
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thong Thursday

i always think of Thursday's as
Thong Thursday's, thanks to Tina
it started here on the nest, i think
from a joke, just don't remember
and ever since than my Thursday's
have been very thongy!

now i don't wear thong's normally
i do have a few pair and at times
i wear them, i just don't love the
stringy part in my butt i always
feel like i have a wedgy and i
certainly just can't pick the wedgy
at any given time, i have to look
around and make sure not one is
looking and pull at the string and breathe

perhaps if i was 24 with a great butt
i might like them, however at 47 and
with a swiss cheese butt, i just can't
make the switch to wearing them all
the time

i also worry about those poo stains
with the string in my butt, its like i am
walking around with toilet paper
in my butt all day, "wipe while you walk"

i am going to wear a thong today in honor
of this blog, lets see how many times
i have to run and hide to pull the string part out

i will however bring an extra pair of underwear
with be to work, cause when it just gets to be
to much, i will always have my hanes!

nope, i just changed my mind, not gonna
put myself thru that today

however i can wear my thongs on
my feet, and still celebrate this blog

so i will be flip flopping it all day, so much
better for the breathing!

what are you guys gonna do in honor
of Thong Thursday?



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Tina~in_ut said...


MEK in AZ said...

200 LOL

Bon'O said...

OMG..Hope Floats is on again? You're right, who needs George! And if ya don't get enough, I just put a John Corbett song with some really touching lyrics at the top of my Playlist a couple days ago. I like him better as a grungy DJ (Northern Exposure). Just heard him on a commercial voice over on TV today.

Another MySpace glitch bulletin for any who may not subscribe:

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Friend Updates

Heya Friends,

You may have noticed that your friend updates have not updated themselves since the 24th. We are currently working on this issue. Thanks for your patience. :)

MEK in AZ said...


Tina~in_ut said...

oh yeah~ kgrl on top and mek underneath~ :)~

MEK in AZ said...

Alright, Tina -

ANd LOL at me - Laughing my Off Ass!!! HA HA HA HA HA..

Mary/MI said...

mek, It's on the "WE" CHANNEL 260

DonnaJean said...

There will be NO Thong wearing on this old lady's body, except for my "flip flops" or as they are referred to in Hawaii "slippers", on my fairly average size feet.
(that is the ONLY "fairly average size" I have, LOL)

Turtle, sweetie, if it would not be too much trouble, since I do not do MySpace, could you possibly email me the pictures? Please, pretty please???

I would be eternally grateful!!!

How much fun to meet up with Barb and Sharon! I only live about 2 hours from so many Lovely Owlettes, and we have yet to meet! Barb flies 3000 miles to see you!

But, EBJ, I am planning to come to your BABBQ, or has it been renamed? Bay Area Owls Nest BBQ? Either way, as long as Miss Laurie is healthy by then, we are there!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday evening, and will soon be all nestled in their little nests for a sweet slumber!

Peace and Love to all, DonnaJean and Miss Laurie!

MEK in AZ said...

Bono - I heard that commercial the other day and thought - OH, that is Pastor Dan!!!

Bon'O said...

OOPS, movie brain my 2 fave cuties confused. Hope Floats is Harry Connick. Was just watching another John Corbett flick.

Jodi said...

LOL @ the TINA sammich!!! You go girl!!

Jodi said...

BON - Thanks for the info!!! You're a regular Al Michaels of myspace :P

Bon'O said...

SO, take back the brain fart. Which HCJ film were we just watching. Just back from dinner and tummy too full to think! Or, maybe it's trying to 'write over' the total recall of last night's Benedryl-induced Brad Pitt dream! LOL

Mary/MI said...

Jodi, it's still snowing here. Prob. about 2-3 inches, not enough to make me moan LOL!

MEK in AZ said...

Tina - I can't think of two better people to be sandwiched between!!

Mary - i guess this little girl is going to have to go "wee, wee" all the way home - we have a million channels and that is NOT one of them... oh well......

BUT - I did just notice that while I was gone - TONS of more channels were added to the High Def list - the food channel, Animal Planet and the GOLF channel!!! what more can a girl as for...

Jodi said...

Good night ladies!!! Uh, I mean HO's!!! I'll catch ya when I get up for work. You all are a bunch of marching fools tonight!!! But I love it. :P

Jodi said...

MARY/MI - That's about the saddest thing I've ever heard - and also the funniest!!! I damn near spit my Diet Dew all over the puter screen!!!

DONNA JEAN - Have a good night!!! ((((HUGS)))) to Laurie. :)

MEK in AZ said...

Good Night, Jodi!!

Mary/MI said...

Good night Jodiho xoxox muah and all that gooey stuff

Mary/MI said...

MEK, You are so right, WHAT MORE CAN a HOMEK want lol!

MEK in AZ said...

I am going to watch "Idol Extra" that comes on the reality channel - it is taped immediately after each elimination show... and airs the next night - and then MANY times thru-out the week, if you miss it..

Goldie - i might need an Apprentice Spoiler - since I'll be heading toward the airport about the time the winner is announced!!

Mary/MI said...

MEK,Please drive safely. I hope you and Mr MEK meet up with his luggage!
I'm off to do some light exercising.

MEK in AZ said...

Mary - thank you - did you know that i have to drive thru the "bad" part of Tucson to get to the airport??!!

Mr.MEK just called - he's boarding the plane!!! YEA!!!!!!!!!!!

kahonugrl said...

ok MEK, then go out to eat since there is nothing in the house!!!! after you pick up mr Mr. MEK

I am going into a meeting shortly, tell scirish that I will send her the pics if she leaves her email addy in my gmail account. But it wont be til later tonight.

K hooters, c u all later.

MEK in AZ said...

OMG - on Idol Extra - they have those two kids that bonded last year at auditions and they are 'singing' and BUTCHERING "Climb Every Mountain" - now, I KNOW I can sing better than they can -

OH - I need to erase that out of my mind RIGHT now!!!!! said...

east bay j
Congrats on first

Congrats on 100

Congrats on 200

did turtle make 69 today? said...

Sorry you have nothing to eat, if you would like I can boil you a egg, as thats all I know how to do..Yes that is the truth!

Tina taught me!

:O) said...

Thank you for the beautiful card you sent me today! Very special...

East Bay J said...

This is so funny! My mom sent it to me today, it is supposedly a real letter. Enjoy!

This is an actual letter from an Austin woman sent to American company Proctor and Gamble regarding their feminine products. She really gets rolling after the first paragraph. It's PC Magazine's 2007 editors'
choice for best webmail-award-winning letter.

Dear Mr. Thatcher,

I have been a loyal user of your 'Always' maxi pads for over 20 years and I appreciate many of their features. Why, without the LeakGuard Core or Dri-Weave absorbency, I'd probably never go horseback riding or salsa
dancing, and I'd certainly steer clear of running up and down the beach in tight, white shorts.

But my favorite feature has to be your revolutionary Flexi-Wings. Kudos on being the only company smart enough to realize how crucial it is that maxi pads be aerodynamic.

I can't tell you how safe and secure I feel each month knowing there's a little F-16 in my pants.

Have you ever had a menstrual period, Mr. Thatcher? Ever suffered from the curse'? I'm guessing you haven't. Well, my time of the month is starting right now. As I type, I can already feel hormonal forces
violently surging through my body.

Just a few minutes from now, my body will adjust and I'll be transformed into what my husband likes to call 'an inbred hillbilly with knife skills.' Isn't the human body amazing?

As Brand Manager in the Feminine-Hygiene Division, you've no doubt seen quite a bit of research on what exactly happens during your customer's monthly visits from 'Aunt Flo'. Therefore, you must know about the bloating, puffiness, and cramping we endure, and about our intense mood
swings, crying jags, and out-of-control behavior.

You surely realize it's a tough time for most women. In fact, only last week, my friend Jennifer fought the violent urge to shove her boyfriend's testicles into
a George Foreman Grill just because he told her he thought Grey's Anatomy was written by drunken chimps. Crazy!

The point is, sir, you of all people must realize that America is just crawling with homicidal maniacs in Capri pants... Which brings me to the reason for my letter.

Last month, while in the throes of cramping so painful I wanted to reach inside my body and yank out my uterus, I opened an Always maxi-pad, and there, printed on the adhesive backing, were these words: 'Have a Happy Period.'

Are you fucking kidding me? What I mean is, does any part of your tiny
middle-manager brain really think happiness - actual smiling, laughing happiness, is possible during a menstrual period? Did anything mentioned above sound the least bit pleasurable? Well, did it, James?

FYI, unless you're some kind of sick S&M freak, there will never be anything 'happy' about a day in which you have to jack yourself up on Motrin and Kahlua and lock yourself in your house just so you don't march down to the local Walgreen's armed with a hunting rifle and a sketchy plan to end
your life in a blaze of glory.

For the love of God, pull your head out, man! If you have to slap a moronic message on a maxi pad, wouldn't it make more sense to say
something that's actually pertinent, like 'Put down the Hammer' or 'Vehicular Manslaughter is Wrong', or are you just picking on us?

Sir, please inform your Accounting Department that, effective
immediately, there will be an $8 drop in monthly profits, for I have
chosen to take my maxi-pad business elsewhere. And though I will certainly miss your Flex-Wings, I will not for one minute miss your brand of condescending bullshit. And that's a promise I will keep.
Always. . .

Wendi Aarons
Austin , TX

MEK in AZ said...

Alright - Cpgem is going to fix me dinner!!!

Mary/MI said...

MEK, it's almost 11:30 here. What time (MI) are you picking him up?

MEK in AZ said...

Mary - the plane's ETA is 9:35pm. so in about an hour!! thanks for asking.. said...

You really want me to cook eggs for you even tho tina taught me?

Wow you really are a true friend, and it seems like you like overcooked hard boil eggs....

Mary/MI said...

I hate night driving, especially alone. I will ride along with you. I will be the little brown short big boobed gal in the back seat LOL! said...

Blog is finished and ready to post tomorrow...

I am off to bed...

Have a good nite to all...

:O) said...

Be safe going to get mr mek

Mary/MI said...

Good night Carol MUAH!!

Mary/MI said...

Eastbay~ Where is my head! I loved your post! Cracked me up!

Tinkatia said...

Good Night Carol, Thanks for the fun day. VIG now thinks I am a woman of mystery because I have a red thong in my Hope Chest.

Bon O - I love John Corbett. I have all six seasons of Northern Exposure and have watched them a few times. I loved him in Raising Helen too.

I am off to bed. Good Night little owls. God, keep Mek and all of us safe tonight.
Love, Tinka

Mary/MI said...

Good night Tinka, I'm off to read my book,"Eat Pray Love".

Mary/MI said...

MEK, I hope you check in when you get home, you know what worry warts we are! said...

Good nite dear!

And btw, I adore that you have a red thong in your hope chest, and one never knows...


Good nite to all, again, my eyelids are closing...

MEK in AZ said...

We are home safely!!

Thanks for all the concern and worries!! I had to wait for a train to get out of our community..

BUT - in classic, MEK style, I started talking to a VERY nice looking man who was also waiting for someone - turns out, he is an asst women's basketball coach at the University of AZ picking up a recruit - the heada basketball coach was fired last week - he and one other asst coach were kept on board to try to salvage the recruiting season!! anyway - we talked sports!! WAS a blast!!! too bad we only had 15 minutes!!! He was very impressed with my knowledge of sports current events!!

I did miss the end of Apprentice - i am hoping that the cowboy won - so, I 'm going to go see if Goldie helped me out!!

I hope everyone gets a good night's sleep.. and has an EXCELLENT Friday!!

I can't tell you enough how much I LOVE this place!!

GROUP HUG!!!!!!!!!!!

Mary/MI said...

Good night MEK, glad you are safe. I can't wait to meet you! I love that you make friends with everyone, that means I have a chance LOL!

whabbear said...

Goodnight, MEK! Glad to hear everything turned out well!

Hello, Mary!

K-girl and Sacbarb: I'm loving these stories from Hawaii! Blogger get-togethers rule!

OK, gotta get up early to take my car in for repairs and a tune-up.

Niters, everybody!

P.S. Anybody know what's up with NowMercy?

And... we STILL haven't heard from J/L ???

Zona said...

MEK: Glad you and Mr. MEK are home safe.

Zona said...

VIG: Missed you today.

Zona said...

SACBARB & KGRL: Loved the both look so happy. I'm really glad you could meet and had so much fun.

Zona said...

TINA: Drive carefully.

Jodi said...

Hey WHABBY!!! Haven't heard a thing from JUSTLIN!!! I'm sure she probably has been "holed up" all week. Just wondering if Custard brought his Miner's cap!!! ;)

MEK - So glad you and MR. MEK made it home ok!!

EAST BAY J - That letter was too freakin' funny!!! Thanks for sharing.

Zona said...

TINKA: You will always and forever be the 'cool mom'!!

Zona said...

BON'O: Can you take back a brain fart?? Wow..wish I had known this years ago! LOL!

Jodi said...

Good morning ZONA!!! I brought a box of Glazer Donuts for you. Did you want some chocolate milk to go along with that?

TINA - Check in when you get home. I brought some Diet Pepsi for you!!!

Zona said...

JODI!!!: How you doin?? LOL @ Miner's Cap!!

Zona said...

Chocolate Milk??? I haven't had that in weeks..yes please! Amwh fwank wroo fwor the glazwers..gulp...;)

Zona said...

BARB/WA: Your photos are really something. I have to spend a heck of a lot more time on your page!

MARY/MI: ROFL!! Me either!! Oh, and it is 72 degrees here at 12:30 am..can we trade weather?

Jodi said...

ZONA - Not to be picky.....but NO TALKING WITH YOU MOUTH FULL!!! Passing the chocolate milk for you to wash those donuts down with!!! I'm ok......just waiting for the coffee to get done.

Zona said...

LYNND: Hope your back is better by morning.

CPGEM: {{HUGS}} just because. :)

DIANNE: Check in please....miss you!

J/LIN: Please come up for air!

Zona said...

JODI: Where have I heard that before?? ;)

Jodi said...

ZONA - I don't know......but I'm a mother and constantly telling my kids the same thing!!! Or I could go another route and say.......cough, choke......FURBALL!!!

Zona said...

JODI: I think TINA says 'dental floss'....

Jodi said...

ZONA - My friend Stacie swears it's the best teeth whitening treatment she's ever had!!!

Zona said...

JODI: Never compared before and afters..will have to do that..though it may get me some strange looks..BTW bought the Arbor Mist Strawberry...lovin it!

Jodi said...

ZONA - I need to pick up a bottle of that!!! I haven't had some in a long time - so glad you like it!!! It's just right - not too sweet like that other swill you were drinking!!

Jodi said...


Jodi said...


Jodi said...


Jodi said...

269!!!!! Yessssss!!!!!

Jodi said...

That was for TURTLE!!!

Jodi said...

I'm a marching fool - AND I LOVE IT!!!

Jodi said...

ITEACH - I know you're still in bed, but I just tried BerryBurst Cheerios - Triple Berry. OMG!!! It's fantastic!!! It has dried Strawberries, Blueberries, and Raspberries in it!!!

Jodi said...

Ok......looks like I'm here by myself. Off to get prettied up for work. I hope all you HOoters have a great Friday!!!

Jodi said...

MEK - Nine posts in a row....beat that (ok, now ten)!!! That would be a lot - even for JOEY!!!

sacBarb said...

Hi Ho's. I had to bribe the desk clerk (K-girl's idea) to let me use the computer after hours. They shut it down at 10:00. So he is outside the glass door watching me and I have to make this quick.

I haven't read the comments but maybe I can do that in the morning. The room opens up again at 7am.

Anyway, I just got back from spending the evening with K-girl listening to her friends Sunway, NJ and Malcom sing. What a great bunch of voices they have. There were problems with the sound system, but the group is very talented and we had a great time.

Thanks so much, Turtle, for your warm hospitality. I am so happy that I got to meet you.

OK, this greedy a$$hole is pacing outside and signaling me to get off the computer, so good night all you lovely Owls. I will check in tomorrow before we leave for the Big Island.

Tina~in_ut said...

YAY~ Hi SacBarb~ :)~

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