
Monday, October 18, 2010

Your Tree

by Shirley

Find your birthday and its corresponding tree.
Then, see the meaning behind it below. Do you recognize yourself?

Dec 23 - Jan 1 APPLE TREE (the Love) - of slight build, lots of charm, appeal, and attraction, pleasant aura, flirtatious, adventurous, sensitive, always in love, wants to love and be loved, faithful and tender partner, very generous, scientific talents, lives for today, a carefree philosopher with imagination.

Jan 2 - 11 FIR TREE (the Mysterious) - extraordinary taste, dignity, sophisticated, loves anything beautiful, moody, stubborn, tends to egoism but cares for those close to them, rather modest, very ambitious, talented, industrious, uncontented lover, many friends, many foes, very reliable. - robust nature, courageous, strong, unrelenting, independent, sensible, does not like change, keeps its feet on the ground, person of action.

Jan 12 - 24 ELM TREE (the Noble-mindedness) - pleasant shape, tasteful clothes, modest demands, tends not to forgive mistakes, cheerful, likes to lead but not to obey, honest and faithful partner, likes making decisions for others, noble-minded, generous, good sense of humor, practical.

Jan 25 - Feb 3 CYPRESS TREE (the Faithfulness) - strong, muscular, adaptable, takes what life has to give, content, optimistic, craves money and acknowledgment, hates loneliness, passionate lover which cannot be satisfied, faithful, quick-tempered, unruly, pedantic, and careless.

Feb 4 - 8 POPLAR TREE (the Uncertainty) - looks very decorative, not very self-confident, only courageous if necessary, needs goodwill and pleasant surroundings, very choosy, often lonely, great animosity, artistic nature, good organizer, tends to lean toward philosophy, reliable in any situation, takes partnership seriously.

Feb 9 - 18 CEDAR TREE (the Confidence) - of rare beauty, knows how to adapt, likes luxury, of good health, not in the least shy, tends to look down on others, self-confident, determined, impatient, likes to impress others, many talents, industrious, healthy optimism, waiting for the one true love, able to make quick decisions.

Feb 19 - 28 PINE TREE (the Particular) - loves agreeable company, very robust, knows how to make life comfortable, very active, natural, good companion, but seldom friendly, falls easily in love but its passion burns out quickly, gives up easily, everything disappointments until it finds its ideal, trustworthy, practical.

March 1 - 10 WEEPING WILLOW (the Melancholy) - beautiful but full of melancholy, attractive, very empathetic, loves anything beautiful and tasteful, loves to travel, dreamer, restless, capricious, honest, can be influenced but is not easy to live with, demanding, good intuition, suffers in love but finds sometimes an anchoring partner.

March 11 - 20 LIME TREE (the Doubt) - accepts what life dishes out in a composed way, hates fighting, stress, and labor, dislikes laziness and idleness, soft and relenting, makes sacrifices for friends, many talents but not tenacious enough to make them blossom, often wailing and complaining, very jealous but loyal.

March 21 OAK TREE (the Brave) - robust nature, courageous, strong, unrelenting, independent, sensible, does not like change, keeps its feet on the ground, person of action.

March 22 - 31 HAZELNUT TREE (the Extraordinary) - charming, undemanding, very understanding, knows how to make an impression, active fighter for social cause, popular, moody, and capricious lover, honest, and tolerant partner, precise sense of judgment.

April 1 - 10 ROWAN TREE (the Sensitivity) - full of charm, cheerful, gifted without egoism, likes to draw attention, loves life, motion, unrest, and even complications, is both dependent and independent, good taste, artistic, passionate, emotional, good company, does not forgive.

April 11 - 20 MAPLE TREE (Independence of Mind) - no ordinary person, full of imagination and originality, shy and reserved, ambitious, proud, self-confident, hungers for new experiences, sometimes nervous, has many complexities, good memory, learns easily, complicated love life, wants to impress.

April 21 - 30 WALNUT TREE (the Passion) - unrelenting, strange and full of contrasts, often egotistic, aggressive, noble, broad horizon, unexpected reactions, spontaneous, unlimited ambition, no flexibility, difficult and uncommon partner, not always liked but often admired, ingenious strategist, very jealous and passionate, no compromise.

May 1 - 14 POPLAR TREE (the Uncertainty) - looks very decorative, not very self-confident, only courageous if necessary, needs goodwill and pleasant surroundings, very choosy, often lonely, great animosity, artistic nature, good organizer, tends to lean toward philosophy, reliable in any situation, takes partnership seriously.
May 15 - 24 CHESTNUT TREE (the Honesty) - of unusual beauty, does not want to impress, well-developed sense of justice, vivacious, interested, a born diplomat, but irritates easily and sensitive in company, often due to a lack of self confidence, acts sometimes superior, feels not understood loves only once, has difficulties in finding a partner.

 May 25 - Jun 3 ASH TREE (the Ambition) - uncommonly attractive, vivacious, impulsive, demanding, does not care for criticism, ambitious, intelligent, talented, likes to play with fate, can be egotistic, very reliable and trustworthy, faithful and prudent lover, sometimes brains rule over the heart, but takes partnership very seriously.

Jun 4 - 13 HORNBEAM TREE (the Good Taste) - of cool beauty, cares for its looks and condition, good taste, is not egoistic, makes life as comfortable as possible, leads a reasonable and disciplined life, looks for kindness and acknowledgement in an emotional partner, dreams of unusual lovers, is seldom happy with its feelings, mistrusts most people, is never sure of its decisions, very conscientious.

June 14 - 23 FIG TREE (the Sensibility) - very strong, a bit self-willed, independent, does not allow contradiction or arguments, loves life, its family, children and animals, a bit of a social butterfly, good sense of humor, likes idleness and laziness, of practical talent and intelligence.

June 24 BIRCH TREE (the inspiration) - vivacious, attractive, elegant, friendly, unpretentious, modest, does not like anything in excess, abhors the vulgar, loves life in nature and in calm, not very passionate, full of imagination, little ambition, creates a calm and content atmosphere.

June 25 - July 4 APPLE TREE (the Love) - of slight build, lots of charm, appeal, and attraction, pleasant aura, flirtatious, adventurous, sensitive, always in love, wants to love and be loved, faithful and tender partner, very generous, scientific talents, lives for today, a carefree philosopher with imagination.

July 5 - 14 FIR TREE (the Mysterious) - extraordinary taste, dignity, sophisticated, loves anything beautiful, moody, stubborn, tends to egoism but cares for those close to them, rather modest, very ambitious, talented, industrious, uncontented lover, many friends, many foes, very reliable.

July 15 - 25 ELM TREE (the Noble-mindedness) - pleasant shape, tasteful clothes, modest demands, tends not to forgive mistakes, cheerful, likes to lead but not to obey, honest and faithful partner, likes making decisions for others, noble-minded, generous, good sense of humor, practical.

July 26 - Aug 4 CYPRESS TREE (the Faithfulness) - strong, muscular, adaptable, takes what life has to give, content, optimistic, craves money and acknowledgment, hates loneliness, passionate lover which cannot be satisfied, faithful, quick-tempered, unruly, pedantic, and careless.

Aug 5 - 13 POPLAR TREE (the Uncertainty) - looks very decorative, not very self-confident, only courageous if necessary, needs goodwill and pleasant surroundings, very choosy, often lonely, great animosity, artistic nature, good organizer, tends to lean toward philosophy, reliable in any situation, takes partnership seriously.

Aug 14 - 23 CEDAR TREE (the Confidence) - of rare beauty, knows how to adapt, likes luxury, of good health, not in the least shy, tends to look down on others, self-confident, determined, impatient, likes to impress others, many talents, industrious, healthy optimism, waiting for the one true love, able to make quick decisions.

Aug 24 - Sept 2 PINE TREE (the Particular) - loves agreeable company, very robust, knows how to make life comfortable, very active, natural, good companion, but seldom friendly, falls easily in love but its passion burns out quickly, gives up easily, everything disappointments until it finds its ideal, trustworthy, practical.

Sept 3 - 12 WEEPING WILLOW (the Melancholy) - beautiful but full of melancholy, attractive, very empathetic, loves anything beautiful and tasteful, loves to travel, dreamer, restless, capricious, honest, can be influenced but is not easy to live with, demanding, good intuition, suffers in love but finds sometimes an anchoring partner.

Sept 13 - 22 LIME TREE (the Doubt) - accepts what life dishes out in a composed way, hates fighting, stress, and labor, dislikes laziness and idleness, soft and relenting, makes sacrifices for friends, many talents but not tenacious enough to make them blossom, often wailing and complaining, very jealous but loyal.

Sept 23 OLIVE TREE (the Wisdom) - loves sun, warmth and kind feelings, reasonable, balanced, avoids aggression and violence, tolerant, cheerful, calm, well-developed sense of justice, sensitive, empathetic, free of jealousy, loves to read and the company of sophisticated people.

Sept 24 - Oct 3 HAZELNUT TREE (the Extraordinary) - charming, undemanding, very understanding, knows how to make an impression, active fighter for social cause, popular, moody, and capricious lover, honest, and tolerant partner, precise sense of judgment.

Oct 4 - 13 ROWAN TREE (the Sensitivity) - full of charm, cheerful, gifted without egoism, likes to draw attention, loves life, motion, unrest, and even complications, is both dependent and independent, good taste, artistic, passionate, emotional, good company, does not forgive.

Oct 14 - 23 MAPLE TREE (Independence of Mind) - no ordinary person, full of imagination and originality, shy and reserved, ambitious, proud, self-confident, hungers for new experiences, sometimes nervous, has many complexities, good memory, learns easily, complicated love life, wants to impress.

Oct 24 - Nov 11 WALNUT TREE (the Passion) - unrelenting, strange and full of contrasts, often egotistic, aggressive, noble, broad horizon, unexpected reactions, spontaneous, unlimited ambition, no flexibility, difficult and uncommon partner, not always liked but often admired, ingenious strategist, very jealous and passionate, no compromise.

Nov 12 - 21 CHESTNUT TREE (the Honesty) - of unusual beauty, does not want to impress, well-developed sense of justice, vivacious, interested, a born diplomat, but irritates easily and sensitive in company, often due to a lack of self confidence, acts sometimes superior, feels not understood loves only once, has difficulties in finding a partner.

Nov 22 - Dec 01 ASH TREE (the Ambition) - uncommonly attractive, vivacious, impulsive, demanding, does not care for criticism, ambitious, intelligent, talented, likes to play with fate, can be egotistic, very reliable and trustworthy, faithful and prudent lover, sometimes brains rule over the heart, but takes partnership very seriously.

Dec 2 - 11 HORNBEAM TREE (the Good Taste) - of cool beauty, cares for its looks and condition, good taste, is not egoistic, makes life as comfortable as possible, leads a reasonable and disciplined life, looks for kindness and acknowledgement in an emotional partner, dreams of unusual lovers, is seldom happy with its feelings, mistrusts most people, is never sure of its decisions, very conscientious.

Dec 12 - 21 FIG TREE (the Sensibility) - very strong, a bit self-willed, independent, does not allow contradiction or arguments, loves life, its family, children and animals, a bit of a social butterfly, good sense of humor, likes idleness and laziness, of practical talent and intelligence.

Dec 22 BEECH TREE (the Creative) - has good taste, concerned about its looks, materialistic, good organization of life and career, economical, good leader, takes no unnecessary risks, reasonable, splendid lifetime companion, keen on keeping fit (diets, sports, etc.)


Tina~in_ut said...

Good Moaning~

Tina~in_ut said...

Shirley~ those cracked me up! Mine and DeeDee's....O M G!!!!!~ lmbo!!!~ thanks for sending it~

Jodi said...

I see we have MOANING MYRTLE sitting at 1st under her Walnut tree!!

SHIRLEY - I agree with some of what mine says. I am a very loyal friend but would disagree with the wailing and complaining....*she says while stomping her foot* ;)

Lynn D said...

Morning glories!

Is Tina moaning again???

April 11 - 20 MAPLE TREE (Independence of Mind) - no ordinary person, full of imagination and originality, shy and reserved, ambitious, proud, self-confident, hungers for new experiences, sometimes nervous, has many complexities, good memory, learns easily, complicated love life, wants to impress.

I agree with almost all of this but the last line about complicated love life and wants to impress. Impress who? The older I get the less I care. Oh and the memory is going fast.

Tina sent you a blog this morning. :)

bonachichi said...

Well there you go. In our previous lives, we were trees. I don't know if I like this. People climb on trees and dogs pee on them. I want to be one of those haunted trees. Where the branches come down and grab you. If I didn't like someone, I'd grab them and make them live at the top of me forever. Or until I got tired of listening to them. Then I would just forget to hold on to them. I'd probably wait until someone else I didn't like was walking underneath me. The poor sot would think it's raining people.

Okay Shirley, I'll be a tree. But I want to be a haunted one.

Good morning Tina and whoever else popped in whilst I was spouting off.

Jodi said...

Good morning LYNN!! I've always loved your independent mind ♥

Jodi said...

BONACHICHI - I wouldn't mind as long as it was raining men!!

Lynn D said...

Jodi that independent mind comes with many costs. :) Love ya! Morning Bon! Waving at the forest that will show up later.

DeeDee said...

and a gracious good morning...

in keeping with the "theme' today I have chosen the popular and rare Elliot Sadler tree for my avatar...

impressive...I know

Well Shirley...thank you for all your effort on this...its Elliot!

And talk about hitting the Walnut tree on the head!! Amazing!! Thats Tina!
But did you by chance leave off any words on that whore perhaps...or bitch?

Like Jodi...I agree with some of what mine says..."the Chestnut tree"....but that part about "irritates easily" is just not me!!!

OH ALL-RIGHT!! ITS ALL TRUE!! I feel so exposed!! Like someone has rifled through my closet and hung my brassiere and panties on the front door!!


well at least I'm not a drama queen like Jodi this morning...

bonachichi said...

Ah, DeeDee... Are you sure your Elliott Sadler tree is all natural? I think he may have had some special fertilizer, yes?

How wonderful it would be to have that tree in my yard. When a man pisses me off, I'd make him stand next to it naked. Give him a complex.

goldie said...

Good Morning!

I don't like my tree, can I plant a new one? Weeping Willow? Really?

Hope everyone has a great day!!!

sacBarb said...

Happy Monday Owls.

Shirley, We have a color, a flower, and now a tree to tell us about ourselves. What next?

Oct 24 - Nov 11 WALNUT TREE (the Passion) - unrelenting, strange and full of contrasts, often egotistic, aggressive, noble, broad horizon, unexpected reactions, spontaneous, unlimited ambition, no flexibility, difficult and uncommon partner, not always liked but often admired, ingenious strategist, very jealous and passionate, no compromise.

I guess some of these attributes (?) describe me, but I am not really a jealous person and believe me, I have made many compromises in my life. There's that 'strange' thing again, which is in the meaning of my name. I'm beginning to see a pattern here.

sacBarb said...

Tina, Good moaning to you too.

Jodi, LOL @ stomping your foot.

Lynn, I so identify with the fading memory.

Waving also to Bonachichi, DeeDee, Goldie, and all the other Owls that land later. I hope you all have a great day.

Zona said...

SHIRLEY: tree is supposed to be a Cedar (the Confidence)! That's almost as funny as me being a Leo!! I do love the smell of cedar..does that count for anything? ;) Unfortunately, I think I'm more like a Poplar. Hmmmm..I'm beginning to think my mom lied about my birthday.. ;)

Fun list SHIRLEY, thank you!

TINA: Good Moaning! :)

JODI: Some days I bet you'd like to be a Whomping Willow..ijs.. ;)

BONACHI: You could be one of the apple trees in Wizard of Oz! That might be fun! ;)

GOLDIE: Wanna trade? ;)

DEEDEE: Elliot Sadler. Yum.

LYNN: 'No ordinary person' You certainly are someone special in my book! :)

SACBARB: I like and admire there! Swak! :)

Insurance adjuster is coming over tomorrow to check the roof, gate and pool for storm damage. I guess I should clean up a little so they continue to insure us...HA! Have a good day everyone! :)

Zona said...

Can someone tell me why men never empty their pockets before they throw their clothes in the wash? I had the washer filling and was throwing Mr Z's work pants in..when I decided maybe I should check the pockets first..even though he knows he should empty them. Thank goodness I did..I found 8 Ludens cherry cough drops and a black gel pen! I know what he'll say when I tell him.."Well if you found them..what's the problem?" Argghhh!

sacBarb said...

Zona, It's very obvious you don't have kids. I learned very early to ALWAYS check all the pockets before throwing clothes in the wash when I saw a bunch of tadpoles floating to the top of the water. My oldest, who was three a the time, was saving them; for what, I don't know! He was very upset with me because the soapy water killed them. said...

OMG.. I love this.. mine is totally me.. Shirley love it.. said...


Well Halloween is coming up, so you being a haunted one is a perfect fit!

:) said...


I agree, I love Lynn's independent mind! said...


Cause he so knows you will do it for him.. he has it all figured out..

Good luck on the adjuster.. said...


LOL.. on the tadpoles.. that must have been a sight!

:) said...

I am off to dinner with the fam.. IS#2 birthday tomorrow.. we are going to Hibachi (sp), wonder who will catch the shrimp in their mouth.. should be fun..

Hope everyone is having a great day!

East Bay J said...

Hi hooters,

I am a "weeping willow" too, guess some of it might apply!

Interesting, and I wonder who picks the trees and matches them with birthdays?

I heard Poe say something new last night. MR. EBJ was in the shower, and Poe yelled twice: HURRY UP!

I don't think either of us ever say that, not enough for him to pick it up. Who knows with him!

Carol, that restaurant sounds like a chain out here called Benihana. It's fun to watch the chef make your food.

We got our first rain yesterday! Today is sunny and warm.

So who is next to go on DWTS??

Shirley(NCC-1701) said...

Evening Owls!

Tina I'm glad you had time to laugh in between you're moaning this morning! Thanks for fixing this blog up and posting it. MUAH!!!

Jodi...Moaning Myrtle...LMAO!!!!!

Lynn D you impress me every day with how much you care about your community and your country...even if you don't remember it!!

Bonachichi you can be any tree you want to be.

DeeDee thank you for picking such a umm...UNIQUE picture to share with us today. And for the record I did not touch your brassiere and panties!

Goldie I'm sorry you didn't like your tree. :(

SacBarb I'm not sure what will be next. I'll let you know when I find it!

Zona I can remember my mum growling about my Dad not cleaning out the pockets of his pants too. He always had sticks of gum and and paper towel in his pockets. Try not washing the pants that have stuff in them for a week and maybe he will get it.

Carol I'm glad you liked your tree, and enjoy you time with your family.

SacBarb LMAO at the tadpoles!

EBJ I was wondering who writes this stuff too!

Thanks for your comments today. I check back in before I go to bed which will probably be in an hour or so. I have to work tomorrow.

Maureen said...

Good evening feathered friends!

I'm a Maple and I can think of noone better to be compared with as LYNN!

My love life is so complicated I don't have one :( and I certainly don't have a lot of self confidence, but not too bad a tree to be.

ZONA...I sometimes forget to check my own pockets. It's not bad when I end up getting paid to do laundry, but the errant kleenex isn't too nice to find in the washer!

Shirley(NCC-1701) said...

Maureen are you telling us you launder money? tsk tsk tsk!!

Lights out Owls!! Time for bed!! Nighty night!!

Mary/MI said...

Hi nesters! I have been busy today.
I finally get to sit!
I see my Trees says "social butterfly, good sense of humor, likes idleness and laziness "
I am NO social butterfly & have my days of "idleness & laziness", but today was not one of them! LOL!!

Thanks Shirley that was fun to read.

I am waiting for my Motrin to take hold. I was walking into my living room a few minutes ago. I was carrying a snack for "idle & lazy" hubby when I forgot the "doggie gate" I stopped in time to not go flying in the air, but gave myself a neck and shoulder whiplash!
Waving good nite to all ~~~~

whabbear said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
whabbear said...

Carol: Thanks for the answer to my question in A50 in A51! LOL!

whabbear said...

Zona and SacBarb: Huz always checks my pockets because since I wear glasses, I always have kleenex in them. And as we all know, there's nothing worse than putting kleenex through a wash cycle.

Well, there's one thing that's worse. Infinitely worse: running a pen through the dryer. Talk about ruining a load of clothes! We used to call them "suicide pens" in college!

Dianne/Denver said...

GOOD EVENING EVERYONE..had a busy weekend and today with some appts.

SHIRLEY: loved the tree list...hmmmm, well I do think I am pretty honest. They were fun to read and thanks for the blog.

Babysat my three grandsons yesterday and thank goodness MrD came with me as he does all of the playing...I am just there to feed them. He is feeling it today as he hasn't played football in some time now:)

Wonder who will go off DWTS tomorrow...I think Bristol but we shall see.

EBJ: The bike we purchased is a Schwinn 220. I needed the kind you can just walk into and not have to step over and then of course you have to check weight it holds and how far off the ground, etc. I did quite a bit of research on it and then found one to try prior to buying it. What kind did you get? Did your husband get it put together yet? That was real fun watching my husband (and listening) while it set it up!!

Time for bed as have PT tomorrow. Happy dreams to all of you.

Dianne/Denver said...

Hey...Hi Bear...nice to see you and lucky you for not having to do the laundry. Night..

whabbear said...

Hi, Diane! We're night owl blogging! :)

And I did find my tree! It was:

"extraordinary taste, dignity, sophisticated, loves anything beautiful, moody, stubborn, tends to egoism but cares for those close to them, rather modest, very ambitious, talented, industrious, uncontented lover, many friends, many foes, very reliable"

"Uncontented lover"?? ;)

whabbear said...

Misspelled your name... sorry, two "n"s!