you.

Sandie said...

Just got off the phone with my Mom--baby Eve Montgomery has just entered the world. She is great and so are my nephew and his wife. Eve joins big sister Emili Brooke.

MEK in AZ said...

Iteach - i am SO happy to hear that there are NO tumors!! I'm sure you are VERY relieved..

Sandie - CONGRATS on the new addition to your family !!! Welcome, Eve!!!

MEK in AZ said...

Zona - is it hot enough at your house - WHEN is it going to cool down??!!!

waving howdy to Scirish, Dianne, hart, Donna Jean, sacBarb, Shirley and iteach (they landed after my last post!!).. I don't think I missed anyone!!

Just put away all the groceries!! - will take a quick nap and then fix dinner!!


MEK in AZ said...


MEK in AZ said...


MEK in AZ said...


Lynn D said...

Hey kids!

I am home. The girls and I had a wonderful lunch and then hit Costco. I have not been in a Costco in 2 years and have not had a membership in 10 or 12 years! LOL I signed up again. Mr. Lynn D just groaned when I told him.

Sandie I want to say Welcome to the World Baby Eve!!!!

Iteach I am so relieved to hear that your tests came back negative for a tumor! No medicine either. Very weird they don't know why.

Sacbarb the reality of no community help centers is just to scary to even think about. Desperate people often result in desperate measures!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful evening. I am exhausted and I have told myself that this weekend is for getting my downstairs cleaned up. So I may not be posting much. I seem to let everything go when I give myself to much computer time.

Sending (((Hugs))) to everyone!

iteach said...

Did Amicus go on vacation?

sacBarb said...

Hi gang. I'm just about to look for something to make for dinner, but I thought I'd check in first.

Sandy, Yay, for baby Eve finally making her appearance.

Iteach, That's great news about your MRI. I have been wondering about Amicus lately, too, and also about Jennifer.

MEK, I think I'll fix a big salad and throw some chicken in it. Too hot to really cook. What are you fixing?

Tinkatia said...

Back from Butchart's. It was lovely out there.

Iteach - So happy to hear the good news.

Sandie - Congratulations on your new baby Eve. There is nothing like a new baby to bring hope and happiness.

Tinkatia said...


Tinkatia said...

I am off to bed. Thanks for the blog today Shirley. Take it easy with the strippers.

Good Night everyone. Have a great weekend. Love, Tinka

Sandie said...

Thank you, MEK, LynnD, sacbarb and Tinka for your kind baby comments. I won't get to see her until Thanksgiving when they come to visit.

Thank you for all the kind myspace comments, too. You guys are great.

Shirley(NCC-1701) said...

Good night Tinka!

I think I'm headed off to bed too. Thanks everyone for the comments on my blog. Good night.

Sandie said...

Goodnight, all! Sweet dreams.

Tinkatia said...


I was in bed and then Tia wanted to go out.

Good Night Shirley, Sandie and all my other little owl friends. Sleep tight.

Anonymous said...

Hello Owls! Thought of you all often today but it was a busy day for flying in!

iteach.....yippee!!! What great news! Happy dancing for you! Big hugs too! blog! I love the Odd Couple! I have had several rommates and for some reason I always get the persnickety that liked shoes lined up in a row in a particular place in a particular direction or the one who wouldn't let me cook anything with garlic in it. There is a reason that I live alone!

Is anyone watching Stand up to Cancer? It is amazing but making me sad. I hate cancer. I have lost my Mom, my Dad and my brother to cancer. I hope the cure is found in our lifetimes!

iteach said...

Before my husband, I always lived by myself. I only had a roommate and that was for one year in college. I did not like it, so throughout my 20's I always lived by myself.

iteach said...

Sandie- I do not like overhead lights either.

I always turn them off as soon as my husband leaves the room.

I really don't think he has caught on, yet. :)

Tina~in_ut said...

Shirley~ What a great blog. I loved Oscar and Felix~ I'm Oscar~ :D Hubby is so messiness drives him crazy!!!~ I have to be honest....he does most everything. In our vows, it was written in...."to love, honor, and cherish...and do her chores!" I guess it's okay cuz we've been married for 18 yrs~ :D

Mo~ congrats on first....I don't care how you get it! :)~

iteach~ so relieved to hear you are okay. I'm so happy for you~ And I don't think Amicus went on vacation...she was on myspace yesterday~

Sandie~ congrats on the new baby~

Tinka~ glad you had fun with Brian at Butchart's~ Love that place~

Zona~ sure hope you are at least trying to behave on your date tonight~

Jodi~ so bummed that you couldn't have lunch today with Goldie. Hope your little boy is okay~

LynnD~ i kinda thought that was why you were upset. I guess I have to thank you for making me listen to Sarah's and John's speeches.

iteach said...

Jodi- My hubby and I "met" for the first time on the 23rd of Sept. and that is when he asked me for my phone number.

Techincally we were in high school together, but he has no recall of me being there.

Tina~in_ut said...


Tina~in_ut said...


Tina~in_ut said...


Tina~in_ut said...


Tina~in_ut said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ the only time i get it~ hmmmmmmmmmmmm~

Bebbilane said...

Shirley! That was so funny! Oscar and Felix, I sure love those guys. I haven't seen that in years.

Congrats on first even if you cheat Mo!

Hello to Shirley, Mo, Sandie, Jodi, Lynn D, Goldie, Tink, Mek, Vig, Iteach, Sacbarb, Donna Jean, Hart, Scirish and anyone I may have missed because I can't scroll up and down very well.

I am sorry I have been in and out rather quickly recently. I am just so busy and trying really hard to do too much all the time. I hope everyone is well and probably nobody misses me anyway. I am good at being a "fly by nighter"...hmmm...that is what Owls do at my own lil funny.

All, I have lost 15 pounds!!! I am walking over 7,000 steps a day and really trying to lose weight. I am so excited that I am actually doing it, although it has been really hard.

Bebbilane said...

Oops..hi to Tina too. :)

Bebbilane said...

I don't usually discuss politics a lot, but I want to tell you all something about Governor Palin!! My boss worked with her in the Aviation Industry to request her help in straightening out some problems that they were having with old bureaucracy that would not change it ways or even consider other options!! This was back in April of this year, he and some other figures in the industry met with her and she worked very hard to fix the problems!!!!

I was shocked to hear that she was the VP nominee but I can ABSOLUTELY see why!! She is not afraid to step into the "good ole boy" network and shake things up!!

I wish I could be more detailed but some of it is confidential. Let's just say that I have heard of her through her work and she is truly someone who will make things change!! I am truly in awe of what she accomplished and have been since April, I was floored when she was chosen as the VP nominee but I can not think of a better one.

whabbear said...

Congrats, Sandie, and iteach, that is an enormous relief!

I just found out that a co-worker of mine, a wonderful person named Barb, is dealing with her 13 year old son just having been diagnosed with a brain tumor that's pushing on his optic nerve.

Hug your loved ones tight, tonight, owls!

Tina~in_ut said...

well hell, Bebbi~ I was going to applaud what you wrote about Sarah Palin, but dang girl...15 lbs? You go girl!! must be going to lose 15lbs~ Good for you~ Now...if you could just motivate me to do the same~ :)

iteach said...

Sandie- I really like that name Eve. Very pretty!

iteach said...


I see Jennifer at work.

She is just very overwhelmed with work, school, and Katie's dad.

She thought she was done with school. However, she still has a whole year of classes left and that was disappointing for her.

She did her degree online and the counselor miscommunicated with her about many things.

iteach said...

Bebbi- Way to go on the 15 pounds!

Whabby- Oh, that just broke my heart about your friend's son.

Bebbilane said...

Hi Whabby..jeez..that is really sad news. It always makes me so sad when I hear about kids being sick..Hugs!!

Tina..I LOST 15, I have a lot to go (unfortunately), but I am really motivated and excited. It has been really hard but well worth the trouble. That is another reason why I am never online anymore, I am walking all the TIME!! LOL, I have to get up and walk and walk and walk and Pomeranians are loving it though. Except, my chubby little Bandit gets a little overheated when I walk around the park too many I have to be careful, I worry about him.

Bebbilane said...

Thanks iteach! :)

iteach said...

I miss Carol.

Bebbilane said...

iteach, let's go to Vegas and kidnap her and bring her back to the nest...hehe ;)

We know she will be at Cher's show.

iteach said...

MEK did you have any leftovers?

iteach said...

Bebbi- I can't wait to hear what Cher's show is like!

iteach said...

Bebbi- Do you use a pedometer?

Bebbilane said...

Me either! I saw her on her Farewell Tour with Cyndi Lauper opening...that was FANTASTIC!! My daughter actually like Cyndi Lauper more than Cher, I think she was 11 - 13, somewhere in there. She thought that Cher's costume changes took too long.

Bebbilane said...

iteach: Yes, actually I use two! I got 11,828 steps today.

iteach said...

You know I wasn't wild about Palin's speech at all and I wasn't excited about Hillary's.

I wonder why?

I need to ponder that thought tonight.

I'm just thinking aloud again, I know weird.

iteach said...

Bebbi- Where did you get your pedometer at ?

Bebbilane said...

I am having a lot of knee trouble. I went to an orthopaedic specialist who said that I have "thinning of the cartilage". I have to lose weight to get the pressure off. Every pound I lose takes that much weight off my knee. It was seriously hurting. It has been a lot better even in just the few weeks I have been walking and losing weight.

Just_Lin said...

Mo Congrats on first, you little cheater, you! LOL

iteach I'm so happy that all is well with you! What a relief!

Sandie Congratulations on the new addition to the family. What a beautiful name....Eve Montgomery.

Jodi I hope your son is feeling better soon.

Bebbi Yes, we do miss you and congrats on the weight loss! Good job! I need to start getting serious about that, too.

Shirley What a fun blog today! I've never had an official roommate although my uncle stayed with me for a while many years ago. He was an artist, truly. He was an illustrator for Ripley's Believe It Or Not and also an animator with Hanna-Barbera. The problem was, a) he was sleeping on my couch, and, b) he sipped wine from morning to night. He definitely stayed longer than the original plan and I finally had to ask him to leave.

Custard is a bit of a neatnik and I'm not. I discovered on this trip that he dries out the bathroom sink after using it. Hmmmmmm. It does kind of bug me if the toilet paper isn't put on with the end coming up over the top. If I find it on "wrong" at work, I change it. :)

We just had an earthquake a little bit ago. Just a little shake, rattle, and roll.

Bebbilane said...

I have a "Shape Up the Nation" one with my work and I have a "Virgin Health Miles" one. Also, I have one I used before that is a talking pedometer. I just about made my boss pee his pants laughing because I walked into his office to put a piece of mail in his in box and my pedometer said, "You have walked 5000 steps" (it said it on each of the thousands)...he said with a really freaked out look, "That didn't come out of your mouth"...I laughed so hard I was really funny.

I shut of the talking part, but now I use the other two.

Bebbilane said...

The talking one I got at Sam's Club. It is a nice one.

Bebbilane said...

Thanks J/L. I miss everyone here too.

Bebbilane said...

J/L - Now I am going to have to go and look on my yahoo account to see the quake email..brb.

Bebbilane said...

The last notice I had was a 4.6 in Baja, that the one that you felt?

iteach said...

I bought one from Curves a couple of year ago and that think didn't work. I would take one step and it said five.

I thought maybe it was because my tummy was too big.

Just_Lin said...

Well, I am next to the ocean but Baja is quite a ways away from Northern Calif.

iteach said...

I'm definetly in the mood to get one.

Maybe Lynn can find one on Ebay for me. Just kidding!!!! :)

iteach said...


iteach said...

What a great way to end my night on 100!

Good night everyone!

Thanks for the pedometer names, Bebbi.

JustLin, I'm glad your safe.

Bebbilane said...

J/L, do you get the USGS earthquake notifications or ever looked on their website? It is really interesting.

Bebbilane said...

YW iteach. Good luck on that..they really do help.

Just_Lin said...

Bebbi No, I don't. I'll have to check it out. Thanks.

Just_Lin said...

Good night iteach!

Bebbilane said...


* Saturday, September 06, 2008 at 04:00:15 UTC
* Friday, September 05, 2008 at 09:00:15 PM at epicenter
* Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones

Location 37.866°N, 121.996°W
Depth 16.2 km (10.1 miles)

* 3 km (2 miles) ENE (77°) from Alamo, CA
* 5 km (3 miles) NW (315°) from Diablo, CA
* 6 km (4 miles) NNW (343°) from Danville, CA
* 11 km (7 miles) S (172°) from Concord, CA
* 22 km (14 miles) ENE (69°) from Oakland, CA

Location Uncertainty horizontal +/- 0.1 km (0.1 miles); depth +/- 0.2 km (0.1 miles)
Parameters NST=250, Nph=250, Dmin=1 km, Rmss=0.14 sec, Gp= 47°,
M-type=regional moment magnitude (Mw), Version=3

* California Integrated Seismic Net:

Event ID nc51207740

Bebbilane said...

There it is, I don't get email notifications for less than 5 on the scale.

Just_Lin said...

That was it! Thanks.

Bebbilane said...

They even have a "did you feel it" link, where you can report about it. My dad showed me the site. Hubby and I have email notifications on it. I find it very interesting. They also report tsunami activity in relation to the earthquake if there is any.

Bebbilane said...

What did it do?

Just_Lin said...

Well, I did feel it and some things vibrated and it felt like one wave-like roll. That was it. No big deal.

Bebbilane said...

I should be in bed! I told my sister I would get up and go to yard sales in the morning with, I am going to be exhausted!! Take care and good night..thanks for not forgetting me. :)

Just_Lin said...

Sweet dreams, Bebbi!

Bebbilane said...

That would totally freak me out! I guess that you probably do get used to them though. When my sister moved here from Cali, she was terrified of tornadoes. I am so used to them, I was surprised at her fear. I guess it just goes to show, it is all in what you are used to dealing with. Have a wonderful night and hopefully a peaceful, non-rolling one as well!!

Shirley(NCC-1701) said...

Vig I did not watch "Stand Up For Cancer", cause I forgot about it. It is a disease that has touched everyone.

Iteach I have never seen the need to have tons of lights on. It drives me crazy.

Tina I'm glad that you and Mr. Tina took your marriage vow seriously. ..."do her chores" LMAO!!!

Bebbi congrats on the weight loss! Good job!

Whabbear I'm sorry to hear about 13 year old with the brain tumor. How sad.

Just Lin your uncle sounds like an interesting character. What a neat job he had.